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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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"Valve, where's my beta key?"
not gonna lie i'm playing less LoL and more dota 2

at least dota 2 players seem to have the decency to not flip out and blame everyone else when they fuck up


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
You guys suck. After a great day of posting in the official thread, you crawl back to your puny corner :p

Discuss MLG here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=452487

Also well done Lol community, you guys are giving good competition to starcraft.
Feels kind of awkward to discuss LoL there when the conversation will largely be ignored and nearly all talk is SC2 focused.
Sona is still fine, despite the mana problem. I don't like soraka, almost useless at the end.
I don't really agree at all. Epik ran Soraka in end game heavy comps because her late game is so strong. Her heal + bonus armor is really going to keep a carry alive, and her ultimate is pretty astounding in team fights. Even without factoring in any AP, you're looking at healing 2,200 damage across your entire team, and her 2.5 second silence can make or break team fights. Couple that in with her Q shredding MR and doing some of the best consistent damage of any support and you're looking at a very powerful end game force. With all the Karthus around lately Soraka is just even better.
Biased crowd is biased.

Also critana is too strong. Tower diving ezreal with exhaust and life stealing to stay alive.
Ez is a terrible choice against Trist, and it's just Dignitas ignoring basic counters once again. She can push him away and outrange him, or stomp him up close after a slow. She's very powerful but Dignitas just had no answer for her. The Zilean pick was also terrible. Karthus is clearly the strongest mid in the game, I don't know why these teams are letting him get picked and not countering it at all.


Feels kind of awkward to discuss LoL there when the conversation will largely be ignored and nearly all talk is SC2 focused.

Well I don't blame them, I was watching the LoL then switch to SC2 cause I heard all the cheering in the background that doesn't belong to LoL.

SC2 is just amazing to watch, pure action nonstop after the first 2 minute. Even though I don't play SC2, I still can tell when one player made some amazing play/decision.

They should disable flash till 10 minute in game, otherwise the first 20 minute of LoL is boring as hell. Especially when they spent another 10 minute selecting characters.


Ez is a terrible choice against Trist, and it's just Dignitas ignoring basic counters once again. She can push him away and outrange him, or stomp him up close after a slow. She's very powerful but Dignitas just had no answer for her. The Zilean pick was also terrible. Karthus is clearly the strongest mid in the game, I don't know why these teams are letting him get picked and not countering it at all.

Yeah Dignitas got punished in champion select. TSM banning Soraka and then getting to first pick Karthus was brilliant.


Ez is a terrible choice against Trist, and it's just Dignitas ignoring basic counters once again. She can push him away and outrange him, or stomp him up close after a slow. She's very powerful but Dignitas just had no answer for her. The Zilean pick was also terrible. Karthus is clearly the strongest mid in the game, I don't know why these teams are letting him get picked and not countering it at all.

interesting that people think Karthus is the best mid in the game when most Ranged AD and several casters can shit on him so easily. I need to watch some of these games where Karthus is mid and see what all they do.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
This Zilean shit needs to stop. Epik is usually good with picks but this comp just doesn't have enough damage.
interesting that people think Karthus is the best mid in the game when most Ranged AD and several casters can shit on him so easily. I need to watch some of these games where Karthus is mid and see what all they do.
Other than Morgana and Soraka who is countering Karthus?


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Seriously it seems like the Gaming house has massively paid off, they're so much better now.
SK was laughing about it a bit and now they didn't even qualify for IEM without Wickd. Pretty funny.

Can't wait to watch Jax/Riven as a combo.

And I just don't see the counters to Karthus that much. He's kind of a champion who is just stronger than anyone who counters him. Even if you kill him he's still alive. That's why it's funny to see people picking Zilean against him at MLG today. Zilean needs a well timed utlimate to save someone's life, Karthus has it built in, and is invulnerable after dying. You can't counter his global ultimate either unless you also have a global ultimate heal to stop it.


