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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Last game was legendary, dude named Thangalang dies FOURTEEEN times during a match, blames it on our Taric for not healing him fast enough during his suicide dashes. He seriously dashes in headfirst to a five person kill squad over and over that includes a fed Akali and a Vlad, expects Taric to save him with his 10 second cooldown heal.

I've got to start playing on actual teams. The level of stupid in these public matches is just off the charts.


Alex said:
Last game was legendary, dude named Thangalang dies FOURTEEEN times during a match, blames it on our Taric for not healing him fast enough during his suicide dashes. He seriously dashes in headfirst to a five person kill squad over and over that includes a fed Akali and a Vlad, expects Taric to save him with his 10 second cooldown heal.

I've got to start playing on actual teams. The level of stupid in these public matches is just off the charts.

This is why I hate playing as Kayle/Soraka/Taric in non arranged teams. People expect you to heal them while they do the dumbest shit and if you fail to save them once they bitch at you. Nevermind that you OOM or on CD, it is your fault they ran head first with low HP into 3 heroes and died.

Also I've discovered the best strategy to combat Galio:

1. Have someone who is good at Trist pick Trist
2. Have someone who is good at WW pick WW.
3. Win

Okay its probably not fool proof, but if you're playing ranked and the other team picks Galio first, then just grab some physical carries and galio becomes another squishy caster.

I will say his ult screwed my WW ult over twice, but overall I went 7/2/7 and both my deaths were more from hanging around too long than being outplayed. Trist had 14 kills for my team.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
How to counter Galio:
Play physical DPS.

Really he's pretty squishy as long as you're not slinging spells at him. Even better in Ranked since you can actually see who they're picking. Most heroes I play can go AD or AP so I'm pretty much ready to beat down any Galio I see.


Just read the patch notes and sad to see that there is no buff to Evelyn :(

On the flip side, I think the Hextech Gunblade buff just made it a very viable weapon. Extra damage, AP, lifesteal, and vamp steal on top of the 300 magic damage active? This is a great item for Kayle, Jax, and other champs who can use both damage and AP. I'm going to give it a try on Kat.

As for the new champ, it's awesome that they added a mage tank. I want to give him a try and see how he plays. I've already been theory crafting on what items would be effective on him. I think one must have item for him will be thornmail to protect against those pesky physical DPS who think they're being smart ;)
Zhengi said:
Just read the patch notes and sad to see that there is no buff to Evelyn :(

On the flip side, I think the Hextech Gunblade buff just made it a very viable weapon. Extra damage, AP, lifesteal, and vamp steal on top of the 300 magic damage active? This is a great item for Kayle, Jax, and other champs who can use both damage and AP. I'm going to give it a try on Kat.

As for the new champ, it's awesome that they added a mage tank. I want to give him a try and see how he plays. I've already been theory crafting on what items would be effective on him. I think one must have item for him will be thornmail to protect against those pesky physical DPS who think they're being smart ;)

Eve just needs a remake, a little buff to her numbers/ratio here and there will not bring her out of shit tier.


The problem with Eve is her early game is a bag of dicks. She is worthless against any non squishy team. Her ravage does far too little damage to begin with, her ultimate is designed around AD when her builds are always AP. Hate Spike does no damage and is only for farming minions/sheen procs.

My girlfriend and I have both pubstomped hard with her but if you go up against anyone with half a brain you will be shut down hard on Eve. She needs a huge buff.


Halycon said:
How to counter Galio:
Play physical DPS.

Really he's pretty squishy as long as you're not slinging spells at him. Even better in Ranked since you can actually see who they're picking. Most heroes I play can go AD or AP so I'm pretty much ready to beat down any Galio I see.
Retarded Galio ulti taunts (aka silence) and does crazy damage.

Winning 34 to 12 and one Ace because of Galio's ulti made us lose.


JWong said:
Retarded Galio ulti taunts (aka silence) and does crazy damage.

Winning 34 to 12 and one Ace because of Galio's ulti made us lose.
His ulti is easily countered by cleanse/quicksilver sash/mercury treads though. Mercury treads or cleanse on your disabler and he won't be able to get out the crazy damage.
I can't speak much of his other skills though, haven't played with/against him too much.


I haven't seen the new champ do anything to wow me. His ult is nice but if anyone is quick on reaction, you can stop it with stun.

I'm still searching for a good melee champ. I love Brolaf but he's getting tiring. Poppy's early game bores me to death. I might try Akali out. No one seems to give her any burn.


VaLiancY said:
I haven't seen the new champ do anything to wow me. His ult is nice but if anyone is quick on reaction, you can stop it with stun.

