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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Blizzard said:
Why is League of Legends so full of rape? :( Everywhere you go, Caitlyn is getting raped, or someone is "raping face", or the team is getting raped, or a GAFfer is telling someone on the other team to "get shit on". Why so violent?
this game is frustrating, we are angry


solblade00 said:
Thanks =|
Why are the worse skins always... sigh

My thoughts exactly... ugh how much are skins again?

Had a great game as leblanc yesterday against Yi, Akali, and Katrina. Couldn't of been a better matchup... tore through them like nothing. Had their whole team bottled up in their base afraid to come out.

Ended like as 18/4/7.


Anyone know what items should I build for Shyvana?

I get black cleaver since it got both damage and attack speed. but not sure what else.


Achtius said:
Anyone know what items should I build for Shyvana?

I get black cleaver since it got both damage and attack speed. but not sure what else.

I'm going to lop on attack speed+on hit effect stuff.


Achtius said:
Anyone know what items should I build for Shyvana?

I get black cleaver since it got both damage and attack speed. but not sure what else.

Did anyone try building her like Teemo?


Achtius said:
Anyone know what items should I build for Shyvana?

I get black cleaver since it got both damage and attack speed. but not sure what else.
I don't know anything, but I'll act like an expert: Sheen, little mallet thing, triforce, frozen mallet, atma's impaler, black cleaver, mercury's treads, bloodthirster.

Or put a bunch of little knives on her like malady, ala Kog'maw or Teemo.


Blizzard said:
I don't know anything, but I'll act like an expert: Sheen, little mallet thing, triforce, frozen mallet, atma's impaler, black cleaver, mercury's treads, bloodthirster.

Ya cookie cutter build would work very well on her I'm thinking. I'm going to try and play around with it though... maybe I can get tiamat to work haha.
For anyone who's playing the League on the modded Mac Client, don't! The game won't load when you join a game and you will get a leave, this is a problem and the mod community are currently trying to fix it.


Ladyboy101 said:
tryndamere is the best carry in the game. nobody carries as hard as he does. but if your team is straight up garbage who dont participate in team fights he still cant be victorious.

also i hate to see shaco on my team, most of them are either straight up unskilled feeder or just some retard fuck who never go in a team fight.

Ehhh. I was watching Saintvicious play Tryndamere with some scrub friends of his last night and he didn't carry shit. The enemy team had like 4 exhausts and they'd just exhaust and CC saint right out of the picture.

Edit: Nevermind, I guess I see what you were saying now.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Blizzard said:
I don't know anything, but I'll act like an expert: Sheen, little mallet thing, triforce, frozen mallet, atma's impaler, black cleaver, mercury's treads, bloodthirster.

Or put a bunch of little knives on her like malady, ala Kog'maw or Teemo.
Saintvicious says Sheen isn't any good on her.


Dance In My Blood said:
Saintvicious says Sheen isn't any good on her.
Ehhh. I was watching Saintvicious play Tryndamere with some scrub friends of his last night and he didn't carry shit.
Dun dun dunnnnnn, can we trust Saintvicious?!

(I don't know anything, I just suggested on-hit items because of the double Q)


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Blizzard said:
Dun dun dunnnnnn, can we trust Saintvicious?!

(I don't know anything, I just suggested on-hit items because of the double Q)
Sheen can only proc once off of that because of the built in cooldown on the passive.
Ferrio said:
Ya.. but triforce can't be bad at all.
It can if other items would benefit you more.


Blizzard said:
Dun dun dunnnnnn, can we trust Saintvicious?!

(I don't know anything, I just suggested on-hit items because of the double Q)
I don't think one bad soloq-game is enough to revoke a players reputation.


Ferrio said:
Oh hrmm.. so all scales with AD eh? Okay so ya.. triforce is waste hrmm
I don't know [much] anything, but I'm going to act like an expert and say frozen mallet, atmas, mercurial treads, black cleaver, wit's end, malady, warmogs, thornmail, and bloodrazor.

