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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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if anyone is thinking of starting another gaf team id love to join :D, can play pretty much anything

nukemonkey on na

Ditto, getting a little tired of solo Q and I could use a change of pace. Can play just about anything, but prefer not to jungle. I do play a lot of support.

Ingame - 'Veritas00'


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Why would you run ignite on Tristana? She has a built-in ignite. Run exhaust on her (and clairvoyance on Alistar).
It's about burning people down. Choax, one of the best AD carry players in the game runs ignite on Trist, who is one of his best champions. If Trist jumps in, throws down the Ignite and her E the chances of survival are slim. She already has a slow, and she can beat other carries in 1v1. With her range and jump her strong potential for positioning means you don't really need to exhaust defensively either, and Ignite opens you up to provide strong pressure to both the carry and the support down bottom.


Her slow doesn't reduce the damage output of enemy carries. And I'm certain Chaox only runs ignite in solo queue. 95% of the time they run exhaust on the ad carry and ignite on the ap carry in competitive play.


Her slow doesn't reduce the damage output of enemy carries. And I'm certain Chaox only runs ignite in solo queue. 95% of the time they run exhaust on the ad carry and ignite on the ap carry in competitive play.

It's moreso about having the mastery to give you ap while ignite is on cd. You can hop into a fight, ignite, use her built in ignite which will do more dmg at that point, and continue your normal output.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Her slow doesn't reduce the damage output of enemy carries. And I'm certain Chaox only runs ignite in solo queue. 95% of the time they run exhaust on the ad carry and ignite on the ap carry in competitive play.
He's running that Ignite in competitive play, and that was in builds where Exhaust wasn't nerfed yet. You don't need to reduce the damage output on a carry when they're already dead. Seriously, try Ignite on Trist if you haven't. It is the way to run her.


Junior Member

Even when we troll, ELO Hell is easy wins.

ELO Hell is only fun when you have team members on mumble with a good sense of humor <3



Other team started the game 9-0. Twitch was boasting and bragging the whole time.

Then I bought an oracle and never died. So owned.

My team was horribly awful though.
Lol he got replaced by Missy. Might as well replace Elementz with me, cause I am 10x better than she is. She is fucking awful. Only person I like on CLG now is Saint. Chauster is a dipshit.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Lol he got replaced by Missy. Might as well replace Elementz with me, cause I am 10x better than she is. She is fucking awful. Only person I like on CLG now is Saint. Chauster is a dipshit.
He didn't get replaced by Missy. Chauster just said she was better than him, which is especially funny because Missy just scammed her way to win Girls4LoL (a tournament she both ran and participated in), in case anyone missed out on that bit of controversy.

Jiji is going back to AP mid. Chauster is going support I think. Doublelift takes AD. Hotshot stays top. They didn't want to switch up too much because that would make some radical changes to the team, but before I think Hotshot was going to support (because of his limited champion repertoire) and Chauster was going top. More role changes might happen in the future, it's hard to say. The only person that will maintain their role is Saint, because he's the only one who is universally amazing at his job and irreplaceable.
I think HSGG is supporting. He's been doing alot of support in his streams. He's a piece of shit too. I haven't really followed the competitive part of LoL in awhile, but I seriously feel that I would root against CLG from now on.


He didn't get replaced by Missy. Chauster just said she was better than him, which is especially funny because Missy just scammed her way to win Girls4LoL (a tournament she both ran and participated in), in case anyone missed out on that bit of controversy.

Jiji is going back to AP mid. Chauster is going support I think. Doublelift takes AD. Hotshot stays top. They didn't want to switch up too much because that would make some radical changes to the team, but before I think Hotshot was going to support (because of his limited champion repertoire) and Chauster was going top. More role changes might happen in the future, it's hard to say. The only person that will maintain their role is Saint, because he's the only one who is universally amazing at his job and irreplaceable.

Here is the truth.

The best CLG has ever done was without Chauster at IEM Germany, when they brought Salce. IEM Germany had ALL the top players, on all the top teams, and they were all working together. IEM Germany is still the biggest, and best LOL tournament I have seen so far.

