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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Also most melee bruisers to double golem and red first and then gank at level 2.
Don't really see the point. Any competent team will CV and see your start position. You're going to have to gank bot or top depending on your team, and neither of those seem like great options for an early gank. You're going to be two at the same time as the enemy team probably, and what bruises have a strong level two gank? Lee Sin I guess, not sure who else really. Like 90% of champs are mana dependent and blue start is just so strong and helps you clear so fast.


Don't really see the point. Any competent team will CV and see your start position. You're going to have to gank bot or top depending on your team, and neither of those seem like great options for an early gank. You're going to be two at the same time as the enemy team probably, and what bruises have a strong level two gank? Lee Sin I guess, not sure who else really. Like 90% of champs are mana dependent and blue start is just so strong and helps you clear so fast.

If you start in top right corner, you'll have red near top lane and should be level 2 before top. You don't necessarily need strong CC on the jungler (although it helps), if the lane has the ability to disable the enemy. Nocturne, Xin, Jarvan, Trundle, Shaco and Lee Sin all have the option to go this route. They also had this option before patch with a very strong leash from team mates.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Shaco has an alternative route that puts him at a fast three. People used to golem for two and then gank at two, so I don't really see Golem->Red as a new option, just something maybe more viable (but still not really). Getting a good farm going early on seems pretty important in the new jungle, but maybe that's just me. Dunno why someone wouldn't just flash out of an early gank or not see it coming considering the CV. Level two ganks just don't really seem very optimal to me, and I can't imagine the success rate being high. Also seems like it'd be very easy to take damage and then you wind up with no gank and having to head to base, and then you are super far behind on jungling. The enemy jungler will be level four with red and blue and gank ready by the time you're done with your gank.


I agree that CV makes alternative routes almost impossible, but that's because CV is broken - not the jungle as such. And while we're at it, fear is also a broken mechanic. I jumped someone yesterday with Fiddlesticks and he was feared directly towards his tower...

Edit: Cyanide jungling Vayne now on stream.



I was banning champions and intended to switch Fizz for Sion. However as mentioned, the client apparently messed up and didn't give him the ability to trade even though I clicked it. The guy was a good Sion and Fizz worked out for me, but unfortunately Ashe was talking in caps, calling people cunts or whatnot, yelling at Taric, and then disconnected for 5-10+ minutes as a ragequit, finally came back after we lost more towers, said they'd ate dinner, game went on to an hour.

We might still have won or at least made it last longer, but I screwed up trying to kill fiddle before he could get an ult off. Everyone does so much damage that late in the game. :/ I was working on buying rhylai's, but maybe I should have gone for hourglass just for the invincibility. And maybe to help a little with Riven and Kayle.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Void Staff on Xerath. Massive amounts of Spell Vamp and Spirit Visage of Fiddlesticks. What am I even looking at? And yo, sell your Doran's.


Void Staff on Xerath. Massive amounts of Spell Vamp and Spirit Visage of Fiddlesticks. What am I even looking at? And yo, sell your Doran's.
A very low ELO game! And I was still needing money. I don't think I had enough to buy rhylais or hourglass at that point. Oh and poor Taric never got any gold.


Shaco has an alternative route that puts him at a fast three. People used to golem for two and then gank at two, so I don't really see Golem->Red as a new option, just something maybe more viable (but still not really). Getting a good farm going early on seems pretty important in the new jungle, but maybe that's just me. Dunno why someone wouldn't just flash out of an early gank or not see it coming considering the CV. Level two ganks just don't really seem very optimal to me, and I can't imagine the success rate being high. Also seems like it'd be very easy to take damage and then you wind up with no gank and having to head to base, and then you are super far behind on jungling. The enemy jungler will be level four with red and blue and gank ready by the time you're done with your gank.

I almost crapped myself when i was level 2 at mid then a shaco comes out with double buff and level 3


I played a game as jungle Poppy tonight and opened with regrowth pendant and no pots. Teammates were going nuts and thought I was trolling (well, I was), but it worked. Wish I saved a screenie because I had a full item build and won the game. Poppy's considered a god awful jungler, but I cleared it fine and had some decent ganks. It really goes to show you what these jungle changes are capable of.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I almost crapped myself when i was level 2 at mid then a shaco comes out with double buff and level 3
Yep, he's very dangerous, but it's for a very short and predictable window once you know that's how he plays in the new jungle. As long as you watch for that you can shut down his snowball pretty hard because his leveling will slow down so much.
Tryndamere on other team was destroying last night, was ridiculous.
We won any team fight he wasn't in, but once he got to us... ;_;.