Jenga said:
shyvana is OP as fuck

makes graves look balanced
This is where you provide details and/or instructions about how other GAF gentlemen and gentlewomen can use her in an OP fashion.


Blizzard said:
I don't know [much] anything, but I'm going to act like an expert and say frozen mallet, atmas, mercurial treads, black cleaver, wit's end, malady, warmogs, thornmail, and bloodrazor.

This is where you provide details and/or instructions about how other GAF gentlemen and gentlewomen can use her in an OP fashion.
metagolem + wit's end + generic dps shit = tanky dps on mike tyson steroids

think super phoenix udyr


Macattk15 said:
Can you copy pasta those notes in here? I am at work and cannot access the LoL site :(

New Skins in the Store

Ironscale Shyvana
Boneclaw Shyvana
Mafia Miss Fortune
Jurassic Cho’Gath
Streetwalker Riven

PVP.net v1.47

You will now receive a message if your stats are going to be delayed
Custom Games will now sort properly
League of Legends v1.0.0.128

Shyvana, the Half-Dragon

Twin Bite
Shyvana strikes twice on her next attack. Both attacks trigger On-Hit effects and Fury of the Dragonborn effects.
Dragon Form: Twin Bite cleaves all units in front of Shyvana.

Shyvana deals magic damage per second to nearby enemies and her Movement Speed is greatly increased for 3 seconds. Shyvana's Movement Speed bonus is reduced over time.
Dragon Form: Burnout scorches the earth, continuing to damage enemies that stand on it.

Flame Breath
Shyvana unleashes a fireball that deals magic damage and melts the target's Armor for 4 seconds.
Dragon Form: Flame Breath engulfs all units in a cone in front of Shyvana.

Dragon's Descent (Ultimate)
Active: Shyvana transforms into a dragon and takes flight to a target location. Enemies along her path take magic damage and are knocked toward her target location.
Passive: Shyvana reinforces her scales, increasing her Armor and Magic Resist. Defensive bonuses are doubled in Dragon Form.

Fury of the Dragonborn (Passive)
Shyvana's melee attacks enhance her abilities.
Twin Bite - Reduces the cooldown by 0.5 seconds.
Burnout - Extends the duration by 1 second to a maximum of 6 seconds.
Flame Breath - Deals 20% of the ability's damage to debuffed targets.
Dragon's Descent - Attacks generate 2 Fury and Shyvana passively gains Fury over time while in human form.


Attack range increased to 125 from 100


Piltover Peacemaker base damage reduced to 20/60/100/140/180 from 20/65/110/155/200
Yordle Snap Trap activation radius reduced to 135 from 150


True Grit
Buff duration reduced to 3 seconds from 4
Armor and magic resistance per stack reduced to 3 from 4 at max level
Buckshot damage per additional missile reduced to 30% from 35%


Undertow missile speed increased to 1600 from 1500
Now breaks crowd control effects upon activation
Duration adjusted to 6 seconds at all ranks from 5/6.5/8


Fixed a bug that caused Riven to stop moving after certain commands.
Fixed a bug that caused Ki Shout and Broken Wings to temporarily leave dead unpathable minions behind.
Fixed a bug that caused Riven's collision radius to be improperly calculated.


Rewrote his Deceive, Hallucinate, and Champion tips for more clarity
Deceive will now still critically strike even if you break stealth (ie: to cast Jack in the Box)
Jack in the Box
Base damage reduced to 35/50/65/80/95 from 35/55/75/95/115
Ability power ratio reduced to 0.2 from 0.25
Activation range reduced to 300 from 350
Cast range increased to 425 from 400
Fixed a bug where Shaco's clone wouldn't trigger Two-Shiv Poison's passive


Rake mana cost increased to 60/65/70/75/80 from 45/50/55/60/65
Shadow Assault cooldown increased to 75/65/55 seconds from 60/50/40