I'm still searching for a good melee champ. I love Brolaf but he's getting tiring. Poppy's early game bores me to death. I might try Akali out. No one seems to give her any burn.

Akali is very good. I've seen her quite a bit ever since the buffs she got. She's very viable now and a great dps champ.


lotta black folks here
While I'm only low level, and playing normal games, stacking Galio's ultimate + Crowstorm, with my brother playing Fiddle is fun as hell :D .


BlackWaltz said:
While I'm only low level, and playing normal games, stacking Galio's ultimate + Crowstorm, with my brother playing Fiddle is fun as hell :D .
Throw in a Nunu, Morgana, Amumu, and/or Kat ult for extra fun.


Hey guys can you count how many damage items I have?



One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I'm curious, who could you have possibly been playing to let you get 28-4? Most Akali's peter out by lategame because she loses her burst advantage. I assume it's thanks to your tank build?


Halycon said:
I'm curious, who could you have possibly been playing to let you get 28-4? Most Akali's peter out by lategame because she loses her burst advantage. I assume it's thanks to your tank build?

Playing lesser skilled opponents and ganking side-by-side with my girlfriend who plays Evelynn (yes, I know Eve is bad but with Akali, amazing team).

She initiates with a stun and then I charge in. Nobody survives. If someone buys an oracle, we just quickly assassinate them.

And yes, survivability means Akali can rack up a ton of kills because her ult is never ever down. So the more you survive, the more stacks on soulstealer you have meaning so much burst at a consistent rate.

Sadly though, if the opposing team has a good make-up (ie. lots of crowd control) then I doubt I'd get that many kills.

tldr: Akali and Evelynn in my bedroom, at the same time.
Kyoufu said:
Playing lesser skilled opponents and ganking side-by-side with my girlfriend who plays Evelynn (yes, I know Eve is bad but with Akali, amazing team).

She initiates with a stun and then I charge in. Nobody survives. If someone buys an oracle, we just quickly assassinate them.

And yes, survivability means Akali can rack up a ton of kills because her ult is never ever down. So the more you survive, the more stacks on soulstealer you have meaning so much burst at a consistent rate.

Sadly though, if the opposing team has a good make-up (ie. lots of crowd control) then I doubt I'd get that many kills.

tldr: Akali and Evelynn in my bedroom, at the same time.

Sounds kinky, still wouldn't hold water against a good comp, as you mentioned.


Leezard said:
His ulti is easily countered by cleanse/quicksilver sash/mercury treads though. Mercury treads or cleanse on your disabler and he won't be able to get out the crazy damage.
I can't speak much of his other skills though, haven't played with/against him too much.

To be honest, his other skills are better than his ulti. There's always someone who can interrupt your ulti unless you're playing idiots, but his main skills are pretty useful for supporting. I'd quite like Bulwark to last a bit longer but it's pretty damn powerful so I suppose it makes sense not to have it OP.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Omg Cloud Ezreal and Zack Taric :lol :lol :lol

Tempest Janna not wearing any panties.

Karthus censoring.

WTF POPPY. And shen looks like a girl.

Udyr is pretty fucking badass.

OMG Rammus is so happy.

I'll be honest I'm surprised China can put out this kind of stuff. I mean going by what passes for character design and animation there, even Korea's artists are better. At least they can ape the animu style correctly.


Some of that art is embarrassing as they outright removed skin pigmentation from certain characters :lol The overall quality of it sure crushes the shit we have though, and there's a lot of good stuff too.


Is there a new bug with pantheon's ultimate on twisted treeline? The ult would only flicker a couple pixels tops red, instead of making the circle. Twice he suddenly just appeared with no warning, and the rest a few pixels flickered. This was the same for our entire team.


Kunan said:
Is there a new bug with pantheon's ultimate on twisted treeline? The ult would only flicker a couple pixels tops red, instead of making the circle. Twice he suddenly just appeared with no warning, and the rest a few pixels flickered. This was the same for our entire team.

It happens with other aoe spell effects too even in 5v5, like Vlad's ult. You just randomly take damage and think wtf hit me? lol

edit: BTW does anyone have tips for playing shaco? Looking for a good item build. I get sword of the occult, boots and then thats pretty much it because I suck and can't get any kills to feed myself items afterwards. So sad. Tips please!
Kyoufu said:
It happens with other aoe spell effects too even in 5v5, like Vlad's ult. You just randomly take damage and think wtf hit me? lol

edit: BTW does anyone have tips for playing shaco? Looking for a good item build. I get sword of the occult, boots and then thats pretty much it because I suck and can't get any kills to feed myself items afterwards. So sad. Tips please!

