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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Loving me some Alistar :D Definitely buying this hero.

After months upon months of serious business, raging and banlisting 3-5 people per game in HoN, I'm loving the more relaxed pace of this game :) Seems people are less angry too. Or at least less vocal about it. Either way it's for the better!


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I want to try a new hero.

Right now I'm looking at Gragas, Shaco, Heimer and Olaf in the 3150 bracket.

Yes yes I know shaco golem level 1 op whatever. I have no idea how they play so I want some advice. I'm a frantic clicker, I like heroes where you need a really high APM to make full use of their skills. Kat, Veigar, Zilean, Akali, Ezreal etc.

By that measure Heimer or Gragas might be the best, but Olaf does look beastly when fed. Reminds me of the old days when a naix could get satanic and then go to town on 5 heroes and come out alive.


Halycon said:
I want to try a new hero.

Right now I'm looking at Gragas, Shaco, Heimer and Olaf in the 3150 bracket.

Yes yes I know shaco golem level 1 op whatever. I have no idea how they play so I want some advice. I'm a frantic clicker, I like heroes where you need a really high APM to make full use of their skills. Kat, Veigar, Zilean, Akali, Ezreal etc.

By that measure Heimer or Gragas might be the best, but Olaf does look beastly when fed. Reminds me of the old days when a naix could get satanic and then go to town on 5 heroes and come out alive.
Just dont bother with shaco, he's definitely not the same after the last nerf.

The other champions dont seem like what you like playing. Buying Kassadin may be a good idea, or wait to get 6000 to buy blitzcrank or twitch.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I don't like Kassasdin. I do good with him and I know how to play him and he's really effective and versatile all around but the hero just doesn't click with me.

I don't like blitz, relies too much on your opponents being morons and not hiding behind the creep-line or warding the bushes. I'd buy him if you could grapple friendly players and if it extended from the middle of his model instead of his arm. And if the unit collision worked reliably. (Basically I want pudge/devourer).

I've played twitch. I can never do well as him. He's the kind of hero where you have to be kind of an asshat to play him effectively. Also extremely selfish. No, not me, I'm the kind of guy who TF ults into base to attempt to get people running back to fountain. The most assholish thing I do is perma slow people with zilean and it's mostly because a Singe with ult running around with 100 ms is hilarious.

If Shaco's not that good anymore I'm willing to try him. I don't like playing overpowered heroes.

I also forgot to mention I like heroes with high learning curves. If I bought any 6300 hero it'd be avinia.


Anivia is my second most played after Veigar, and I really like her. Not sure exactly what's "hard" about her, but maybe I'm not playing her to her full potential. Fun champ, though.

Halycon, I think you should try out Gragas. For one thing, I don't see anyone playing him, and one of my friends just picked him up and has been having tons of fun with him. He's damn tough and has some pretty cool attacks. His barrels are powerful and really versatile. If anything, he may be worth using because he looks imposing and most people won't know what to expect. :D


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Sounds good! Drunked Dwarf bought.

Riot needs to add a drunk speech filter whenever a gragas player uses his W. I'm going to make a thread about it.


Gragas is a boss.

For everyone who's looking for new champs to try out, the best piece of advice I can give you is to not concern yourself with whether a certain champ is overpowered or underpowered or anything like that.

First, and especially when you're not playing at very high elo, you can do just fine with any champ. Personal skill level has a much higher impact. Tryndamere, Eve, and Kennen are probably the 3 worst champs in the game at the moment, but you can still wreck face with them at almost all levels of the game. You probably won't be winning a tourney with them any time soon, but I don't think that concerns most of the posters here.

Second, the game balance is constantly in flux. Riot makes frequent balance changes, so even if something is over powered right now there's a pretty good chance it might get toned down in next week's patch. Just as important though is meta game shifts. When season 1 first hit, Shen was banned frequently. Amumu is actually better than Shen though. No balance changes have been made to either of them since season 1 started, Shen is in the same state he was in when he was always banned. He's getting banned less and less now though, and going forward, I expect Amumu will start getting banned more and more. So if you bought Shen because LolOPtank, well, I think he's transitioning out of flavour of the month status, and Amumu is taking his place. This sort of thing happens frequently.

Basically, what I'm trying to say is, don't worry about a champ's relative strengths and weaknesses when deciding if you want to play one. The champ's actual playstyle and how much you like their abilities and whatnot is way more important.


Anyone got any cool tricks with Cho Gath? Find him a lot of fun to play with, but not sure how to make full use of tanking potential. Cho Gath seems good at suprise nuking with feast, stunning with rupture and just standing in the goddamn way with his immense size late game.
Any items that really work well with his strengths?