Other than Morgana and Soraka who is countering Karthus?

honestly... ive rarely had issues playing mid against him as a lot of champos. AD carries like Trist, MF, cait, twitch,, ashe, hell even Teemo and TF ive done well against Karthus plenty of times before. He is so squishy that sustained poke can fuck him hard too. you will take damage yourself but you can kill him and counter him.

But as i said before. i need to see some of the games and see how he is played in these tournaments.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
And I'm back to not respecting Riven at all. Not sure what they were thinking.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
honestly... ive rarely had issues playing mid against him as a lot of champos. AD carries like Trist, MF, cait, twitch,, ashe, hell even Teemo and TF ive done well against Karthus plenty of times before. He is so squishy that sustained poke can fuck him hard too. you will take damage yourself but you can kill him and counter him.

But as i said before. i need to see some of the games and see how he is played in these tournaments.

How do you sustain poke Karthus? He was outranging Xerath earlier at MLG. He can farm so safely in his lane with how far he away he can be. I also don't think he's squishy at all. Just one RoA and he can take a good deal of punishment. And so what if you kill him in a team fight? Then what? He still has he defile on, he can still throw bombs, and as long as he can get his ulti off his job is done. You can focus him down and stop nothing.


How do you sustain poke Karthus? He was outranging Xerath earlier at MLG. He can farm so safely in his lane with how far he away he can be. I also don't think he's squishy at all. Just one RoA and he can take a good deal of punishment. And so what if you kill him in a team fight? Then what? He still has he defile on, he can still throw bombs, and as long as he can get his ulti off his job is done. You can focus him down and stop nothing.

Reginald playing Karthus exceptionally well right now. Just look at his positioning. If he dies, he'll be right in the center of the battle and thus hitting a lot with defile.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
So I sort of hate playing as Soraka anymore. The support nerfs over the summer that pushed her cds to such high levels really sucks. I mean her baseline cd on her main heal is 20 seconds. Even with cdr runes/items you're looking at 12 seconds. Plus without any AP items her heals aren't very strong in early game.

Now throw in the fact that the new mastery trees gave a decent offensive and/or defense buff to people it makes her heals seem even less viable. Sure her Ulty is still nice especially late game with some AP items, but for the first 2/3rds of the game it's rather meh. Then if you try and go AP Soraka instead people just wonder why you aren't being a full on healbot support.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I think Anivia is one person that should be able to dominate Karthus mid, though not sure
Not really enough burst, and she's too mana hungry to sustain in lane long enough. Pre-6 she'll get pushed out of lane hard too. Her passive would help out if she can get back to her tower and Karthus ults, but that's about it.
Reginald playing Karthus exceptionally well right now. Just look at his positioning. If he dies, he'll be right in the center of the battle and thus hitting a lot with defile.
Yeah, he's just playing some phenomenal games.


How do you sustain poke Karthus? He was outranging Xerath earlier at MLG. He can farm so safely in his lane with how far he away he can be. I also don't think he's squishy at all. Just one RoA and he can take a good deal of punishment. And so what if you kill him in a team fight? Then what? He still has he defile on, he can still throw bombs, and as long as he can get his ulti off his job is done. You can focus him down and stop nothing.

again ive managed to do well versus karthus in the past. and i do need see these matches to see how regi plays karthus. im not saying karthus is bad mid. i am just saying i havent had problems with him and i need to see how others play him at high elo to understand why people think he is amazing.


not gonna lie i'm playing less LoL and more dota 2

at least dota 2 players seem to have the decency to not flip out and blame everyone else when they fuck up
I guess I'm unlucky then since I seem to always get at least two people who ragequit after 5 minutes.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Base push + baron = game over it seems now...
Epik playing really poorly. TSM playing great games. Trying to force Heimer and Riven there was just stupid. Trist ban was terrible, locking out champions to let them play Vlad...uh ok. Giving TSM Sona and Maokai every time is just dumb, even worse when they also let them have Yorick. Like, nobody with Teleport? Seriously?


