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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Shamelessly stolen from Pics That Make You Laugh thread.



Shamelessly stolen from Pics That Make You Laugh thread.



Jungle is ok. Level 4 @ 3:40 on Udyr. I could probably be faster. Don't think it's that much slower than before. Maybe just a little. There are multiple routes you can take to gank each lane. Multiple routes weaken CV. Health sigils mean junglers gank healthier.

I'm not good enough at jungle to comment any further

33 (scaling) gold for big wraith, 4 (scaling?) gold for small ones.


Wow, forums aren't happy about changes to jungle at all. Lot of people saying a jungler might be a liability. Only 6 gold for the wraiths?


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Wow, forums aren't happy about changes to jungle at all. Lot of people saying a jungler might be a liability. Only 6 gold for the wraiths?
When I think about changes I'd want to a jungle I rarely think, "Boy, I'd love to spend more time in the jungle farming creeps."

Haven't played it yet though.


When I think about changes I'd want to a jungle I rarely think, "Boy, I'd love to spend more time in the jungle farming creeps."

Haven't played it yet though.

I didn't think they were nerfing it that badly, man sounds pretty awful so far.

"7:20 minutes to reach level 6 as shyvanna in the jungle"
Good news SDragon, fat Jarvan buff!

I'm going to have to get used to Jarvan again. Changing his passive to physical is huge, though. Pair that with Wriggles, get crazy sustain in lane.

I know why they do it, there are more elegant ways though. If you're using the same language in every damn video then eventually (read: hopefully in an ideal world where people aren't dumb) people will see what he's saying means NOTHINNNNNNNG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

tons of damage


Not nearly enough chest hair on the new Gangplank model, but I guess that's okay because the quality of the rest of the model is killing it.

I actually really like the new model as well. Is there new art to go with it?


I think if I continue playing I need to start taking notes, or at minimum saving screenshots of each final scoreboard. This should let me in part think about why I lost and what I personally could have improved, and in part let me keep stats about which champions carried games.

For instance, I try to play AD carry or AP carry (potentially until I learn a new jungler), and I know ranged AD carries are supposed to farm like crazy and do damage...yet Caitlyn damage output, even with bloodthirster + other AD items + armor penetration, always seems very low.

In fact, other than Tristana (AcridMeat does well) or the occasional Vayne who gets kills early, I don't think I often see ranged AD carries dominate games. Graves can get lots of kills, so possibly him too. I feel that Tryndamere, Akali, and even one or two fed Katarinas have carried games fairly often recently.

*edit* Side note, remember how people were worried about cleanse being too powerful, and Tryndamere using it? Tryndamere is still very powerful and I still don't see him using cleanse. I still see looooots of flash, instead.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
*edit* Side note, remember how people were worried about cleanse being too powerful, and Tryndamere using it? Tryndamere is still very powerful and I still don't see him using cleanse. I still see looooots of flash, instead.
You need to Flash out on Trynd after ulting if you don't kill everyone. Creates seperation, puts you in a safer place.
I actually really like the new model as well. Is there new art to go with it?
Yes, it's alright but kind of boring.


I've played one jungle game so far with Udyr since the patch in Duo queue draft pick. Ended up having a Volibear solo top against Heimer/Panth since they didn't have a jungle so I ganked that lane quite a bit while jungling. I was clearing the jungle really fast and if smite wasn't needed to secure certain creep kills I wouldn't need it anymore. I didn't have any failed ganks so I was able to keep up with the solo lanes level wise. Something that people aren't bringing up is the fact that you can clear camps with a lot less health now instead of having to b back after a failed gank or earlier in the game like prepatch. As udyr I was able to gank then go straight back into the jungle with like 15% health and still clear all the camps that came back up. Can't really speak on the gold gained through jungle because I had quite a few kills/assists early on.



Jungle is ok. Level 4 @ 3:40 on Udyr. I could probably be faster. Don't think it's that much slower than before. Maybe just a little. There are multiple routes you can take to gank each lane. Multiple routes weaken CV. Health sigils mean junglers gank healthier.

I'm not good enough at jungle to comment any further

33 (scaling) gold for big wraith, 4 (scaling?) gold for small ones.

what was your path? I went wolves, blue, wraiths, wolves, red, wraiths and i hit 4 about 3:50. and then continuing on that path, mostly cause i did start doing golems, i hit 6 about 7:50. TO take 4 minutes to go 2 levels in the jungle early game is just ridiculous.


