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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Holy shit lol.

Xerath has large seige times on both his W and his Q. Give's Fizz plenty of time to Q or E in and fuck his shit up. You dont take Xerath's W into account because of its large animation time.

You see it happening in your games, w/e? that means nothing. I can beat Udyr as GP top lane in my games. Sure as hell Udyr owns GP. You see it at tournament level play? lol, EG v TSM, Salce OUTFARMED Reginalds Karthus as Kennen.

Please, don't resort to personal attacks. It's makes you look pretty dumb, esp. when you say stupid stuff afterwards.
It's not a personal attack (like saying someone looks dumb or is saying things that are stupid with no evidence to the contrary), but when I say you are clueless it's because what you are saying has no relation to anything going on in League of Legends. So when all you post is a short thing about how nobody counters Kennen but people eat Xerath and Karthus alive in lane I am just left scratching my head. The things you are saying are at odds with each other. Nobody can beat Kennen in lane but the stronger long range AP laners get "eaten alive"? You are stating things as blunt facts but literally have nothing to prove them.

Xerath and Karthus are clearly the strongest AP laners in the game. They farm well, they harass well, and they have good early games and above average late games. Kassadin's super weak early game and low range makes him a terrible choice against Xerath. Fizz mid is like...some kind of bad joke. The fact that you have brought him into a conversation about mid lane is why I don't think you really have a great grasp of the lane. He has no means of farming on the same level as other mid champs, and he will get pushed out of lane all day. He is not remotely good against ranged champions, particularly the ones who occupy mid lane. He can fare decently top or in the jungle, but taking Fizz mid is just a sure way to lose the game.

Kennen won 1/3 of his games at MLG. Clearly unbeatable, thanks for bringing it up. At the eleven minute mark of the game you're referring to Kennen is 10 CS and a kill behind Karthus. It only gets worse from there when Karthus spirals out of control and dominates the whole game.That is some really great outfarming. Again, I cannot emphasize enough the fallaciousness of almost everything in your posts right now, unless you are being sarcastic in an effort to disprove yourself.

Your understanding of Xerath, similarly, is non-existent. The "siege time" on his W is meaningless. Him being in that stance doesn't mean you can magically dodge everything he throws. If people try to take advantage of it their movements become very predictable, and he gets a free stun combo. If they try to stay away and farm he can hit them from a distance. While you can't hit every Q at the same time the enemy cannot expect to dodge every one, and it is an ability that is incredibly easy to spam because of its low mana cost and cooldown. Xerath's Q is one of the easiest skillshots to hit in the game with it's size and very low cast time, and the delay is extremely short. You are putting on some weird front and pretending he's useless and his spells will never land, but that really couldn't be further from the truth.


Nobody can beat Kennen in lane but the stronger long range AP laners get "eaten alive"? You are stating things as blunt facts but literally have nothing to prove them.
Kennen is basically a safer laner than them. Speed up + sustain + no need for mana

Xerath and Karthus are clearly the strongest AP laners in the game. They farm well, they harass well, and they have good early games and above average late games. Kassadin's super weak early game and low range makes him a terrible choice against Xerath. Fizz mid is like...some kind of bad joke. The fact that you have brought him into a conversation about mid lane is why I don't think you really have a great grasp of the lane. He has no means of farming on the same level as other mid champs, and he will get pushed out of lane all day. He is not remotely good against ranged champions, particularly the ones who occupy mid lane. He can fare decently top or in the jungle, but taking Fizz mid is just a sure way to lose the game.

No, Fizz - I agree that Fizz is pretty average in mid, but he has a champion he can fuck up and its name is Xerath

Kennen won 1/3 of his games at MLG. Clearly unbeatable, thanks for bringing it up.
Because one champion makes an entire game

Your understanding of Xerath, similarly, is non-existent. The "siege time" on his W is meaningless. Him being in that stance doesn't mean you can magically dodge everything he throws. If people try to take advantage of it their movements become very predictable, and he gets a free stun combo. If they try to stay away and farm he can hit them from a distance. While you can't hit every Q at the same time the enemy cannot expect to dodge every one, and it is an ability that is incredibly easy to spam because of its low mana cost and cooldown. Xerath's Q is one of the easiest skillshots to hit in the game with it's size and very low cast time, and the delay is extremely short. You are putting on some weird front and pretending he's useless and his spells will never land, but that really couldn't be further from the truth.
It's not about dodging, the time on his W+Q or simply his Q allows champions with high mobility to come in and fuck his shit up. Kassadin+LB can get in and silence him before he can respond. I'm not saying Xerath isn't strong. He IS the strongest AP laner, but he DOES have counters and high mobility, high burst champions with a form of CC are those.

