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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Am I the only one that is annoyed that her shadow on the ground has glowing red eyes? Or maybe thats her unique skill. SHADOWS ARE ALIVE.


Ferga said:
Janna and sona both have annoying as utility. Zilean can only disrupt a single target with a slow and can't save an entire team with an aoe stun or a pop up.

Zilean has his ult which can be used in the same way when he is either an ap carry or support

So in other words, Janna and Sona can save an entire team with their utility while zilean can also haste one team member
That's two support champions. You can't rely on getting either of those in draft. I'd just like to see them run Zilean as support rather than going with Blitz, Luz, Leona, Yorick etc. Zilean's damage output is too low to even consider him a carry. Put Cassiopeia in mid and let her do the aoe stun + damage.


Blizzard said:
Irelia seems interesting, though I'm not sure what to do and buy. Does tenacity stack with her passive? In other words, are mercury's treads still a good idea?

Merc treads do stack with Irelia's passive. Although you should pay attention to the other team's composition. If there's more AD and not much CC then Ninja Tabi is probably a good idea, otherwise if you need magic resist and they have CC then your best bet is to get Mercury Treads.

If you want a good starting guide/build this one is one of the best imo, although sometimes I build Frozen Mallet + Atmas' instead of Trinity Force.

AcridMeat said:
Holy shit I understand now why you love Irelia Ark.

She's a really solid all-round champion, especially for solo top <3 Just be careful if you're solo laning against Gangplank, I don't know if it's just me, but he always beats me in-lane.


Had an amazing game yesterday with Ezreal, I don't think I'll ever do that well again. I was laning against brand and rammus (and to my relieve not talon), allowing me to farm the whole game without too much trouble. Mid and jungle keep coming down to gank, and with taric's dazzle most of the time, they end up dead.

Also we were doing much better for team battle than they are, me and LB keep harassing the hell out of them before actually stating the battle.

Morde's ult is such a sadist, he kept igniting and ulting me and I just watch my hp go down without any chance to live (Taric didn't loved me enough to save his heal for me </3).



Dipindots said:
First 7200 IP 1250 RP champ, they know they can get away with it as long as they make her sexy enough.

Calling it now!

Anyways, leblanc is awesomely fun, that is all. 3-0 on SR since I picked her up tonight aw yeah!
Darnit, you've jinxed us!

At any rate, it's good to have a dragon champion, since finally Cho can have a girlfriend. <333 Maybe they can make a gentlewoman skin.


SouthernDragon said:
They've made the Dragon Knight in LoL?

fap fap fap fap fap

If it's a dragon knight then it's so bought. My favorite champion in dota.

My leblanc games yesterday were really good. Had quite a few kills in my games(10+) with very little or no deaths.

Man she's super squishy though. Wonder how often people buy defensive items for her?

Also saw a Riven kick the living shit outta my team. She got fed hardcore, then went *super* tanky (warmogs, force of nature, atma). We couldn't dent her. The whole team would chase her across the map and not even get her close to dead. Her shield at that point was insane, and she had cd boots+ghostblade. So most the damage would go into her shield, and she'd regen whatever we did actually hit from her.


Achtius said:
Had an amazing game yesterday with Ezreal, I don't think I'll ever do that well again. I was laning against brand and rammus (and to my relieve not talon), allowing me to farm the whole game without too much trouble. Mid and jungle keep coming down to gank, and with taric's dazzle most of the time, they end up dead.

Also we were doing much better for team battle than they are, me and LB keep harassing the hell out of them before actually stating the battle.

Morde's ult is such a sadist, he kept igniting and ulting me and I just watch my hp go down without any chance to live (Taric didn't loved me enough to save his heal for me </3).


Yep was fun, totally didn't take any of your kills or anything!


Those Wukong jukes have been featured quite often on their vodcast. A few weeks back someone juked 3-4 champions by pretending to be a clone 3 times in a row

Rawk Hawk

Preparing for a couple major (read: fairly minor) events this evening. Going to buy my first champion and going to play my first match verse other players.

Now I'm only lv9 so I don't have lots of runes or mastery points, what is a role I could still excel in until I hit 30? I'm starting most away from Support since the last two times I played, my whole team was trash and therefore I lost by default since I have no real control. I took Amumu jungling a couple times verse bots, that was pretty fun, and I see Notcturne is on sale this week, so thinking about picking him up.