On a side note - I'm only good with Heimerdinger. Terrible with just about everyone else.
Had a few really fun games last night in Ranked. Played almost a perfect game as Zilean as support. I was duoing with a friend, I was first pick so I got him his champ Corki. Unfortunately he couldn't see champs in select so he ended up randoming Zilean. I switched with him, and played bot with him. Besides for an early death on me, I must have saved 15 lives over the course of the game. The rest of our team also had great symmetry in team fights with Amumu, Gang, and Morg. The other team was raging at me hard by the end of the game because they couldn't kill anyone on my team without me saving them.

The second game I ended up going Ken first pick and told my team to pick their best AOE ult champ. The team ended up being Sona, Ken, GP, Galio, and Vayne. They didn't counter pick with either Grag or Janna so we ended up facerolling them in every team fight. Games like those are why I play LoL, decent teams that listen to you and play to have fun, but actually want to win.

Edit: If you guys are in the draft mode for any games I highly recommend banning Shaco, Trynd, and Rammus. They all can really control the game at certain points. Shaco and Rammus are dominant with early ganks and can really snowball every lane for their team because they spend the whole time ganking. Trynd in any game that lasts over 25min is not something anyone should face. If you face one, beat the team fast, that's the only way.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
So my LoL crew has all been playing and getting our daily win in for IP, and then after that we've been playing a practice round of DOTA2 to close out the night. It's interesting to hear everyone's comments about both games now that we have full access to each.


Edit: If you guys are in the draft mode for any games I highly recommend banning Shaco, Trynd, and Rammus. They all can really control the game at certain points. Shaco and Rammus are dominant with early ganks and can really snowball every lane for their team because they spend the whole time ganking. Trynd in any game that lasts over 25min is not something anyone should face. If you face one, beat the team fast, that's the only way.

Shaco is pretty much instaban now. So much terror from that guy. And yeah, Trynd is a very strong top champion. Most people can't/don't know how to beat him. He has both sustain and massive crits. But he can be counter picked really hard though - Jax. Jax feasts on Trynd aaaallll day. Speaking of feasting, a good Chogath player should beat a Trynd player, but not as hard as Jax does.

Edit: I don't have full access to DotA2. I imagine it's pretty much DotA, so we know whats up already.

EDIT2: The RIOT streamer spotlight has changed the streamer game soo much. Shushei was at 20k viewers (HSGG was at 9k, viewers stolen!). And now HSGG is the most politeful and helpful I've ever seen him. Chaox has more viewers than usual though (deserves it) - which shows that the spotlight brought in new viewers. Essentially, I think most streamers will play RioT's "game".
-Polite HSGG is so weird. But he's saying good stuff.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
HSGG also said his grandparents found his stream and asked him about his foul language and attitude or something.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Top laners I think are very strong and also most fun to play would be Yorick, Cho'gath, Nasus, and Gangplank. Jax is also good, although more situational.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Really easy to win lanes as Yorick, and with his ult, natural tankiness, chase ability, and slows he's also very useful in team fights.

Best part about Yorick is that he not only wins his lane, but can completely shut down the other opponent. In my last few games with him I just outlevel and out CS the other top laner by a huge margin because you can push people out so easily.


Really easy to win lanes as Yorick, and with his ult, natural tankiness, chase ability, and slows he's also very useful in team fights.

Best part about Yorick is that he not only wins his lane, but can completely shut down the other opponent. In my last few games with him I just outlevel and out CS the other top laner by a huge margin because you can push people out so easily.

What's his skill leveling usually? Seems it matters if you're facing range or not? How does his ult exactly work, targettable on a hero? Can it work on yourself?


Dayum, how late did you guys play 'til last night?

Random is only fun when you get characters you stand a chance with. Especially when the other team is tryhard GAF xD

Not that much longer, the kassadin game I'm referring to was before you joined lol


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
What's his skill leveling usually? Seems it matters if you're facing range or not? How does his ult exactly work, targettable on a hero? Can it work on yourself?
Skill order is Ult > E (Life steal) > W (AOE slow) > Q (Speed Boost/On Hit). Doesn't make a difference based on opponent, but if you're really dominating your lane and don't need the lifesteal you could prioritize the slow over it.

His utlimate just creates an auto-attacking copy of whoever you choose. Works on anyone on your team or yourself. If the person under the effects of your ultimate die they will come back to life for ten seconds. Works best on your AD carry, but if they aren't around or they are just terrible it can do wonders on yourself too. If you show up late to a 1v2 and the one person against two enemies is about to die you can ult them and let them have their revenge. Doesn't happen too often where you use it that way, because the auto-attack damage is usually the best thing to win fights, so you usually want to use it early on in the fight.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Just build him hybridy then?
You actually want to build him tanky. Easiest start is Meki and build that into an early Manamune to solve most mana problems. Then go into Mercs/Spirit Visage/Glacial Shroud. After that I usually go Frozen Heart into Atma's. Sell the Spirit Visage for a Triforce or Veil if it gets to be super late game.