I don't think you really have a great grasp of the lane
thats just a polite personal attack btw. "you dont know anything about middle lane".
Yeaaaap. I am pretty sure I have a much better grasp on every lane than you, including mid. You're the one who thinks Riven is trash right?


How does black shield make double bomb irrelevant? he can still apply them on her. Bomb has a higher AP ratio than shield, and it has large base damage. Anyway, I'm not saying Zilean beats moragana,

I just meant that zilean can punish morgana easier because she can miss. Zilean v Morgana is just a farm lane. Neither of them counter the other. Morgana should hardly land bindings against any competant zilean. He pushes as well as her, and can speed himself up. Morgana is too bulky to bother to harass. bla bla

If he has to get in position for the double bomb, then he'll be exposed to the soil+binding combination. Not even a competent Zilean can get to a competent Morgana without taking some damage. She might not be the hard counter like Kassadin are to some mages, but she still got the upper hand on Zilean.

And to go back to your original post. Yorick and Kennen can also be countered. Just like every other champion in League of Legends. Not necessarily hard countered, but Riot's philosophy is, that all champions have one somewhat exploitable weakness.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Yeaaaap. I am pretty sure I have a much better grasp on every lane than you, including mid.
And yet here we are, and you clearly have no idea how Xerath works. If you go in on him when he sieges you have just taken the most obvious bait in the game. That is exactly what a Xerath wants. You are coming in on him when he has boosted spell pen and longer range, letting him land the easiest stun combo in the history of the world because your path in to him is along his Arcanopulse. So he hits you with those and then he can just glide away with super speed to safety before the stun is up, or go in on you if you're low enough and he knows you will not get away. This gets even worse at level 6 because he will burst as hard as Leblanc and about twice as hard as Kassadin. Xerath burst at 6 can get obscene, and he is going to be pulling in the first hit with a stun if you are coming in on him when he sieges. You're talking about champs jumping in and getting a silence but the time doesn't really allow for that, and with his range he can stun them coming in easily.

Karthus and Xerath have very few mana problems under the current meta of stacking early Doran's. Pretending Kennen has some advantage on them because he uses energy is rather absurd. If anything the energy dependency hurts his burst because he can't just dump forever when the need for it actually arises.
Boken said:
Because one champion makes an entire game
No, they don't. Which is why I pointed out how seriously hard Karthus destroyed the enemy team and outfarmed Kennen at the same time in that match. Kennen didn't even do well in that lane. The only time Kennen showed dominance was when the enemy team lacked CC, had bad positioning, and the entire team comp around Kennen was focused on doing AOE damage with him.


How do you win? Everybody is just saying that they beat him without any objective reason why. Kennan v Malz is just a farm off. Infact, he can ult your ult and interrupt it so you have to be more careful of him yourself.

He's squishy enough to die with a single Vision + ult + voidling combo unless he stacks hp. I just stand between my melee and caster creeps so he can't tag me with a shuriken. I stick a vision on his caster mobs and when he nears them, I CotV the wave. Visions jumps from the dead creep to him, attracts the attention of my voidling, then ult him. Levels 1-5 is a bit of a farm fest though, you are right about that.

Could be I'm just playing bad Kennens but every single time I've been matched against one, that is how the laning phase has gone.


If he has to get in position for the double bomb, then he'll be exposed to the soil+binding combination. Not even a competent Zilean can get to a competent Morgana without taking some damage. She might not be the hard counter like Kassadin are to some mages, but she still got the upper hand on Zilean.

