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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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He's naturally tanky. Atmas will pay for itself on him, but coupled with Warmog's it's just a strong choice. Trinity is a viable DPS alternative, but I tend to prefer Atmog's for its versatility. Sometimes you just need some fast DPS early on though and Sheen/Zeal are good pick ups for that. You can't always wait to build Atmogs.

Like Boken said, CDR is king on Yorick. Ghoul spam will lock enemy champs down, provide more health regen, better damage, and plays to his passive, meaning better damage and damage reduction. Warmogs is a very expensive buy in item that will take a long time to fill early game. It's not really going to help you win/dominate your lane top. Atma's is a poor early game choice as well because the crit isn't going to be great and the health pool won't be high enough yet.

Yorick is weakest mid game. He really needs some strong mid game items like Visage and Glacial Shroud to make up for that, and Frozen Heart is one of the best items in the game if the other team has the standard amount of AD champs.

The way I've been building him goes for more power than passively getting AD (manamue + frozen heart). Keeping in mind that the ghouls take 35% of Yorricks AD and health I think it better going for a more AD slanted build. With Yorrick the three things are mana, CDR, and dmg.

So I start boots+ pots (neki + pots also works, but I prefer the speed to chase down when my jungler ganks). Then I get a Tear on my first b which cuts the mana issues. On my next I go for a Brutalizer which gives CDR + armor pen + dmg which gives my ghouls the boost for extra harass. From there if I'm doing well and getting kills I'll get a Manamue then Phage, if the enemy is hitting my hard and I'm not doing as good I'll get a Phage then Manamue (proc + more dmg+ health). For lvl 2 boots I gow with Berserkers or Treads depending on the team. From there I usually go a B.F. sword into Black Cleaver (or if not farming as well get the Yomuus then BF). After I'll go for a trin force, then finally either Spirit Visage or Frozen heart depending on the team.

With this way I think its best for Yorrick becasue it cuts down the mid game slump the Yorrick has building standard tanky and comes off with more movespeed to stick to a target in fight, along with the Black Cleaver bonus to cut enemies down faster.


lol just played a game where there was 2 nasus' at top

me and the other team's jungler couldn't secure kills on any of the 2 so by 25 minutes, both of them had 220+ cs

by the end of the game (around 35mins) both of them were on 350-360

I think i might have to start playing nasus with the crappy jungle exp right now


lol just played a game where there was 2 nasus' at top

me and the other team's jungler couldn't secure kills on any of the 2 so by 25 minutes, both of them had 220+ cs

by the end of the game (around 35mins) both of them were on 350-360

I think i might have to start playing nasus with the crappy jungle exp right now
I bet playing in that lane was RIVETING. XD


So a buddy of mine linked me to this story on Reddit, all i can say is that it is amazing. http://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/mxxji/my_experience_with_the_worlds_greatest_teemo/
So I solo que ranked at around 1150 ELO. The usual banter between teammates starts, everyone wants to be solo top/ad carry, it's all fun.

Then there is one gentleman, picking 4th, who is not speaking to anyone. When this happens, usually this guy wants to play 1 champ, and he's going to instalock them and play them regardless. I'm sitting there waiting for his instalock and sure enough its Teemo. This Teemo ends up going bottom with another AD carry.

The game progresses onward and our Teemo is failing hard. By 15 minutes he had died 5 times. At this point, I should mention our team comp. We had myself on Yorick solo top, Xin, Kassadin, Ashe, and our hero, Teemo. We're facing, Akali, Twitch, Wukong, Nasus, and Vlad (Wukong jungled for them, Xin for us.).

Obviously, Ashe and Teemo are having a hard time and Xin is baby sitting that lane. Kass and I actually are able to gank each others lanes a few times and get a couple of kills. The game is pretty even considering we didn't follow the meta to the T and it cost us bottom lane. This is where the game gets fun.

Teemo refuses to communicate or play with us. I look at his items and he has decent CS, he has attack speed and AP items. A very strange build but I can see how it will work on his character.

Our jungler was the best kind, constantly warding dragon and timing all of the buffs. The 4 of us moved around the map and took advantage of every instance we could.

