Had a few really fun games last night in Ranked. Played almost a perfect game as Zilean as support. I was duoing with a friend, I was first pick so I got him his champ Corki. Unfortunately he couldn't see champs in select so he ended up randoming Zilean. I switched with him, and played bot with him. Besides for an early death on me, I must have saved 15 lives over the course of the game. The rest of our team also had great symmetry in team fights with Amumu, Gang, and Morg. The other team was raging at me hard by the end of the game because they couldn't kill anyone on my team without me saving them.
The second game I ended up going Ken first pick and told my team to pick their best AOE ult champ. The team ended up being Sona, Ken, GP, Galio, and Vayne. They didn't counter pick with either Grag or Janna so we ended up facerolling them in every team fight. Games like those are why I play LoL, decent teams that listen to you and play to have fun, but actually want to win.
Edit: If you guys are in the draft mode for any games I highly recommend banning Shaco, Trynd, and Rammus. They all can really control the game at certain points. Shaco and Rammus are dominant with early ganks and can really snowball every lane for their team because they spend the whole time ganking. Trynd in any game that lasts over 25min is not something anyone should face. If you face one, beat the team fast, that's the only way.