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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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SouthernDragon said:
Eww. Well, that could be good, too. We could have a GAF Clinic, could be nice.

When I saw GAF Clinic I thought of a 5 vs 5 GAF custom game, where instead of fighting, everyone will speak up and help each other on their rage and anger issue. The GAF therapist will be in Spec slot.

Whoever play Amumu will give a very emotional speech while crying with W, and at the end he will ult for a group hug.

thestopsign said:
I'd be willing to spectate and critique games, if you consider me good that is. You should be pretty easy to correct if you listen Southern, because you know your shit, you just have it all mixed up in your head.

Would it be easier if we just upload replay? Its pretty reasonable size.


Fizz is yet another melee assassin, let's all cheer.
I hate assassins.

Greeting, summoners!

At Riot, we like to provide a variety of champion styles, archetypes, and roles. Sometimes, we like to release a champion with an understood, defined role (such as Graves), while with others we try to shake up the traditional roles and offer a different way to impact the game. Fizz, the Tidal Trickster, is a perfect example of this. He splashes down somewhere in the melee assassin space, but in ways that change the role a bit -- especially compared to other assassins like Akali or Talon.

Fizz is able to pressure high-value targets like an assassin, but makes frequent use of evasive abilities and favors sustained damage over burst. This creates a different sort of hit-and-run gameplay style that allows this little amphibian to dance around the battlefield, using evasion to stay alive and keep the opponent guessing.

The primary way Fizz keeps enemies on their toes is with Playful/Trickster – a stance that has him pole vault on the end of his trident and become un-targetable. Fizz can activate the ability again to move off of the trident in any direction he chooses, dealing (literally) splash damage when he lands. In this way he can dodge big spells, dodge heavy damage in teamfights, and escape for another set of attacks shortly thereafter. Proper use of Playful/Trickster rewards good reflexes and situational awareness, since it has a powerful effect and short duration. Timing is everything.

Fizz also has something else up his sleeve that’s sure to impress, and is slightly out-of-role for an assassin. He starts by tossing a seemingly-innocent fish that sticks to a target. Then, just when they think they’re safe, it’s shark time! That’s right! A giant shark erupts from the ground and chomps down on the target and nearby friends. There’s really nothing else to say about this – a giant shark eats them, and it’s awesome.

It’d been awhile since we’d done a more whimsical character with a lighthearted theme, and Fizz fits the bill just right. Offering both a unique visual style and innovative gameplay to match, Fizz should really appeal to people who want to be -- both literally and figuratively -- slippery.


sparkle this bitch
I'm confused how Aki or Talon change it up? Aren't they like the very definition of the Assassin class? Hell Talon is it. Blink, Silence, Invis, high damage.
shintoki said:
I'm confused how Aki or Talon change it up? Aren't they like the very definition of the Assassin class? Hell Talon is it. Blink, Silence, Invis, high damage.

I think he's saying that Fizz changes it up, as opposed to Aki and Talon. He's saying that they're straight-forward assassins, and Fizz is not.
I'm really surprised Akali has gone this long with out getting nerfed up the butthole. I'm really tired of her shit. Reduce the amount of damage on her Q and proc and she will be perfectly viable and not nearly as fucking OP. Only champion I play against that can actively make me rage. I say play against because almost any champion on my own team can make me rage at this point. (Sorry for the swearing, just had two bad games both involving Akalis).

I can watch replays as well, just need to download the program I think.


sparkle this bitch
thestopsign said:
I'm really surprised Akali has gone this long with out getting nerfed up the butthole. I'm really tired of her shit. Reduce the amount of damage on her Q and proc and she will be perfectly viable and not nearly as fucking OP. Only champion I play against that can actively make me rage. I say play against because almost any champion on my own team can make me rage at this point. (Sorry for the swearing, just had two bad games both involving Akalis).

I can watch replays as well, just need to download the program I think.
I think I bring her up every now and then. I don't like the spammy, low risk characters in general.
They have always been very difficult to balance and ones like Aki have such a strong offense/defense skill, similar to Vlad. It gives them a lot of room for error that most other characters can't get.


thestopsign said:
I'm really surprised Akali has gone this long with out getting nerfed up the butthole. I'm really tired of her shit. Reduce the amount of damage on her Q and proc and she will be perfectly viable and not nearly as fucking OP. Only champion I play against that can actively make me rage. I say play against because almost any champion on my own team can make me rage at this point. (Sorry for the swearing, just had two bad games both involving Akalis).