I don't think there's too much to him. Between his aoe silence and Rupture he has amazing CC. Feast is excellent for omnomnomming a squishie at lowish HP. As for items, Guardian Angel is always awesome. Helps prevent you from losing Feast stacks and makes you that much harder to kill. You'll generally end up with a high HP pool with Cho, so you'll want to take items that take advantage of the high HP pool - GA as mentioned above, and anything with armor/magic resist. If it is a caster team, probably a Banshees and a Force of Nature. If Melee, Randuins and Thornmail. For early game items, can't go wrong with an Aegis of the Legion, and you'll probably want Merc Treads 90% of the time (getting Ninja boots the other 10% when you end up against a stupid team like Sivir/Yi/Trist/Garen/Trynd that has 0 cc and tons of melee).


I hate this game.

Solo Queuing I went from a 1500 rating all the way to low 1300's just in the past week. From one bad team to an even worse team the next.


Hellcrow said:
Anyone got any cool tricks with Cho Gath? Find him a lot of fun to play with, but not sure how to make full use of tanking potential. Cho Gath seems good at suprise nuking with feast, stunning with rupture and just standing in the goddamn way with his immense size late game.
Any items that really work well with his strengths?

Dunno about any tricks. Oh, silence is a nice way to quickly do dmg thru a wall. There's been plenty of times where a champion is about to escape narrow death around a wall, but then I silence thru it for the kill. As far as tips, always try to silence the nuker in team battles. When casting rupture, try to predict where they'll move to. If a team battle is ensuing, I like to cast feast immediately rather than save it for a kill so I can get the most dmg outta it.

I've been messing around with melee Cho which was rocky at first but now I'm doing pretty solid. Lifesteal + Attack Speed + Vorpal is pretty dmging. Six stacks of Feast still makes him pretty tanky. I feel more of a threat in team battles with this build actually.


Hellcrow said:
Anyone got any cool tricks with Cho Gath? Find him a lot of fun to play with, but not sure how to make full use of tanking potential. Cho Gath seems good at suprise nuking with feast, stunning with rupture and just standing in the goddamn way with his immense size late game.
Any items that really work well with his strengths?
When I was playing Chog, I found a tactic that worked suprisingly well early game. Once you get ulti, the combination of stun + flash + ulti is a great surprise against players with low health.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
His silence has deceptively long range.

One level of vorpal early will make your last hitting much easier. But only one level.

Go top lane, right before you reach 6, go to the golem camp and kill one of the lizards or even wolf camp, level, and then proceed to dump all your mana on the golem, ending with Feast. You'll get all of it back and the golem buff will allow you to farm all the neutral camps with your spells alone and feast away.

Like all skill shot aim his stun where you think the heroes are going to be, not where they are.

Against casters:
Banshees, Abyssal, Force of Nature

Against DPS:
Sunfire, Atmas (situational you have to be doing well do use this well), Randuin's Thornmail

Generally good items on him:
Boots of swiftness (chase down that last hero to eat him), Guardian angel (you have to pewpew through my 3000 hp again trolololololol), Warmog (yes a lot of people don't like this because I'll be honest it's really not a great item but the extra health is nice and Cho is a good farmer and more health is always more amusing)

Edit: Thanks everyone for suggesting Gragas. I played a practice match with him using this guide to start with. Amazing hero. Can't believe he's not more popular. Long range short cooldown blink through wall that doubles as slow. Free mana and damage reduction. Short cooldown AoE ult that can save squishies and push shit into tower/away from tower. Shame about his Q though, it looks good for farming and getting in that last hit on a hero but not much else.

Though I like Gragas, I find his gameplay somewhat boring. Besides mastering placement of his ult and initiating with it... there didn't seem much too him. Body slam was fun since you can go through walls with it. He makes for an awesome tank, though I never really tried DPS-ing with him and he has potential there.


What I dont like about Gragas is that his Q and ap ratios are just no good, so that only leaves tank gragas (although he cant be the main tank) and ad gragas, which is nice. I hope they can fix gragas soon.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
If they made his W scale with AP, and maybe gave his ult something like "AoE increases with AP" he'd be more versatile than he already is.
I'm actually going to stick with Nidalee after playing some more, once shes fed a bit shes fucking amazing. I'm only lvl 14 now and haven't bought any runes.. Should I just save all my points for my lvl 20 runes or can I buy lesser versions and just upgrade them some how or is that just wasted ip?


