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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Ultimoo said:
southern, you know yorrick likes AD right

My other games with a Triforce, a Manamune, and an Atmas indicate my knowledge of this.

Teleport is to allow me to move back and forth between solo top and base quickly. Exhaust is incredibly valuable for team fights, either to save a teammate or to catch an enemy.

W benefits enormously from Rylai's. The slow is doubled, W scales 1-1 with AP, and it gives a beefy boost to Yorick.

Not to mention that his W is his best poke. AoE and a nice range.
I love playing a new champion (or one you haven't played in a while) and completely dominating. Just had one of my best ranked games ever as Kass, ended up pulling my team back from an 0-9 start by killing their mid once and ganking bot for a double kill. I even beat a Morgana pretty soundly mid, had her zoned out.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
SouthernDragon said:
Teleport is to allow me to move back and forth between solo top and base quickly. Exhaust is incredibly valuable for team fights, either to save a teammate or to catch an enemy.
It's just bad to go without any mobility. You could probably have avoided at least one of those deaths if you just had Flash or Ghost instead of exhaust, which your AD carry already should and did have.

SouthernDragon said:
W benefits enormously from Rylai's. The slow is doubled, W scales 1-1 with AP, and it gives a beefy boost to Yorick.

Not to mention that his W is his best poke. AoE and a nice range.
It's not actually doubled. You're going from a 40% slow to a 65% slow, and you're going to lose that slow because it only lasts for like 1.5 seconds. Yorick is an AD champ, so if you just hit your W you will be able to get melee attacks in, which provide a constant and inescapable slow with a Mallet. Mallet is also going to give you needed attack damage, and an extra 200 health.
I meant to say two slows. It was poorly worded.

And why would I get Mallet along with Trinity Force? I find I usually have 292 damage near end game regardless.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I'm just bringing the Mallet up as an alternative to Rylai's, I'm not really sure I'd built it on Yorick.

Triforce is good on Yorick, but only after you've built up defensive items.
Trinity Force adds so much damage, though. I usually cycle through all of his abilities every 6 seconds, so I get a constant damage buff in battle.

I dunno, since I've switched up my build to include Rylai's, TF, Mog, Manamune, and Atmas, I've been doing a lot better. Lots of damage, survivability, and it's hard for an opponent to get away.

What do you suggest as a build? I usually have those 5 items and a Merc Treads by end game.


SouthernDragon said:
Teleport is to allow me to move back and forth between solo top and base quickly.
So you have to sacrifice a summoner slot so you dont have to take a 20 second walk to your lane?
SouthernDragon said:
W benefits enormously from Rylai's. The slow is doubled, W scales 1-1 with AP, and it gives a beefy boost to Yorick.
W only gains 15% from Rylais, I'd hardly call the effect doubled. Why not itemize CDR instead? You could get a kindle gem and a glacial shroud for the price of Rylais (plenty of leftover cash too), gain the same effects you described and more.
SouthernDragon said:
Not to mention that his W is his best poke. AoE and a nice ranger
For catching up opponents and killing them, sure. For sustained harass, not on its own.
Inskipp said:
So you have to sacrifice a summoner slot so you dont have to take a 20 second walk to your lane?

W only gains 15% from Rylais, I'd hardly call the effect doubled. Why not itemize CDR instead? You could get a kindle gem and a glacial shroud for the price of Rylais (plenty of leftover cash too), gain the same effects you described and more.

For catching up opponents and killing them, sure. For sustained harass, not on its own.

I do, because I've found it's been extremely useful. My in-game experience has been that, as a solo top, leaving top alone is very risky. The mobility it provides has helped out in team fights; I can often warp to a ward and assist the team, no matter where I am. When I get there, I help shut down the carry or whomever poses a threat.

My runes and masteries get me to 15-20% CDR, if I'm not mistaken. That's enough for me.

And the harass has been more than worth it. Again, my experience.