If you want to be a GIANT MASSIVE ASSHOLE and win every game as shaco, build sunfire shaco.


Dorans + pot
boots1, giants belt
finish boots (merc treads,swiftness, depends on enemy comp), 1st sunfire
2nd sunfire
3rd sunfire
4th sunfire


40md/sec -> x4 -> 160md/sec

Hallucination -> 320md/sec

Enjoy winning every game you play.

However, if this post is the first you've ever head of last hitting, (and I'm talking to everyone reading this) don't even bother. You'll never get enough cash.

edit: I'm going to rip someones throat out if they dare mention AP shaco. It's cute, it's fun, it works at low elo. And that's it.


Legato.Reborn- said:
If you want to be a GIANT MASSIVE ASSHOLE and win every game as shaco, build sunfire shaco.

However, if this post is the first you've ever head of last hitting, (and I'm talking to everyone reading this) don't even bother. You'll never get enough cash.

edit: I'm going to rip someones throat out if they dare mention AP shaco. It's cute, it's fun, it works at low elo. And that's it.

My team got decimated by a sunfire shaco once. It was nasty lol.

I guess I'll try it then. Are you sure I should get a doran instead of a red elixir for first blood?


Legato.Reborn- said:
If you want to be a GIANT MASSIVE ASSHOLE and win every game as shaco, build sunfire shaco.


Dorans + pot
boots1, giants belt
finish boots (merc treads,swiftness, depends on enemy comp), 1st sunfire
2nd sunfire
3rd sunfire
4th sunfire


40md/sec -> x4 -> 160md/sec

Hallucination -> 320md/sec

Enjoy winning every game you play.

However, if this post is the first you've ever head of last hitting, (and I'm talking to everyone reading this) don't even bother. You'll never get enough cash.

edit: I'm going to rip someones throat out if they dare mention AP shaco. It's cute, it's fun, it works at low elo. And that's it.

Also is very easy to spot a sunfire shaco, and shut him down with burst damage before you die. I used to play shaco a lot but after the last nerf he is so mid tier that I dont bother anymore.

The usual build is to get infinity edge and phantom dancer. There is also the jungler shaco that gets madred. I liked to start with sheen on shaco a lot too.
Tetsuo9 said:
Also is very easy to spot a sunfire shaco, and shut him down with burst damage before you die. I used to play shaco a lot but after the last nerf he is so mid tier that I dont bother anymore.

The usual build is to get infinity edge and phantom dancer. There is also the jungler shaco that gets madred. I liked to start with sheen on shaco a lot too.

But that's not really an argument, because he's an assassin anyway. Of course you want to burst him down, you also want to keep in stunned, AoE'd, etc. So by adding these sunfires, you GREATLY increase his survivability to a point that is borderline OP (remember why Riot removed aura double stacking?) because of his hallucination. The combination of these sunfires along with deceive really makes shaco an unstoppable force.

.. and last nerf? Are you talking about the +2 seconds to his deceive? Yeah, not a huge nerf and a competent shaco will get away from anything. (That doesn't mean deceiving into a 5man push with half health.)


Tetsuo9 said:
Also is very easy to spot a sunfire shaco, and shut him down with burst damage before you die. I used to play shaco a lot but after the last nerf he is so mid tier that I dont bother anymore.

The usual build is to get infinity edge and phantom dancer. There is also the jungler shaco that gets madred. I liked to start with sheen on shaco a lot too.

The sunfire Shaco we tried to burst down (we had no stun) destroyed us because he had so much armor and the dps he put out with his clone. Its stupid. Going to try it later.

edit: next patch notes are on the test realm forum. Shen got nerfed. Kennen got a huge huge buff.

Sad to see Akali get buffed in an area where I never touch her (AD). :(


Kyoufu said:
The sunfire Shaco we tried to burst down (we had no stun) destroyed us because he had so much armor and the dps he put out with his clone. Its stupid. Going to try it later.

edit: next patch notes are on the test realm forum. Shen got nerfed. Kennen got a huge huge buff.

Sad to see Akali get buffed in an area where I never touch her (AD). :(

That nerf hit me so hard I felt it in my chest. :lol

Latest Patch Notes

    * Twin Disciplines (Passive)
          o Will now gain 1% spell vamp for every 5 additional attack damage, up from 1% for every 10 additional attack damage.


    * Flash Frost
          o The pass through damage will now break spell shields.


