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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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DAT RENEK, he carried the shit out of us.


I bought a Halloween quint and proceeded to lose two games horribly. I blame Achtius and everyone else who told me runes were helpful!


Legato.Reborn- said:
To be fair to him, there was two top.

Although that doesn't explain his build order, it does explain his score.

next time dizzy throw some points into spirit fire to prevent tower destruction and hope for many ganks x.x

Dance In My Blood said:
Shurelia's is the new it item on Nasus. CDR is the key to turning Nasus into a god, and Philostone is a good starter item for farming.

Indeed, but if you dyin, best to pick up that kindle and get a glacial if you are really rarin for cdr. And don't underestimate dat sheeeen.


Blizzard said:
I bought a Halloween quint and proceeded to lose two games horribly. I blame Achtius and everyone else who told me runes were helpful!

Runes are helpful if you aren't a chicken.

You're a chicken!



Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
brian! said:
next time dizzy throw some points into spirit fire to prevent tower destruction and hope for many ganks x.x

Indeed, but if you dyin, best to pick up that kindle and get a glacial if you are really rarin for cdr. And don't underestimate dat sheeeen.
Kindlegem is a piece of Shurelia's.
Legato.Reborn- said:
To be fair to him, there was two top.

Although that doesn't explain his build order, it does explain his score.

Lol, yeah I faced tristana and zorki top (that was me dizzy101). I still dont have a clue how to farm and last hit as melee vs 2 ranged. I think I'll stick with good ol' Morgana, or try to branch out into other AP ranged casters.

That nasus build must be somewhere from solomid or something. You get philosopher's, into zhurelia's, then merc threads, then tri force while also getting spirit visage I believe.


AcridMeat said:
Welp that sucked. At least we're apparently going to be youtube famous.[/QUOTE]
Reminds me of this post: [url=http://eune.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=87174]Bravery[/url].


I think I've been at 199 wins for about four days. Partly I never had time for anything but a bot game, and tonight I lost three in a row. Here's my latest, where at least I was a medicore Riven. I had to lane against ranged Karthus and Graves so I was losing the tower really quickly, but Poppy came up a few times to gank.

Yes, Poppy, not Nocturne. Nocturne stayed in the jungle like ten minutes. They had a skin and seemed to be doing a good jungle route until I realized they didn't do much besides that. We finally surrendered, tied at 36 kills. I think we still had one inhib tower left, and we managed to kill one of their normal towers before losing.



Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
How do you not go for ganks as Noct? His ult off cooldown is just a ripe and unplucked fruit waiting to be devoured.


Imo leblanc is way to OP. Even when she isn't farmed/fed she can still easely do tons of burst damage. Combine that with a build in flash / shaco wannebe clone passive... Hate playing against her. I shall try to master her myself for easy victories.


Play defensively against her in mid even if that means tower hugging and wait for ganks/team fights to break out. You should still be able to farm at a level similar to her. She's a good 1 vs 1 character, but becomes useless with more targets around. That's also why you never see anyone play her at competitions. Her early game is strong, but she falls off later on. Riot refused to change this and make her more balanced throughout the game.



On a good win streak with Talon, he's pretty awesome :D Sorry for the crap pic quality

I do notice the nerf that they did to his regen... but I don't believe that it's enough to warrant changing my yellow runes to mp5... I'd been thinking of maybe going half mp5 runes and half armor but I don't run into too many mana issues. Right now i'm running 9 armor pen reds, 9 flat armor yellows, 9 flat MR blues, and 3 flat AD quints. I'm currently running 21/9/0 for more resists. My reasoning is that I want as much early game dominance in the lane phase so that I can farm up my core (t1 boots --> brut --> BT) for mid game and dominate/win my lane. Anyone else have other set ups for talon that work?


Dance In My Blood said:
How do you not go for ganks as Noct? His ult off cooldown is just a ripe and unplucked fruit waiting to be devoured.
He was "trying" something. He ulted and died a few times later on, I think. XD

I just tried my first PVP Riven jungle game. I have like 13 armor penetration, but I had to use a ton of potions to jungle -- probably not a very good choice. I guess in theory enough armor or health regen or lifesteal runes (if those exist) could make it viable. I guess I should stick to laning, or play someone more useful.

It was win 200 since I got carried by my team (I was 7/2 but they pretty much all had more kills)...but it was scary. We started the game up like 21 kills to 2, they failed to surrender a couple of times, ended up getting BARON once, and we -finally- managed to push into the nexus after 55 minutes or so. Final kills were in the range of 50 to 30, but it was still way too close. Their Graves had 400+ minion kills and 18k+ gold.


I don't think there's a ranged AP champ that falls off mid-late game more than LeBlanc. All her abilities are single target, which is terrible in team fights.

but yeah, real terror early game.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Blizzard said:
He was "trying" something. He ulted and died a few times later on, I think. XD

I just tried my first PVP Riven jungle game. I have like 13 armor penetration, but I had to use a ton of potions to jungle -- probably not a very good choice. I guess in theory enough armor or health regen or lifesteal runes (if those exist) could make it viable. I guess I should stick to laning, or play someone more useful.

It was win 200 since I got carried by my team (I was 7/2 but they pretty much all had more kills)...but it was scary. We started the game up like 21 kills to 2, they failed to surrender a couple of times, ended up getting BARON once, and we -finally- managed to push into the nexus after 55 minutes or so. Final kills were in the range of 50 to 30, but it was still way too close. Their Graves had 400+ minion kills and 18k+ gold.
Pretty sure armor pen. is good against enemy champions, not minions/creeps. Don't run armor pen quints in the jungle (this is why I told you to take HP/move speed quints). Don't feel bad about not being able to do well in the jungle as Riven, she clearly isn't built for that.