I'm open to builds. Tell me what a good build is with him, and how you play him. My primary goal is a tank who can do damage. If I die, but my teammates destroy the enemy team, I'm fine with that.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Yorick's playstyle isn't to cycle though. He benefits most from having all his ghouls out at once, so you want to spam your attacks all at once.

I haven't Yoricked in a little but it's almost always Manamune -> Spirit Visage or Glacial Shroud depending on lane matchup -> mercs and then last items come just depending on how the game goes, but for a final build you're looking at adding a Frozen Heart (priority), Veil or Sash, Trinity Force, and Atmogs. Your build has no CDR, which is huge because spamming ghouls is a big part of both doing damage and mitigating damage on Yorick. His passive is amazing, you want to keep it in mind.

Also: Teleport for a top is pretty normal (it is an amazing summoner spell), but the second slot just has to go to Ghost or Flash.
I summon Ghouls every two seconds, and they last longer than that. I usually have 2 ghouls out at all times.

I'll look into Visage, and I have tried glacial shroud before. It's really good, synergizes with Manamune to boot.


triforce is a super luxury item and no one should invest the 4k into it unless they are corki or absolutely raping everyone at 10-0


Jenga said:
triforce is a super luxury item and no one should invest the 4k into it unless they are corki or absolutely raping everyone at 10-0
irelia gonna irelia basically

i refuse to mention the name of OP characters
irelia gonna irelia basically

wait, why do I always hear you talking about graves though

A luxury item implies that you get it as a bonus.

I see a lot of champions go for TF as their 2nd or 3rd item.

What gives? I thought TF was good for champions who have relatively spammable abilities in the middle of battle, specifically.


Ultimoo said:
irelia gonna irelia basically

irelia gonna irelia basically

wait, why do I always hear you talking about graves though

graves is scary until you realize he can't run away

always amuses me when i 1v1 him as jarvan

E-Q *he flashes* Ult *he dashes* flash at him, hit slow and rape him hard

especially funny when i have f mallet


Jenga said:
graves is scary until you realize he can't run away

always amuses me when i 1v1 him as jarvan

E-Q *he flashes* Ult *he dashes* flash at him, hit slow and rape him hard

especially funny when i have f mallet

that's why you run ghost flash.

never die, never kill

the mantra of a pacifist.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
When I fight Jarven as Graves, I just bash his face in. No need to run :3


Halycon said:
When I fight Jarven as Graves, I just bash his face in. No need to run :3
Yeah sometimes I get graves who do that

Too bad I fuck them with a rusty dragon spear because I use brutalizer + phage


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
With your Manamune you have loads of mana, and mana = health on Yorick. That should be sufficient sustain. Heart of Gold should be avoided entirely on Yorick.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Haly's fiddle is dumpster tier, no matter the map.
Ferny said:
Haha nice... i'll be checking it out in between games
Just for reference I am trying Graves out for the first time, and I am not that good in the first place (level 15) but it should be a lot of fun!


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Jenga said:
Too bad I fuck them with a rusty dragon spear because I use brutalizer + phage
DPS Jarven vs Tank Graves.

Two men enter, one manly man leaves.


Gvaz said:
So my friends all play this but I've literally never played this kind of game before, what do I do?
Play the tutorials

Practice co-op vs AI till you feel confident enough to face real foes.

Pick a champ you like and stick to it. When you feel confident with that champ, branch out.

Don't buy runes till you're level 20.

Don't die.


Gvaz said:
There are so many heroes, this is hard to remember :(
I don't mean to be a total jerk, but in general, if you don't like lots of champions, and lots to learn, and lots of contradictory opinion on what the best strategies/items are, and lots of stress and rage and 40-70 minute games where you lose, this may not be a good game to get into.

It's not an easy or simple thing to get into, is all I'm saying. And you have to not mind losing (unlike me). :(


Blizzard said:
I don't mean to be a total jerk, but in general, if you don't like lots of champions, and lots to learn, and lots of contradictory opinion on what the best strategies/items are, and lots of stress and rage and 40-70 minute games where you lose, this may not be a good game to get into.

