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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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sparkle this bitch
BloodElfHunter said:
Yeah.. pretty hard to not do good with Xin. :p
He's a beast mid game, but balances out later on. As long as

And 2nd, I have seen plenty of people do poorly with him. :lol


Haly you're supposed to be playing sc2 :(

BTW, is there a hero here that is similiar to lanaya? I will be willing to take a shot at this game..but I need to know some differences with dota..i know theres no denys..but are there bottles and runes? Any hero simililar to Lanaya, Beastmaster, Bane, Venomancer?


VaLiancY said:
You're taking that a wee bit too far. :lol

Those players were just flat out bad.

Not even kidding man. I have yet to see a single Ashe or Pantheon that hasn't sucked balls.

Ashe's ult is still really good at least. Pantheon just jumps to his own demise.


Kyoufu said:
Not even kidding man. I have yet to see a single Ashe or Pantheon that hasn't sucked balls.

Ashe's ult is still really good at least. Pantheon just jumps to his own demise.

I love seeing a fail Pantheon ult. The team sits outside the ult waiting for him to flee or to try to initiate with Aegis. :lol His early game was hit hard on that last nerf but there always better melee carries(preferably ones with escape mechanics other than Flash/Ghost).

The problem with Ashe is a lot of people tell beginners to play that character and they give bad advice or follow the recommended items which has plenty bad shit like Regeration, Wits End, Last Whisper, etc. Ashe is my most played character and hurts me when I see people go Doran's Blade or Vamp Scepter while I'm tossing out Volleys with my Doran's Shield knowing I will last in this lane.
valenti said:
Haly you're supposed to be playing sc2 :(

BTW, is there a hero here that is similiar to lanaya? I will be willing to take a shot at this game..but I need to know some differences with dota..i know theres no denys..but are there bottles and runes? Any hero simililar to Lanaya, Beastmaster, Bane, Venomancer?

I take breaks from the competitive Starcraft 2 with LoL. Works pretty well.

As for the heroes. No hero directly copies anyone from DotA, but many take individual abilities from champs. Teemo's ult is sort of a mixture of Goblin Techies landmines and Lanaya's slow (if you walk over his mushroom, it does an AoE explosion with damage and slow). Udyr is like Beastmaster to a certain extent, but instead his ability is to switch between forms that each have their own perks and can stack for their abilities for a limited amount of time. Not the same as having your own creep to control though.

For Bane Elemental, I think the newest champ Vlad takes Brain Sap from him sort of, I can't think of any other abilities that are similar to his though. There are multiple heroes that have poison like Venomancer, but no one is completely based around that, and no one has an AoE poison ult. There are plenty of other cool AoE spells that replace it.

As for Runes, they have been replaced by neutral creep that give you buffs if you kill them. There is no randomness to it, they are always in the same spots (each side has a pair of them). There is mana buff that gives you reduced cooldowns and better mana regen, then there is an attack buff that gives you increased attack damage, and a second hit that does something like 40-50 damage. There is a money buff that gives your whole team 130g, and the final one is Baron who gives you lots of different buffs, but is really hard to kill unless you have your whole team there. Normally Baron is for the end of the game pushes.

The other major differences probably are the cover system (bushes that if you aren't in them, you can't see into), stream-lined store system so you don't have to go to the Secret Shop. There are three inhibitors in each base that if you destroy you get super creep for 5 minutes, but they respawn unlike the DotA buildings. There is an insta-teleport button for going back to base, quickens the pace of the game. Towers have a specific pattern, they hit you last if you are in a bunch of your own creep, but if you hit an enemy champ it targets you. Then the last change is probably the whole summoner system which provides a meta-game to the game. Gives you something persistent to keep playing. There are Runes and Masteries in this system that you get as you level up, runes you have to buy (don't until you are lvl 20), Masteries you get one point per level. Then there are summoner spells that you can choose for each game that don't cost anything but have long cool down timers on them. They can range from teleportation to any of your creep/towers on the map, to putting a damage spell on an enemy champion.


valenti said:
Haly you're supposed to be playing sc2 :(

BTW, is there a hero here that is similiar to lanaya? I will be willing to take a shot at this game..but I need to know some differences with dota..i know theres no denys..but are there bottles and runes? Any hero simililar to Lanaya, Beastmaster, Bane, Venomancer?

