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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Played like a billion games last night and won all of them. Except for the one that I played with Blizzard. Sorry buddy.

Last game of the night was masterful trolling. Needed more auras though.

3 Aegis, need more
In low elo and solo que, the tankiest team is pretty much guaranteed to win because people don't know how to focus fire or team fight in general.

I had a team last week where I was Garen and we had Ali, Singed, Amumu, and Galio.

Pure destruction.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Great games today so far. Everyone should watch. I won't be able to make fun of Riven anymore.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Why should anyone be making fun of Riven anyways? =|
Because it's Riven? She was a strong counter to Voyboy running Skarner top, not sure how she'd do against most other champs. Epik seemed to do a good job of counter-picking, and Riven was a part of that. Whether she's viable against many other comps remains to be seen.


Junior Member
Just caught Epik vs TSM; Sweet turnaround on Epik's part.

Definitely a nice crash course on how you're really supposed to play this game. Tightly packed teams, warding like it's nobody's business, and ballsy strategies... So thaaat's how you're supposed to play this game!? xD


the big difference between this and dota is that you can kinda...play a bit more carelessly. Only because of the lack of gold loss on death and the extreme reliance on items for certain chars (as well as smaller map size). I still enjoy both but LoL always feels a bit more action-packed than dota (especially at earlier levels)


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
No Cass today I think. Big change from the last tournament where she showed up or was banned in almost every game. Like I predicted, she was being overvalued.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
All of this Skarner attention is going to get him nerfed back down.

Edit: I didn't even realize this was pre-mastery changes. Skarner is going to be even bigger in tournaments in the future.


Played like a billion games last night and won all of them. Except for the one that I played with Blizzard. Sorry buddy.
I may be off by one or two games, but if memory serves me correctly, I played about 13 5v5 games yesterday and lost at least 10 of them.

Out of my 10 PVP Fizz games (this was after learning his controls in bot games), I lost NINE of them. For whoever was winning 80% of their Fizz games, please share your builds and playstyle. Of course, even having the proper builds and playstyle can't counter everything, such as:
  • One game, sort of even, possibly losing, three simultaneous disconnects 30 minutes in. Almost immediate loss.
  • Another game, one player raged after asking for Xin, kinda sucking and dying with Xin, and went afk half the game. Another one or two players were afk off and on.
  • Someone going Caitlyn against Vayne mid, dying two or three times despite our team being like dude, want to trade lanes? Pretty please? Like, are you sure? And they're like NAW DUDE I CAN HANDLE IT *dies 4th time*
  • One game where I got totally rolled as Fizz + Twitch and lost the tower under 7 minutes. This is probably mostly my fault but I really don't know what to do against soraka + maokai's near-constant AOE damage.
  • One game where the mid person (might have been Caitlyn, might have been leblanc) lost their mid tower under 7 minutes.
  • The game soda cop played, two simultaneous disconnects 30 minutes in. They came back like...5-10 minutes later after we had lost the rest of our towers in time for the nexus to go down.
Out of those problems listed, I was maybe able to help with one of them. So I don't know if my luck just sucks or what. Now I'm down to -56, after working my way up to -45 or so. :(


Played like a billion games last night and won all of them. Except for the one that I played with Blizzard. Sorry buddy.

Last game of the night was masterful trolling. Needed more auras though.

That game had me in hysterics. We had so much CC, and a lot of it was knockback. We didn't have much damage though, so what would happen is when we caught someone they'd ping pong all over the place due to knockbacks. Pretty much it was a slow humiliating death for anyone that got in our way. At the end i was crying from laughing so hard watching gangplank fly all over the place.


Here's another troll game from yesterday. We tried to get 5 tanks going Aegis straight-away, but ended up getting a random Nasus (2nd time he played him) who was gifted the best game of his lolcareer. We were unstoppable rolling around as a group since we went for the aura items.

Victory is Ours.



Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I ain't even gonna to buy Kog anymore.

Trist is just so good, and the quality of life changes to her last patch just make her loads of fun. Jumping around for quadra at the end vs. enemy team with baron.


I read in another forum that Riven is the strongest top lane right now. MLG is bringing that opinion into light i guess.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I read in another forum that Riven is the strongest top lane right now. MLG is bringing that opinion into light i guess.
Not even possible, baseless, reactionary, etc, etc. People just didn't think there were many Skarner counters and it turns out there is.