Crushing Blow
Total attack damage ratio increased to 1.1 from 1.0
Fixed a bug where Crushing Blow did not display critical strikes or benefit from life steal
Casting Decoy no longer instantly shows a reduction in Wukong's mana bar to enemies
Fixed a bug where Wukong's stealth state did not ignore unit collision
Improved general Decoy behavior and placement - the Decoy should now more accurately mimic Wukong's previous position and behavior
Wukong is now pushed forward slightly when using Decoy, rather than the Decoy being pushed back from Wukong's position
Nimbus Strike
Attack speed bonus increased to 30/35/40/45/50% from 20/25/30/35/40%
Attack speed duration increased to 4 seconds from 3

Dominion (LOL no one cares)

Respawn time adjustments are now +2/-2 seconds regardless of the size in score difference
Crystal Scar's Aura armor penetration reduced to 12% from 15%
Personal Score reward for assisting in capturing or neutralizing a point increased to 25 from 10
Garrison has been changed to be an untargeted spell, similar to Promote. It will only become castable when in range of an eligible Capture Point.
Fixed the channel time display for capturing the central runes to match the actual capture time. The actual time to capture is unchanged.
Fixed a bug where capture points could be moved off of their platforms
Fixed a crash when audio was disabled

Hextech Sweeper
Updated tooltip to be more clear that its Passive ability grants vision of stealthed units
Updated the targeting cursor, particle, and vision debuff



Macattk15 said:

I enjoy'ed Wukong before the buffs! I will also insta purchase Shyvanna when I get home.

I need to play with more Gaffers.

Join the channel Neogaf, hopefully we'll eventually get enough people that aren't in game/afk to have gaf vs gaf.


Dominion (LOL no one cares)

I do. To be honest I enjoy Dominion more than Classic LoL because I hate farming and I love the faster pace. But I've never wanted to play LoL competitively so maybe that has something to do with it. *shrug*

Rawk Hawk

Ferrio said:
Join the channel Neogaf, hopefully we'll eventually get enough people that aren't in game/afk to have gaf vs gaf.
How would one join this channel? I have a couple friends I'm normally playing with, but wouldn't mind having some Gaffers on my list as well for this gaf on gaf crime you speak of.


Rawk Hawk said:
How would one join this channel? I have a couple friends I'm normally playing with, but wouldn't mind having some Gaffers on my list as well for this gaf on gaf crime you speak of.

Click the chat bubble icon on the bottom right, then click the +chat bubble. Room is named NeoGaf.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I got something called a "Loyalty IP Boost". Is this new or something? Don't remember it getting something like this before.

Rawk Hawk

antistar said:
Click the chat bubble icon on the bottom right, then click the +chat bubble. Room is named NeoGaf.
Gotcha, I saw in peoples pictures that they had been chating with Neogaf.. but I didn't know if that was someones friends list or what. (For Bad Company 2 someone set up a person that we all added, then could search your friends friends to see if anyone was one without filling up your list with Gaffers.)


Volimar said:
Do you standard jungle build with her?

She's a lot of fun and that's from someone that prefers ranged champs.
no clue, just repeating what stonewall said

he also said she's a very potent jungler
Ferrio said:
Join the channel Neogaf, hopefully we'll eventually get enough people that aren't in game/afk to have gaf vs gaf.

That leads to GAF-on-GAF hate.

Well, that happens anyways.

Anyways, anyone have any personal recommendations for Yorick and MF?


SouthernDragon said:
That leads to GAF-on-GAF hate.

Well, that happens anyways.

Anyways, anyone have any personal recommendations for Yorick and MF?
Only if certain people who will not be named are in the game.


IsayFever said:
WE doing gaf v gaf? I call Kiunch, Southerndragon, Electrastar and Achtius. PLAY TO WIN
Psh, Kiunch will play Eve. You'd better pick me to carry you instead!

And I love [nearly] everyone. No hate here!


Junior Member
IsayFever said:
WE doing gaf v gaf? I call Kiunch, Southerndragon, Electrastar and Achtius. PLAY TO WIN

Also, Nice Sivir game. Way to wait for me to log off for you to bring out your can o' whoop-ass!
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