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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Interesting, I never consider building Stark's Fervor on support... I guess I should try that someday.

Why are all those Sona building deathcap/deathfire, and stacking AP items when it is >1700 ranking and team 5v5. I am more confused now =/

Who knows how they're calculating "most successful end game items".



dat eve and karma.

something something games are starting CLGcanada v jtt (who?) atm...
I know HSGG is streaming, but other people might be too. no idea what this is

It a tournament to get TEAM Canada some experience before WCG next week. Colbycheeze and Chauster commentating on this stream: http://www.own3d.tv/live/157576/Tournamentception


Serious question, do they ever punish anyone for leaving or griefing?

I just encountered my first dedicated griefer in ranked solo queue. I mean, it's ultra low Elo, since it's only 800-900 level, but I'm shocked the Elo would be that high for this person. They had 172 wins on the account, and claimed they only played ranked games and hardly ever win. They also said it was only a feeder account.

They announced they would only feed 9 times, 3 each lane, since I sounded like a nice guy. Then ingame, when I mentioned this to the other team, the griefer said well, they'll feed all game instead. They took revive so they could feed faster. They managed to feed 17 times before the 20 minute surrender, and also tried to take jungle XP at one point and went afk for a minute or two.

Surely such a person would have been reported at least once before? And they were blatantly saying they didn't care about reports.

I guess that may explain why I had 4 ranked game lobbies with people queue dodging in a row. The name was caoniba613, if anyone ever happens to see them.
Serious question, do they ever punish anyone for leaving or griefing?

I just encountered my first dedicated griefer in ranked solo queue. I mean, it's ultra low Elo, since it's only 800-900 level, but I'm shocked the Elo would be that high for this person. They had 172 wins on the account, and claimed they only played ranked games and hardly ever win. They also said it was only a feeder account.

They announced they would only feed 9 times, 3 each lane, since I sounded like a nice guy. Then ingame, when I mentioned this to the other team, the griefer said well, they'll feed all game instead. They took revive so they could feed faster. They managed to feed 17 times before the 20 minute surrender, and also tried to take jungle XP at one point and went afk for a minute or two.

Surely such a person would have been reported at least once before? And they were blatantly saying they didn't care about reports.

I guess that may explain why I had 4 ranked game lobbies with people queue dodging in a row. The name was caoniba613, if anyone ever happens to see them.

You get that stuff even at my elo ~1550. Just had a guy rage against our leader because he wanted AP Mid badly, so our leader decides to pick support Soraka instead. The guy reveals he wanted AP Mid Soraka (which is actually very strong) and decides to feed for the whole game.

At your elo it's even more likely to happen, most people have given up hope at that level. In Season 1 I did manage to work my way from ~1000 up to a max of ~1420, but that was over a good 8 month period, and I basically had to resort to playing WW (who I was beast at during that period, not now). I found many more 4v5s or even 3v4s at lower elos because people didn't put in the effort to reconnect or would rage if someone else dc'd.


You get that stuff even at my elo ~1550. Just had a guy rage against our leader because he wanted AP Mid badly, so our leader decides to pick support Soraka instead. The guy reveals he wanted AP Mid Soraka (which is actually very strong) and decides to feed for the whole game.

At your elo it's even more likely to happen, most people have given up hope at that level. In Season 1 I did manage to work my way from ~1000 up to a max of ~1420, but that was over a good 8 month period, and I basically had to resort to playing WW (who I was beast at during that period, not now). I found many more 4v5s or even 3v4s at lower elos because people didn't put in the effort to reconnect or would rage if someone else dc'd.
I guess it makes sense. I just wish that intentional griefers or leavers would at least a suspension or something. I mean if a router goes out that's one thing, and I'd hate to get suspended for missing 10 minutes if my cable modem goes nuts at the wrong time, but in a case like mine it was blatantly obvious and the person was bragging about it as if nothing would ever happen to them.
I guess it makes sense. I just wish that intentional griefers or leavers would at least a suspension or something. I mean if a router goes out that's one thing, and I'd hate to get suspended for missing 10 minutes if my cable modem goes nuts at the wrong time, but in a case like mine it was blatantly obvious and the person was bragging about it as if nothing would ever happen to them.

A lot of people don't report in my experience so one of the big challenges is just getting everyone to remember to do so as the game ends.


sparkle this bitch
You get that stuff even at my elo ~1550. Just had a guy rage against our leader because he wanted AP Mid badly, so our leader decides to pick support Soraka instead. The guy reveals he wanted AP Mid Soraka (which is actually very strong) and decides to feed for the whole game.

At your elo it's even more likely to happen, most people have given up hope at that level. In Season 1 I did manage to work my way from ~1000 up to a max of ~1420, but that was over a good 8 month period, and I basically had to resort to playing WW (who I was beast at during that period, not now). I found many more 4v5s or even 3v4s at lower elos because people didn't put in the effort to reconnect or would rage if someone else dc'd.

I use to think you were higher Elo than me. Heh.

