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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Brettison said:
EDIT: Supposedly Surge will let you solo blue without a leash at the start of a match now if you also bring smite of course.
With what champ? I've solo'd blue as Skarner at level 1 without a leash, and I'm not even level 30 yet.


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Wrekt said:
With what champ? I've solo'd blue as Skarner at level 1 without a leash, and I'm not even level 30 yet.

I'm not exactly sure. Saw a thread on the official forums, and it seemed like pretty much anyone and everyone of the normal jungle crowd anyways. I guess the attack speed increase + life steal = cake walk for everyone now.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Brettison said:
I'm not exactly sure. Saw a thread on the official forums, and it seemed like pretty much anyone and everyone of the normal jungle crowd anyways. I guess the attack speed increase + life steal = cake walk for everyone now.
There's also the six damage return on hit from creeps.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Kozak said:
Not sure if I like promote at all.

Used it in a custom game and it easily was the determining factor of who won mid.
The rise of Smite mid to counter Promote.


red_13th said:
They buff Orianna's range (wtf), rape Grave's range, nerf Kog's... and keep Caitlyn's range the same.
Riot wtf are you doing. I know she's a crowd favourite like Irelia so she gets added layers of protection but, I mean, REALLY?

I bet Orianna's range was only buffed because she's a Xypherous design.
Orianna was supposedly OP at one point, but I literally do not think I have seen her in the last two MONTHS of playing the game. I have probably seen 1-2 Karmas, multiple Eves, and multiple Sivirs, multiple Mordes in that time and no Oriannas. She was NOWHERE.

SafeinSound said:
Achtius said:
Fizz is kinda fun. Low CD and strong burst.
Screw you guys I called dibs! And Achtius you're not allowed to buy him, you were going to buy those other guys instead!


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Blizzard said:
Orianna was supposedly OP at one point, but I literally do not think I have seen her in the last two MONTHS of playing the game. I have probably seen 1-2 Karmas, multiple Eves, and multiple Sivirs, multiple Mordes in that time and no Oriannas. She was NOWHERE.
Orianna is hard to play, so if she's underpowered it's hard to feel like it's worth playing her because the yield isn't great.

Kind of like Riven to be honest, who you will see less and less of the older she becomes.


Dance In My Blood said:
Orianna is hard to play, so if she's underpowered it's hard to feel like it's worth playing her because the yield isn't great.

Kind of like Riven to be honest, who you will see less and less of the older she becomes.
Now that's just mean and biased against senior citizens champions! Poor Riven.

I agree about her being underpowered though, which is why I thought it was weird someone would complain about her getting a buff.

y2dvd said:
What is back capping?
I think it's charging through the jungle to capture points near the enemy's base that are not actively defended in Dominion, since they have 3 champions, a garrison, two mini-turrets, and four Shaco boxes camping the top control point and you are probably never going to capture it alone.

On a totally different note, I really need to try jungle Malphite again. I wonder whether flash or surge would be better on him.


Blizzard said:
Screw you guys I called dibs! And Achtius you're not allowed to buy him, you were going to buy those other guys instead!

I didn't buy him, I brought talon instead. But that doesn't mean I don't have access to Fizz :p


Kozak said:
Not sure if I like promote at all.

Used it in a custom game and it easily was the determining factor of who won mid.

That actually makes me feel better. I was thinking it would be useless, the fact that it's a threat mean it's worth picking which is what we needed.

Sounds like a good pick for leblanc mid, since whenever I kill my opponent I can't do shit to the tower.


The new materies look like they're going to make jungling so easy that everyone will want to do it.
I wish, but in all honestly, I do want to try it out more now. Just need to buy Noc and Lee Sin =(


solblade00 said:
The new materies look like they're going to make jungling so easy that everyone will want to it.
I wish, but in all honestly, I do want to try it out more now. Just need to buy Noc and Lee Sin =(

How do they make it easier?
Ignite is dead....long live surge!

Honestly, why would anyone take ignite or exhaust now that cleanse removes it? At least surge will be nice.

And am I the only one that thinks the offense tree is amazing and the other trees are underwhelming?
FutureZombie said:
Ignite is dead....long live surge!

Honestly, why would anyone take ignite or exhaust now that cleanse removes it? At least surge will be nice.

And am I the only one that thinks the offense tree is amazing and the other trees are underwhelming?

The defensive tree is pretty amazing for tanks, and the utility tree is amazing for supports. I think it all balances out, just the benefits aren't as immediately obvious as they are with the offensive masteries.


Wonder if I'll stick with flash, even at 400 range it's still damn good. Wonder which is better for escaping, ghost or flash.
Yeah, I just started trying Jungle Fiddlesticks a little while back and any trouble I've ever had is gone thanks to these updates. Taking blue out solo at level 1 is ridiculously easy.


solblade00 said:
The new materies look like they're going to make jungling so easy that everyone will want to it.
I wish, but in all honestly, I do want to try it out more now. Just need to buy Noc and Lee Sin =(
Careful about buying Nocturne after the nerf in this patch. Might want to wait until he's free again.


Maybe we'll start seeing unconventional junglers too.

Man rocking surge/heal as a support is going to be nuts. Pity my only support is sona which keeps getting hit hard with the bat (for good reason)


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Ferrio said:
Maybe we'll start seeing unconventional junglers too.