I can watch replays as well, just need to download the program I think.
A nurse akali on the other team went like 0/6 in the first half of the game and finally snapped, going afk or trolling for the rest. I was so happy to have what was apparently a BAD akali for once. Otherwise you need pink wards or someone good with oracles and she still hurts.

Regarding Fizz and trollpool 2.0, I assume you're talking about Akali? Then yeah, Fizz should be awesome since pink wards and oracles won't even affect him. =P Or if you mean Vlad then sure, fair enough.

LANDSHARK. I think I shall keep saving up my IP.
kiunchbb said:
When I saw GAF Clinic I thought of a 5 vs 5 GAF custom game, where instead of fighting, everyone will speak up and help each other on their rage and anger issue. The GAF therapist will be in Spec slot.
Whoever play Amumu will give a very emotional speech while crying with W, and at the end he will ult for a group hug.
Would it be easier if we just upload replay? Its pretty reasonable size.

You're too funny, Kiunch. A replay might be better, actually. I didn't remember we have that capability, even if it is through a third party. Is it purely a video file, or are there options like seeing CS and that kind of thing?

I just suggested a spectator watching because there are all of those nice options.

thestopsign said:
I'd be willing to spectate and critique games, if you consider me good that is. You should be pretty easy to correct if you listen Southern, because you know your shit, you just have it all mixed up in your head.

I'd listen.

What makes me rage (well, aside from other things) is that I often realize the stupid shit I'm doing AS I'm doing it. Like, I'll hang out too low in a lane against an aggressive Akali. I'll have a gut feeling that I should go back, but I'll ignore it. Or I'll go out to farm and there will be three people missing, and my inner alarm bell is screaming. So I'll die, and then I'll chide myself for ignoring my intuition.

But one of the huge gaps in my knowledge is how to approach the champion in-game. You can find rune pages, skill order, and build order anywhere. But how you actually act in battle and in lane is totally different and difficult to convey through text. For example, I cannot play Akali or Annie at all. Theoretically, they are extremely easy and effective champions to play. But I got destroyed as those champions, I didn't know how to be aggressive as them.

And I'm sure there's stupid shit I do that I'm not even aware of, so that'd be nice, too.

I think I'll download that program now.

P.S. For those who missed it:

I propose a GAF Clinic, where the good players spectate or watch replays of the mediocre players, and offer pointers based on in-game performances. I think this is far, FAR better than posting endgame screencaps. It's more representative.

As a personal example, Yorick. There are games I'm just shitty, but there are games I actually do pretty well and strongly contribute to pushes and team fights. My scores end up being similar, though, so it's not really indicative of how I performed in game.

Trust me. :<



I started out good, in fact everyone did except Taric who continually fed (stood still, over extended, etc) and then Trundle left the game =(

Even with the 4 of us, and them getting Baron ~4 times and whatever jungle/buffs available to them many times during the entire course of the game, it was at a stalemate for around 30 minutes.

At around 71 minutes we decided to BD them, while they were slowly pushing all the lanes. We got to the nexus and 3 of them recalled. During the fight I managed to kill all three while my entire team died. I couldn't tank the nexus turrets and Nasus and Tris had destroyed all three inhibs with huge minion waves and we lost.

Also Cait is OP, nerf more please.


bjaelke said:
Nasus with 489 CS. That Q damage >_<
Yet he has second lowest kill involvement on his team. Unlimited growth potential champs are a plague.

Fail design, reminds me of Pudge from DotA -_-


Nome said:
Yet he has second lowest kill involvement on his team. Unlimited growth potential champs are a plague.

Fail design, reminds me of Pudge from DotA -_-
Q also works on towers/inhibitors, so you can really read anything from his kills.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I think when the game gets to the point where nearly everyone has all 6 slots filled with expensive items, we can safely assume all towers have been down for a while now and they're trading raxes.


solblade00 said:
Also Cait is OP, nerf more please.
You're complaining about Cait when she was on your team, and you lost, and she didn't even have the most kills? RAGE. Down with the anti-Caitlyn agenda! She's pretty! I will have to commit seppuku if she becomes nerfed to Miss Fortune or Sivir tier in an effort to get me to buy Graves or something.

(hopefully they don't nerf her again quickly since they just nerfed her...nerf Akali first maybe?)


Halycon said:
I think when the game gets to the point where nearly everyone has all 6 slots filled with expensive items, we can safely assume all towers have been down for a while now and they're trading raxes.

This is the worst part of the game IMO, when advantages from good early playing mean nothing because everyone ends up getting farmed. It happens very often in LoL >.<


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Happens quite often in HoN and DOTA as well.