Is Elementz the best support in the world? No. But he was not the weak link in CLG. JiJi is the reason they have been losing lately. It's not Elementz making fundamental mistakes.

Another problem CLG has is they have no leader. HotShotGG is not a leader. Yet he wants to be. Saint is a leader, but HotShotGG won't let him be. HotShot almost kicked Saint off the team a little over a month ago. When they began arguing in vent and in IRC.

Chauster on the other hand, is in E-love with Missy. He is the typical forever alone gamer, who falls in love with some girl online, and white knights her 24/7. I have seen this happen playing WoW at a high, competitive levels. Chauster refuses to practice with his team, refuses to que with his team, and only plays with Missy outside of scrims.

It's also worrying that idiots like Chauster actually think solo que makes you better at competitive levels. If he really believes this, CLG is in more trouble then I thought.

The fact is, the main reason CLG is losing is because HotShot can't lead, they argue to much, and are not innovative at all. This isn't going to change. Doublelift isn't going to now carry them. Doubelift can play all of four champions, and has not done anything good enough as an AD Carry, to justify booting Elementz who is a proven winner with CLG.

I feel bad for Elementz. Especially considering Chauster of all people are calling him a "liar", about playing support. Even though he FUCKING STREAMS for hours, playing support, duo que'ing with Jiji.

I always used to root for HotShot, Jiji since they are Canadian. However it's clear they are are in a sinking ship, and it's sinking because of them.

This is the worst part

One of the reasons I was so pissed off is because after all that year + long work together we FINALLY were getting finical support and I had planned the next while of my future out based on the contract I signed. One week later I get the boot and no more contract and someone who did nothing for the team and had to sacrifice nothing for it gets all my spoils which really just urked me in a the worst kind of way. Pour my heart and soul into a team to get back stabbed just as the going gets good. Again.. For so called friends..


On a solo queue Caitlyn rampage.

33-7 k/d with her today total so far, all wins.
I'm convinced the game is rigged. 7 game win streak with 6 different champions, then 4 game losing streak so far. Now I'm at the point where last game had one leaver and one afk in spawn person by late game. =P
I think HSGG is supporting. He's been doing alot of support in his streams. He's a piece of shit too. I haven't really followed the competitive part of LoL in awhile, but I seriously feel that I would root against CLG from now on.

HSGG is one of the best solo top players in the game though, right? If that's what they're doing it seems awfully strange to me.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Hotshot was playing support before because the idea was that he would switch with Elementz between the roles depending on what champions they might need to counter the top lane. With Elementz getting kicked, and Doublelift stepping in this pushes jiji out of that role. I think CLG doesn't want to throw everything upside down, so they're leaving Hotshot top for now.

HSGG isn't the best solo top in the world by any means. He's fine, but his lack of champion diversity can really hurt him. He can push super hard as Nidalee or Cho and run great disruption around the map, but his playstyle is very one dimensional, and by effect capable of being countered. I would say Voyboy or Dyrus are the strongest top lane champions when doing well.


sparkle this bitch
Honestly, I think Elementz has a chance for a spot at Riot. Similar to how Valve recruits players/modders for insight, I think Riot needs to bring some personalities on board themselves.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Stonewall made a jungle tier list: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-6BaZ7qy6s
Tier 1 - Udyr, Trundle, Skarner, Lee Sin, Nocturne, Fiddlesticks, Nunu, Cho Gath
Tier 2 - Shaco, Riven, Jarvan, Amumu, Gangplank, Maokai, Rammus, Shyvana
Tier 3 - Xin Zhao, Fizz, Malphite, Master Yi, Olaf, Warwick, Tryndamere, Yorick, Gragas
Tier 4 - Alistar, Blitzcrank, Akali, Sion, Graves, Galio, Irelia, Kayle, Renekton, Nasus
Tier 5 - Karma, Mordekaiser, Pantheon, Taric, Wukong, Jax, Evelynn, Talon, Orianna
Get on da Skarner train.


I tried Renekton first time in a twisted treeline game. He seems kinda fun, and kinda like Riven, though the fury thing was pretty confusing to figure out to start with, with all the stuff about losing fury if you don't keep attacking, and burning fury if you use attacks at the wrong time.