Just tried out jungle Akali with the changes. Udyr was faster than me ganking around 4 or 5 while I was a level down. Early game they were winning with two towers down. I had just farmed until six then started to gank with creeps being a high priority. Was lucky enough that every lane had some way of slowing/stunning the enemy which made ganks easier for her. We slowly started to make a comeback and snowballed hard into a killteam that just rolled towers. Need to play some more games but she seems all right.

Just tried out jungle Akali with the changes. Udyr was faster than me ganking around 4 or 5 while I was a level down. Early game they were winning with two towers down. I had just farmed until six then started to gank with creeps being a high priority. Was lucky enough that every lane had some way of slowing/stunning the enemy which made ganks easier for her. We slowly started to make a comeback and snowballed hard into a killteam that just rolled towers. Need to play some more games but she seems all right.


Pfft. That's not impressive at all. Akali is OP.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
As long as she's still banned every single game, I'm not complaining too much. :p
She's not good enough to ban. I just feel like the role of traditional junglers is being super minimized when people can just throw any champion into the jungle and do well.
Just tried out jungle Akali with the changes. Udyr was faster than me ganking around 4 or 5 while I was a level down. Early game they were winning with two towers down. I had just farmed until six then started to gank with creeps being a high priority. Was lucky enough that every lane had some way of slowing/stunning the enemy which made ganks easier for her. We slowly started to make a comeback and snowballed hard into a killteam that just rolled towers. Need to play some more games but she seems all right.


i was in that game. thanks for not saying anything assclown


Are you in solo queue? If so, try to take a support who can carry, steal cs from the AD carry, and carry the team. Better yet, don't play support and just carry. You only really need to play to the meta in 1600+ ELO. That's the level at which you can start to trust your allies to not be awful.

Guess i'll ramp up my Vayne game.


Talon, Sion, Vayne and Graves are all good choices. Never experienced all four to be banned at the same time.
I think I own exactly one of them (Vayne). XD I didn't care for Graves' gameplay style, but I did like Talon, and Sion would probably be good to learn...I shall have to learn the intricacies of AP and AD Sion then!


none of you have no idea how tempted i am to buy northern front volibear

after every kill i'd have to stop and taunt them for the glorious soviet union


Oh, I think my favorite comment from solo ranked yesterday was from a Galio on my team. Galio is a tank whose ult taunts people. The other team had Rammus, and halfway through the game Galio was like:

"Since when does Rammus have a taunt?"


Lol forums are pretty funny now, but this quote scares me

Guinsoo said:
You are correct in that it makes ganking for a jungler more expensive. But this also means that within the lane, players can adjust because ganks are more expensive - aggressive lanes can play more aggressive. We also have some [much smaller] changes to other systems (turrets, minions, Nashor, etc) in the upcoming patches (and undoubtedly some jungle tweaks too) that will support these changes to the jungle. It's very unfortunate that we were unable to get all of these changes in the same patch (new masteries, jungle changes, and the other changes I referred to earlier) as that drastically has shifted expectations from patch to patch. We tested most of these system changes together, and you guys unfortunately had to experience them in pieces. This process is something we are examining internally.

That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
The gold gains in the jungle are seriously messed up. Way too much of it is stacked on red and blue.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
No wonder they hired Nome. Probably going to kick Guinsoo out before he ruins the game.
We tested most of these system changes together, and you guys unfortunately had to experience them in pieces.

When they announced a Season 2, I swore they were going to roll out ALL of the changes in one massive update, not piecemeal. It is pretty stupid.



5300 health in the end. i was a beast :)

also while rylais seems like a good idea on him i dont think it was worth it. since he is melee you are up in close in team fights and yes the slow is proc'd on your ult but it just isnt worth it i dont think. i probably would have been better off with some AD, AS, or even some MR.

also this is an extreme case. it was a 50 minute game and we could have ended it in 30. we were seriously just dicking around in the end. the other team was pretty bad.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Still not sure what to think about the new jungle. Parts of it seem cool, exp gains are killing me though. Even if I get super fed I'm noticeably behind in level behind laners.


The heck is up with Baron though? He was critting me for like a billion. Also, Fiddle counters Fizz so hard.


Didn't they buff baron somewhat? I know for one thing you shouldn't be able to put wards inside him, for instance.

Also I finally got my first solo queue ranked win, after I had my worst game (was trying to discuss with my team and accidentally picked got random'd into mundo instead of an AP carry, lol).

In my winning game as Caitlyn I didn't carry per se, but I had no deaths thanks to a great Soraka, and I had forgotten how nice it is to get 1200+ crits with Caitlyn.
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