But Caitlyn lost most of her games in say, IEM, Kog'maw is presumably better overall, and I enjoy playing Caitlyn. Have you tried playing her? What do you hate about her? And you'd leave champions like Akali, Lee Sin, Tryndamere, Talon, Sion, and Graves in the game? >_> (oh, Sion got a nerf too)
I'm convinced that Riot is dead set on nerfing all my favorite champions so I can't do anything but buy newly released 6300 champions before they're nerfed. I mean, they may nerf lots of other champions, but I conveniently ignore that unless they're my favorite. My only glimmer of hope will be if they ever un-nerf someone they already nerfed, but that may take 3-4 months before it reverts it. Rayven, is there ever any consideration to un-nerfing someone when they become almost totally unused and ineffective?
Next up, I expect Teemo, Warwick, and Annie nerfs, at which point I will have to quit the game forever. :'(