And to go back to your original post. Yorick and Kennen can also be countered. Just like every other champion in League of Legends. Not necessarily hard countered, but Riot's philosophy is, that all champions have one somewhat exploitable weakness.
As I said, Zilean v Morgana is essentially a farm off. Zilean respects Morgana's damage and sustain and just bombs minions all day.
What I meant by "counter pick" is what you mean by hard counter - you beat their ass in lane and thus weaken them for mid/late. Farm fests to me aren't counter picks.

And yet here we are, and you clearly have no idea how Xerath works.
No, I really was just pointing out that its stupid to say "you dont know shit about mid" since you cant prove things like that. Yes, I do know how Xerath works.

If you go in on him when he sieges you have just taken the most obvious bait in the game. That is exactly what a Xerath wants. You are coming in on him when he has boosted spell pen and longer range, letting him land the easiest stun combo in the history of the world because your path in to him is along his Arcanopulse.
No, they're not walking straight at him. Kassadin and LB can jump diagonally, Fizz can E towards, bla bla

So he hits you with those and then he can just glide away with super speed to safety before the stun is up, or go in on you if you're low enough and he knows you will not get away. This gets even worse at level 6 because he will burst as hard as Leblanc and about twice as hard as Kassadin. Xerath burst at 6 can get obscene, and he is going to be pulling in the first hit with a stun if you are coming in on him when he sieges. You're talking about champs jumping in and getting a silence but the time doesn't really allow for that, and with his range he can stun them coming in easily.
I don't deny that Xerath has great burst, but high mobility champions give any squishy skill shot champion issues. Esp when that champion is as "stationary" as Xerath. By stationary I mean that he has to stand still because of two of his skills.

Karthus and Xerath have very few mana problems under the current meta of stacking early Doran's. Pretending Kennen has some advantage on them because he uses energy is rather absurd. If anything the energy dependency hurts his burst because he can't just dump forever when the need for it actually arises.
Karthus doesn't have mana problems sure, because of his E. I assure you that you will run out of mana if you spam Q all day on Xerath though

No, they don't. Which is why I pointed out how seriously hard Karthus destroyed the enemy team and outfarmed Kennen at the same time in that match. Kennen didn't even do well in that lane. The only time Kennen showed dominance was when the enemy team lacked CC, had bad positioning, and the entire team comp around Kennen was focused on doing AOE damage with him.
My point is purely about laning, not about team fights. I was showing you that by being able to out farm Karthus even after dying, he can farm just as well as Karthus in the farm fest called Karthus v Kennen.

He's squishy enough to die with a single Vision + ult + voidling combo unless he stacks hp. I just stand between my melee and caster creeps so he can't tag me with a shuriken. I stick a vision on his caster mobs and when he nears them, I CotV the wave. Visions jumps from the dead creep to him, attracts the attention of my voidling, then ult him. Levels 1-5 is a bit of a farm fest though, you are right about that.

Could be I'm just playing bad Kennens but every single time I've been matched against one, that is how the laning phase has gone.
Kennen is pretty hard to play. Post 6, Kennen has to respect Malzahar damage. Farm with Q, he doesn't have to be in range of vision jump. It's just farm until somebody can flash ult the other.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I don't think Fizz can beat Xerath. He gets shut down by ranged pretty easily.

He relies on harassing with auto attacks, and then casting all his spells and playful/trickster out, which only works at level 3. The problem is playful/trickster isn't a very good move for mobility purposes, and after using it against Xerath he'll be in range for the stun combo.

And lol Boken, using E to approach? Your best defense against single target stuns and you want to blow it just to get close?


Schedules up for WCG. I must say that I only know a few of the team names (CLG, Dignitas, iG) on the list: Group A & B - Group C & D

Full tournament schedule
As I said, Zilean v Morgana is essentially a farm off. Zilean respects Morgana's damage and sustain and just bombs minions all day.
What I meant by "counter pick" is what you mean by hard counter - you beat their ass in lane and thus weaken them for mid/late. Farm fests to me aren't counter picks.

We'll have to disagree then, because I see someone as a counter when they can outzone the other champion - even if that's without killing him/her.