Is there a reason he isn't used more often? I'm guessing it's because he's basically a crappy younger brother of Tryndamere, who can go invincible and murder people and get crits?


I got heavily trolled yesterday by battlemage Sona and AP Yi. Both of which demanded to go mid.
It's moreso about having the mastery to give you ap while ignite is on cd. You can hop into a fight, ignite, use her built in ignite which will do more dmg at that point, and continue your normal output.

He's running that Ignite in competitive play, and that was in builds where Exhaust wasn't nerfed yet. You don't need to reduce the damage output on a carry when they're already dead. Seriously, try Ignite on Trist if you haven't. It is the way to run her.

I'm not necessarily saying it's a bad pick. I just don't get it. You get 10 AP on an AD carry while ignite is on a cooldown. Tristana doesn't really have any good AP ratios on her abilities. Exhaust on the other hand reduces damage output by 70% which efficiently shuts down an AD carry in a teamfight. During laning phase you can use it to avoid ganks or to gank someone. I find that ignite is much more efficient on AP carries in mid, because exhaust punishes AD carries the most - 70 % on auto attacks vs. 40 % on abilities.

It's also the reason why you have AP carries going mid and AD carries going bot. AP carries scales more with experience which of course will give them new/better abilities. AD carries on the other hand can do just find with their auto attack. At least for farming.

Assuming everyone will run flash (they did prior to the last patch), their second summoner ability would often be as follows:

Top - teleport
Mid - ignite
Jungle - smite
Support - clairvoyance
Bot - exhaust

I'll just leave you with this video of Vayne running exhaust: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=2D41_pBYjaI#t=33s


Another reason nobody uses Renekton, aside from Tryndamere being so much better, is probably that Renekton is over FOUR TIMES as expensive. :/ Guess I'll put him off in the territory of hoping for an eventual price cut.


Um. Tristana has a 2.3 total AP ratio.
Yeah, I should've rephrased that. Unless you run other AP items/runes, 10 AP wont matter much on an AD carry. It's basically "just" 23 more damage across 3 abilities assuming that you land all of them. If you build her hybrid, she'll just end up becoming a jack of all trades champion like Ezreal.



I didn't screen cap the other one, cause no one told me to =/

This is the second game. By the way, it is all random champion.


Yeah, I should've rephrased that. Unless you run other AP items/runes, 10 AP wont matter much on an AD carry.
That just doesn't make any sense.
AP scales LINEARLY. You don't need more AP to make 10 AP "matter more".

Anyway, the real reason why people take ignite on tristana is because she has the highest early game burst for an AD carry -> Ignite plays to that strength. That and she jumps on people.

Trying to catch up on this CLG drama. It's like one big girls' club. Elementz just posted a new statement: How I handled this situation.. And my apology to CLG.

I think everybody in CLG handled this poorly.


My whole take on the exhaust vs. ignite debate on Tristana really depends on your play style.

If you play her aggressive in lane phase, where you aren't afraid of jumping on their face and bursting them down, ignite is the way to go.

Her kit is unusual in that you have to play her as a spellcaster in lane because her AD is weak early on. Her spells have a pretty high burst at early levels and at lv. 6 you can do about 600 damage. Ignite is an additional 200 in guaranteed damage. So if your opponent has about 800 damage, you can kill them if you play correctly. If you are confident in playing an aggressive Tristana, ignite will more than often get you that kill.

Exhaust is not that great for her lane phase because of her early weak AD, but it is very strong later on in the game when her AD starts to scale really high and starts wrecking. I'm sure many of you chased down an enemy with W, exhaust, Q... ENEMY IS SLAIN.

Overall, I think a Tristana who is ahead on kills early carries hard, so I always get ignite. I also really prefer a bruiser gets exhaust so that I don't have to get it. In team fights, I always stand back of the bruiser and then commit once I see the exhaust pop.



That just doesn't make any sense.
AP scales LINEARLY. You don't need more AP to make 10 AP "matter more".
Except for the fact that anyone building AP Tristana would (eventually) get Deathcap and 40% CDR, which potentially improves the AP ratio and dps.