Although it's easier to maintain momentum in those two because lol no gold for you.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Nome said:
This is the worst part of the game IMO, when advantages from good early playing mean nothing because everyone ends up getting farmed. It happens very often in LoL >.<
I feel like my games rarely ever last that long.

Also, Nasus is a boss. That guy just sucks.
Nome said:
Yet he has second lowest kill involvement on his team. Unlimited growth potential champs are a plague.

Fail design, reminds me of Pudge from DotA -_-

Q was going to be capped quite a few patches ago.

However, general discussion did it's normal thing and Morello backed off.

For now. (It will eventually be capped, like Veigar's Q will)


Halycon said:
I think when the game gets to the point where nearly everyone has all 6 slots filled with expensive items, we can safely assume all towers have been down for a while now and they're trading raxes.
I'm fairly certain Q works before getting all 6 items. I was never referring to his end game, but the fact that he only has 5 kills and 4 deaths throughout the entire game.
Been playing this to get my head around these style of games before hopefully playing DOTA2. Been having a lot of fun in bot games and venturing occasionally out into SR, TT and dominion games.
Recently have been trying lux, after playing a lot of Annie and Teemo and having a lot of fun with her. Thinking about saving up for some more runes (got most of a set - am nearing level 30)or wondering if there are any other good burst heros to try out?


If you're looking for an AP burst champion, then I suggest Brand. He's currently the strongest burst mage in the game. Other options are Veigar (free this week), Kassadin (anti mage), Ryze (only with "special" runes) and Xerath.


bjaelke said:
If you're looking for an AP burst champion, then I suggest Brand. He's currently the strongest burst mage in the game. Other options are Veigar (free this week), Kassadin (anti mage), Ryze (only with "special" runes) and Xerath.

Leblanc is burstier and bustier.


I didn't include her because she's rubbish in team fights and late game. Brand on the other hand is good throughout the game, on his own and in team fights.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
bjaelke said:
If you're looking for an AP burst champion, then I suggest Brand. He's currently the strongest burst mage in the game.
Brand has fallen off a lot in terms of popularity and power if you ask me. With Xerath, Cass, Karthus and Sion all being better choices mid at the moment you don't really see a whole lot of Brand.


Dance In My Blood said:
Brand has fallen off a lot in terms of popularity and power if you ask me. With Xerath, Cass, Karthus and Sion all being better choices mid at the moment you don't really see a whole lot of Brand.
sions a good mid hero now? wat.


Dance In My Blood said:
Do you like...even still play or something? Sion is fucking everywhere.
too much dominion I guess, I haven't kept up with dat league meta game

how is sion going to beat a ranged hero at mid?


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Ultimoo said:
too much dominion I guess, I haven't kept up with dat league meta game

how is sion going to beat a ranged hero at mid?
He just shields up. Stuns when they get close. I dunno exactly, I don't play him, but he's very viable.


Dance In My Blood said:
He just shields up. Stuns when they get close. I dunno exactly, I don't play him, but he's very viable.
dunno, I guess if I ever find a good sion mid, I'll tell you if he raped me when I play Brand. where is boken, tell me about this new sion meta game!


AP Sion has been FOTM for some time now. Basically farms with his shield and then harass with stun + shield.
Dance In My Blood said:
Brand has fallen off a lot in terms of popularity and power if you ask me. With Xerath, Cass, Karthus and Sion all being better choices mid at the moment you don't really see a whole lot of Brand.
He was still quite popular at IEM which was the last big tournament.


Dance In My Blood said:
Not really. Lost every game too.[/QUOTE]
Yes really. Take out the "banned" number and his tied for the fourth most played AP carry after Cassiopeia (7), Kassadin (6) and Morgana (7).


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
bjaelke said:
Yes really. Take out the "banned" number and his tied for the fourth most played AP carry after Cassiopeia (7), Kassadin (6) and Morgana (7).
Why would you take out the bans? That's an important gauge of perceived champion power and usage.

In reality AP mids that were perceived as more of a threat were Cass, Kass, Zilean, Morg, Karthus, Ryze, Swain, and Gragas. Brand was only picked four times and lost every game. He arguably had less of an impact on IEM than pretty much any other AP mid champion.


quite popular =! most popular. I was merely making the case that he's still picked in ranged and one of the most popular burst mages around. Cassiopeia and Kassadin are the only burst mages with more picks/bans than Brand.

Ryze, Gragas and Swain were mostly played solo top to counter certain champions.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Ryze never even got played, but he would have gone mid. The person playing Gragas and having Gragas banned was Reginald, who plays AP mid. I didn't watch every Swain game but I distinctly remember him showing up mid as a counter to Kassadin.