BloodElfHunter said:
I'm actually going to stick with Nidalee after playing some more, once shes fed a bit shes fucking amazing. I'm only lvl 14 now and haven't bought any runes.. Should I just save all my points for my lvl 20 runes or can I buy lesser versions and just upgrade them some how or is that just wasted ip?
save that points until lvl 20.


sparkle this bitch
So I tried Xin out(First melee character). 2 and 0 so far. He balances out later in the game, but early on. He definitely gets overpowered quickly :lol Forced 3 people to quit right in the first 10 minutes, by just moving between the 3 routes and ambushing.


Holy fuck Xin Zhao is a beast, i've been tearing shit up left and right with this guy, first melee character for me as well.

I usually play Sivir, but that might change soon :lol


yeah i'm probably going to buy him when the next free champion rotation occurs. That would bring my owned champions count to 3 :p


sometimes i really cannot believe how bad some players are in this game. At the start of a game i told everyone to buy wards because xin zhao was jungling, and then proved my point by ambushing xin at golem and getting first blood. All my teammates then agreed that they should buy wards. Yet not one of them bothered to, despite me catching xin out a further 3 times. It might not have made a difference in the end, but still i really pissed me off.

Another thing i learned from the previous match: amumu and morgana should really be prime banning targets in the future.


IcedTea said:
I expect Amumu will start getting banned more and more. So if you bought Shen because LolOPtank, well, I think he's transitioning out of flavour of the month status, and Amumu is taking his place. This sort of thing happens frequently.

sohois said:
Another thing i learned from the previous match: amumu and morgana should really be prime banning targets in the future.

Stop it you two. There's been just too much talk about banning Amumu. I mean, I can use Rammus as my back up, but I just love playing as Amumu. Please don't ban him :(
This game is fun! Played it when it was in beta and liked it over the other version that's out.
Not really sure what he hell im doing but I stick to the lobster demon and have only lost 1 out of 4 games :lol
Wouldnt mind getting a new guy that works similar, I just like to attack really..

edit: woah 16 kills no deaths and a hell of alot of legendary's popping up with old lobster :lol
how do you figure amumu is OP'd? his ult is handy in a group fight but overall I'd say ramus is a much stronger tank throughout all stages of the game.

btw, kayle is a lot of fun if played right. fun character, good enough to own if you are good )but not OP'd), and not overly common which makes it more fun.


HorribleJames said:
how do you figure amumu is OP'd? his ult is handy in a group fight but overall I'd say ramus is a much stronger tank throughout all stages of the game.
He does very high amounts of damage for a tank, and he's just an amazing initiator (whereas Rammus isn't great at it). With Amumu, you can Q into an Ult which sets up your entire team beautifully. Morgana can then ult herself, so can Fiddles, or Ez, or any number of champions, and before the enemy team can even do anything the battle is half over.


I absolutely love Master Yi.

Great champion for beginners or someone who wants obvious, straight forward tactics. He attacks relatively strong and extremely fast. You just add to the speed and, after a few levels, you can take out a whole wave of minions by yourself with his moves.

He also has two great skills that, when combined, really cause problems for almost any opponent.
I've been using free skins I downloaded from leaguecraft.com. I love them for the most part, I just want to make sure Riot doesn't ban or anything for using these? For the most part not only are the user created ones on leaguecraft better than the Riot made ones in the store but as far as I know Riot only lets you buy them with cash and not IP. I do not support micro transactions and never will.


BloodElfHunter said:
I've been using free skins I downloaded from leaguecraft.com. I love them for the most part, I just want to make sure Riot doesn't ban or anything for using these? For the most part not only are the user created ones on leaguecraft better than the Riot made ones in the store but as far as I know Riot only lets you buy them with cash and not IP. I do not support micro transactions and never will.
They don't ban for custom skins.

I'm generally against microtransactions myself, but that's only in games where you already paid full price for the game. Leauge of Legends does microtransactions very well, imo. First, the game is free anyways so it's not like they're ripping you off. Second, they're completely optional and provide no in game advantage. Unlike most devs where microtransactions are just a way to squeeze more profit out of consumers, Riot's business model is completely based on microtransactions. I mean, they're providing a high quality game that's completely free to play, and they have a large (and growing) team working on it full time. It's not like they can afford to develop the game just with advertising or something.


IcedTea said:
He does very high amounts of damage for a tank, and he's just an amazing initiator (whereas Rammus isn't great at it). With Amumu, you can Q into an Ult which sets up your entire team beautifully. Morgana can then ult herself, so can Fiddles, or Ez, or any number of champions, and before the enemy team can even do anything the battle is half over.