If I had to compare...
Lanaya = Akali
Beastmaster = Olaf (I mean come on, they both have axes!)
Bane = Fiddle (Fear is sorta like sleep and he can life leech. Vlad was probably the better comparison)
Venomancer = Teemo (long range dps that poisons)

-There are no chickens in LoL. The plus side is you don't lose gold if you die (correct me if I'm wrong on this).
-There's not too many juking around the fog of war in this game as there is in DotA which is a little disappointing. Pathways are more lienar in that sense.
-Spells can scale up with the right items. Get used to a fed int char killing you with one combo mid to late game. It makes int chars more viable late game compared to Dota imo.
-There are no hex items
-Summon Spell's plays a big role.
-There can be a lot of action early on in the side lanes due to the positioning of the brushes.


This game wins the worst online game community. Sorry but there is no way HoN has a worse community than this. :lol


sparkle this bitch
Wolfy is awesome too. My team(Yes all 4 of them) went over to fuck with the epic monster. The Cho'gall and two other characters go right up the center. He buffed up so he's shouting don't fuck with me, etc, etc. Spamming chat. And there is me waiting at the base for those 3. They decided it wasn't wise to rush in on the one who held the center against 3 of them early on.:lol


Blackface said:
It is, and so are many many many other communities in PC games.

You're trolling me aren't you? :(

Lets just say that if there is a worse community than LoL then mankind is doomed. DOOMED.

I can't solo queue without:

a) people banning champions that are in no way annoying or OP.

b) playing like they just started playing the game even though they are level 30

c) talking trash like they are amazing when all they've been doing is feeding

d) afking/leaving because they have no brain cells.

My friend and I have given up on ranked games because we end up with people like these in every game so we can't even progress in rating.

Free game community ftl I suppose.
Kyoufu said:
You're trolling me aren't you? :(

Lets just say that if there is a worse community than LoL then mankind is doomed. DOOMED.

I can't solo queue without:

a) people banning champions that are in no way annoying or OP.

b) playing like they just started playing the game even though they are level 30

c) talking trash like they are amazing when all they've been doing is feeding

d) afking/leaving because they have no brain cells.

My friend and I have given up on ranked games because we end up with people like these in every game so we can't even progress in rating.

Free game community ftl I suppose.

Hon is much worse, its free this week just go give it a try. WArning the losers on HON have voice chat in game...


Kyoufu said:
You're trolling me aren't you? :(

Lets just say that if there is a worse community than LoL then mankind is doomed. DOOMED.

I can't solo queue without:

a) people banning champions that are in no way annoying or OP.

b) playing like they just started playing the game even though they are level 30

c) talking trash like they are amazing when all they've been doing is feeding

d) afking/leaving because they have no brain cells.

My friend and I have given up on ranked games because we end up with people like these in every game so we can't even progress in rating.

Free game community ftl I suppose.
Well for everyone solo queueing on ranked it's the same. I don't see what's the big deal.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
valenti said:
Haly you're supposed to be playing sc2 :(

BTW, is there a hero here that is similiar to lanaya? I will be willing to take a shot at this game..but I need to know some differences with dota..i know theres no denys..but are there bottles and runes? Any hero simililar to Lanaya, Beastmaster, Bane, Venomancer?
I'm done with SC2, blizzard just fucking dropped the ball.

You might enjoy teemo. His passive turns him invisible if he stands still for a while. Moving out of this stealth gives you 40% attack speed for 3 seconds.

He has a nuke that blinds.
He has a toggle that increases his movement speed as long as he doesn't take damage.
He has a passive that deals damage over time whenever he hits someone.
His ult allows him to put a mushroom trap (melee range only, sorry, no trap kiting). Slows and damages the area around it whenever anything passes over it. Maximum 15 traps, each trap lasts 10 seconds, cannot auto detonate.

Olaf is similar to beastmaster, no vision on a stick but he gets slow/stun immunity as his ult, lifesteal on a stick, chaos damage on a stick, skillshot nuke that slows and his passive increases his ASPD by 1% for every 1% of health he's missing.

Jax resembles beastmaster as well. He has a blink strike, a charging next hit nuke, passive dodge that can stun in an AoE whenever he dodges. His ult increases his attack speed temporarily with every hit dealing extra damage on every 3rd hit.

