I don't want to blame anyone but I've noticed some stuff that I really want to comment on.
- When I was waiting for GP to get red down, I was going to smite it and then kill him. When mid went to help, it was an obvious tip-off that he was being watched and he abandoned red.
- Singed should not be left alone against Shen and Graves. Ever. I would've tried to gank except they were at full health the entire time whereas Singed was always at 50% or lower. A successful jungle gank requires people to be low, which is nearly impossible in a 1v2 situation.
- Ryze should've been dying every time he entered top lane, once Akali hit six. For some reason Akali was always pushed back to tower. I share part of the blame, but because I was worried because Graves would get too farmed. there was no way I was leaving Singed alone.
- Focus should be on the squishies, in terms of threat level and squshiness. That meant Graves -> Ryze -> GP -> Ori -> Shen. I saw a Shen walk away from many fights with 50% hp while the aforementioned were either dead or at full health. Again I share part of the blame for picking Shaco since having two ninjas meant, that team fights always started lopsided.
- Against teams stacking health items, Madred's Bloodrazor is your friend.
- When I was waiting for GP to get red down, I was going to smite it and then kill him. When mid went to help, it was an obvious tip-off that he was being watched and he abandoned red.
- Singed should not be left alone against Shen and Graves. Ever. I would've tried to gank except they were at full health the entire time whereas Singed was always at 50% or lower. A successful jungle gank requires people to be low, which is nearly impossible in a 1v2 situation.
- Ryze should've been dying every time he entered top lane, once Akali hit six. For some reason Akali was always pushed back to tower. I share part of the blame, but because I was worried because Graves would get too farmed. there was no way I was leaving Singed alone.
- Focus should be on the squishies, in terms of threat level and squshiness. That meant Graves -> Ryze -> GP -> Ori -> Shen. I saw a Shen walk away from many fights with 50% hp while the aforementioned were either dead or at full health. Again I share part of the blame for picking Shaco since having two ninjas meant, that team fights always started lopsided.
- Against teams stacking health items, Madred's Bloodrazor is your friend.