Guess I'm just worried about not being effective if I don't have tier 3 runes and a full mastery board, or is the matchmaking software better than I give it credit for? Maybe I'll only be paired with other people who are incomplete like me?


Rawk Hawk said:
Preparing for a couple major (read: fairly minor) events this evening. Going to buy my first champion and going to play my first match verse other players.

Now I'm only lv9 so I don't have lots of runes or mastery points, what is a role I could still excel in until I hit 30? I'm starting most away from Support since the last two times I played, my whole team was trash and therefore I lost by default since I have no real control. I took Amumu jungling a couple times verse bots, that was pretty fun, and I see Notcturne is on sale this week, so thinking about picking him up.

Guess I'm just worried about not being effective if I don't have tier 3 runes and a full mastery board, or is the matchmaking software better than I give it credit for? Maybe I'll only be paired with other people who are incomplete like me?

You can play any role really, jungling might be the only one that might be a bitch.

As for matchmaking you'll get paired up with lower level people BUT there are tons of twink accounts. Just people who make new profiles just to trash lower level players. So don't always expect someone with a low summoner level is clueless. Also players play very differently from bots, you might of handicapped yourself playing exclusively with bots so long.


Rawk Hawk said:
Preparing for a couple major (read: fairly minor) events this evening. Going to buy my first champion and going to play my first match verse other players.

Now I'm only lv9 so I don't have lots of runes or mastery points, what is a role I could still excel in until I hit 30? I'm starting most away from Support since the last two times I played, my whole team was trash and therefore I lost by default since I have no real control. I took Amumu jungling a couple times verse bots, that was pretty fun, and I see Notcturne is on sale this week, so thinking about picking him up.

Guess I'm just worried about not being effective if I don't have tier 3 runes and a full mastery board, or is the matchmaking software better than I give it credit for? Maybe I'll only be paired with other people who are incomplete like me?
In order of effectiveness at lower levels...
1. Carry
2. Support
3. Assassin
4. Jungler

You don't need much for carry, because carry strength comes late game, and in the late game, items give you more benefits than runes and masteries.

Support is fairly dependent on several things, including good utility masteries and Clairvoyance. It also requires the most knowledge of the game to play properly, and is the most dependent on OTHER players to perform well (supporting a shitty player will get you nowhere).

Assassins are highly dependent on spike damage early. You'll need armor or magic armor penetration for this. Play a Pantheon without armor pen, then play him with armor pen. You'll notice the difference immediately. It's also why a set of level 1 runes are worth investing in if you really want an advantage over other players sub-20.

Jungler is the most dependent. They're dependent on having enough points to get the usual jungling masteries--this means getting the buff extenders and the offensive armor pen or spell pen masteries. Having some points in armor, as well as armor runes, will also give you a massive boost. Stay the fuck away from jungle early on.

Rawk Hawk

Ferrio said:
You can play any role really, jungling might be the only one that might be a bitch.

As for matchmaking you'll get paired up with lower level people BUT there are tons of twink accounts. Just people who make new profiles just to trash lower level players. So don't always expect someone with a low summoner level is clueless. Also players play very differently from bots, you might of handicapped yourself playing exclusively with bots so long.
Hmm I see, well maybe I'll hold off right now, with Amumu I wasn't too horrible, I could clear a couple camps and usually take out blue by lv3. But verse bots, no one is countering me really.

Yea friends of mine keep telling me to play other players, lol. I just don't want to be the person who the other 4 players keep getting annoyed with because I engage too early, can't kill shot creeps or just regularly die to people so easily.

Rawk Hawk

Nome said:
In order of effectiveness at lower levels...
1. Carry
2. Support
3. Assassin
4. Jungler

You don't need much for carry, because carry strength comes late game, and in the late game, items give you more benefits than runes and masteries.

Support is fairly dependent on several things, including good utility masteries and Clairvoyance. It also requires the most knowledge of the game to play properly, and is the most dependent on OTHER players to perform well (supporting a shitty player will get you nowhere).