10 AP on AD Tristana means +15 damage on Buster Shot with a 60 seconds cooldown -> 15/60= 0.25 dps

10 AP on AP Tristana means +19.5 damage on Buster Shot with a 36 seconds cooldown -> 19.5/36 = 0.54 dps
Anyway, the real reason why people take ignite on tristana is because she has the highest early game burst for an AD carry -> Ignite plays to that strength. That and she jumps on people.
Just to be clear, we're still talking 5vs5 premade. I don't dispute the effectiveness of Ignite in solo queue nor did I ever say so. My initial post was in regards to naGAF. I assume they're coordinated and talk together before and during the game unlike in solo queue. Elementz said it best in his recent post regarding his departure with CLG:
solo queue isn't a great way to practice duo lane anyways imo because people in solo queue are pardon my french fucking retarded and anyone can stomp those lanes


Just to be clear, we're still talking 5vs5 premade. I don't dispute the effectiveness of Ignite in solo queue nor did I ever say so. My initial post was in regards to naGAF. I assume they're coordinated and talk together before and during the game unlike in solo queue. Elementz said it best in his recent post regarding his departure with CLG:

We've actually yet to run Tristana I think? I normally play Vayne or Ashe or Ezreal depending on the bans. Kog'maw is typically banned out and they snag cait early so I just grab what's strong and run with it. Exhaust is my go to spell for survival and early kill securing, but in solo queue I play trist a decent amount and run Ignite for that burst and kill security. Also I use an odd mastery page that grabs the AP masteries for her.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I tried Renekton first time in a twisted treeline game. He seems kinda fun, and kinda like Riven, though the fury thing was pretty confusing to figure out to start with, with all the stuff about losing fury if you don't keep attacking, and burning fury if you use attacks at the wrong time.

Is there a reason he isn't used more often? I'm guessing it's because he's basically a crappy younger brother of Tryndamere, who can go invincible and murder people and get crits?
They're not really too similar. Renekton is an ability based melee champion. He goes in with tons of health, tanks hard, throws down abilities to do damage and either gets out or pushes people out. His biggest attribute is his hard stun, which can be used to great effect early game. Slice and Dice is one of the best gap closers and escapes on a melee in the game, you just have to know how to use it correctly and use creeps to dash in to where you want to be. I would like him a lot more if his ultimate wasn't super boring (and a low budget Nasus ult). Renekton's stun can apply three on hit effects when it's empowered with fury though. His burst can be pretty incredible in ways Trynd (who can be a very predictable melee champion) can't match.
I'm not necessarily saying it's a bad pick. I just don't get it. You get 10 AP on an AD carry while ignite is on a cooldown. Tristana doesn't really have any good AP ratios on her abilities. Exhaust on the other hand reduces damage output by 70% which efficiently shuts down an AD carry in a teamfight. During laning phase you can use it to avoid ganks or to gank someone. I find that ignite is much more efficient on AP carries in mid, because exhaust punishes AD carries the most - 70 % on auto attacks vs. 40 % on abilities.

I'll just leave you with this video of Vayne running exhaust: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=2D41_pBYjaI#t=33s
I just feel the burst of Ignite outclasses a rather pitiful 2.5 second shutdown. I am usually a fan of Exhaust but lately I feel like it's fairly overrated. A Trist coming in is going to jump in and blow her load all at once, so Exhaust isn't going to do much offensively or defensively. It's about taking a target to zero as fast as possible, and in situations where you're dealing with a support that puts themselves in more vulnerable positions than the AD carry (Sona, Taric, etc.) that Ignite is going to do way more than Exhaust.

Let me just say I don't rally like the Vayne video. It's an example of extremely sloppy and lazy play enabling a single player to beat out multiple opponents. The team trying to kill Vayne come one after another from a single position, giving her the ability to roll back, maintain distance, and fight the enemy team one at a time. The Exhaust drop on Ashe is actually poor play on the Vayne's part. Focus firing her down would have been much more effective, and there was literally no benefit to bothering to kill Shaco first, who blew his box/stealth initiate/etc. Taric also stunned when nobody was around to capitalize on it, so GG. Trist would sweep up in a situation like that just from her jump refreshing and range, and it wouldn't require the enemy team to be so awful. Vayne is also a completely different breed of champion who relies on close range combat, so something like Exhaust is going to be neccesary on her. With Trist you're talking about a long range champion capable of jumping to and away who can burn opponents down before they can get to her.