Man rocking surge/heal as a support is going to be nuts. Pity my only support is sona which keeps getting hit hard with the bat (for good reason)

Surge is semi meh for supports as of now because Riot said while they intended it to be an Aura it's only a self cast now. Even if it wasn't an aura but it was castable on teammates that would rock. I play Soraka though, and the buff really doesn't help her all that much as a self cast over other stuff I could take.


Brettison said:
Surge is semi meh for supports as of now because Riot said while they intended it to be an Aura it's only a self cast now. Even if it wasn't an aura but it was castable on teammates that would rock. I play Soraka though, and the buff really doesn't help her all that much as a self cast over other stuff I could take.

Wait it isn't an aura? Damn well damn...

Looks like it'll be a must on Shyvana though. Totally useless on riven.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.



Btw surge sucks for ganking so I don't think it will be that great as a jungling mastery. I can see builds that omit smite for surge, but not use smite and surge together. How are you going to gap close if you're not WW or some similar champ when they flash/ghost?




FutureZombie said:
Am I enjoying surge on Master Yi? Yes, yes I am. It's like having two ults, except this one lasts 2x as long.
Just imagine Master Yi, Sivir, and/or Tryndamere killing towers with Surge and their ults.


AcridMeat said:
What's the cooldown?

Not sure specifically but it's not too long. It's pretty decent but not the greatest ult, I just like his kit overall. He's fast, a good laner, and requires some thought/skill to do well. I haven't had a very good game with him yet but every game my team kinda just lost every lane and whatever

My only gripe so far with him is that his e feels a tad too slow. If the animation was a bit quicker it would be much better


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Is it just me or does the middle of the Utility tree basically suck hardcore? Spell Vamp isn't near the spell that Lifesteal is, and the gold stuff just isn't enough return verses the amount of points you have to throw in. The exp boost would be nice, but you need 12 points in the tree to get there. Ugh...
Brettison said:
Is it just me or does the middle of the Utility tree basically suck hardcore? Spell Vamp isn't near the spell that Lifesteal is, and the gold stuff just isn't enough return verses the amount of points you have to throw in. The exp boost would be nice, but you need 12 points in the tree to get there. Ugh...

It's not just you.

Other than utility, I am loving the new masteries.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
FutureZombie said:
Am I enjoying surge on Master Yi? Yes, yes I am. It's like having two ults, except this one lasts 2x as long.
The cooldown timer on Surge is obscenely long. Exhaust seems like a better spell as it gives a debuff similar to Surge while slowing the enemy speed greatly. Seems much more practical. On a caster I think the bonus of an extra Ignite is still going to be better too. Surge might play out for someone like Akali I guess who will really benefit from both stats, but most of the time I think the burst and extended damage of Ignite or the utility of Exhaust are going to win out.
Dance In My Blood said:
The cooldown timer on Surge is obscenely long. Exhaust seems like a better spell as it gives a debuff similar to Surge while slowing the enemy speed greatly. Seems much more practical. On a caster I think the bonus of an extra Ignite is still going to be better too. Surge might play out for someone like Akali I guess who will really benefit from both stats, but most of the time I think the burst and extended damage of Ignite or the utility of Exhaust are going to win out.

Got my first pentakill with Master Yi today. :D

Surge is better than exhaust and ignite because exhaust and ignite can be removed with cleanse.


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Dance In My Blood said:
The cooldown timer on Surge is obscenely long. Exhaust seems like a better spell as it gives a debuff similar to Surge while slowing the enemy speed greatly. Seems much more practical. On a caster I think the bonus of an extra Ignite is still going to be better too. Surge might play out for someone like Akali I guess who will really benefit from both stats, but most of the time I think the burst and extended damage of Ignite or the utility of Exhaust are going to win out.

I think the main thing with Surge is it scales better into late game compared to something like say Ignite.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Brettison said:
I think the main thing with Surge is it scales better into late game compared to something like say Ignite.
Not really. Flat amount of AP and attack speed. I dunno. It's not that good. I can't think of a late game situation where 410 ranged true damage with a super healing debuff falls off. You also have that 10 AP from Ignite whenever it's on cooldown. Surge just seems bad to me, but if you like it, whatever. The GAF people who use Fortify have to move on to something else I guess.


Dance In My Blood said:
Not really. Flat amount of AP and attack speed. I dunno. It's not that good. I can't think of a late game situation where 410 ranged true damage with a super healing debuff falls off. You also have that 10 AP from Ignite whenever it's on cooldown. Surge just seems bad to me, but if you like it, whatever. The GAF people who use Fortify have to move on to something else I guess.

I might agree if cleanse didn't get changed too. Surge is garunteed increase in damage, ignite isn't now.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
People are vastly overestimating the prevalence of Cleanse. AP mids still going to run Flash/Ignite. Only position I could really see Cleanse stepping in is on top lane. So maybe don't run Ignite top, but otherwise, yeah, it's still cool.


Dance In My Blood said:
People are vastly overestimating the prevalence of Cleanse. AP mids still going to run Flash/Ignite. Only position I could really see Cleanse stepping in is on top lane. So maybe don't run Ignite top, but otherwise, yeah, it's still cool.

Fuck that I'm running promote mid.
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