Gragas is a boss.
For everyone who's looking for new champs to try out, the best piece of advice I can give you is to not concern yourself with whether a certain champ is overpowered or underpowered or anything like that.
First, and especially when you're not playing at very high elo, you can do just fine with any champ. Personal skill level has a much higher impact. Tryndamere, Eve, and Kennen are probably the 3 worst champs in the game at the moment, but you can still wreck face with them at almost all levels of the game. You probably won't be winning a tourney with them any time soon, but I don't think that concerns most of the posters here.
Second, the game balance is constantly in flux. Riot makes frequent balance changes, so even if something is over powered right now there's a pretty good chance it might get toned down in next week's patch. Just as important though is meta game shifts. When season 1 first hit, Shen was banned frequently. Amumu is actually better than Shen though. No balance changes have been made to either of them since season 1 started, Shen is in the same state he was in when he was always banned. He's getting banned less and less now though, and going forward, I expect Amumu will start getting banned more and more. So if you bought Shen because LolOPtank, well, I think he's transitioning out of flavour of the month status, and Amumu is taking his place. This sort of thing happens frequently.
Basically, what I'm trying to say is, don't worry about a champ's relative strengths and weaknesses when deciding if you want to play one. The champ's actual playstyle and how much you like their abilities and whatnot is way more important.