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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Yea, I'm definitely a mid-1400s player as well. I might be able to squeak it out in the 1500s if I had a consistent duo-partner. I play a lot of Ranked with Slouisk, who I think most of you guys met by now. The main problem is, he is an amazing Ranged AD carry, but he always has last pick because he's lower Elo than me. It's hard to convince the team to let him have that position. If he gets it, we split up our skill and I go some other lane while he carries bot. We probably win 80% of our games when that happens, maybe 50% when it doesn't.

In solo queue, my problem is if I get first pick and Kassadin is banned, I don't really have a strong pick to go with because my other mains then have easy counters. If I go WW first pick, I often see a Rammus, Blitz, or Ali that pretty much counter me with their CC. If I go Teemo, I often see a Shaco jungle (impossible to push hard against), and another ranged champ top (Teemo is more of a counter pick to someone like Trynd, Singed, of Cho top). Singed is my other go to #1 pick, but I really can't deal with someone like Wukong as him. Nocturne and Gangplank are my most common picks first because I know I can play solid all the way through the game with them.

I'm thinking of honing my skills with Rammus and Maokai as I go into Season 2, I think both are finally re-entering as viable in the meta. My support is still probably the weakest area. I can play a really solid Taric, but I feel completely useless if the team starts losing. Hopefully Karma gets buffed a bit so I can start playing her in Ranked more. She is the most fun to play as out of all the supports (hell I might just start playing her anyways, I always do well as her).

*Sorry, random ramblings from someone who is stressed out by exams right now haha.

During bans you should see if you can top pick something for someone else and then trade the pick later. Tough in solo queue because they need to own the champ you want to play, but it could help prevent counter-picks. Also, don't worry about playing supports in solo queue. In solo queue your primary concern should be carrying the whole damn team on your shoulders to victory, because the rest of them may suck. Win your lane decidedly and then go gank to help everyone else win their lane too.

*Also I'll second learning jungle Rammus, he's hella fun.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Trist is the best AD carry in the game right now. Everyone should really have her (lookin' at you Dizzy). Then Kog/Graves/Vayne depending on the situation. Because you don't always get what you want in ranked having Trist and a backup seems like a good plan.


Almost tempted to create a fake facebook to get the damn thing.
It was more effort for me since I deleted the League of Legends application thing afterwards. If you have a fake account and don't care then it's as easy as clicking a button or two (ok so you may have to enter a code into your account, I forget exactly).


my favorite trick as Tristana is when i'm against some aggressive auto-attacking lane pushers; let them get to your tower and once they are within reach, W (jump) behind them and hit R to knock them towards your tower. It's almost always a kill and it's pretty fun to do >:]


The only thing adding another round of bans did was give people more opportunity to rage quit when their favorite gets banned.


The only thing adding another round of bans did was give people more opportunity to rage quit when their favorite gets banned.
This is also presumably the reason most people on the GAF chatroom seem to play blind pick instead of draft. People say to learn one champion, play 30000-40000 games with them and get consistent, then try others. You can't do that if the other team first-picks your favorite champion -and- bans them three times!

So with blind pick you presumably get to play champions that are more fun, or that you are more used to, but the downside is the other team may counter them completely.

I feel like 75% of the time a GAF premade vs. pubs game starts and Mumble is involved, the champion select screen comes up and at least two people go FUUUUUUU NOT THOSE CHAMPIONS AGAINST US. (I would be included of course) ;_;


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
The only thing adding another round of bans did was give people more opportunity to rage quit when their favorite gets banned.
Should really be 4 bans to be honest. And how come I haven't seen any of our Fizzes go AD? I hear it's not bad when you jungle.
This is also presumably the reason most people on the GAF chatroom seem to play blind pick instead of draft. People say to learn one champion, play 30000-40000 games with them and get consistent, then try others. You can't do that if the other team first-picks your favorite champion -and- bans them three times!

So with blind pick you presumably get to play champions that are more fun, or that you are more used to, but the downside is the other team may counter them completely.

I feel like 75% of the time a GAF premade vs. pubs game starts and Mumble is involved, the champion select screen comes up and at least two people go FUUUUUUU NOT THOSE CHAMPIONS AGAINST US. (I would be included of course) ;_;
Being able to play a diverse range of champions can really make a huge difference in being able to choose the right champion for the right team composition and countering. So many games are won and lost with team picks, so being able to play a number of champions well is really important. This is something I'm wanting to work on more and more.


played the best troll game last night.

my team had a ap gp,eve,ap twitch,ad janna and a ad alistar

we managed to win due to all the kills with stealth

the other team was so so so mad
played the best troll game last night.

my team had a ap gp,eve,ap twitch,ad janna and a ad alistar

we managed to win due to all the kills with stealth

the other team was so so so mad
Any LoLReplay of it? I like troll matches, as long as the "trolls" aren't being assholes.
There are valid arguments on both sides of the ELO debate.

However, if you are truly as good as you think you are then you will carry yourself to a higher elo in which you belong.

If you're 600 games in solo-queue ranked and at 900 elo, you're a 900 elo player.


There are valid arguments on both sides of the ELO debate.

However, if you are truly as good as you think you are then you will carry yourself to a higher elo in which you belong.

If you're 600 games in solo-queue ranked and at 900 elo, you're a 900 elo player.

Both season I am stuck around mid 1400s :(

I had an AD carry player to duo q with me before, but I took 3 week vacation to travel, when I came back he is 1700s :(

Just played a game as Singed where Fizz used his ult on me. Twice he did it and I could not even see my health bar change. I think my health regen out did the damage.
my favorite trick as Tristana is when i'm against some aggressive auto-attacking lane pushers; let them get to your tower and once they are within reach, W (jump) behind them and hit R to knock them towards your tower. It's almost always a kill and it's pretty fun to do >:]

Note: Practice this in Dominion. I did, works more than you'd think.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Just played a game as Singed where Fizz used his ult on me. Twice he did it and I could not even see my health bar change. I think my health regen out did the damage.
Must be AD Fizz. I've seen his shark do massive chunks of damage when he's been getting a decent amount of gold and is building AP.

Edit: Free Skarner week makes me sad. He's mine!

Card Boy

I gave up in ranked after 10 matches in Season 1 that caused me to go 1005 ELO. I only did them because i thought you had to do ranked to get the free Kayle skin.

3 out of 10 matches had leavers on my team (never on the other team). Trolls that wouldn't speak English, and would never push.

Never again, never again. I would put myself at around 1400-1500 ELO realistically.



Why wouldn't you want to screen cap this game? =P
You won't get a chance to shop it up, that's why Kiunch. Ha!


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Posting too many games, but yeah. Bought Xerath. Took one game laning against a Brand to find out he was worth it. Super weird game and all but whatever.
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