    * Requiem
          o Mana cost reduced to 150/175/200 from 200/300/400


    * Electrical Surge
          o Ability Power ratio increased to 0.55 from 0.45.
    * Lightning Rush
          o Energy cost reduced to 100 from 110.
          o Can no longer be slowed during Lightning Rush.
          o Now provides 10/20/30/40/50 Magic Resistance and Armor for 4 seconds.
    * Slicing Maelstrom
          o Ability Power ratio increased to 0.4 from 0.33.
          o Number of bolts increased to 6/10/15 from 6/8/10 (still retains the cap of 3 hits per target).
          o Removed the cap of applying only 1 Mark of The Storm per target.


    * Caustic Spittle
          o Spell Remade. Now grants:
                + Passive: Increase Attack Speed by 10/15/20/25/30%.
                + Active: Deals 60/110/160/210/260 damage and reduces the target's armor by 5/10/15/20/25 for 4 seconds.'
    * Bio-Arcane Barrage
          o Cooldown reduced to 15 from 20.
          o AP ratio removed.
    * Void Ooze
          o Cooldown reduced to 12 from 13.
    * Living Artillery
          o Now has a 0.5 AD ratio in addition to the AP ratio.


    * Seismic Shard
          o Reduced the cooldown to 10 seconds from 12 seconds.
          o Reduced the duration of the slow to 4 seconds from 5 seconds.
          o Reduced the mana cost to 70/75/80/85/90 from 80/90/100/110/120.
    * Brutal Strikes
          o Changed the active effect to increase Malphite's armor and damage by 20/25/30/35/40% instead of increasing his damage by 30/40/50/60/70%.
          o Reduced the cooldown to 16 seconds from 20 seconds.
          o Fixed a bug where the cleave percent would double dip on bonus attack damage.
          o Increased the passive cleave percent to 30/38/46/54/62% from 30/35/40/45/50%.
          o The cleave passive will no longer proc while hitting towers.
    * Ground Slam
          o Reduced the mana cost at all ranks to 60 from 60/70/80/90/100.
          o Updated the tooltip to display how much bonus damage Ground Slam gains from armor.
    * Unstoppable Force
          o Malphite should no longer be subject to CC's while charging with his ultimate.
    * Granite Shield
          o The shield now recharges after 8 seconds instead of 10 seconds.
          o The shield will now automatically restore to full after 8 seconds of not being hit. Previously it would not replenish until a new shield activated.
          o Fixed a bug where the particle would not appear for a second after the shield activated.
          o Fixed a bug where the shield strength would not update after buying a health item until a new shield activated.
    * Updated his recommended items.


    * Fixed a typo in Javelin Toss.


    * Base attack speed increased to .613 from .558. (This will increase his attack speed scaling as well.)

[edit] Pantheon

    * Fixed a typo in the lore.


    * Devastating Blow is now undodgeable.


    * Siphoning Strike is now undodgeable.


    * Deceive
          o Stealth duration decreased to 4 seconds from 4.5 seconds.


    * Feint
          o Increased duration to 2.5 seconds from 1.5 seconds.
    * Stand United
          o No longer shields Shen.


    * Starcall
          o Mana cost reduced to 32/44/56/68/80 from 42/54/66/78/90
    * Astral Blessing
          o Mana cost increased to 90/110/130/150/170 from 80/100/120/140/160
    * Infuse
          o Changed to infuse half value to the target, and half value to self. (Double value on self cast).


    * Transfusion
          o Cast range decreased to 600 from 650.
    * Tides of Blood
          o Self Buff (Ramping cost/damage/healing) duration increased to 10 from 8.
          o Cast range increased to 620 from 570.


Fuck yes. Kennen's been my fav champ since he was released, but he scales so terribly into the endgame that I had to give him up.


I'm not a super competitive person, so I wonder if those Malphite changes will make him pretty good now? I always liked the look of him.


bluemax said:
Y2dvd, you might want to edit those notes out. Those are Test Realm notes and technically not public info...
Meh, they're posted on a forum that is publicly accessible. Riot's free to prevent people from discussing them on their own general forums, but if they didn't want them being looked at or talked about anywhere else then they would just not make it public.


IcedTea said:
Meh, they're posted on a forum that is publicly accessible. Riot's free to prevent people from discussing them on their own general forums, but if they didn't want them being looked at or talked about anywhere else then they would just not make it public.

Ah well, TR forum used to be locked. Guess they changed it.


That was fun, we should do it again some time. I got pretty lucky, Vlad is really good for that and Pirate isn't bad at all either. It's almost more fun when you get a really shitty champ and have to try and make it work.
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