Dance In My Blood said:
Ryze never even got played, but he would have gone mid. The person playing Gragas and having Gragas banned was Reginald, who plays AP mid. I didn't watch every Swain game but I distinctly remember him showing up mid as a counter to Kassadin.
That's just wrong.

Sypher banned Ryze because he counters Nasus top. He's only played to counter other champions, so banning him (somewhat) ensures the safety of those champions.

Gragas was also played bot in 1vs2 where ad carry and support would go top.

Swain can be played on both positions - just like Ryze, he's a counter to melee champions at top lane. It's true that he was played one time in mid lane, but that was against a Katarina if I recall correctly (she was counter picked).


Dance In My Blood said:
dunno, I guess if I ever find a good sion mid, I'll tell you if he raped me when I play Brand. where is boken, tell me about this new sion meta game!
He's a soloq- stomper, due to his good farm capability and effective roam- gank potential (through which he can snowball easily).

He's not so hot in a proper competetive- enviroment.
bjaelke said:
He was still quite popular at IEM which was the last big tournament.
Only because Xerath wasn't allowed in the tournament during that time.


Ultimoo said:
dunno, I guess if I ever find a good sion mid, I'll tell you if he raped me when I play Brand. where is boken, tell me about this new sion meta game!
Sion was always strong mid, people just never realised it. We all thought Sion was shit because he usually had to go top, where he would get decimated.

Sion is good mid because: high burst, high survivability, easy, long duration cc and easy farm. Most mid champions can't break his shield efficiently after a certain level and so he can trade damage and mana with them. His stun is great for jungle ganks. And he also pushes the lane incredibily hard so he can go gank another lane himself (mobility boots build)

Brand however, is still one of the top mid champions (with xerath, sion and morgana). I don't know if Brand simply straight up beats Sion (because, you still need 2 spells to break his 1 shield) but for the first few levels, Brand is certainly stronger. Sion trying to walk into range is also pretty easy stuns for Brand. Either way, even if you cant beat him, at least Brand can push the lane back almost as well.

bla bla

Malzahar counters Sion mid though.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
bjaelke said:
That's just wrong.

Sypher banned Ryze because he counters Nasus top. He's only played to counter other champions, so banning him (somewhat) ensures the safety of those champions.

Gragas was also played bot in 1vs2 where ad carry and support would go top.

Swain can be played on both positions - just like Ryze, he's a counter to melee champions at top lane. It's true that he was played one time in mid lane, but that was against a Katarina if I recall correctly (she was counter picked).
Alright, first of all, Ryze does not counter Nasus. I don't know where this is even coming from, or what Ryze would do to counter in this situation. Garen is a good counter to Nasus. You just want someone who can trade in 1v1s and outsustain...that isn't Ryze. The six bans on Ryze had nothing to do with Nasus, because no team picked Nasus six times or would even want to. Sypher had Udyr top when they banned Ryze one time, so clearly it isn't a case of them running Nasus. I know Curse banned Ryze twice because they were taking Veigar mid. Some of the Ryze bans were against Scarra, who plays an incredible Ryze. Scarra plays mid.

While Swain can go top that doesn't negate the fact that he still showed up in mid. He doesn't counter Kat either, she counters him with her heal reduction, which is why they threw Morgana mid to lane against her. Kat only comes up in last pick so nobody is going to counter pick her anyways.

Really Brand just doesn't show up that much. In competitive play or otherwise he just isn't around, and I don't really expect to see much of him at all in the near future in tournaments with a Kassadin and Morgana heavy meta. He's not bad in any way, but he's just kind of an odd man out. I think there are better choices for mid, and evidently so do most other people.


I also notice that despite Caitlyn being such a popular choice, she lost twice as many games as she won. Compare that to the amazing kogmaw, who won more games. Plus kogmaw has a trumpet!


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Blizzard said:
I also notice that despite Caitlyn being such a popular choice, she lost twice as many games as she won. Compare that to the amazing kogmaw, who won more games. Plus kogmaw has a trumpet!
Top tier AD choices are Kog, Graves, Trist, and Vayne right now. Cait is right behind them though.


AEGISX said:
no ban on tryndamere? maybe they should start playin him. such a beasty carry
Either I'm blind or no one even played him, same as Sivir, Karma, and Eve. :O

I seem to recall the argument being that a coordinated team will use 1-2 exhausts and an ignite on Tryndamere and thus he will be killed and his ult will be useless. Of course, exhaust and ignite presumably has a longer cooldown than a Tryndamere dying/respawning/ult coming off cooldown cycle, but if no one used him, presumably tournament pros know something we don't. Or something.
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