It's not a personal attack (like saying someone looks dumb or is saying things that are stupid with no evidence to the contrary), but when I say you are clueless it's because what you are saying has no relation to anything going on in League of Legends. So when all you post is a short thing about how nobody counters Kennen but people eat Xerath and Karthus alive in lane I am just left scratching my head. The things you are saying are at odds with each other. Nobody can beat Kennen in lane but the stronger long range AP laners get "eaten alive"? You are stating things as blunt facts but literally have nothing to prove them.Holy shit lol.
Xerath has large seige times on both his W and his Q. Give's Fizz plenty of time to Q or E in and fuck his shit up. You dont take Xerath's W into account because of its large animation time.
You see it happening in your games, w/e? that means nothing. I can beat Udyr as GP top lane in my games. Sure as hell Udyr owns GP. You see it at tournament level play? lol, EG v TSM, Salce OUTFARMED Reginalds Karthus as Kennen.
Please, don't resort to personal attacks. It's makes you look pretty dumb, esp. when you say stupid stuff afterwards.
Xerath and Karthus are clearly the strongest AP laners in the game. They farm well, they harass well, and they have good early games and above average late games. Kassadin's super weak early game and low range makes him a terrible choice against Xerath. Fizz mid is like...some kind of bad joke. The fact that you have brought him into a conversation about mid lane is why I don't think you really have a great grasp of the lane. He has no means of farming on the same level as other mid champs, and he will get pushed out of lane all day. He is not remotely good against ranged champions, particularly the ones who occupy mid lane. He can fare decently top or in the jungle, but taking Fizz mid is just a sure way to lose the game.
Kennen won 1/3 of his games at MLG. Clearly unbeatable, thanks for bringing it up. At the eleven minute mark of the game you're referring to Kennen is 10 CS and a kill behind Karthus. It only gets worse from there when Karthus spirals out of control and dominates the whole game.That is some really great outfarming. Again, I cannot emphasize enough the fallaciousness of almost everything in your posts right now, unless you are being sarcastic in an effort to disprove yourself.
Your understanding of Xerath, similarly, is non-existent. The "siege time" on his W is meaningless. Him being in that stance doesn't mean you can magically dodge everything he throws. If people try to take advantage of it their movements become very predictable, and he gets a free stun combo. If they try to stay away and farm he can hit them from a distance. While you can't hit every Q at the same time the enemy cannot expect to dodge every one, and it is an ability that is incredibly easy to spam because of its low mana cost and cooldown. Xerath's Q is one of the easiest skillshots to hit in the game with it's size and very low cast time, and the delay is extremely short. You are putting on some weird front and pretending he's useless and his spells will never land, but that really couldn't be further from the truth.