Manamune(core), trinity (if need damage), frozen heart (Tanky, cdr, works with Manamune), banshees (Tanky and mana), visage (cdr, early game anti Mage burst item), wriggles is desperation item, can go atmogs if winning hard but I prefer trinity.

Cdr has value for Yorick because the higher his ghoul uptime, the higher his damage and tankiness. Manamune is core because you need the regen, it gives ad, and Yorick stacks it easily. These two make frozen heart a core in games with more than two Ad champions.

Yorick is one of the easier win your lane top champs to play. Spam your lifesteal ghoul on the opponent ad nauseum.

Tiger udyr wrecks in a trade in top but requires specific runes.
You actually want to build him tanky. Easiest start is Meki and build that into an early Manamune to solve most mana problems. Then go into Mercs/Spirit Visage/Glacial Shroud. After that I usually go Frozen Heart into Atma's. Sell the Spirit Visage for a Triforce or Veil if it gets to be super late game.

Skip the mid tier items after manamune and go straight into atmogs.

You don't be able to do shit late game until atmogs and it's his two stats his ghouls run on.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Why atmas? not much hp items at that point
He's naturally tanky. Atmas will pay for itself on him, but coupled with Warmog's it's just a strong choice. Trinity is a viable DPS alternative, but I tend to prefer Atmog's for its versatility. Sometimes you just need some fast DPS early on though and Sheen/Zeal are good pick ups for that. You can't always wait to build Atmogs.
Skip the mid tier items after manamune and go straight into atmogs.

You don't be able to do shit late game until atmogs and it's his two stats his ghouls run on.
Like Boken said, CDR is king on Yorick. Ghoul spam will lock enemy champs down, provide more health regen, better damage, and plays to his passive, meaning better damage and damage reduction. Warmogs is a very expensive buy in item that will take a long time to fill early game. It's not really going to help you win/dominate your lane top. Atma's is a poor early game choice as well because the crit isn't going to be great and the health pool won't be high enough yet.

Yorick is weakest mid game. He really needs some strong mid game items like Visage and Glacial Shroud to make up for that, and Frozen Heart is one of the best items in the game if the other team has the standard amount of AD champs.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I'm the same, Akali and Trynd are almost always banned.

Is Sion a decent solo top? Someone said AP Sion should (always?) go mid.
I never see Sion top. He is good at pushing around other AP casters mid, but I don't really think he has the 1v1 potential to really hang with the other top laners.


AP Sion goes mid. Some casters could potentially go top, but the meta has "locked" them in the middle. Also someone mentioned earlier mobility boots on Sion, which makes him a dangerous ganker to both top and bot lane.


I never see Sion top. He is good at pushing around other AP casters mid, but I don't really think he has the 1v1 potential to really hang with the other top laners.
I really don't know that I've ever seen another game with such contradictory opinions on stuff, lol.

One guide talked about how Sion is situational mid, and only works against some casters, might be better top lane? Some people said Sion only needs a solo lane, otherwise he doesn't get enough farm. One person said 3 dorans and deathcap. Another said rod of ages, shoes, and deathcap. A guide said dorans, rod of ages, tome, deathfire grasp, deathcap. ;(


I really don't know that I've ever seen another game with such contradictory opinions on stuff, lol.

One guide talked about how Sion is situational mid, and only works against some casters, might be better top lane? Some people said Sion only needs a solo lane, otherwise he doesn't get enough farm. One person said 3 dorans and deathcap. Another said rod of ages, shoes, and deathcap. A guide said dorans, rod of ages, tome, deathfire grasp, deathcap. ;(

I was the guy who said 3 Dorans --> deathcap. I was a little off, 2-3 dorans --> sheen --> needlessly large rod --> deathcap is more accurate. After that it's kind of up to choice. I like a dfg, it makes your burst absurd if you can pull it off. I usually finish the sheen to a lichbane and then build tanky. Boots of mobility are good for ganking presense but seriously fall off in use later in the game. AP sion, if played correctly/ after the first 2 dorans, can bully just about any mid. Shield --> stun --> blow up shield and run away over and over. If you can't get in range for stun your shield should be able to take out almost an entire creep wave so you didn't waste mana. Also, when I play AP Sion I don't get my ult until around lvl 11, just for some sustainability and getting blue buff easier. I usually go w-->e-->q, then max w, then q, then e, then ult. As for the stun/ w harass combo, hit w and don't try and go for the stun until you can blow up your shield or until like 1 second until you can. Just sit in the back behind your creeps until it's safe. A lot of champs can't break the shield tho if you can dodge skillshots. If you're confident you can zone out opponents by using your shield and standing around their creep wave. The harass combo is especially good because you usually end up getting all or most of the caster minion cs in the process of the combo.