Assassins are highly dependent on spike damage early. You'll need armor or magic armor penetration for this. Play a Pantheon without armor pen, then play him with armor pen. You'll notice the difference immediately. It's also why a set of level 1 runes are worth investing in if you really want an advantage over other players sub-20.

Jungler is the most dependent. They're dependent on having enough points to get the usual jungling masteries--this means getting the buff extenders and the offensive armor pen or spell pen masteries. Having some points in armor, as well as armor runes, will also give you a massive boost. Stay the fuck away from jungle early on.
Gotcha, well maybe I'll purchase a bundle of champs then as well and test my luck with some carries verse players. Ashe was pretty fun, maybe I'll just roll with her until I get some more stuff unlocked.

Thanks for the tips.


Nome said:
In order of effectiveness at lower levels...
1. Carry
2. Support
3. Assassin
4. Jungler
To expand,

AP carries (mages/casters) in general, gain a lot more power by leveling compared to AD carries (the pew pew auto attackers). Differences in runes and masteries can be overcome by being a level above your victim.

By the by - AD carries put a bigger emphasis (arguably) on farm.

To answer your other question Rawk Hawk, the matchmaking tries to restrict your opponents to the same level range - unless youre queueing with much higher leveled friends.


Achtius said:
Had an amazing game yesterday with Ezreal, I don't think I'll ever do that well again. I was laning against brand and rammus (and to my relieve not talon), allowing me to farm the whole game without too much trouble. Mid and jungle keep coming down to gank, and with taric's dazzle most of the time, they end up dead.

Also we were doing much better for team battle than they are, me and LB keep harassing the hell out of them before actually stating the battle.

Morde's ult is such a sadist, he kept igniting and ulting me and I just watch my hp go down without any chance to live (Taric didn't loved me enough to save his heal for me </3).


that irelia is giving the other team big feed.

big feed indeed.


We really need to do theme games, would be really fun.

Do a game where we all just let the clock run down and randomly pick all our heros. Dota AR!
Ferrio said:
We really need to do theme games, would be really fun.

Do a game where we all just let the clock run down and randomly pick all our heros. Dota AR!

Do a game where everyone has/spawns creeps/traps. Like teemo, mal, yoric, herm, shaco, or annie?

or 5 mid?


Was really pleased with this game. Pretty much made the right calls/moves and farmed myself to hyper-carry status to win from 2 inhibitors down.



sparkle this bitch
Nome said:
Support is fairly dependent on several things, including good utility masteries and Clairvoyance. It also requires the most knowledge of the game to play properly, and is the most dependent on OTHER players to perform well (supporting a shitty player will get you nowhere).
Its my curse. The one type of character I feel comfortable with and perform(I think) very well with. Is also the one most reliant on a team =[

You all need to learn to carry, so you can carry my Janna to Platinum!
Achtius said:
Morde's ult is such a sadist, he kept igniting and ulting me and I just watch my hp go down without any chance to live (Taric didn't loved me enough to save his heal for me </3).
That's because I use my heals during team fights. He kept getting you on the retreating phase while my heal was on CD :(

I also keep forgetting to upgrade the philo to shurelya's reverie.


Shyvana sounds like Riven.

Irelia sounds like Riven too but actually useful or something.

Of course what I really want is a super-OP free champion (or one who isn't nerfed by the time they're free 2-3 weeks later). ;p

*edit* Also, you realize that if all GAF people buy Shyvana, they can't all play Shyvana in the same game, right? :O


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
solblade00 said:
Simply put, Shyvana is for players who like any of the following:

-Offensive, aggressive playstyles
-Melee carries or fighters
-The idea of being a super-rad dragon

Pretty much all I've wanted from this game. Buying her day one.
Really only the last point that gets me =(

Does Riot remember Riven just game out?

Would be more interested if she could jungle. Melee carries aren't exactly that appealing otherwise.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Also, yo, Tryndamere is totally an offensive auto-attack oriented AD carry. Just saying Riot.


sparkle this bitch
Dance In My Blood said:
Also, yo, Tryndamere is totally an offensive auto-attack oriented AD carry. Just saying Riot.
I don't know why any Trynd runs flash. For most characters, I'd agree with flash. But a Tyrnd with Cleanse is a goddamn nightmare.
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