But not Teemo. Teemo literally just went top lane and killed minions until he died. Team fight? Didn't matter to Teemo, he was just pushing lanes and dying. He would try to escape, but it was no use. The other team was on to him and was just waiting for him to push and akali quickly blew him up.

At this point in the game, it's around the 25 minute mark and Teemo has died roughly 12 to 13 times. Everyone is trolling him and the typical whines and moans start about ELO HELL.

Our team reacts by building extremely tanky, Atmogs for everyone. We begin attempting to secure baron. Teemo did actually manage to place tons of mushrooms around the map, and by accident or not, had plenty of mushrooms around baron.

We catch Akali out of position and kill her, the 4 of us rush to baron. We have oracles, the enemy does not have site and we proceed. Teemo continued to push top, despite our desperate plea for his DPS since this was indeed a risky baron, the entire enemy team was still alive. They quickly ran up and killed Teemo, for a total of 80g, while we got baron.

This is when I realize that I am the fool.

I look at the map and realize that if they had tried to stop our baron, Teemo had about 3 million mushrooms surrounding the area and about 200 AP. Their DPS surely wouldn't make it through. Their first 2 towers in all lanes were dead. We still had our back towers and base towers. They never had a chance to push them, Teemo watched them like some kind of bottom lane Batman, defending them at all costs.

I later realized that the opposing team was in a very bad place, even though they were ahead about 12 kills. Teemo meant nothing as a target. Killing him wasn't even worth their time at this point (90G for killing him). However, if they sent just 1 person to kill Teemo as he pushed, he would get away with move quick and some well placed mushrooms. If they sent 2 people to kill him, well, we would have the 4v3 advantage in any fight that would occur. We new to push this advantage at all costs.

This might seem like typical split push play, but the real kicker here is that Teemo has killed no one. He's worth nothing. Just sending 2 people to stop him and collect 90 gold isn't worth it. If they don't send anyone he'll literally get an inhib with his insane attack speed. They have to defend and punish his over extension but with seemingly no risk from us.

Teemo was going out of his way to avoid kills. He knew that if he killed someone he'd be worth 300 gold again, and that wasn't in his master plan. He built straight AP but quickly stopped at what I assume was a predetermined number and went straight AS. Then he moved directly into move speed.

In this moment I was awestruck, as though time was standing still.

Soon baron respawns and everyone knows it. The 4 of us rush baron and Teemo quickly makes his way into the enemy jungle. As they show themsevles in mid lane, Teemo dashes for their middle bottom tower, completely pushing the tower and inhib down.

He's working on one of the base turrets when they retreat to defend. We take an undefended baron for the second time.

This went on for a very long time. Teemo eventually got all the inhibs by using teleport and waiting in the enemy jungle, invisible. Teemo had died over 25 times at this point. He simply teleported / ran bottom/top lane and attacked creeps, while we stayed at the other side of the map.

Eventually, the 4 of us push for the win, after killing about 4 barons, we feel strong enough to win a 5v4. The game creased the hour mark and we would like to move on, it's 2:30 AM EST.

As we cut through our own jungle we are surprised by all 5. We trade our 4 lives for only 1 of theirs and they run for our base. At this moment I'm sure we've lost. Teemo can't defend vs 4 other champs, and our respawn timers are insanely long.

Teemo was at their red buff the entire time.

He moves out quick and absolutely assaults the enemy base. In the madness that is a late game team fight Teemo was calmly auto attacking turrets. No one noticed him, including myself. I was so used to him being anywhere he felt like I had stopped looking for him. He had sold all of his AP items for AS and AD. He was a tower killing machine. He had even taken ALL of the anti tower masteries. He had planned this from the start.

Before their creeps could even make it to our middle tower/inhib Teemo was on the nexus. Sure his score was 0/30/3, but his strategy was unmatched.

Our team is extremely happy. We hated on and trolled Teemo all game for his unwillingness to work with us. No one saw his genius but me. Afterwards, I asked him about his masteries in post game, I wanted to know if this was his plan the entire time.. I was concerned that I had imagined this. He confirmed the masteries, as I suspected since he just melted towers but then he then left me with this bit of wisdom.

"I don't like to play deathmatch, but I know how to win."

