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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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OK I'll ask since you mention counters. Teemo works well against Nasus, in theory. We lost, but by the end of the game I probably had 70+ more creep kills than him, and in early/mid game I might have been 20-40 creep kills ahead. I tried to zone him out of minion XP even though he ended up at least a level ahead of me somehow (probably due to me dying).

Unfortunately, my problems were twofold. One, I got ganked once or twice since I was being so aggressive that even mushrooms/wards didn't save me from skarner ulting me once I was slowed. Two, some later point nasus killed me 1v1 without needing the slow at all. Once nasus realized he could just slow me and kill me point blank with his ult and Q (which doesn't seem to be affected by blind?), it was basically over for me. Is there anything Teemo can do, or is the answer just to stay far enough back, keep a bunch of mushrooms by the tower, hope nasus pushes, and hope he doesn't tower dive?

The other alternative is for me to go all out attack on him if he slows me, but as I said I felt like I tried blinding him 10-15 times and it didn't seem to even affect his Q effect for killing minions, so presumably he could hit me with it as well. Not to mention, that only works if it's 1v1. If he slows me and someone is coming to gank out of vision range, there seems to be almost no chance of getting away. Presumably the slow lasts 5-10 seconds. :(


What really irks me about fizz is he's got a regular ability that gives him crazy mobility and totally safe. Yet Shyvana's ult can be stopped dead in her tracks by anything. That kinda sillyness makes me wonder what they were thinking with that non target able crap.

edit: I disagree about teemo countering nasus. Maybe early game if you can scare him off, but any range ad/ap with damage should be able to do that. To me teemo counters *very* few people. Only ones should be very squishy ad carries, and even then it's not a hard counter. A properly farmed nasus should run over a teemo like nothing.


What really irks me about fizz is he's got a regular ability that gives him crazy mobility and totally safe. Yet Shyvana's ult can be stopped dead in her tracks by anything. That kinda sillyness makes me wonder what they were thinking with that non target able crap.
It's because Shyvana (lame, lame) is kinda lame compared to say, Skarner (awesome, amazing). Figures that a laaaame champion would have a lame ult.

Also, Fizz's E costs 90+ mana (more than some champions ults at some levels?), uses a bunch of his small mana pool, has a cooldown on it, and only makes him untargetable...0.5 seconds? I couldn't even figure out the timing to dodge Karthus ult damage, for instance.

Now compare that 0.5 seconds of untargetableness to say, Vlad with his pool. Doesn't that thing last 2 seconds? Or Akali with her instant blinks in and out of sight if you don't buy super expensive pink wards. Sure the Fizz ability is probably better than Vlad's pool, but if you're going to complain about untargetable-ness and the ability to dodge ults, Vlad's lasts longer and I think it even got nerfed at some point in time. :p

Oh, and I forgot to mention the mobility thing. Remember that you have to practically think about it ahead of time if you want to use the double hop (losing the slow effect in the process) since it's a small timing window, plus you require a landing point in the middle. You WILL screw this up even trying to hop over walls that should be possible. You can make it over baron and/or dragon walls, but I think I tried to show this to someone and failed when I was next to the wall.


Shyvana needs some hard cc late game. She gets outclassed right now by other junglers.

They need to tune up her ult really, right now it's more annoying than it is helpful. Work out it's hitbox issues, give it very very minor cc (half a second?)


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I like Fizz because he has one of LoL's few true disjoints.



They need to tune up her ult really, right now it's more annoying than it is helpful. Work out it's hitbox issues, give it very very minor cc (half a second?)
You should try Skarner, I hear he's pretty cool. And awesome.

Last night flare05 was playing Shyvana. He ulted someone and I think they got dragged backwards by the ult. I was like WUT, I was so shocked the ult actually worked on someone. =P


OK I'll ask since you mention counters. Teemo works well against Nasus, in theory. We lost, but by the end of the game I probably had 70+ more creep kills than him, and in early/mid game I might have been 20-40 creep kills ahead. I tried to zone him out of minion XP even though he ended up at least a level ahead of me somehow (probably due to me dying).