Case in point, just won a match where the final push went like this:

Warwick and Janna went and grabbed Barron while Kayle and I stood mid and got the other team to come in. I was playing Amumu and when I saw my team hit the bushes near mid I flashed into the middle of the opposing team and hit W then R. Before my ult was even over Anivia, Ezrael and Xin Zhao were all almost dead. My teammates jump out and pick them off while I hit Vlad with Q and prevent him from going away.

Amumu with Abyssal Scepter, Boots and Sunfire cape is awesome. The longer the game goes the better Amumu gets, especially if you can get to 100 AP while building up your armor and magic resistance.

Edit: I wouldn't be surprised if people catch on to Amumu, I've been watching streams of high level play and he gets banned there more than Shen. And picked more than Shen when he is available. I've won all but one match with him in ranked solo queue because he compliments pretty much any team well.

Even if you had Shen Amumu would be a great pick, play him as hybrid tank caster and initiate every team fight ftw.
IcedTea said:
They don't ban for custom skins.

I'm generally against microtransactions myself, but that's only in games where you already paid full price for the game. Leauge of Legends does microtransactions very well, imo. First, the game is free anyways so it's not like they're ripping you off. Second, they're completely optional and provide no in game advantage. Unlike most devs where microtransactions are just a way to squeeze more profit out of consumers, Riot's business model is completely based on microtransactions. I mean, they're providing a high quality game that's completely free to play, and they have a large (and growing) team working on it full time. It's not like they can afford to develop the game just with advertising or something.

The amount of money they want for some of the characters is pretty crazy though once you look at it. A lot of the skins they're charging for are just recolors of the defaults and nothing more. Besides if people wanted to pay they'd probably just shell out $30 for a much higher quality version of Dota with stable servers. LOL is very awesome for what it is though.


Teknopathetic said:
"I also forgot to mention I like heroes with high learning curves"

Sounds like you want Gragas then.
Gragas isn't that hard to comprehend. Just learn2bodyslam and ignore his shitty shitty barrel roll. In fact, I kinda find him pretty simple.

Still Gragas is pretty awesome in the early and mid game, and you will tear up just about everyone and with bodyslam's snare very little will escape your grasp. But from 15-18 you'll see a drop in kills and your offensive capabilities, his power doesn't just doesn't scale that well compared to everyone else. I suggest finding a build for him that turns him into a good offense/ganker early on and then build him into more of a tanker late game.

His ultimate is one of my favorites though, so much utility.
Odrion said:
Gragas isn't that hard to comprehend. Just learn2bodyslam and ignore his shitty shitty barrel roll. In fact, I kinda find him pretty simple.

Still Gragas is pretty awesome in the early and mid game, and you will tear up just about everyone and with bodyslam's snare very little will escape your grasp. But from 15-18 you'll see a drop in kills and your offensive capabilities, his power doesn't just doesn't scale that well compared to everyone else. I suggest finding a build for him that turns him into a good offense/ganker early on and then build him into more of a tanker late game.

His ultimate is one of my favorites though, so much utility.

My team was losing a game once, but our Gragas managed to use his ult to push four members of their team into our base, then Amumu used his ult to stun them there. It was an insta-quadrakill pretty much. We almost turned it around after that, but they had all our inhibitors, so it was a matter of time really.


BloodElfHunter said:
The amount of money they want for some of the characters is pretty crazy though once you look at it. A lot of the skins they're charging for are just recolors of the defaults and nothing more. Besides if people wanted to pay they'd probably just shell out $30 for a much higher quality version of Dota with stable servers. LOL is very awesome for what it is though.
That I agree with. Charging for Scuba Gragas, or Gentleman Chogath, or Mad Hatter Shaco (and so on) I think is a good idea. The cheap reskins though, like Nottingham Ezreal, can go diaf.
Goddamn people quitting out. Left as the game started and it was 2V3 and still managed to hold out for 25mins. 13k 3D.. Lost all games today through quitters or just crap match's :/


sparkle this bitch
Well, I bought Xin. Finally got enough points for a character and decided to go with him. Had a pretty nice game too. 15/3/10. We Lost, Each side had their one person carrying, and they eventually got a 2nd =[.

People don't seem to pay attention much. I had to babysit the one side which killed my progression, because the dude kept running forward stupidity. So instead of me getting uber right off the bat(Had 3 or 4 kills, with the first tower about dead in the first 2 minutes of play). I had to go on par with their team's go =[
shintoki said:
Well, I bought Xin. Finally got enough points for a character and decided to go with him. Had a pretty nice game too. 15/3/10. We Lost, Each side had their one person carrying, and they eventually got a 2nd =[.
Yeah.. pretty hard to not do good with Xin. :p
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