Not sure why he called it deathmatch, still not sure if I was being trolled or not. In my heart of hearts, I believe.

TL;DR, Troll Teemo with seemingly Troll tactics M. Night Shyamalan's the shit out of me as he reveals himself to be the best LoL player of all time.

One could argue that he could have simply team fought with us and won the game that way. But I think that would have been far less funny, IMO. In the late game, it felt like the other team was "damned if they do, damned if they don't". Sure we could have won some 5v5s and won traditionally, but this felt like they had lost at 35 minutes in and the rest was simply a formality.

Edit for typos ;D.


I really don't like the writing style. It sounds like a chain email inspirational story, or a reddit post or something. :/

winning with backhanded tactics doesn't sound very amusing to me
ive seen and played against people that spend the whole game playing that way and its just boring


Ahhh first game with volibear and im in love :D



Sivir might be a third one for turret-killing.

At any rate, I saw one of the first good Volibears tonight. I just never seem to see anyone good with them, but this one was using some ability to do like 800-1000 damage in one shot at like...level 13-15? It was crazy. They kept taking out 75% of the health of people on our team.
Does the stacking aspect of Kassadin's ult get used a lot by people who know what they're doing? And do subsequent uses of it get the AP bonus doubled, tripled, etc., as well as the base damage?


So I guess that's confirmation of OmNomNome since he wouldn't give it directly. :D

Also I just had my best Sion game yet, but continue to lose ranked games:

Karthus wasn't even THERE for the first 10 minutes or so of the game. I made some dumb decisions that got me killed, but I really felt like I helped out...I guess once we ran out of room for wards we just kept getting owned by leona going alone, or bad teamfights. Warwick and Talon were huge problems.

The deathfire grasp magic damage really didn't seem like much to me, and I had like 600+ AP. :/ I guess you need a void staff to do effective damage.


So I had a first hand lesson that Irelia crushes Sion 1v1 top. I never died, but I couldn't do anything without teammates (jungle ganked once), and I certainly couldn't farm. She had 30-40 more minion kills than me early, and would burst my shield immediately if I ever tried to farm minions with it.


so volibears q (the knock up) is on hit, meaning if you have a tiamat you can throw mutiple people. In my last game walked into a bush and wrecked 3 channeling spells with it.

you are definitely wrong on that. you cant throw multiple people. Just tried in a bot game. Does not work on minions.

There might be a bug to where it works on champions but i doubt it.


I just played a hour+ match where I was solo top as Talon against a Rumble. I shit all over him during laning and but our jungler Trynd was "lagging" pretty bad and would just feed whenever he tried to gank mid or bot. They pushed us to our Nexus turrets around the 30 minute mark.

We were acing them in our base, but with 6 super minions every wave, we would make little progress towards their base. Well eventually I just sold defensive items and just bought a couple of phantom dancers to take down the minion waves faster. I must have gone 20 minutes without ever leaving the base. After acing them, the other 4 would push towards their base and take out as many turrets as they could before the other team respawned. I was playing some weird PvE version of whack-a-mole.


Get Lich Bane instead of abyssal, gives another high dmg attack.
I don't know whether this is accurate, but this is the guide's explanation:

Why Not?: This is the item people have been foaming over for me not putting it in my guide. It gives AP, Mana, Magic Resist and movement speed along with a decent passive. So everyone is asking me, WHY NOT!? BECAUSE. AP Sion's biggest nuke technique, Death's Caress , requires him to be IN melee range already.

Lets put it like this. if youre in a team fight and you pop a level 4 Death's Caress on 3 champs with no MResist and you have 300 AP ( Level 4 DC does 270, plus the AP it equals = 570 damage ) Multiply the damage times 3 for the three champs, and it equals 1710 DPS IN ONE SECOND. Thats incredible team damage, and the enemy is really gonna feel it.

