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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Ferrio said:
Naw. Shyvana sounds like she realies on auto attacking... so i'm guessing high attack speed? Something riven doesn't depend on.
Well, you normally put an auto-attack between each of Riven's abilities, which sounded kind of like what Shyvana will be doing. Or maybe like Udyr? He seems to go with high attack speed, if that's what's going on instead.


I wonder what bonus Shivana's shield will give, are they tired of shield + movement speed? Maybe true damage and infinite sustain if she's designed by Ezreal.
Or maybe Riot designer's wet dream, a gap closing shield that gives lifesteal and deals burst damage! So she'll be able to tanky sustain assassin burst with a single skill.

Unless they make her a shieldless tanky dps, which will be somewhat surprising.


red_13th said:
I wonder what bonus Shivana's shield will give, are they tired of shield + movement speed? Maybe true damage and infinite sustain if she's designed by Ezreal.
Or maybe Riot designer's wet dream, a gap closing shield that gives lifesteal and deals burst damage! So she'll be able to tanky sustain assassin burst with a single skill.

Unless they make her a shieldless tanky dps, which will be somewhat surprising.

She covers herself with her wings gaining a damage absorbing shield while granting bonus armour and mr and spins and does massive damage like tryndamere!

Sounds great. Let's throw it into the Riot suggestion box


Ark said:
Bought Blitzcrank thinking he would be awesome.

I was wrong, so very very wrong. Time to go back to trying out Rammus instead.

Blitz is amazing. He's one of my favorite champs, especially when I'm in the mood to just ruin someones day.

Build him AD, getting manamune first then triforce.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Kod1ak said:
Blitz is amazing. He's one of my favorite champs, especially when I'm in the mood to just ruin someones day.

Build him AD, getting manamune first then triforce.
Dear God no.

Blitz is an offtank. People who rush triforce are the worst.


Dance In My Blood said:
Dear God no.

Blitz is an offtank. People who rush triforce are the worst.

That's what your 3000 mana shield is for. I've played him both ways, AD is far superior.. Besides, you didn't listen. You rush Manamune.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Kod1ak said:
That's what your 3000 mana shield is for. I've played him both ways, AD is far superior.. Besides, you didn't listen. You rush Manamune.
I get that, but Manamune is fairly cheap. Rushing Trinity after that without going tanky is just bad.

And mana shield isn't reliable consider it's current mana. And to have a 3000 shield you would need to be sitting on 6000 mana so good luck with that. Manamune to Sheen is a decent opener, but grabbing CDR is king on Blitz, so grabbing a Glacial Shroud is a top priority before completing a Trinity.
Dance In My Blood said:
I get that, but Manamune is fairly cheap. Rushing Trinity after that without going tanky is just bad.

And mana shield isn't reliable consider it's current mana. And to have a 3000 shield you would need to be sitting on 6000 mana so good luck with that. Manamune to Sheen is a decent opener, but grabbing CDR is king on Blitz, so grabbing a Glacial Shroud is a top priority before completing a Trinity.

I prefer grabbing an early cata on him, though that doesn't seem very popular with a lot of people. Then I normally get Tear into Manamune, then if I'm tanky enough I get Trinity and finish the cata into a Banshee's.


Dance In My Blood said:
I get that, but Manamune is fairly cheap. Rushing Trinity after that without going tanky is just bad.

And mana shield isn't reliable consider it's current mana. And to have a 3000 shield you would need to be sitting on 6000 mana so good luck with that. Manamune to Sheen is a decent opener, but grabbing CDR is king on Blitz, so grabbing a Glacial Shroud is a top priority before completing a Trinity.

I've played him that way a million times. I meant 3000 mana. Triforce gives him that utility you need. Health, movement speed, the sheen buff. Both are great items, but I'll take the triforce first.

You don't have to agree with me, but I know what I've been successful with and triforce after manamune is almost always successful.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Kod1ak said:
I've played him that way a million times. I meant 3000 mana. Triforce gives him that utility you need. Health, movement speed, the sheen buff. Both are great items, but I'll take the triforce first.

You don't have to agree with me, but I know what I've been successful with and triforce after manamune is almost always successful.
Whatever works for you. Because Blitz is fairly mana intensive I find it hard to keep my mana up high enough where I feel comfortable using my shield as anything I'd rely on. It's great for baiting and saves, but I find its practical purposes in fights to be limited.