*Bitches don't know about my Janna carry*


blizzard said:
Serious question, do they ever punish anyone for leaving or griefing?

I just encountered my first dedicated griefer in ranked solo queue. I mean, it's ultra low Elo, since it's only 800-900 level, but I'm shocked the Elo would be that high for this person. They had 172 wins on the account, and claimed they only played ranked games and hardly ever win. They also said it was only a feeder account.

They announced they would only feed 9 times, 3 each lane, since I sounded like a nice guy. Then ingame, when I mentioned this to the other team, the griefer said well, they'll feed all game instead. They took revive so they could feed faster. They managed to feed 17 times before the 20 minute surrender, and also tried to take jungle XP at one point and went afk for a minute or two.

Surely such a person would have been reported at least once before? And they were blatantly saying they didn't care about reports.

I guess that may explain why I had 4 ranked game lobbies with people queue dodging in a row. The name was caoniba613, if anyone ever happens to see them.
You should check out the tribunal =p

Yes but the win/lose ratios are all around 50% and statistically not significant sadly. That ranking is kinda bogus.

The items are interesting :)

Theres around a 20% difference between the top and the bottom. I think thats significant. The items aren't however - we have no clue how they calculated most "successful". Perhaps its the items of the people who have the highest K/D in the database since its not called "most common items". The firstmost isn't anything useful for people.


when will people learn Leblanc is completely useless past laning mid?

Just came from a game where she utterly raped the xerath. But lo and behold a teamfight rolls around and all of a sudden she can't do jackshit while Xerath just bombs everyone


now just lost because someone went twitch

so I've lost 3 games in a row because someone went: eve, leblanc, and twitch

i wish there was a way we could magically contest team picks


formerly sane
when will people learn Leblanc is completely useless past laning mid?

Just came from a game where she utterly raped the xerath. But lo and behold a teamfight rolls around and all of a sudden she can't do jackshit while Xerath just bombs everyone

Because she isn't I roll with her a lot. Zhonyas, Rabbadon, and Voidstaff are my basic troll. If you're team lets you be focused simply put your team is bad. Then again I'm not the typical player or use a lot of traditional setups. If she didn't make the most of her items or utterly has no clue how to avoid focus situations then that is what it is. Don't blame a character for personal faults of a player. Between her fake clone and decent skills with her w plus flash I don't see why most people have problems getting in and out of situations especially with her w being repeated by r in some instances. Build a little more defense gear or in your runes you'd be suprised what she gets away with.

However for me that is enough on the subject of her. On to the cheese and to wrecking train that is my vayne.


I don't even remember what I was smoking for this one. I do remember having a lot of arpen and critical damage runes that night but I was so smashed I did a game like 17-2 and 22-2 all within a few games of each other. In this case over aggression screwed their whole team. Next to no armor on anyone made sure my 1k crits could any. When udyr managed to finally get involved I wrecked him and that was a surrender. I will say it once want your vayne to wreck most just go arpen full and make sure you use critical damage runes or pure armor for everything else. Defense or Offense masteries depending on team comp. I almost had a complete item set but they gave up just before I got starks and veil with all of the rest.

Do note Jenga you're comment about LB doesn't really apply to my game. I wrecked a tank and ad carry that most think that vayne doesn't have kit to deal with. Unfortunately a tryn without ulti and being ignited a lot tends take the wind out of his sails. Same for eating a snare, a barrel, a shark, and condemn all well timed so his ulti is useless.

Still I love this recent game I had as we had no business winning.


Today I got back from a long trip so the troll force came out in the peeps I queued with. never did I imagine we would get trolled back equally as bad. Unfortunately most of our squad was use to tryhards. The setup of our team was literally 3 solo lanes with two junglers. This didn't work to our advantage initially but bottom riven and cho got stupid going after soraka and her shaco cleaned up any problem they would ever start. We basically made chogath our whipping boy as him and the team had no way of stopping our burst, escape/jukes, or healing. After that most of this group dispersed in to groups singles or twos and we just took apart often diving. Yi was easily dominating. Yi wrecked any blue buff attempts and never lost a single gank top which we shut down both tf and cass every time.

BTW that's what happens when two ads get blackcleavers in 11 minutes. Same could be said for mal having two core items in the same time. Soraka neds no explanation. For the record let this picture show that CS means nothing. If you want real money decent cs and high ganking are the only real way to shutdown another team consistently pushing towers for free is just a plus. Rob them of everything when you can if you can. All but one person on the other team outdid us in creep kill including the one without promote. They had a lot of pushing skills but we forced them to play defense at the worst times and stole a dragon from there after we got baron. They tried fighting it out for a while but made too many dumb mistakes and we took down everything on the map until they outright surrendered seeing all lanes were pushed to hell and the nexus turrets

I would take ranked seriously but I don't have anyone for duo queues to rely on. Anyone here who doesn't mind my hard ad carries or fierce support let me know. Over the next few weeks I plan on showing you my epic soraka and janna troll builds. Anyone with good advice on starting with irelia will be appreciated. I love top solo but my ranged ads don't belong there one bit.
Man their Cho trolled us hard but then our Riven troll ganked their Troll-fiddle and everybody was like wtf wow so troll.