not gonna lie i'm playing less LoL and more dota 2

at least dota 2 players seem to have the decency to not flip out and blame everyone else when they fuck up

ive seen a huge ammount of rage in dota2
and its even worse when they have mics (thankfully you can mute)


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
not gonna lie i'm playing less LoL and more dota 2

at least dota 2 players seem to have the decency to not flip out and blame everyone else when they fuck up

Are you in a different beta? I'd say the amount of rage has decreased since they added Reporting but it's still there.


my experiences with dota 2 far outweight that of LoL

i just came back from a game where I had to compete with a panth at bot

he wouldn't really understand why I didn't do any damage and would always yell at me when I was farming

it's like, how fucking stupid do you have to be

didn't help he played like a pussy and would never stun for easy kills


my experiences with dota 2 far outweight that of LoL

i just came back from a game where I had to compete with a panth at bot

he wouldn't really understand why I didn't do any damage and would always yell at me when I was farming

it's like, how fucking stupid do you have to be

didn't help he played like a pussy and would never stun for easy kills

Dota 2 is in beta and limited to select amount of people, just wait when release comes out to accurately judge the community of the game.


sparkle this bitch
How do you sustain poke Karthus? He was outranging Xerath earlier at MLG. He can farm so safely in his lane with how far he away he can be. I also don't think he's squishy at all. Just one RoA and he can take a good deal of punishment. And so what if you kill him in a team fight? Then what? He still has he defile on, he can still throw bombs, and as long as he can get his ulti off his job is done. You can focus him down and stop nothing.

They pick karth, pick Cass or Urgot.

He is pretty easy vs if you play him and realize just how weak he is. Always pick boots and 3 pots. Stay close to your own minions(His Q splits damage between the two). Most AD carries can just get into the minion pile and out damage him since he only can attack with the Q(Split damage). And most other AP, as long as you realize he isn't that large of damage. Press his ass hard early when he only has 4 bars of HP.

The ult shouldn't even be a factor when laning against him, because an aggressive player should be able punish a karth that much.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
He is pretty easy vs if you play him and realize just how weak he is.
Tell this to any of the professional teams he stomped at MLG this weekend. Can he be countered in certain situations? Sure, just like any other champion he is weak in certain matchups. To me he is still undoubtedly the strongest mid lane out there right now, and it is obvious that this is a popular opinion. Epik Gamer always ran Karthus when they were trying to play against the meta rather than with it this weekend. Karthus showed up more than any other AP carry, and had stronger performances than any other as well. I've heard great things about Xerath being really strong right now, but we didn't see him much, and when we did he was actually pretty much hard countered and outranged by Karthus.

You say his ult isn't a factor, but it was clear at MLG that it was by far the strongest ability in the game with Soraka banned out. Team fights would go down in bot or top and the Karthus ult would come in and sweep up kills that wouldn't have happened otherwise. How do you punish Karthus? Like, honestly? Even in the games I've played jungling recently it is immediately noticeable that Karthus is a champion who never has to put himself out on the line while laning because of how far back he can sit and farm to his hearts content, but still be ready to help with kills or assists anywhere on the map. He never really has to put himself in a position where the jungler can come in and harass or gank if he is playing smart.


With free mao week, I've laned against him maybe 6 times with both melee and ranged characters.

Is there any way to counter him, especially with clarity/heal/infinite sustain?


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
With free mao week, I've laned against him maybe 6 times with both melee and ranged characters.

Is there any way to counter him, especially with clarity/heal/infinite sustain?
Your hypothetical tough lanes are always so weird Blizzard. Clarity and Heal are both inherently terrible summoner spells. Why use either of them when you could simply take teleport which has infinitely more versatility?

Maokai is a very strong jungler right now, decent laner, but he's not worth the farm from a lane most of the time. Farm as hard as him or better and you win. Morgana hard counters him if you really need it. If his heal is that bad take Ignite or an anti-heal champ like Kat or Trist.