Sorry about my long AFK yesterday. It was super windy last night, one of the patio collasped and fall inside the pool, along with plants, and most of the stuffs in the backyard.

I had to reinenforce the other patio so it won't break like the other one. Also millions of stuff in the backyard that I had to rescue so it doesn't get destroy in the wind.

Now half of the city have no power =/


I don't think Fizz can beat Xerath. He gets shut down by ranged pretty easily.

He relies on harassing with auto attacks, and then casting all his spells and playful/trickster out, which only works at level 3. The problem is playful/trickster isn't a very good move for mobility purposes, and after using it against Xerath he'll be in range for the stun combo.

And lol Boken, using E to approach? Your best defense against single target stuns and you want to blow it just to get close?

E, Q, whatever you like. I did say bla bla. Its more complicated than justing using a skill. You walk in, he wants to throw out an E at you? E to dodge and roll at him. If he doesnt take the bait, you use Q and save E bla bla.

People dont respect Fizz damage enough yo.


Holy shit lol.

Xerath has large seige times on both his W and his Q. Give's Fizz plenty of time to Q or E in and fuck his shit up. You dont take Xerath's W into account because of its large animation time.
If Fizz uses Q and E, he will have burned maybe 1/3 of his mana pool at low levels, if I recall correctly, and he will be left with no escape route back out. If he has level 2 shoes he might be decent at dodging Q's but I suspect it would be difficult before then.


sparkle this bitch
E, Q, whatever you like. I did say bla bla. Its more complicated than justing using a skill. You walk in, he wants to throw out an E at you? E to dodge and roll at him. If he doesnt take the bait, you use Q and save E bla bla.

People dont respect Fizz damage enough yo.

Fizz leap takes priority over all skills I've seen. Karth ult, Lux laser, normal skill shots. He can dodge them all with it.


Fizz leap takes priority over all skills I've seen. Karth ult, Lux laser, normal skill shots. He can dodge them all with it.
I have tried and failed to dodge the Karth ult with it, and it seems to take precise timing. It has maybe a half second/third of a second window with it.

Also boken and dance, I suggest three custom games 1v1 mid. Whoever wins 4 out of 3 games wins bragging rights!


ArPen is better in almost every case.

Apparently AD is better on Tristana. Dunno why.

That said, Sivir OP.

AD is FOTM because a bunch of high elo players started to replace their ArPen for AD. The fact of the matter is that full AD runes/quints is stronger for Tristana from lvs. 1-5 where she is strong. The ArPen starts to scale better for her lv. 6 onwards, where she starts to get weak until you get IE. So this choice really depends when you prefer to have the advantage.

Personally, I like ArPen reds with AD quints because the latter is very gold efficient and having just a bit of extra AD helps me with last hitting.


Sorry about my long AFK yesterday. It was super windy last night, one of the patio collasped and fall inside the pool, along with plants, and most of the stuffs in the backyard.

I had to reinenforce the other patio so it won't break like the other one. Also millions of stuff in the backyard that I had to rescue so it doesn't get destroy in the wind.

Now half of the city have no power =/

holy crap, where do u live?
I love Morgana so much. She's basically the only champ I've played since I joined (although I learning new ones now out of necessity) and sometimes I get scared because she's getting more and more popular which leaves me fearing a nerf in the future.

Anyway, there are few champions that I consistently have trouble with when I solo mid. I mean, I'm not the best, and of course I will face bad players of awesome champions and win, but I think I've only ever met maybe one or two Kennens who were able to outdo me in mid. And I'm not that great. With Zilean, it's even less. I hardly even see him in mid. Xeraths have been annoying for me to do, but I love his little anchor because it sets me up for the easiest binding shot ever. Especially if I drop soil first for the mr reduction.


Kennen doesn't outrange Xerath. This is just...blatantly false. You also aren't accounting for the fact that Xerath is going to hit multiple spells from a range, and can do it through the creep wave. As long as you stand behind minions Kennen can't hit you. Same goes for Karthus. You can drop bombs on Kennen no problem without giving him that line of sight.

Xerath is OP beyond belief. He will push everyone out of mid. That's just how it is.