Dance In My Blood said:
Pretty sure armor pen. is good against enemy champions, not minions/creeps. Don't run armor pen quints in the jungle (this is why I told you to take HP/move speed quints). Don't feel bad about not being able to do well in the jungle as Riven, she clearly isn't built for that.
According to this thread (http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=505052) and probably others, armor penetration works both against minions and towers. So like, a jungle creep with 5 armor would have it reduced by armor penetration, something like that.

I plan to run two of the +24 Halloween quints once I get enough IP to buy another of them. Then I'll get the Halloween move speed quint if that's also a better deal than waiting for the tier 3 quint?


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Blizzard said:
According to this thread (http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=505052) and probably others, armor penetration works both against minions and towers. So like, a jungle creep with 5 armor would have it reduced by armor penetration, something like that.
Everyone in that thread mostly just says ARP isn't great against enemy minions.
However, keep in mind that many of the jungling monsters have pretty low armor.
So if you take Sunder mastery and have 20 points of armor penetration, much of it will be wasted against the 6 armor creeps.
Take it for your ganks as your reds, but don't use it for your quints too. You could probably wait for Christmas for holiday movespeed runes. They're non-essential.


Dance In My Blood said:
Take it for your ganks as your reds, but don't use it for your quints too. You could probably wait for Christmas for holiday movespeed runes. They're non-essential.
There are only a handful of champions that really benefit from move speed over the other quintessences. Singed is one of those champions.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
bjaelke said:
All champions die.

I said really benefit from move speed. In most cases there are better alternatives such as the extra HP, AP, ArP, MrP etc.
I just like move speed. I don't die when people can't catch me. I can grab kills when it's easy to catch the enemy.

Having an extra 50 HP can be pretty meaningless when you're sitting on HP pools of 2k, 3k, or even 4k. 3% or 4.5% movespeed can be big even in the late game.


78 HP with 3 quintessences - that's more than a 20% increase at level 1 as some champions start with ~350 HP. In my opinion that's essential for not giving away first blood or having to go back to base all the time. It's true that they wont matter towards the end, but not many champions can have a good late game without a decent start.


I suppose it's just a matter of playstyle. Some people can remain virtually unkillable with kiting, some people like to go in to the fray. There's something for everyone. That's what I like about runes :p


Just tried AS tanky dps graves

oh my god this is rigged

when they nerf him they're def gonna knock some of the extra armor/MR bonus

i hit 200 armor and 120 somethin MR with BV, Wriggles and GA then you got the armor bonus...

then slap on the health from BV and triforce, sell wriggles for BT

sustainable tanky ranged ad

yeah, here's a tip everyone. KILL HIM AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. if he has those 10 gunslinger stacks he's going to be a BITCH to kill


Range- nerf on Caitlyn? Really?


If they only chip some range out of Q, I'm fine with that, but if they touch her auto-attack range then I will be disappointed. It's pretty much the whole characters selling point, and the main reason she's been my favorite AD- carry since she was released.

It seems that whenever something gets popular in both tournaments and soloq, Riots balance team wants to nerf it somehow.

The Halloween runes are permanent right?


Best game in a long time. Not that my score is anything special, but the way we turned the game around and won despite being one man short was just fantastic. We started out by changing lanes, so Ashe and I were at top vs Cho'Gath and Poppy alone against GP and Kennen (it was our punishment because he picked Poppy as our last hero and didn't want to solo). Credits to Poppy, he had 2/3/0 after the laning phase and was a big reason behind our victory!



Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
bjaelke said:
78 HP with 3 quintessences - that's more than a 20% increase at level 1 as some champions start with ~350 HP. In my opinion that's essential for not giving away first blood or having to go back to base all the time. It's true that they wont matter towards the end, but not many champions can have a good late game without a decent start.
I run one HP and two movespeed quints, so the health difference between me and someone who runs full HP quints is around 52. I almost never give away first blood and have a tendency to do well in my lane. I find it easy to dodge skill shots, and I can win in matchups other people take issue with. I can outlane Brand or Morgana as Annie because the movespeed gives me that extra opportunity to dodge their skillshots.
Ark said:
Yessssssss, I'm into this.


Dance In My Blood said:
I run one HP and two movespeed quints, so the health difference between me and someone who runs full HP quints is around 52. I almost never give away first blood and have a tendency to do well in my lane. I find it easy to dodge skill shots, and I can win in matchups other people take issue with. I can outlane Brand or Morgana as Annie because the movespeed gives me that extra opportunity to dodge their skillshots.
That's why I run boots and 3 health potions at the beginning, but I guess we just have different play styles.

In other news, Riot just won an Golden Joystick award, so we're getting a 10x win IP boost.


The matchmaking in this game is fucking ridiculous at times.

Just played a game where our entire teams wins combined, did not even break even with a single person on the other team. Retarded? Retarded.


Well, Caitlyn was pretty much my favorite character and it figures they nerf her too.

I thought Riot said that a main selling point of Caitlyn was range, and they want to get rid of that? She's super squishy so having to get in close would be crazy. And having the really long range on Q is important since it doesn't do much damage late game when everyone has resist, in comparison to autoattacks, and I've used it to kill someone escaping in the jungle before.

Apparently I was really terrible -- I got the most kills (but not most assists) with Riven, and one person apparently immediately deleted me from his friends list, and someone else immediately started another game without me, after inviting me to begin with. :(


Man I just don't lose games with Talon, I've won 10 out of my last 11 games and have a 9 game win streak with him... I almost don't want to play because I don't want to lose my streak hahaha
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