So the price of 975RP appears to be permanent and not just for a limited period.
Ferrio said:
Really wish they'd put that much effort in all skins.
That would defeat the purpose of having legendary skins.


Long time since I last played Garen. I had forgotten what to items to run on him, so I ended up experimenting (atmog's). Cho'Gath completely zoned me at top - just look at the creep score


Edit: I ended up getting almost 500 IP for that game!


I was looking at a LoL wiki, and it was claiming that upcoming work-in-progress champions include a nine-tailed fox and two DPS possibly ranged yordles.

I look forward to potential anti-yordle rage from the Achtius public if this happens.

On another note, is Pantheon viable these days, and if so, does he fit into some reasonable role on teams? I was reading up on champions that benefit the most from AD, and he was mentioned several times. I suspect his ult is really hard to hit people with, however. I would like to try using him as well as Lux, but I never seem to notice them being free (I probably missed a free Lux week).


Blizzard said:
I was looking at a LoL wiki, and it was claiming that upcoming work-in-progress champions include a nine-tailed fox and two DPS possibly ranged yordles.

I look forward to potential anti-yordle rage from the Achtius public if this happens.

On another note, is Pantheon viable these days, and if so, does he fit into some reasonable role on teams? I was reading up on champions that benefit the most from AD, and he was mentioned several times. I suspect his ult is really hard to hit people with, however.

Pantheon requires a full set of armor pen marks, so don't bother unless you have that. If you do, he can be pretty strong against certain champs. He falls off a LOT late game though, and requires you to buy a lot of damage to keep your abilities competitive. Pretty fun champ though.


sparkle this bitch
Nome said:
Pantheon requires a full set of armor pen marks, so don't bother unless you have that. If you do, he can be pretty strong against certain champs. He falls off a LOT late game though, and requires you to buy a lot of damage to keep your abilities competitive. Pretty fun champ though.
Panth is a squishy with zero defense if you buy damage. He'll just be eaten away with any burst. If you build tanky, then he really isn't a threat since his damage output will be so underwhelming.

Ideally with Panth, you want to end the game as soon as possible. Because you'll be utterly worthless after a certain point. Either to squishy to eat the damage or too little damage to make a difference.

My advice would be just to avoid him completely.


Nome said:
Pantheon requires a full set of armor pen marks, so don't bother unless you have that. If you do, he can be pretty strong against certain champs. He falls off a LOT late game though, and requires you to buy a lot of damage to keep your abilities competitive. Pretty fun champ though.
I think I have +15 or so armor penetration, and I might have an arpen quint lying around, but I guess I'll pass him up since you say he's terrible late game. Like, thanks for raining on my parade, MAN. ;(

On a less depressing note, I read some random forum person saying that warwick's ult makes him essentially do 5 normal attacks at 33% of his AD each, but that each attack apparently applies the on-hit bonus for things like wits end? I dunno if that's true or not but that would be neat. I always feel like the ult is sorta like a stun that does maybe 20-25% of the enemy's HP so nearby teammates can try to hurt the person.


Blizzard said:
On a less depressing note, I read some random forum person saying that warwick's ult makes him essentially do 5 normal attacks at 33% of his AD each, but that each attack apparently applies the on-hit bonus for things like wits end? I dunno if that's true or not but that would be neat. I always feel like the ult is sorta like a stun that does maybe 20-25% of the enemy's HP so nearby teammates can try to hurt the person.
It's true, which is why I recommended Madred's Bloodrazor the other day, when you asked about build suggestions for WW (that was you, right?).


bjaelke said:
It's true, which is why I recommended Madred's Bloodrazor the other day, when you asked about build suggestions for WW (that was you, right?).
Yes, and I remembered the comment when I was reading it.

However, like with every piece of advice in this thread, someone else says the opposite, and I seem to recall someone posting a couple of weeks ago saying that no matter what, bloodrazor will always do less damage than more AD/crit/AS/whatever, because the %HP magic damage bloodrazor does can be reduced by magic resistance. Something like that. And it's not like warwick will ever have AP or magic penetration.

Ferrio said:
Didn't win a single game last night. One game our annie went 1/8/7. How is that possible?
I didn't see your Annie, but I'm going to guess they were either A) new or B) trying to use a mejai's and failing miserably or C) both.