There's no one like Venomancer that can kill someone through stacking his DoTs. Twitch, one of the game's best stealth heroes and one of the higher tier heroes in general. His passive puts a stacking DoT on everything he hits. his stealth increases his ASPD after breaking it depending on how long he was stealthed. he has an active that slows depending on how many stacked poison charges they have, and a centered nuke that consumes the stacks to deal bonus damage. His ult is like Forsaken's archer except instead of being channeled it simply grants him increased ASPD, range and piercing (100% damage to all targets) on his attacks for 7 seconds.

I assume by bane you mean Bane elemental? There's no one like him, LoL is very light on stuns and there's an item that reduces stun/slow duration by 25%, an item that blocks one spell (aoe or otherwise) every 30 seconds (like linkens sphere except more viable) as well as a summoner spell that removes debuffs/stuns so it's really a game where you can expect to run around a lot.

Judging by how you play I think you'd do well with Vlad. He has the best escape skill in the game, a long range self sufficient nuke and very good scaling with items. Same goes for Annie, who's a mid lane dominator and free to play at the moment.

-There are no chickens in LoL. The plus side is you don't lose gold if you die (correct me if I'm wrong on this).

Yes. Also everyone has a no cooldown return to base spell that has a 5 second channel time.

-There's not too many juking around the fog of war in this game as there is in DotA which is a little disappointing. Pathways are more lienar in that sense.

There is a kind of pseudo juking where you run into a bush and force anyone chasing you to come into the bush as well to attack you, giving you a chance to set up a kill, fake them out, dodge a long range nuke or just start attacking them if you're ranged.

-Spells can scale up with the right items. Get used to a fed int char killing you with one combo mid to late game. It makes int chars more viable late game compared to Dota imo.

True, but also less adaptable. No guinsoos or refreshers or hellflowers etc.

-There are no hex items

There IS an item named after guinsoo that is one of the most cost efficient items in the game.

-Summon Spell's plays a big role.


-There can be a lot of action early on in the side lanes due to the positioning of the brushes.

Basically Val, LoL is DotA casualized. Less focus on skills that can be applied to all heroes, more emphases on the heroes themselves and their skills.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Yes I am :3

*Gates into the blue base to steal some kills from karthus*


Kyoufu said:
Ashe more like Trashe!

Her and Pantheon are prime farm targets for me. This is how easily an Ashe dies to my Akali http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TSL8_3zla4M

The nerfs to both Ashe and Pantheon have made them the worst champions in the game imo.
Well that ashe was pretty bad, she should have: health runes, ghost flash or both, some magic resist runes or masteries and mercs threads. Seems to me like she had none.

And I think pantheon is still viable, just not as good as before. A golem buffed pantheon is something to fear to me.


Oh hey! This is a nice group of players, we have two good tanks, a nice dps, and a pretty good support.

*they're all freeplayers who don't know how to fucking play*

*i cry for twenty five minutes*
So my day tallies up to 0-6 in the solo queue. Woot. My last game was especially bad. We had a duo of guys that obviously were queuing together, one chose Shen the other chose Rammus. Both are good tanks right? The whole team we are facing is squishies, Twitch, Annie, Warwick, Janna, Veigar (terrible team I know), and what do those two do? Oh, lets go AP Rammus and AD Shen, they kept on taunting creep the whole game. Rammus was powerballing around like an idiot, every time his cool down was up he did it again, and he almost never hit anyone with it. Our TF mid went 0-5 against Annie in the laning phase, giving her a nice eight stacks on Majai's right off the bat. Our Kat and me (as Maliphite, they chose their tanks after I chose Maliphite), got the first two kills of the game, but every thing went downhill from there. I still had a positive KDR, but it frazzles (I wanted to use that word for some reason) me a lot that these people are lvl 30 somehow.


sparkle this bitch
Warwick maybe squishy, but he makes up for it in health steal :lol

Amazing when you can predict the future. You get into a game and a kid is crying over not getting his character. Leaves after 3 minutes and 2 deaths. Oddly enough, we still won that game. Someone was playing the Purple big tit demon girl. She just kept going on a gank spree.

2nd game was terrible. Our team was far better than the other one. But what did the first 5minutes consist of? Racial and Sexual Slurs. Eventually our middle quit, and one person spend so damn much time crying, they were missing free kills. So it was 3 for 5.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
God forbid someone play a hero they haven't played.

