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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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sparkle this bitch
Dance In My Blood said:
Singed has a really weak early game, and has to really insert himself into minion waves to pull some kills down, and he's not going to be able to punish anyone in a 2v1 lane because again, he has to put himself out there. That situation is just hard for him, and it's why I only pick Singed in very specific situations if I'm going to play him.

Blinding dart shouldn't be a huge deal to Singed at least, and the mushrooms (don't step on them) shouldn't be an issue. While Teemo is a good counter to Singed, I don't see the combo of Teemo/Zilean as a problem as much as I do the 2v1 nature of the lane and Singed. Something like a Galio/Teemo lane would murder him way worse. But yeah, this is why you play Draft, or just put someone else top and switch your lane comps up.

The best way to handle the situation if you are dead set on running that lane would just be to lead your poison trail on the enemy minion wave as much as possible as it comes in, because that's the only opportunity you're really going to get to do much damage. When the situation gets to the point where they're approaching your turret you are going to have to land some throws on them here and there.
Some top lanes, just can not lane against a 2v1. Singed, Nasus, Irelia, etc. The ones that have to insert themselves heavily into lanes to get CS, can be denied very easily unless they have strong defense.

For 2v1 lanes, you may want to consider a range carry instead and bulk up the bottom. Or just go with the standard melee carries with a good early game(Morde/Garen). When I see the 2v1 lane, I always think of sticking two characters who can be aggressive early to not just deny the player, but outright wreck the lane in 10 minutes flat. You need a counter to this. Trist and Herm can clear lanes very early on(Most range carries should do alright). Aki is always an annoyance(One who still needs a nerf badly), but should be able to handle it also.

And if you really don't have anyone who can take the abuse. Throw your support up there. Janna or Soraka are surprisingly resilient. They can't win the lane, but they should be able to drag the lane out far longer than most give them credit for.


Dance In My Blood said:
The only lane combination that exists is AD/support.
Right, but I mean some champion combinations are entertaining, such as Alistar's knockup or Taric's stun, instantly followed by Caitlyn placing a trap under the champion so they get like 5-6 seconds of trappedness and damage.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Nasus is great as a 2v1 lane, and that's a match up I would actually feel very comfortable with. His life steal is amazing, and all he really needs to do is farm his Q. You're going to invest more into Spirit Fire than Wither if you're 2v1ing, but otherwise you're pretty much just going to chill out and farm some mobs. You won't be able to push people out of the lane like you would in a 1v1, but it doesn't really matter because they're just hampering their end game as it is. After the laning phase one team is going to wind up with a less than ideal but still strong Nasus, and the other team will have the CS of one lane split between two champs.

It is very easy to sustain as Nasus, and because of this, it can be almost impossible to push him out of lane even if you outnumber him. Turrets are really strong. As long as you're utilizing them you really don't have to worry about 2v1 lanes that much. Even if they deny you on CS you have to remember that they already denied themselves on CS just by running two top.


So we went up against a Blitz/Alistar jungling combo the other day. Absolutely trashed us, any hard counters to this other than just warding and out leveling them?

edit: that leblanc yesterday was amazing too


Ferrio said:
So we went up against a Blitz/Alistar jungling combo the other day. Absolutely trashed us, any hard counters to this other than just warding and out leveling them?
As in, they were both in the jungle? Or they each jungled half the map? If you have a jungler with wards you might be able to catch one of them in your jungle, I dunno.


Blizzard said:
As in, they were both in the jungle? Or they each jungled half the map? If you have a jungler with wards you might be able to catch one of them in your jungle, I dunno.

Both in the jungle roaming together most of the time, if they found you it was permastun.
LCGeek said:
Even league trolls are calling ign on this. For ign to be talking about jerks and their community I had quite a laugh and drink at that.

Sure, but the guy isn't exactly wrong. It's all pretty true.

oh god I can't believe I'm saying this about an ign article someone kill me


thestopsign said:
Just saw another GAFer in solo ranked queue for the first time ever. Was a good game, but my team pulled ahead at the end and got an uncontested baron.

For those who want a sort of unconventional yet strong pick. I'd suggest Teemo top and go a straight attack speed/proc build with Malady, Wit's End, Starks, and Frozen Mallet. He counters almost every top champion except maybe Irelia, and I stayed even with her for most of the game and crushed her with the help of the rest of my team late. Once you push the top tower down, completely mushroom up their top jungle and force their team to fight the rest of their fights in the top jungle.

Damn you for kicking my team's ass! >:p


I love running 1v2 top as Malzahar. Just sit under the tower and collect CS with my E. If they try to tower dive, suppress them and the turret melts them before the channel is over. Even without a jungler, I can hold out beyond the laning phase even without going back to buy.


sparkle this bitch
Dance In My Blood said:
Nasus is great as a 2v1 lane, and that's a match up I would actually feel very comfortable with. His life steal is amazing, and all he really needs to do is farm his Q. You're going to invest more into Spirit Fire than Wither if you're 2v1ing, but otherwise you're pretty much just going to chill out and farm some mobs. You won't be able to push people out of the lane like you would in a 1v1, but it doesn't really matter because they're just hampering their end game as it is. After the laning phase one team is going to wind up with a less than ideal but still strong Nasus, and the other team will have the CS of one lane split between two champs.