Unfortunately, my problems were twofold. One, I got ganked once or twice since I was being so aggressive that even mushrooms/wards didn't save me from skarner ulting me once I was slowed. Two, some later point nasus killed me 1v1 without needing the slow at all. Once nasus realized he could just slow me and kill me point blank with his ult and Q (which doesn't seem to be affected by blind?), it was basically over for me. Is there anything Teemo can do, or is the answer just to stay far enough back, keep a bunch of mushrooms by the tower, hope nasus pushes, and hope he doesn't tower dive?

The other alternative is for me to go all out attack on him if he slows me, but as I said I felt like I tried blinding him 10-15 times and it didn't seem to even affect his Q effect for killing minions, so presumably he could hit me with it as well. Not to mention, that only works if it's 1v1. If he slows me and someone is coming to gank out of vision range, there seems to be almost no chance of getting away. Presumably the slow lasts 5-10 seconds. :(

I've never had a problem shutting Nasus down with Garen. He comes in to farm his Q ... spin on his face. He Withers you ... spin it off.

I wouldn't take Teemo to counter Nasus at all.


OK I'll ask since you mention counters. Teemo works well against Nasus, in theory. We lost, but by the end of the game I probably had 70+ more creep kills than him, and in early/mid game I might have been 20-40 creep kills ahead. I tried to zone him out of minion XP even though he ended up at least a level ahead of me somehow (probably due to me dying).

Unfortunately, my problems were twofold. One, I got ganked once or twice since I was being so aggressive that even mushrooms/wards didn't save me from skarner ulting me once I was slowed. Two, some later point nasus killed me 1v1 without needing the slow at all. Once nasus realized he could just slow me and kill me point blank with his ult and Q (which doesn't seem to be affected by blind?), it was basically over for me. Is there anything Teemo can do, or is the answer just to stay far enough back, keep a bunch of mushrooms by the tower, hope nasus pushes, and hope he doesn't tower dive?

The other alternative is for me to go all out attack on him if he slows me, but as I said I felt like I tried blinding him 10-15 times and it didn't seem to even affect his Q effect for killing minions, so presumably he could hit me with it as well. Not to mention, that only works if it's 1v1. If he slows me and someone is coming to gank out of vision range, there seems to be almost no chance of getting away. Presumably the slow lasts 5-10 seconds. :(

This sounds like a case of you pushing a lane too hard. Teemo should only be attacking creeps to last hit. Other than that, it's standing off to the side doing nothing and trying to activate your passive while you keep Nasus zoned. Get used to hitting S to cancel all movement and auto-attacks so you don't push too hard. Mushrooms should only go in the brush to warn you of ganks.

Though I agree with Ferrio. Nasus doesn't seem like he gets hard countered by Teemo. I think you were experiencing problems because you died to ganks and not because Nasus went into beast mode.


Get used to hitting S to cancel all movement and auto-attacks so you don't push too hard.

Is there a way to turn it back on? I need to learn these crazy keys after playing like 600 games. It took me forever to figure out that the "L" key turns off minion health bars. It was so frustrating to do that by accident and not know how to fix it, lol.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I fail to see how Teemo counters Nasus in any way. Moral of the story: stop playing Teemo.


sparkle this bitch
You know, sometimes you get this feeling that people just hate you.

*Flash back, Teammate then decides to use their knockback to knock the enemy right into you*


I fail to see how Teemo counters Nasus in any way. Moral of the story: stop playing Teemo.
I know he's not great, but I actually think he's fun to play which is more than I can say for most champions, I guess?

Plus I got two quadrakills in PVP with Teemo in the last couple of days, and I don't get those much. :/


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Very well.
Interesting. I will try this the next time I play with gaf and feed!


Fizz too good.


Interesting. I will try this the next time I play with gaf and feed!
Fizz too good.
That's not AD, that's deathcap for AP. And it's not summoner's rift, not that it will stop Riot from nerfing him due to dominion. :( Also 37 kogmaw kills, lolz. *edit* How on earth do you use cooldown boots to spam spells, yet the only mana item you have is lichbane?

And I just tried Fizz and did 1/3/6. Tied for the most deaths of anyone on my team, and least kills. How is that OP. :( I got crushed by AP twisted fate.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I think it's be scientifically proven you can't do well with OP champs, Blizzard.