Karthus has to come into Kennen's range usually to try to hit him with his Q. Then he gets Lightning Rush'ed, Shuriken'ed and then Surge stunned.

Xerath? Just stay out of his range and farm minions with your auto attacks, Surge, and Shurikens ... not like you're gonna run out of mana doing so. Don't bother trying to kill him if you don't need to ... farm your items, wreck teams with your ult. Let Xerath push and get ganked by your jungle if he wants.

That said ... it all comes down to player skill. A good Kennen can stomp a bad Xerath any day all day. A good Xerath can stomp a bad Kennen all day every day. You wait till someone fucks up and hope you can punish them when they do.

Rawk Hawk

Champions it is okay to pick: Xerath, Morgana, Rammus, Irelia, Cassiopeia, Skarner, Udyr, Ryze, Karthus, Galio, Gragas, Tristana, Kog'maw, Sona, Vayne, Kassadin, Yorick, Alistar, Cho, Nidalee, Trynd, Shaco (if the other team is not good), Lee Sin, Sion, Fiddlesticks, Kennen, Vayne, Nasus.

These champions will all win/dominate lanes at capable levels of play against champions not on the list.
Interesting, I'm still fairly new to the game in general (lv23) but have been playing a lot of Brand, what makes him not top tier? I seem to do okay with him, I like how I feel decent throughout the whole game, where other champs I feel like I'm less useful at different times.

What's the counter to Brand I should fear and/or avoid?


He's okay. Just not so popular as he used to be. He dies really quickly in team fights, but unlike Karthus he can't do anything when dead.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Sorry about my long AFK yesterday. It was super windy last night, one of the patio collasped and fall inside the pool, along with plants, and most of the stuffs in the backyard.

I had to reinenforce the other patio so it won't break like the other one. Also millions of stuff in the backyard that I had to rescue so it doesn't get destroy in the wind.

Now half of the city have no power =/
Don't worry about it, I still actually kind of had fun trying to mid Janna. Hopefully everything works out okay with your patio, and it's good you didn't get hit by anything in the wind.
AI don't deny that Xerath has great burst, but high mobility champions give any squishy skill shot champion issues. Esp when that champion is as "stationary" as Xerath. By stationary I mean that he has to stand still because of two of his skills.
He'll get his combo on people going in on him every time and outzone "high mobility" champions. You can actually cast your E on people within the extended range if you cast it the second you begin to Locust, and it will go off even if they move outside of the range. I cannot stress what a strong laner Xerath is, and how the meta is going to favor the strongest laners with the jungle as it is. Mobility is not the counter to him. In the most recent scrims of CLG vs TSM Xerath was picked twice. Guess who he laned against.

He won his lane really hard against one of the best Leblanc players in the world. Why didn't she just dodge all of his abilities and win her lane? Because she can't.

But what about Kassadin? Surely he can just jump in and stop Xerath from being a boss in lane. He's the anti-mage, right?

Nope. Doesn't stand a chance. Seriously, look at that farm distance. Leblanc and Kassadin just cannot possibly last hit like they need to with Xerath in lane. Xerath's counter is actually other skill shot based champions who can take advantage of his root without making themselves vulnerable to his combo. Cassiopeia and Karthus are going to lane against him better than anyone else, but it's still a tough match up for either. You aren't going to take advantage of him when he roots unless you are the jungler and make it a 2v1 and catch him from behind/the side (his other weakness).
Boken said:
Karthus doesn't have mana problems sure, because of his E. I assure you that you will run out of mana if you spam Q all day on Xerath though
You don't. Xerath does not have mana problems with mana regen per level runes and a few Doran's. I don't know what else to say but I just do not have mana problems of Xerath ever. His base mana regen is literally the highest in the game. His low mana costs also make other champions look rather silly. And because he doesn't rely on Ignite like other casters you can find a lot of success running Teleport/Flash and it even more of a non-issue.

Fizz is a bad laner. He will get destroyed by any Xerath or competent range which is why pros run him as AD in the jungle. I have no idea why you think he can hang mid.
Interesting, I'm still fairly new to the game in general (lv23) but have been playing a lot of Brand, what makes him not top tier? I seem to do okay with him, I like how I feel decent throughout the whole game, where other champs I feel like I'm less useful at different times.