Blizzard said:
On another note, is Pantheon viable these days, and if so, does he fit into some reasonable role on teams? I was reading up on champions that benefit the most from AD, and he was mentioned several times. I suspect his ult is really hard to hit people with, however. I would like to try using him as well as Lux, but I never seem to notice them being free (I probably missed a free Lux week).
Pantheon fits into the "tanky bruiser/initiator" role in teams. He scales well enough with AD that building him tanky doesnt gimp him (Warmogs + Atmas). When you play him you MUST dominate early game though this lets you boost into warmogs properly (this is why you'd want a full set of red+quint Arpen).

You know who benefits the most from AD? AD carries! :O. Especially Graves who benefits the from AD.
Or Talon. He scales tremendously with AD and is a really strong champion right now.

Blizzard said:
However, like with every piece of advice in this thread, someone else says the opposite, and I seem to recall someone posting a couple of weeks ago saying that no matter what, bloodrazor will always do less damage than more AD/crit/AS/whatever, because the %HP magic damage bloodrazor does can be reduced by magic resistance. Something like that. And it's not like warwick will ever have AP or magic penetration.
This advice is true for AD carries. Not only is Madreds lowered by MR, it doesn't scale as well as other AD items. Madred's basically scales (your own stats) with attack speed only while other AD items scale with crit, AD, attack speed and armor pen.

WW however isn't an AD carry and his job is to initiate/CC and live long enough in team fights to be real annoying - on hit weapons are best for this because living longer means more damage. I'd never rush Madreds on WW though (unless youre getting really fed early game) because it's so slow to build and not that great until mid-late.


Neo Member
I was hoping that the birthday suprise would be giving out free suprise fiddlesticks skins. I guess it wasn't meant to be. :(

I've been thinking of getting Trundle as a jungler. What are people's thoughts on him? I've rarely seen him in matches outside of AI matches.


I saw trundle jungles few times during IEM matches.

Also, like you, i was hoping for more than the release of surprise fiddle. I want free stuff
Blizzard said:
Yes, and I remembered the comment when I was reading it.

However, like with every piece of advice in this thread, someone else says the opposite, and I seem to recall someone posting a couple of weeks ago saying that no matter what, bloodrazor will always do less damage than more AD/crit/AS/whatever, because the %HP magic damage bloodrazor does can be reduced by magic resistance. Something like that. And it's not like warwick will ever have AP or magic penetration.

I didn't see your Annie, but I'm going to guess they were either A) new or B) trying to use a mejai's and failing miserably or C) both.

Magewick is pretty common actually. It's extremely viable in lane. Start with a Doran's Ring or Faerie Charm (then build that into Philo) for the mana regen, take magic pen marks, grab magic pen boots, spirit visage for the extra heal, then Wit's End, Malady, and Madred's. There was a point where Lanewick was brokenly OP both top and mid.

Edit: As for Trundle. I'm pretty good at him, but he's extremely fragile as jungle, so make sure you are following some sort of guide to a t. His ganks are pretty great though.

I find he's pretty unstoppable late game if you get to that point, he has natural CC reduction, and ult that does damage and makes him super tanky, a natural AD buff, and pillar of filth is freaking great ability. Build him a lot like other junglers: Wriggle's, Merc Treds, Spirit Visage/Trinity Force, Banshee's/other Armor item, Guardian Angel.


check out LoCicero on stream. he mains Panth top and carries games all the time. probably the best unsponsored player.

he plays a unique Hextech Panth. not the strongest, but the spell vamp and lifesteal keeps him alive.


formerly sane
Ferrio said:
Didn't win a single game last night. One game our annie went 1/8/7. How is that possible?

Loss streaks are tough. The game is team based and all it takes is one derp or blown ganks that turn in to snowball losses. Had a few of them last week that made me uninstall for a bit of time.

All you can do is your best and hope that others pick up.


LCGeek said:
Loss streaks are tough. The game is team based and all it takes is one derp or blown ganks that turn in to snowball losses. Had a few of them last week that made me uninstall for a bit of time.

All you can do is your best and hope that others pick up.

Eh losses I wasn't too worried about. I just never seen an annie do badly.


he also blows

edit: oh man he just sat around in gp ult trying to ks sion, out of position, taking vayne hits, and then blames his team

dat lol archetype
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