Better stick to WW.

(Screenshot is unrelated to my comment, just spamming Dominion)


Patch notes are up http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=1534325

Udyr said:
New Skins in the Store

Thunder Lord Volibear
Northern Storm Volibear
Silverfang Akali
Imperial Lux

League of Legends v1.0.0.130
Volibear, the Thunder’s Roar

Rolling Thunder: Volibear drops to all fours and runs faster if chasing an enemy champion. The first enemy he attacks is knocked into the air and flung behind Volibear.
Frenzy: Volibear's repeated attacks grant him additional attack speed. Once Volibear has repeatedly attacked three times, he can perform a vicious bite on his target.
Majestic Roar: Volibear lets out a powerful roar that damages and slows enemies. Minions and monsters are feared as well.
Thunder Claws: Volibear channels the power of the storm causing his attacks to blast his targets with lightning that bounces to other nearby enemies.
Chosen of the Storm (passive): Volibear heals rapidly for a few seconds when his health drops to a critical level.


Urchin Strike's targeting updating to hit targets slightly earlier
Urchin Strike's attack component can no longer be dodged

Jarvan IV

Martial Cadence (Passive)
Damage changed to physical from magic
Damage changed to 6/8/10% (at levels 1/7/13) of the target's current health from 8%
No longer procs spell effects such as Rylai's or Spell Vamp
Increased the hitbox size of Demacian Standard when targeted by Dragon Strike


Wall of Pain
Wall duration reduced to 5 seconds from 7
Now only affects a target once (instead of reapplying every pass through)
Fixed a bug where Leona's passive and the Dominion center Sigil could cause an immediate double kill against Karthus


Fixed a bug which caused Force Pulse to cast backwards after performing Rift Walk


Shunpo now always moves Katarina behind the target regardless if Killer Instincts is active


Fixed a bug where where if you killed an enemy that exploded using Icathian Surprise, the enemy was awarded an extra kill (Shaco Hallucinate clone, Maokai)
Fixed a bug where Brand's Pyroclasm would give Brand an extra kill if it was traveling toward Kog'maw when Icathian Surprise triggered
Fixed a bug where if Ignite killed Kog'maw, it would cause Icathian Surprise to not trigger
Fixed a bug where Vayne's Silvered Bolts sometimes caused Icathian Surprise to not trigger


Blade of the Exile tooltip updated to display how much attack damage you will gain. It has also been clarified to state that Blade of the Exile scales off TOTAL attack damage, not bonus attack damage.

Sivir (Remake)

Attack range increased to 500 from 425
Attack missile speed increased to 1400 from 1200
Updated her attack frames to be more responsive
Base attack speed reduced to .658 from .679
Base attack damage reduced to 49 from 52.11
Updated recommended items
Fleet of Foot (Passive) – Remake
Sivir’s basic attacks against enemy champions grant her 50 Movement Speed for 2 seconds
Boomerang Blade
Mana cost reduced to 70/80/90/100/110 from 80/90/100/110/120
Damage changed to physical from magic
Bonus attack damage ratio increased to 1.1 from 1.0
No longer has an ability power ratio
Ricochet - Remake
Sivir’s next basic attack bounces to 5 additional targets dealing 20/35/50/65/80 (+ 1.0 Attack Damage) physical damage to the first target and 25% reduced damage to each subsequent target. 7/6/5/4/3 second cooldown. 40 Mana cost.
On The Hunt
Now additionally applies the buff to allies who come into range while On the Hunt is active rather than only on activation.
Attack speed bonus changed to 30/45/60% from 30/60/90%
Allied attack speed gain increased to half of Sivir’s bonus from a third
Cooldown adjusted to 100/90/80 seconds from 90


Shatter ability power ratio increased to 0.6 from 0.4
Radiance ability power ratio increased to 0.7 from 0.6


Fixed a couple small bugs introduced to Condemn with Fizz patch


Fixed a bug where Ignite's tick damage dealing the killing blow caused Omen of Death to fail to reanimate its bearer
Fixed a bug where Leona's Sunlight passive and the Dominion center Sigil could cause an immediate double kill against the Omen of Death target
Fixed a bug where if Ignite killed the Omen of Death bearer, they would not be reanimated
Fixed a bug where Vayne's Silvered Bolts sometimes caused Omen of Death to fail to reanimate its bearer