What's the counter to Brand I should fear and/or avoid?
He's decent, but there are just better mages to run. It always comes down to personal preference, so if you're particularly good with a champ you can do a lot with them. Brand is very weak to the anti-carry/anti-mage mid, which has gotten more popular and powerful than ever lately. Kassadin, Leblanc, and Morgana will be able to run game on him pretty hard, and put a stop to him in team fights. Xerath will outrange and outburst him. Brand is only not a top tier character because there are better choices for mages out there, but he isn't a bad champion.

Rawk Hawk

Interesting, I think he's pretty fun, and haven't really be rolled yet. Worst I've had on him (verse players my level) is a drawn lane without either of us really winning. Might have to revisit Morgana now that I'm more familiar with the game.


I guess I hadn't realized Sion was still considered tier 1, AND he was cheap, so I picked him up, finally bought 9 magic penetration red marks, and gave him a shot.

He seems decent but the game ended really quickly so I guess I didn't get a good feel from him.

The really odd thing is that he felt really easy to use for me. The stun is not a skillshot, unlike what I thought, and it's quite easy to farm by using the shield and walking into minion waves. I was laning 2v1 against an Irelia and she stayed FAR far away from me at all times, so I guess Sion has some sort of bad reputation.

I have a couple of quick questions if someone is good with Sion:

1. Is solo top lane what he should always do, so he can get decent farm?
2. Is there ever a reason not to have your E turned on? It says it costs health, is that a slight health cost per hit? I didn't level it up until everything else was cranked up so it's not like it costs much health at all early on.
3. How should you actually go about doing damage or killing someone? Shield, stun, walk into them so it explodes, and try to swing at them with the ult active? Presumbably people would try to run away at that point, and I don't think I saw frozen mallet on the build guide.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Fizz leap takes priority over all skills I've seen. Karth ult, Lux laser, normal skill shots. He can dodge them all with it.
Playful/Trickster doesn't stop Fiddle's Drain Life after he casts it on you (it doesn't break channeled spells).

I think Kat's ult can also hit you while you're on top of the trident.

Maokai's Twisted Advance cannot be disjointed, although I'm not sure if this is a bug or what.

I assume Yi's Alpha Strike works the same way but lol Yi.


I guess I hadn't realized Sion was still considered tier 1, AND he was cheap, so I picked him up, finally bought 9 magic penetration red marks, and gave him a shot.

He seems decent but the game ended really quickly so I guess I didn't get a good feel from him.

The really odd thing is that he felt really easy to use for me. The stun is not a skillshot, unlike what I thought, and it's quite easy to farm by using the shield and walking into minion waves. I was laning 2v1 against an Irelia and she stayed FAR far away from me at all times, so I guess Sion has some sort of bad reputation.

I have a couple of quick questions if someone is good with Sion:

1. Is solo top lane what he should always do, so he can get decent farm?
2. Is there ever a reason not to have your E turned on? It says it costs health, is that a slight health cost per hit? I didn't level it up until everything else was cranked up so it's not like it costs much health at all early on.
3. How should you actually go about doing damage or killing someone? Shield, stun, walk into them so it explodes, and try to swing at them with the ult active? Presumbably people would try to run away at that point, and I don't think I saw frozen mallet on the build guide.

Sion can go anywhere. Top solo, mid, jungle even.

Hide in bushes once you get some AP .... pop your shield ... wait till about when you can trigger it ... walk out stun someone and blow your shield .... throw ignite on em too.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Playful/Trickster doesn't stop Fiddle's Drain Life after he casts it on you (it doesn't break channeled spells)
Fiddle is one of the hardest kind of counters against Fizz. His Drain helps lower the low HP bonus damage Fizz gets, his Fear is unmissable hard CC, and his silence will help him going in or wrapping things up. I really want to see Saintvicious or someone pick Fizz and start hucking it up and then the enemy team picks Fiddlesticks, who doesn't get enough tournament play.