Isn't that the whole point of free heroes.
Garen is so horrible. I've never felt so utterly ignored. He's great off the bat with his whirl, but after that it's impossible to engage anyone. You can stack every movespeed item in the game and he still moves like molasses.


Son of Godzilla said:
Garen is so horrible. I've never felt so utterly ignored. He's great off the bat with his whirl, but after that it's impossible to engage anyone. You can stack every movespeed item in the game and he still moves like molasses.

I've always found Garen quite good for tanking. He's like the Ryze of tanks - you just hit W, E and Q in whatever order you like, go for a whirl around the creeps ahead of everyone else and clear the way for towers. Sure, he doesn't do much damage, but then he's a tank, he's not supposed to.


Son of Godzilla said:
Garen is so horrible. I've never felt so utterly ignored. He's great off the bat with his whirl, but after that it's impossible to engage anyone. You can stack every movespeed item in the game and he still moves like molasses.
Garen is pretty good right now, you have to build him like a tank/attack hybrid. Your job is to run into the enemy team and pester their weak DPS and use your silence to shut down anything nasty since you can survive the brunt of battle. His ult seems like a dumb killsteal move but it's probably the highest outright source of damage in the game. It's also excellent for actually finishing off tanks. Regardless you shouldn't be initiating with Garen, that's someone else's job.

For the record according to high level players Garen is considered high tier right now. If you watch any high ELO streams he's picked a LOT because of ban draft/no double heroes.

My Garen build is generally:
Build Sunfire cape.
Build something that hurts (depends on team composition, this may be more Sunfire capes).
Merc Treads.

Sunfire/Merc give you a good amount of survivability combined with your W, after that you want to actually hurt. More Sunfires can do the job well enough, but having good physical output doesn't hurt. In that case you might want a BF Sword. Randuin's is also a good option on him if the other team depends on physical damage and your tank isn't picking one up. The slow is really helpful in team fights and you'll be in a good position to use it. If you really need it, pick up a Negatron and build into a Force of Nature the second you have an actual HP item. He's a really flexible hero that can pretty much build how the game needs him.

Kyoufu said:
Not even kidding man. I have yet to see a single Ashe or Pantheon that hasn't sucked balls.

Ashe's ult is still really good at least. Pantheon just jumps to his own demise.
Ashe is good, she's just really, really hard to play right. She is one of the best physical carries besides EZ-Real.

Pantheon was downright BROKEN a few patches ago, because of the bug with his attack damage scaling weird, combining him with Janna at level 3 he could pretty much murder anything with Heartseeker. He's pretty okay now though, not terrible. He's pretty much a momentum hero like Kat though, if you don't have a good early game, you're pretty much useless all game. However with a good early game, you can remain ridiculous. He's wither win hard or lose hard, something that makes him pretty middle of the road.

The burst damage from that video implies that Ashe has zero MR at all by the way, which is... really stupid.

For the record my summoner name is the same as my GAF name. Feel free to add me anyone! I'm an above average player but I play with some really strong players and I've been around since closed beta.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I see a lot of garens doing well with sunfire stacking.


Son of Godzilla said:
Garen is so horrible. I've never felt so utterly ignored. He's great off the bat with his whirl, but after that it's impossible to engage anyone. You can stack every movespeed item in the game and he still moves like molasses.
Watch some Chauster replays of him playin garen in, I think, justin.tv. Its pretty sick.

He gets doran shield, brutalizer, mercs and sunfire and hes good to go for the whole game.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
One more game and I should be able to buy another 3150 character.


"3143 IP"



Second-rate Anihawk

Hey guys I think I figured Shen out. I still can't aim worth a shit with his dash, though.


Son of Godzilla said:
Garen is so horrible. I've never felt so utterly ignored. He's great off the bat with his whirl, but after that it's impossible to engage anyone. You can stack every movespeed item in the game and he still moves like molasses.
You have to use his Q for the quick speedboost, then you keep them in your twirl.

Later on he's a great pusher due to his health regen and inability to be snared by most spells* while using judgment.