Health Potions now restore 150 health over 15 seconds (instead of 200 health over 20 seconds)
Madred's Razor
Proc chance increased to 20% from 15%
Proc damage reduced to 300 from 500
Mana Potions now restore 100 mana over 15 seconds (from 100 over 20)
Wriggle's Lantern proc damage reduced to 425 from 500


Chat window location will be now saved between games
Improved the targeting algorithms; it should now be much easier to select units that are obscured
Damage from lane minions to champions reduced by about 15%
Jungle Adjustments
Small camps now respawn faster, but have reduced rewards
Small camps now have a Healing Sigil, healing the killer based upon how much health they are missing
Neutral monsters now have their health, damage, experience reward, and gold reward increase with game length, instead of having health increases with each respawn
Neutral monster experience range reduced to 400 from 800 (the killer always gets experience)
Ancient Golem camp experience increased slightly and gold reduced slightly
Crest of the Ancient Golem now grants 25 flat MP5, but grants 1% regen from maximum mana, from 1.5%, and provides energy
Lizard Elder camp experience increased and gold reduced slightly
Blessing of the Lizard Elder melee slow % reduced to 8/16/24% from 10/20/30%
Dragon and Baron Nashor are now immune to armor and magic resist-shredding effects
Baron Nashor will now push wards away if you try to place one too close
Monsters now heal 5% immediately when they retreat (instead of after 1 second), but are easier to re-aggro


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Did they realize the katarina shunpo change was completely unnecessary?


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Did they realize the katarina shunpo change was completely unnecessary?
I actually sort of liked it. It was easier to throw a Shunpo in for harass. The weird thing with Kat is that you mostly are just Shunpoing in to ult, so you want to go as deep as possible. Because Kat is so vulnerable after using up her Q and E, the times when you harass with Shunpo are going to be very few and far between. Bouncing Blades is pretty much going to go out any time you can pick up last hits with it and harass, so after you jump in with Shunpo you're going to do what exactly? Run back out? It's so easy to exchange with Kat and come out on top if she is just going to Shunpo in because she has no way out. 90% of the time Kat Shunpos on to an enemy champ is going to be all in and pop the ult, so you almost always want to go as deep as possible.

I still liked the change though, so I'm not happy it's being reverted in this patch. Always showing up behind targets makes it harder to farm minions, and Shunpoing to low health mobs is a great way to build your HP back up with spell vamp and get last hits.


My Eve is not buffed....

I will still play her to test out the "easy jungle" Tuesday.

Tuesday will be Eve only day, YOU HAD BEEN WARNED NEOGAF.


So i have recently started enjoying playing Singed in Dominion. He is truly lolzy if you know what you are doing. I have to say he is probably the biggest dick champion in Dominion. You just run around laughing the entire time.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
So i have recently started enjoying playing Singed in Dominion. He is truly lolzy if you know what you are doing. I have to say he is probably the biggest dick champion in Dominion. You just run around laughing the entire time.
::sees singed::
::runs past singed::
::watches rest of team chase singed::

Le sigh.


Kinda excited about Jarvan passive buff, now he he has his old late-game damage back.

Now they just have to fix his buggy ult and reduce the mana cost of his shield


The Sivir changes sound good, and hopefully a LITTLE less of a backdoor threat with the reduced speed.

I will have to break out the PAX Sivir again.


sparkle this bitch
A heartbreaker loss in ranked. Sigh. 10/1/26.

Nice way to say, they refused to push(Could have pushed an alone Janna on the final two turrents, they decide to chase Skarmer), and when they finally did. They always did it like idiots, get caught by Skarmer, and game. Not once, not twice, not even three times. Face check and wander alone.

Sad thing is, 25 minutes in I even called it. When our top did virtually zero damage and always out of fucking position. Dragged it on to an hour of this fumbling around shit.

I clearly need to get away from the game.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Her spell shield is still balls and completely out of tune with her intended role.
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