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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I have no experience playing Riven, but some of the arguments the posters at Team Liquid (.net) have made were pretty convincing. Her weak match-ups are champs that have sustain, such as Irelia.
I can't imagine what her strong matchups really are outside of melee champs who really have no ranged to counter her when she combos in. Skarner is really the only top lane champion I can think of where she can combo in and out with little fear of any rebuttal. She was good in that very specific situation, but normally she's pretty shit top because she doesn't have the sustain, so anyone who can trade with her automatically wins.

So pick her to counter Skarner, but for any other situation there are better champs, even if you're looking for a melee bruiser or AD bursty champ.


I liked starting with shoes since doran's ring means you have absolutely no healing, but doran's ring may be good for letting you actually use spells. At level 3-5, using WQ + E to escape is about 180 mana if I recall correctly, out of a total of like...450 mana. Even AcridMeat says not to use E too much. However, starting with doran's ring and getting sheen early can probably help with mana.

Someone said they didn't think rushing lich bane was a good idea but it does seem useful. How about sheen, then rod of ages, then deathcap?

I did try dodging a Karthus ult with the E hop, but got hit anyway. I guess it has to be perfectly timed for when the explosion happens?

It was just an idea of mine since he felt slow, even with shoes. If you're not bothered by his movement speed, you could go for a different first item. I think I'm just used to my AD champs that use my AD runes (with movement speed quints) and often have speed boosts (Udyr and Teemo, for example).

I usually prefer to start with boots on many champs, but I think the benefits of the ring outweigh the speed increase because of how weak he can be the first few levels. I think I have typically been building Ring/boot1/then either blasting wand or boots2, depending on which I feel would be better.


I did try dodging a Karthus ult with the E hop, but got hit anyway. I guess it has to be perfectly timed for when the explosion happens?

It just takes practice. I missed it a few times too. You just have to become attuned to exactly when the ult will hit and hit E just before that, since he only stays immune for a very short amount of time.

His E is probably the reason I like him so much. I can get in, do some damage (alone or in team fights) and escape easily. It can jump some walls and can also be used as a surprise fight initiator. It's incredibly versatile.


When I play Fizz I almost always get boots + pots for the sustain. For most of the early game I focus on just farming but there are a few matchups, generally top lane, where I feel comfortable harrassing the other team. If i'm mid I let the other mid play aggressively and hope my jungle recognizes how far up he is. The first thing I try to buy is a Catalyst the Protector then turn that into a Rod of Ages. If i'm having difficulty getting farm i'll buy two doran's rings instead. After the Rod of Ages I generally upgrade my boots to Sorc's or buy the needlessly large rod depending on how my funds look when I head back. Once I have my upgraded boots and needlessly large rod I get my Rabadons. After that it tends to vary but I try to stick to things with ap like Abyssal, Zhonya's, Rylai's, Void staff(haven't tried lich bane yet). Mostly been building him heavy AP and it's been working so far. Might try out some other stuff this week though.


Kiunch's Eve strikes again.


Man, I need to try sorc shoes more I guess. I probably go with merc treads in general.

And I want to know the time spent dead stat for that Eve, ha...we had a Jax with 16+ deaths earlier today.

I made the decision to go full AP that game and used a different mastery set up, that time it was 21/9/0. I did notice early game I had to worry about mana but that was because I bought the boots first, before the crystal.


Man, I need to try sorc shoes more I guess. I probably go with merc treads in general.

And I want to know the time spent dead stat for that Eve, ha...we had a Jax with 16+ deaths earlier today.

For Fizz, I'm using my AP rune set with AP quints, MPen marks and I get Sorc shoes.. Hope that helps at all. I may consider putting my move speed quints on that rune set, but I really like the extra AP from level 1.

I don't know if this is optimal at all. I've never bought extra rune pages and just use the 4 I have for free, so my rune sets are pretty generic.


nidalee is my wife
We were talking about this in Mumble. I was like, kitty kat Katarina, and people are like no, she's just a girl, not REALLY a cat, but I was all, Nidalee is both a cat AND a girl.

Also, I finally bought Taric to try support. I wasn't optimal but I guess I took a lot of damage, so it worked out alright.
We were talking about this in Mumble. I was like, kitty kat Katarina, and people are like no, she's just a girl, not REALLY a cat, but I was all, Nidalee is both a cat AND a girl.

Also, I finally bought Taric to try support. I wasn't optimal but I guess I took a lot of damage, so it worked out alright.
Enjoy. Taric support is fun.

But like Achtius says, "You think everyone is fun :|" YMMV, I guess.


LoL is ripe with furry material.

if you call Udyr a furry I will kill you. He is no animal. He killed those creatures like a boss and bathed in their blood to gain their strength He is the epitome of masculinity in the LOL universe.


if you call Udyr a furry I will kill you. He is no animal. He killed those creatures like a boss and bathed in their blood to gain their strength He is the epitome of masculinity in the LOL universe.

he dresses up as animals and fights like them/pretends to be them
thats totally different...


he dresses up as animals and fights like them/pretends to be them
thats totally different...
now you see, if furries were muscular men who dressed up as animals in order to use it to battle their enemies in glorious war then i'd be ok with furries as now all furries are fucking badass

but the sad reality of pathetic manchildren having sex with each other in terrible animal costumes with a host of mental disorders will forever keep the furry down


now you see, if furries were muscular men who dressed up as animals in order to use it to battle their enemies in glorious war then i'd be ok with furries as now all furries are fucking badass

but the sad reality of pathetic manchildren having sex with each other in terrible animal costumes with a host of mental disorders will forever keep the furry down

but thats why its funny to mess with 2th


oh shit you were making fun of 2th

yeah udyr is a fucking furry get told 2th

I really don't think making fun of 2nd was his goal. It is more like Uchip see "something" in 2nd that he wanted to recruit him to the world of furry.