Sion can go anywhere. Top solo, mid, jungle even.

Hide in bushes once you get some AP .... pop your shield ... wait till about when you can trigger it ... walk out stun someone and blow your shield .... throw ignite on em too.
So ghost/flash and ignite should be good on him, it sounds like. I could try jungling him, that could be fun with the stun and shield. I've been staying out of the jungle since the change though.

What situations would he work mid though? He has the stun poke (100 mana or so, ouch), but that's it. Against any sort of AD or AP carry, what would you do, just try to shield farm minion waves near your tower and hope it's not Caitlyn/Xerath/Tristana/Kog'maw who can pop you from outside tower range?


Sion is very strong mid. It's hard for most mid champions to break his shield efficiently. Any champion who can't break the shield easily and can't push minion waves at least almost as well as sion automatically lose.

Sion play guide
-max w
-kill mid if he weak
-push minion to tower
-gank bot or top
Items: boots of mobility, many dorans hue hue


Junior Member
Hello ladies,

So I haven't been playing due to school shenanigans, but have been keeping up with you guys to see what exactly this patch consisted of. First of all,

WTF Riot, thanks for making huge changes to the game on finals week... JERKS

Second of all, this has probably been said but I can't help myself:


In Soviet Russia, LASER CHARGES YOU.

That's all. <3


Hello ladies,

So I haven't been playing due to school shenanigans, but have been keeping up with you guys to see what exactly this patch consisted of. First of all,

WTF Riot, thanks for making huge changes to the game on finals week... JERKS

Second of all, this has probably been said but I can't help myself:


In Soviet Russia, LASER CHARGES YOU.

That's all. <3

Lux also apparently received a boob job in Russia while she was there .... christ.


Sion is very strong mid. It's hard for most mid champions to break his shield efficiently. Any champion who can't break the shield easily and can't push minion waves at least almost as well as sion automatically lose.

Sion play guide
-max w
-kill mid if he weak
-push minion to tower
-gank bot or top
Items: boots of mobility, many dorans hue hue
I really hesitate to pick boots of mobility over sorc shoes or even merc treads...but maybe if I tried Sion mid it could work for lane ganking. If anyone else is a pro Sion share your input!
Sorry about my long AFK yesterday. It was super windy last night, one of the patio collasped and fall inside the pool, along with plants, and most of the stuffs in the backyard.

I had to reinenforce the other patio so it won't break like the other one. Also millions of stuff in the backyard that I had to rescue so it doesn't get destroy in the wind.

Now half of the city have no power =/

kiunch, are you ok
post if you are ok


you buy champs with rp? o_O

Sometimes. I've spent the majority of IP I've accumulated on runes as I'm not quite level 30 yet. So I either fight the unwashed masses on free champ weeks or I play with the same 7 champs I always play as. Right now I have enough RP to not be considered insignificant but not enough so that I can actually buy anything I want. Being on sale would put her under that limit.


sparkle this bitch
I really hesitate to pick boots of mobility over sorc shoes or even merc treads...but maybe if I tried Sion mid it could work for lane ganking. If anyone else is a pro Sion share your input!

You want boots of mobility if you are center as Sion. You want to go gank and they let you do it.


What's not being discussed regarding the jungle changes is that it's super easy to clear now. Before the mastery and jungle revamps, I couldn't clear it with cloth+5 because I'm not level 30 and I didn't have a dedicated jungle rune page (mainly ASPD).

I ran a lot of jungle custom games and I can take a bottom tier (or non-existent tier rofl) jungler such as Garen and clear it with ease now. I'm just running my standard AD carry rune page. I can only imagine if I ran a top tier jungler with aspd runes.

Once Riot fixes the exp and gold issues, jungling will be awesome.
I just got countered mid as Kennen. Wukong, goddam. Fucking impossible to knock out of lane, and he had much more burst than I did. The other team also had a Jungle Mao that was camping my lane and throwing saplings at me every 10 seconds. I'm not even sure where they were coming from.

Edit: I actually did fine against him, but the rest of my team fed like fuckers and I couldn't really stop him from csing without him trading much more damage than I could take.
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