His ultimate can fucking suck though, so many times where I'll use it, someone else gets the kill and my spell is still on cooldown. :mad:

For Garen my current build is Health Ruby -> Heart of Gold, then Averace Blade/Brutalizer (I like the Heart of Gold and Averace Blade combo for the 1 gold every second, but I don't know how effective it truly is), then work towards Ghostblade and Radium's Omen. Then I'll go grab the sunfire cape. I grab boots them I need them, which is usually after my first part of Ghostblade.

*fuck you Morg :mad:
cwmartin said:
"freeplayers" is what they get called now? :lol maybe not the worst, but still a pretty bad community imo.
I know that sounds horrible, but at level 20-30 you should have bought SOME champions with IP and know how to main them.

Fucking awful Ezreal and Amumu players. ;_;
Wait, Q is movespeed boost? Fuck me. I've played Garen a shitload and thought it was attack speed. I'd even hit it and watch him attack and say "what the fuck that's hardly a boost at all."


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Haly's noob guide to noob garen:

Q - E - Run around as a whirling cyclone of death - R for the kill.

Boots + 3


Halycon said:
Haly's noob guide to noob garen:

Q - E - Run around as a whirling cyclone of death - R for the kill.

Boots + 3
Yeah, I definitely seen that. Is Garen invulnerable during whirlwind?


sparkle this bitch
JWong said:
Yeah, I definitely seen that. Is Garen invulnerable during whirlwind?
I don't think so. I think he's just immune to all forms of CC and moves at a faster pace.

I think the Werewolf will be my next character to unlock. Also do prices flux on heroes? Like will he rise in price or sink next week?


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Only immune to slows and snares. You can still stun garen during whilrwind.

Prices rarely change and only go down. Like Shen used to be 6300 and now he's a 3150 champion. I think most new heroes go through the 6300 -> 3150 because riot wants people to buy them.

Thoughts on Shaco: He's fun, but fragile, and he's really no Rikimaru/Nighthound or Scout. I blame how easy it is to farm n this game making DPS sky rocket from level 7 onwards such that even if you're doing better than everyone else they'll still be farmed as shit when you try to gank them. I double hate heroes with Ghostwalk/Cleanse/Flash I mean really talk about being a huge vagina. I miss HoN, but then I remember why I stopped playing it in the first place so I'll stick to Shaco until I figure out how to turn him into a stealth carry.

I'm having trouble deciding when to build Guardian Angel. Before or after Starks? Any advice?
My usual build is
cloth + pots
Claw + Vampiric
Boots + 3
Infinity Edge/Black Cleaver/Blood Thirster

And I've never gotten far enough to get a sixth item. Maybe frozen mallets or Triforce. But if I'm building those I should probably hold off on madred's. Decisions decisions.


Second-rate Anihawk
Just played a game where the other team had a Vlad who was talking shit the whole time and being an arrogant dick (admittedly he had the highest KDR in the game). Our team came back and fed him some humble pie. It felt so good.


Son of Godzilla said:
Garen is so horrible. I've never felt so utterly ignored. He's great off the bat with his whirl, but after that it's impossible to engage anyone. You can stack every movespeed item in the game and he still moves like molasses.

He is one of the top champions in the game atm according to CLgaming and the guys who run solomid. Reginald has him rated as tier 1 with Kayle and a few others.


Blackface said:
He is one of the top champions in the game atm according to CLgaming and the guys who run solomid. Reginald has him rated as tier 1 with Kayle and a few others.
It really bothers me that Reginald is good at this game. He's such a bro. I can't even make it through a stream of him playing without facepalming at either what he's saying or what he's listening to. I think it was Creed last time. :(


DrBo42 said:
It really bothers me that Reginald is good at this game. He's such a bro. I can't even make it through a stream of him playing without facepalming at either what he's saying or what he's listening to. I think it was Creed last time. :(

He acts and sounds like the typical "bro" asian Californian gamer. Dunno where he is from or if he is even asian but that is how he acts.

He is good at the game, but he thinks he is a lot better then he is. He is suppose to be this great "team leader" yet every-time CLgaming stomps them (every single time they play) he blames everyone else


derFeef said:
So it is really going to be DotA in Source? Perfect. Also - wasn´t GTTV at Valve recently? Reveal incoming?

Well they are clearly working on something DOTA related. They also hired Icefrog a while ago (guy who created the DOTA mod). So chances are very large a DOTA style source game is on the way.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I find a lot of "top players", Elementz, HotshotGG et al. are a bunch of pissants.
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