It's not an easy or simple thing to get into, is all I'm saying. And you have to not mind losing (unlike me). :(



Gvaz said:
There are so many heroes, this is hard to remember :(
You don't have to play them all. It's often best to stick to one champ at the start, so you can worry more about learning the mechanics. You'll learn how the other champs work when you face them.


League of Legends is indeed conspiring to make me lose now. With 3 games of premade GAF people today, I had, as Warwick:

7/2/8 (shorter game I guess?)
19/4/11 (probably my best warwick record yet aside from deaths?)

And yet despite those records, and possibly having the most kills every game, I lost every game, and someone even criticized my build choice in the last game because we lacked AD damage. :(


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
WW isn't a good a carry as someone like Noc or Trynd, so even getting really good scores won't necessarily allow you to carry your team. Item builds also factor into this, if you're building a typical tankwick then it's very unlikely you'll be able to rip through their enemies in teamfights.
Blizzard said:
League of Legends is indeed conspiring to make me lose now. With 3 games of premade GAF people today, I had, as Warwick:

7/2/8 (shorter game I guess?)
19/4/11 (probably my best warwick record yet aside from deaths?)

And yet despite those records, and possibly having the most kills every game, I lost every game, and someone even criticized my build choice in the last game because we lacked AD damage. :(

I like that your WW takes after mine, that makes you a good man in my eyes. Stick with it, you'll be able to win most games as WW. It also really helps if you have a duo partner/a team behind you so you can coordinate mid ganks better.

Warwick should be more helpful in the 6-11lvl range with good ganks than late game. Late game he's there too clean up fights and pickoff the squishies/hopefully not get ignited too much.


Blizzard said:
League of Legends is indeed conspiring to make me lose now. With 3 games of premade GAF people today, I had, as Warwick:

7/2/8 (shorter game I guess?)
19/4/11 (probably my best warwick record yet aside from deaths?)

And yet despite those records, and possibly having the most kills every game, I lost every game, and someone even criticized my build choice in the last game because we lacked AD damage. :(

warwick isn't supposed to do ad damage though.


Halycon said:
WW isn't a good a carry as someone like Noc or Trynd, so even getting really good scores won't necessarily allow you to carry your team. Item builds also factor into this, if you're building a typical tankwick then it's very unlikely you'll be able to rip through their enemies in teamfights.
Oh I know, I'm not trying to be a carry, I'm just saying that I thought I was at least being helpful, but sometimes it doesn't work out due to the team or matchups, sadly. I realize I could do higher damage builds, but frankly I get CC'd enough and barely survive teamfights enough that I don't really want to build a squishy warwick.

Ultimoo said:
warwick isn't supposed to do ad damage though.
Only when autoattacking but yeah, they said I should have helped with that role. Anyway, did okay and won the most recent game so yay. :)
Gvaz said:
So my friends all play this but I've literally never played this kind of game before, what do I do?

Play some practice games, gather IP (influence points), then buy Morgana. Then say you want MID (middle lane) every game. Learn how to farm, and learn her spells (stun, area of effect, shield + ultimate). Proceed to OWN nubs. (Or lose, it depends).


perryfarrell said:
Play some practice games, gather IP (influence points), then buy Morgana. Then say you want MID (middle lane) every game. Learn how to farm, and learn her spells (stun, area of effect, shield + ultimate). Proceed to OWN nubs. (Or lose, it depends).
Watch the enemy pick AP carry Soraka and lose (laning phase). Every single time. She's the only real counter to Morgana. That and maybe a good Xin Zhao, but how often do we see those?


bjaelke said:
Watch the enemy pick AP carry Soraka and lose (laning phase). Every single time. She's the only real counter to Morgana. That and maybe a good Xin Zhao, but how often do we see those?
AD Casters and certain ranged carries also work against Morg in my experience.
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