Elements handled the outcome the worst, but the rest of the team handled the putting down of elements terribly. If what elements said was true, there was a serious lack of communication and respect. Elements did fuck his team's image over though. Divine retribution? But really, big big mess.


CLG's public image has been destroyed since Saint and HotShot began openly fighting on Ventrilo and IRC. It was so bad at one point that Snoopeh woke up Oce and Wickd so they could come into CLG IRC and talk some sense into HotShotGG. Hotshot was ready to kick Saint out, and it was some major nerd drama.

This stuff has been out in the open and brewing since just after IEM Germany. The fact is, most of CLG does not like each other on a level outside of the game.

Elements and Saint are friends and never argue. Everyone dislikes Chauster. They wanted to replace Chauster after IEM in Germany with Salce but Salce didn't want to leave EG at the time.

Nobody dislikes HotShot on a personal level, but they don't like him when it comes to the game. He plays a limited number of champions, and rarely owns up to his own mistakes. Chauster is similar, but significantly worse. Chauster believes he is the best MOBA player in the world. Not just LOL, but overall MOBA player. He nerd rages out of control when something goes wrong, but does not ever have a solution to fix it. He then virtually never plays with his team outside of doing basic scrims.

JiJi at one point was probably the best LOL player in the world, but took a huge amount of time off to spend with his new girlfriend. There is nothing wrong with this, obviously. However he came back very rusty and has not gotten some of his skills back. He has been without a doubt, the worst member of CLG the last couple months.

That said, they will never kick JiJi. JiJi organizes the trips and events for CLG. When it comes to the business side of things, he handles most of it for HotShot. Instead of putting JiJi as team manager until he improves, they are allowing him to stay on the team. They are to nervous that he will simply leave to another team. Unfortunalty, although Jiji is quite, he NEVER admits mistakes, much like Chauster and HotShot. A big reason Elementz got booted was because JiJi went behind his back, and sold HotShot he sucked. Since they lost a few duo que's together. Even though anyone watching the stream could clearly tell it was JiJi.

The last problem is, Chauster is in E-love with Missy. Missy has done nothing but further ruin CLG's reputation. Especially with the shit she pulled in the Girls4LOL tournament. Where she cheated, and banned a team that was clearly, by a WIDE margin, the best team in the tournament. Just so her team could win. This issue is STILL waiting to be addressed, and she has provided no evidence for kicking them out, while they provided enough to know Missy was full of shit.

Missy has also been caught making fake accounts on message boards and Reddit, to flame other teams.

She acts as CLG's current "team manager". Even though all the real duties that entails are handled by JiJi. The Issue HotShot has is if he kicks Missy from team manager, Chauster will latch onto her ankles and leave with her.

Saint openly states all this stuff on his stream. He is a leader that has not been allowed to lead since IEM germany. He is friends with all of them offline, but hates HotShot and Chauster online. He has been consistently good since he became a member of CLG. He is the only member who can't be replaced, as he, ODD and Jatt are the best junglers in the world and Odd will never leave TSM, Jatt will never leave Dignitas.

The most annoying part of this for Elements is probably the fact Chauster admitted Ele was a significantly better support then he is. Yet Chauster is now playing support for CLG. At the same time, Chauster admitted he was better at AD then Doublelift. Yet Doublelift is now AD for CLG. It just makes no sense.



Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I think Elementz handled it poorly, not the rest of CLG, with the exception of maybe chauster by replying to internet pitchforks/trolls.
No, CLG are still scum. They didn't even tell Elementz he was getting replaced by Doublelift, they had Doublelift, someone who wasn't even on the team, tell Elementz he was getting the boot. CLG went out of their way to break up a very capable team who has won large tournaments to pick up Doublelift, who does not mesh with the team in any way, and most well known in tournament play for face checking bushes. Their egos have prevented any form of leadership on the team, and everything Blackface said is true.
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