Then again, who are we to judge, 2nd could be in a happier place if Uchip success.


Uchip is the lord of the furries I think.
At least we can agree that catgirls are the most socially acceptable form of furry.

On a semi-on-topic note, the other team just had an 8/0/5 Fizz. All he bought was doran's ring, sorc shoes, and rod of ages. He was 7/0/0 early on. I guess it depends on being lucky, patient, and good lane composition though.


At least we can agree that catgirls are the most socially acceptable form of furry.

On a semi-on-topic note, the other team just had an 8/0/5 Fizz. All he bought was doran's ring, sorc shoes, and rod of ages. He was 7/0/0 early on. I guess it depends on being lucky, patient, and good lane composition though.

im willing to try fizz on summoners rift if anyone wants to play

and catgirls are nonsensical, what with their 2 sets of ears, theyre closer to hugh hefners mysogynistic fetishism than anything.

Uchip is the lord of the furries I think.

you cant be lord of something you dont support


Holy shit is Fizz ever over-powered!
Details please. I've already explained in detail how I lost 9/10 of the games I tried with him, with a variety of builds. Which masteries/items did he get? What were the lane opponents? What strategy did he use for attacking which champion? I also detailed stuff that happened in each game.

I tried some more games, building straight AP now, but I still have the worst gold, worst score in the game, and a horrible time killing minions. I have laned against soraka twice with Fizz, and both times it seems incredibly hard to do anything with constant starcall stack damage and silence.


They really need to split matchmaking up by language. I've had 3 games in a row this morning where my 3/4 teammates chat just comes up as boxes. You can't win like that. They might be calling MIAs, they might be discussing the meaning of life. All I know is that we keep getting our asses kicked.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
They really need to split matchmaking up by language. I've had 3 games in a row this morning where my 3/4 teammates chat just comes up as boxes. You can't win like that. They might be calling MIAs, they might be discussing the meaning of life. All I know is that we keep getting our asses kicked.

I hate region locking games, but dang does it suck to get into a match with a bunch of BRs or a bunch of Asians on a purely communicative level. Your just instantly fucked if you don't have at least one person speaking your language in each lane.


now you see, if furries were muscular men who dressed up as animals in order to use it to battle their enemies in glorious war then i'd be ok with furries as now all furries are fucking badass

but the sad reality of pathetic manchildren having sex with each other in terrible animal costumes with a host of mental disorders will forever keep the furry down

holy shit. I'm agreeing with jenga. I think this is a sign of the GAF apocalypse.

but thats why its funny to mess with 2th

oh shit you were making fun of 2th

yeah udyr is a fucking furry get told 2th
ok, back to hating you both. Don't fuck with my udyr

Uchip is the lord of the furries I think.

paging Duckroll to give Uchip a new tag!


Well if you wanted to be optimal you would have bought Soraka or Sona.
Sona just got nerfed and Soraka was probably the very first champion I ever played (and the first time I guess I had to start apologizing since I got yelled at if I ever used starcall and/or killed a minion). ;_;

Soraka does seem very powerful if she has a good lane partner though.


Sona just got nerfed and Soraka was probably the very first champion I ever played (and the first time I guess I had to start apologizing since I got yelled at if I ever used starcall and/or killed a minion). ;_;

Soraka does seem very powerful if she has a good lane partner though.

Sona is still fine, despite the mana problem. I don't like soraka, almost useless at the end.


Sona is still fine, despite the mana problem. I don't like soraka, almost useless at the end.
This is probably true since in one of my games, a Soraka who was giving us problems ended up getting ganked several times, and I think we won. Of course she was alone.

The main problem with Soraka in my experience is that the first 10-20 minutes, maybe even 30 are horrible because of how much the starcall stack hurts combined with silence if you're a spellcaster.


This is probably true since in one of my games, a Soraka who was giving us problems ended up getting ganked several times, and I think we won. Of course she was alone.

The main problem with Soraka in my experience is that the first 10-20 minutes, maybe even 30 are horrible because of how much the starcall stack hurts combined with silence if you're a spellcaster.

soraka have infinite sustain, which also helps in the first 10-20 minute.


MLG losers finals starting now: http://pro.majorleaguegaming.com/live/league_of_legends
Sona is still fine, despite the mana problem. I don't like soraka, almost useless at the end.

Fantastic debuff, decent ratios on heal and the ability to shut down casters. Aim towards a 40% cdr build and you'll be able to influence the game from start to finish. She was too strong before the nerf - right now she's decent, but does lack some hard cc during the laning phase.


news flash LoL players: if all of you lose your lanes it's not always your fucking junglers fault, it's because you got outplayed bastards
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