With free mao week, I've laned against him maybe 6 times with both melee and ranged characters.

Is there any way to counter him, especially with clarity/heal/infinite sustain?

Pick Galio and counter him with your own clarity/heal/infinite sustain!

Don't do that


And I just don't see the counters to Karthus that much. He's kind of a champion who is just stronger than anyone who counters him.
Kassadin HARD counters Karthus.

my experiences with dota 2 far outweight that of LoL

i just came back from a game where I had to compete with a panth at bot

he wouldn't really understand why I didn't do any damage and would always yell at me when I was farming

it's like, how fucking stupid do you have to be

didn't help he played like a pussy and would never stun for easy kills
So basically you see less rage in Dota2 than in LoL because you're the one raging in LoL. I got it.


Your hypothetical tough lanes are always so weird Blizzard. Clarity and Heal are both inherently terrible summoner spells. Why use either of them when you could simply take teleport which has infinitely more versatility?

Maokai is a very strong jungler right now, decent laner, but he's not worth the farm from a lane most of the time. Farm as hard as him or better and you win. Morgana hard counters him if you really need it. If his heal is that bad take Ignite or an anti-heal champ like Kat or Trist.
The thing is, I think each time I've laned against him it has been as Fizz or Caitlyn, both squishy champions. The most recent game he had Caitlyn, I was Caitlyn, and I was with Sona. I have a hard time timing my last hits early on already, but with maokai + clarity, there was a sapling taking off 100-200 damage from either me or Sona most of the early game. If you got hit by the sapling (maybe you have level 1 shoes max, hard to outrun it) and got hit by Caitlyn, that's 300-400 damage, right? He could keep throwing them due to clarity, and avoid being pushed due to Caitlyn killing minion waves and us being unable to pressure her (sapling + traps + root + net slow).

When our jungler came to help, we could push, and later in the game maokai didn't do much besides plant his protective circle. That was a fustercluck, we'd have our fiddle ult + enemy maokai's circle + their gangplank ult all overlapping, plus their rammus rumbling around somewhere. When the AOE's wore off we still killed them and won in the end.

It's just that the laning phase seems so difficult since Sona's heal is very low in comparison to sapling damage, to say nothing of lane combos that have no heal at all.

And I understand I may be a terrible player and making excuses! I'm just asking for advice on countering so maybe I can get better etc. :)


Kassadin HARD counters Karthus.

So basically you see less rage in Dota2 than in LoL because you're the one raging in LoL. I got it.

it's like this. panth kept complaining i did no damage. it's because i had no cs sharing with him in lane.

did I put it simply enough for you?

dota 2 players seem more willing to accept blame and less likely to pass it around because there's a bunch who are just new

maybe you guys put "l44t pro" for matchmaking?


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
What you're experiencing in the DOTA2 beta is one of the upsides of being in a small closed beta.

It will get exponentially worse the closer the game moves toward release.


Just got back from an 8 hour LoL tourney at a local LAN centre. Team placed 2nd, won our admission money back, played some awesome games and devoured some free food. Fun times, I mainly played supports (Soraka, Janna, Taric) and tried to be as helpful as I could. Did pretty well given the sea of level 30 players.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
And I understand I may be a terrible player and making excuses! I'm just asking for advice on countering so maybe I can get better etc. :)
You're not terrible. His saplings are tough to dodge but it's doable, just know which direction you can run in to safety. Usually Mao is top, so I don't have much trouble because I run sustain champions there like a sane person. I can outsustain his damage, and he pushes the lane too hard if he is using saplings.

GAF in game, dat freefarm Nasus.
Just got back from an 8 hour LoL tourney at a local LAN centre. Team placed 2nd, won our admission money back, played some awesome games and devoured some free food. Fun times, I mainly played supports (Soraka, Janna, Taric) and tried to be as helpful as I could. Did pretty well given the sea of level 30 players.

That sounds awesome. Where do you live?
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