Now lets say you buy Lich Bane, have 300 AP, and use a level 4 Death's Caress. While sitting in melee range waiting for the shield to get manually exploded, the enemy POPS it due to you being so close and AoE damage is the new in. That 1710 dps in one second is down the drain. BUT OH MY GOD, YOU HIT WITH THE LICH BANE PROC BEFORE DYING! That totals about 400 damage if youre lucky. Now compare the 400 damage to the 1710 dps. Its not even close to the second number is it? Ive seen SO many AP Sion players make that mistake, but continue to insist that Lich Bane is great for AP Sion. Sure it gives mana, Mresist, and that small movement speed, but its NOWHERE near as useful as actually getting your dps off from Death's Caress.

In short, Lich Bane puts you in too much trouble for your ACTUAL form of dps than its going to be giving you. Especially in higher elo, smart players are going to target you when they see you coming. Dont be a derp and sit in melee range. Dip in and out of combat. Dance around. WHATEVER YOU DO, DO NOT SIT AND MELEE CHAMPIONS. Your dps is going to FALL FAST. The only time you should be meleeing is when they literally have a sliver of health left, and you know you can do it. Be smart, dont take Lich Bane. Its a great item, but not for AP Sion.


So I had a first hand lesson that Irelia crushes Sion 1v1 top. I never died, but I couldn't do anything without teammates (jungle ganked once), and I certainly couldn't farm. She had 30-40 more minion kills than me early, and would burst my shield immediately if I ever tried to farm minions with it.

you can crush her easily with an ad build.

imo ap sion is shit, you only have two abilities, and you are restricted with long cool down.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I don't know whether this is accurate, but this is the guide's explanation:
That seems...really dumb. He's putting all of his eggs in the shield basket. So great, your AP Sion is good for two attacks every eight seconds, the bulk of which can be entirely shut down by a good team. That doesn't really help at all. And you're not going to be utilizing half of your kit if you play like that.


o btw, ad sion can dominate any lane, can 1v1 any champ, even tryn, as long as you have your ultimate ready when he uses his undying rage.


I don't know whether this is accurate, but this is the guide's explanation:

that guy is really wrong. AP sion isnt only about AOE damage. You want lichbane for everything it gives you. AP, MR, movement speed and the proc. You have 300 AP and you see one player on the enemy team. you stun them. run and get the hit. and then pop shield. you just did an extra 300 damage on your one hit. the DFG is another nice item yet simply because it gives you another nuke to open up with. And it is great for initiating on tanks. Simply put the guy is wrong about the downsides of the Lichbane. it is a must on AP sion.


It seems to take ages to farm up for items anyway. If I go for lich bane, where does it fit in? I'm trying to rush doran's, doran's, shoes of some sort, deathcap...then lich bane before deathfire? Or after deathfire? I think I barely made it to deathfire using that build in my a 40+ minute game just now. *edit* That was in a duo lane with kogmaw to start with. That was probably a mistake since we both need farm, but versus singed seems difficult anyway -- will sion still be able to farm if he tries to ignore singed being nearly unkillable while doing poison damage and flips?


That guy's argument is basically "I know lich bane is good, but it's too hard to use so don't get it". Summons, you're better than that. Use lich bane - real man item (tm).

dorans, boots, dorans, (dorans if you really need it), boot lvl 2, either large rod or blasting wand, (sheen if you can use it properly), death cap, lich bane, (deathfire only if opposing team is real tank), void staff.
That guy's argument is basically "I know lich bane is good, but it's too hard to use so don't get it". Summons, you're better than that. Use lich bane - real man item (tm).

dorans, boots, dorans, (dorans if you really need it), boot lvl 2, either large rod or blasting wand, (sheen if you can use it properly), death cap, lich bane, (deathfire only if opposing team is real tank), void staff.

Well I've been using Lich Bane and sorc boots as core items to much success. To start is AP tome- Sheen- boots- Lic Bane- lv2 boots.

The guide though is wrong if you get to the party and are waiting to explode you are doing it wrong. I think of Apsion more as an anti-carry than a bruiser like AD Sion. You want to come in from a flank, stun and explode (using DFG and Lich proc) and run out till you can strike again. Lich bane helps on all fronts movement speed + ghost to run in, AP for stun and shield, and proc for the finishing hit.


I went with TheOddOne. That bimbo ruined the first stream for me. Might try to watch that game and CLG at the same time unless it's too confusing.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I remember when Hotshot refused to learn Yorick because he was "too boring". What happened big guy?
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