Team doesn't even try probably tried too hard (Victory btw):


I read in another forum that Riven is the strongest top lane right now. MLG is bringing that opinion into light i guess.
I really don't think this is true, even though I am annoyed at her getting attention in a competitive setting, possibly resulting in people claiming she's overpowered. :(

Maybe she's strong if it is 1v1 top lane against tanky melee people, and maybe in competitive settings that is all she would ever encounter. Against 1 or 2 ranged people I feel that she can really struggle, however, especially since she has no heal/lifesteal/spell vamp/sustain, and her shield is low early on which should make her not very tanky until she can buy items.


I may be off by one or two games, but if memory serves me correctly, I played about 13 5v5 games yesterday and lost at least 10 of them.

Out of my 10 PVP Fizz games (this was after learning his controls in bot games), I lost NINE of them. For whoever was winning 80% of their Fizz games, please share your builds and playstyle. Of course, even having the proper builds and playstyle can't counter everything, such as:
  • One game, sort of even, possibly losing, three simultaneous disconnects 30 minutes in. Almost immediate loss.
  • Another game, one player raged after asking for Xin, kinda sucking and dying with Xin, and went afk half the game. Another one or two players were afk off and on.
  • Someone going Caitlyn against Vayne mid, dying two or three times despite our team being like dude, want to trade lanes? Pretty please? Like, are you sure? And they're like NAW DUDE I CAN HANDLE IT *dies 4th time*
  • One game where I got totally rolled as Fizz + Twitch and lost the tower under 7 minutes. This is probably mostly my fault but I really don't know what to do against soraka + maokai's near-constant AOE damage.
  • One game where the mid person (might have been Caitlyn, might have been leblanc) lost their mid tower under 7 minutes.
  • The game soda cop played, two simultaneous disconnects 30 minutes in. They came back like...5-10 minutes later after we had lost the rest of our towers in time for the nexus to go down.
Out of those problems listed, I was maybe able to help with one of them. So I don't know if my luck just sucks or what. Now I'm down to -56, after working my way up to -45 or so. :(

I've had success with him. Won all my Fizz games, aside from one in Dominion.

I've tried different builds and they all worked.. Basically, his early game is tough in a lane against ranged. Just do what you can to last hit. Once you get a bit of AP, you can really harass by being very aggressive. I was mid against a Karthus. He was pushing mid so hard, I couldn't do anything but take damage and let my tower get hit. I decided to go on the offensive and killed him several times. Fizz has so much burst damage, you just harass with Q and W and use E to escape. Harass, escape, wait for cooldowns, harass, escape.

You can also use his E to dodge spells, including Karthus' ult and Noctures ult.. if you time it just right.

I tried a tankier build with RoA, but it didn't see to help all that much.

I typically start with Doran ring, rush a Lich Bane and go Death Cap.

That said, some lane comps just can't be beaten with Fizz. Like Cait + Sona or Alistar and Soraka..


I've had success with him. Won all my Fizz games, aside from one in Dominion.

I've tried different builds and they all worked.. Basically, his early game is tough in a lane against ranged. Just do what you can to last hit. Once you get a bit of AP, you can really harass by being very aggressive. I was mid against a Karthus. He was pushing mid so hard, I couldn't do anything but take damage and let my tower get hit. I decided to go on the offensive and killed him several times. Fizz has so much burst damage, you just harass with Q and W and use E to escape. Harass, escape, wait for cooldowns, harass, escape.

You can also use his E to dodge spells, including Karthus' ult and Noctures ult.. if you time it just right.

I tried a tankier build with RoA, but it didn't see to help all that much.

I typically start with Doran ring, rush a Lich Bane and go Death Cap.

That said, some lane comps just can't be beaten with Fizz. Like Cait + Sona or Alistar and Soraka..
I liked starting with shoes since doran's ring means you have absolutely no healing, but doran's ring may be good for letting you actually use spells. At level 3-5, using WQ + E to escape is about 180 mana if I recall correctly, out of a total of like...450 mana. Even AcridMeat says not to use E too much. However, starting with doran's ring and getting sheen early can probably help with mana.

Someone said they didn't think rushing lich bane was a good idea but it does seem useful. How about sheen, then rod of ages, then deathcap?

I did try dodging a Karthus ult with the E hop, but got hit anyway. I guess it has to be perfectly timed for when the explosion happens?
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