Rawk Hawk

I was the guy who said 3 Dorans --> deathcap. I was a little off, 2-3 dorans --> sheen --> needlessly large rod --> deathcap is more accurate. After that it's kind of up to choice. I like a dfg, it makes your burst absurd if you can pull it off. I usually finish the sheen to a lichbane and then build tanky. Boots of mobility are good for ganking presense but seriously fall off in use later in the game. AP sion, if played correctly/ after the first 2 dorans, can bully just about any mid. Shield --> stun --> blow up shield and run away over and over. If you can't get in range for stun your shield should be able to take out almost an entire creep wave so you didn't waste mana. Also, when I play AP Zion I don't get my ult until around lvl 11, just for some sustainability and getting blue buff easier. I usually go w-->e-->q, then max w, then q, then e, then ult. As for the stun/ w harass combo, hit w and don't try and go for the stun until you can blow up your shield or until like 1 second until you can. Just sit in the back behind your creeps until it's safe. A lot of champs can't break the shield tho if you can dodge skillshots. If you're confident you can zone out opponents by using your shield and standing around their creep wave. The harass combo is especially good because you usually end up getting all or most of the caster minion cs in the process of the combo.
I like to play Sion, he is pretty fun. The one thing I seem to do differently is not get a sheen's or lich bane, I generally don't melee much to get the full benefit of the passive. I usually pop my shield and then gtfo before I'm bursted down haha. Seems like a lot of Sion's I play go that route though, going to give it a shot tonight and see if I like it.


I was the guy who said 3 Dorans --> deathcap. I was a little off, 2-3 dorans --> sheen --> needlessly large rod --> deathcap is more accurate. After that it's kind of up to choice. I like a dfg, it makes your burst absurd if you can pull it off. I usually finish the sheen to a lichbane and then build tanky. Boots of mobility are good for ganking presense but seriously fall off in use later in the game. AP sion, if played correctly/ after the first 2 dorans, can bully just about any mid. Shield --> stun --> blow up shield and run away over and over. If you can't get in range for stun your shield should be able to take out almost an entire creep wave so you didn't waste mana. Also, when I play AP Sion I don't get my ult until around lvl 11, just for some sustainability and getting blue buff easier. I usually go w-->e-->q, then max w, then q, then e, then ult. As for the stun/ w harass combo, hit w and don't try and go for the stun until you can blow up your shield or until like 1 second until you can. Just sit in the back behind your creeps until it's safe. A lot of champs can't break the shield tho if you can dodge skillshots. If you're confident you can zone out opponents by using your shield and standing around their creep wave. The harass combo is especially good because you usually end up getting all or most of the caster minion cs in the process of the combo.
I could see lich bane working if you used the ult for attack speed (I don't find myself in a position to use the ult much). I think the guide I was reading did mention lich bane and why they didn't use it.

I changed it up this time versus a mid morg. I went shoes, two dorans, boots of mobility at some point, and deathcap. It seemed to work pretty well, and I was building the evil tome next...deathfire first might be better? Anyway, it seems like Sion can work against bad Morganas as long as you are okay with a farm fest and can dodge a snare or two. I went 6/0/8. I was still having occasional mana problems though.

Rawk Hawk

I can't seem to find an AD Carry that I do well with.. Teemo what I normally play, but usually don't do so hot with him even, hate getting in games and seeing 2-3 AP Carry insta-locked. I may have to pick up Yorick and try him out, he seems to get a lot of love around here.


Graves still seems like a strong pick for AD. Do any of the normal ad carries do well against him? I played against a Graves last night as Ashe and while they were only up a kill or two in lane his ability to farm and harrass us at the same time made it difficult to keep up with farm. Thinking new Sivir might actually work with the range on her Q, the ability to hit/farm with W, and the spell shield eating some of his Q's.


I can't seem to find an AD Carry that I do well with.. Teemo what I normally play, but usually don't do so hot with him even, hate getting in games and seeing 2-3 AP Carry insta-locked. I may have to pick up Yorick and try him out, he seems to get a lot of love around here.

I've been having success with ezreal lately. He's somewhat hard to play but once you get him down he's really a blast. He's not faceroll though so you do have to practice landing his skillshots and stuff. If I really want to play seriously I usually play cait or kog


Damn I hate solo queue. Tryndamere says he'll tank, then builds IE, PD, LW and Berserker's Greaves. Ends up with 2/11 score :/


Do you get less IP for ranked games? It seems to be a bit less for a ranked loss compared to a normal loss. I assume ranked works for win of the day though.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Do you get less IP for ranked games? It seems to be a bit less for a ranked loss compared to a normal loss. I assume ranked works for win of the day though.
Are you factoring in the length of the match?
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