It is very easy to sustain as Nasus, and because of this, it can be almost impossible to push him out of lane even if you outnumber him. Turrets are really strong. As long as you're utilizing them you really don't have to worry about 2v1 lanes that much. Even if they deny you on CS you have to remember that they already denied themselves on CS just by running two top.
Ideally he should be good, reality no. His lifesteal even with Regen pedant can not keep up with the damage output of two characters. And his E is too mana intensive to keep up with minion waves if they choose to push the lane.

That of course is irrelevant next to one fact, he poses zero threat. A single slow and pure melee character. As I said early, I'd stack the lane with two characters who can push early or combo up. Last time I had a 2v1 with a Nasus was with my Lux and a Nid. He can't sustain against two characters who can freely harass him. Which has always been Nasus' problem. He is so easy to push around early.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
If you like your current setup you best get your LoL on hardcore today then because tomorrow is going to be crazy with a new champ, probably new weekly rotation of free characters, new mastery trees, and the summoner spell changes.

It's going to be a bumpy ride while people figure out the mastery tree differences for the next few weeks IMO.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Rayven said:
Woot, spectator open beta is live!

Looking forward to more shoutcasted scrims.

Hasn't it been like this for a little while now or did something change? I thought it went live and available to all in beta state like a week or so ago?

Either way it's cool, but still needs a ton more work. Not being able to join a game in progress and only being able to join custom games isn't the greatest.


red_13th said:
Woot gonna spectate for the first time.

I want the patch notes so bad, I hope they accidentally delete Caitlyn this patch.
Only if they also delete Kog'maw, Akali, Graves, Talon, Tryndamere, Jax, Zilean, and Udyr, please!

Why do you hate Caitlyn? You know who else hated Caitlyn? HITLER.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
red_13th said:
Woot gonna spectate for the first time.

I want the patch notes so bad, I hope they accidentally delete Caitlyn this patch.

She's getting nerfed. Caitlyn, Graves, and Kog are all hitching a ride on the nerf train while Corky, Tristana, and Miss Fortune are all get l'buffed. :p


I've done a 2vs1 today with Alistar, and I recommend to do so if you think Alistar fills the composition. with 1 level in q and w, go max E and you will fuck up their last hits, won't be pushed excessively, and if the jungler comes to gank you will have plenty of disables to help! (Try to rush a philosopher stone, it helps a lot)


FutureZombie said:
My body is ready for Miss Fortune buffs. She's so fun to play. I love making it rain.
One of the many reasons everyone hates me is that I tend to beg people not to play Miss Fortune and to instead play like, any other AD carry. It's probably possible for her to have high autoattack damage, but I feel like most games she has 300-400 minion kills, some miscellaneous items, and rather little effect on fights.
Blizzard said:
One of the many reasons everyone hates me is that I tend to beg people not to play Miss Fortune and to instead play like, any other AD carry. It's probably possible for her to have high autoattack damage, but I feel like most games she has 300-400 minion kills, some miscellaneous items, and rather little effect on fights.

I think she should be the ranged hybrid champ. That role really isn't filled. But they need to make her ult scale better for that to work.


aka surume
Brettison said:
Hasn't it been like this for a little while now or did something change? I thought it went live and available to all in beta state like a week or so ago?

Either way it's cool, but still needs a ton more work. Not being able to join a game in progress and only being able to join custom games isn't the greatest.
Those were limited beta windows. This is open beta, up all the time.

Also, consider this a first step.

Deleted member 77995

Unconfirmed Member
Wait, i thought we were just getting the new champ tomorrow or wednesday... and that the bigger changes wouldn't happen till season 2?


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
commonfate said:
Wait, i thought we were just getting the new champ tomorrow or wednesday... and that the bigger changes wouldn't happen till season 2?

Well the video with all of the changes is called Patch Preview: Fizz, and yet it describes all of the other changes.


I just played the most one sided draft game. 4/5 of their team worked off of AP and they let us draft Veigar and Galio (me). Their mage carry was even Xerath who got instantly destroyed by our skillshots every time he tried to root himself. Damn that was fun.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Ferrio said:
Free shyvana already? wow

I'm ready to see bad shyvanas!

It seems like they make the previous character free whenever they decide to release the next character.

On a side note there haven't been any patch notes posted yet. The official LoL forums are QQing over no patch notes yet, and some are taking it as a sign we might not get a patch tomorrow as the notes are usually up by now.



* General
o Attack range reduced to 525 from 550
o Base mana lowered to 295 from 342
* Buckshot damage per additional missile reduced to 25% from 30%

RIP graves we hardly knew ye

Oct-Nov 2011


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Jenga said:

* General
o Attack range reduced to 525 from 550
o Base mana lowered to 295 from 342
* Buckshot damage per additional missile reduced to 25% from 30%

RIP graves we hardly knew ye

Oct-Nov 2011
Glad I held off on buying him. Even those small Yi changes make me want to jungle him again. I think he could be strong with the new Cleanse too.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Thumbs Up for the Master Yi buffs. Should help me early game when I have no mana and no attack speed items.

Will surge stack?
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