And then Yi backdoored both sides simulataneously and you all shut the fuck up about trolling. Idiots.


Always love the top 5 plays of the week clips.

I see Vayne in just about every ranked match I've played. I think I will start banning her.


now just lost because someone went twitch

so I've lost 3 games in a row because someone went: eve, leblanc, and twitch

i wish there was a way we could magically contest team picks
I actually had quite a good Twitch (in the jungle, who failed to get blue since the leasher got it). Or else the other team was just exceptionally bad, but they planted at least two pink wards after they got double-kill ganked, so eh. They're very rare though.
At this point in the meta, no ranged AD carries should be banned. They need to have strong farm or feed to be effective at all in the late game. You might say that is true for any champion, and it is. The thing that differentiates is that AD carries are usually entirely item based, their auto attacks are their damage (which is why duo laning bot is ok, they don't need the lvls). The most common bans are the champions that control the game from the get-go. Shaco, Rammus, Sion, Kass, Fizz, Morg.


I see Vayne in just about every ranked match I've played. I think I will start banning her.

No point really. You'll just get another ranged carry, and they're all pretty even in terms of power and all squishable. You need to ban the people that'll make the range ad carry's game safe.

Rawk Hawk

This is the first time I'm seeing this and my mind is blown: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-ZYbOMzbak
I laned mid verse a Janna as Brand the other day, wow was that hard. I ended up killing her once and not dying myself, but I had to recall 3 times from almost dying leading her basically her beating me in lane despite the death. Neither of us lost our tower, but she contolled me so bad.

I like playing Janna, so I'm going to have to try this out myself at some point.


I don't know that banning Vayne would help much, but I can at least understand the sentiment.

Vayne and Tristana seem to be most common top tier AD carries, I guess along with Graves. I feel Vayne still snowballs harder than anyone else if she gets kills early, and Tristana has the goomba + ult combo to screw people over, plus huge escape range with it.

Caitlyn is very slow (406 or so with level two shoes?) with limited escape capabilities unless you get double phantom dancer. She seems to need fed early, too. I pretty much never see snowballing, dominant Caitlyns in games. Kog'maw should be good especially with the slow, but he doesn't seem too popular or dominant now? I know he can be really good in dominion though. Miss Fortune -can- be decent, but it's rare, and I feel like even Caitlyn is a better choice in general. I ran into a shockingly good Ashe recently, but again that's pretty rare and most of them die in 2 hits and miss their ults most of the time.

Then there's Teemo, but no one's afraid of Teemo (except me), naturally.

Of course this is all anecdotal and could just be the games I'm in, but I definitely feel like there are only 3 that are in most games.


Watching The Odd One for the first time. I'm very impressed. He plays jungler, but unlike saintvicious, he has a support jungler mentality (compared to carry jungler) - trying to help his his team win their lanes rather than trying to carry the game from the jungle. As such his commentary touches a lot on game flow (which I think is very important, and too subtle to teach easily).

He's very angry this game. He speaks like an intelligent version of HSGG. He commentates a lot (thats important) thinngs like - game flow, bad plays, when/what to play etc. It's good.
Watching The Odd One for the first time. I'm very impressed. He plays jungler, but unlike saintvicious, he has a support jungler mentality (compared to carry jungler) - trying to help his his team win their lanes rather than trying to carry the game from the jungle. As such his commentary touches a lot on game flow (which I think is very important, and too subtle to teach easily).

He's very angry this game. He speaks like an intelligent version of HSGG. He commentates a lot (thats important) thinngs like - game flow, bad plays, when/what to play etc. It's good.



Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Watching The Odd One for the first time. I'm very impressed. He plays jungler, but unlike saintvicious, he has a support jungler mentality (compared to carry jungler) - trying to help his his team win their lanes rather than trying to carry the game from the jungle. As such his commentary touches a lot on game flow (which I think is very important, and too subtle to teach easily).

He's very angry this game. He speaks like an intelligent version of HSGG. He commentates a lot (thats important) thinngs like - game flow, bad plays, when/what to play etc. It's good.
Remember like five pages ago I said support jungle would be the new meta with the old low gold and exp gains in the jungle and you said I was wrong?


I guess it makes sense. I just wish that intentional griefers or leavers would at least a suspension or something. I mean if a router goes out that's one thing, and I'd hate to get suspended for missing 10 minutes if my cable modem goes nuts at the wrong time, but in a case like mine it was blatantly obvious and the person was bragging about it as if nothing would ever happen to them.

I'd rather that Riot took the Tatsunoko vs. Capcom method of only matching them with other feeders, leavers, griefers, and trolls. It'd be like having a special, worse type of hell inside of the normal ELO hell.

I'm also a heavy proponent of vote-kicks in ranked during champ selection to prevent such cases as yours.


TheOddOne is pretty respectable I like him a lot. Stonewall and SaintVicious in general seem pretty chill and they usually give good advice.

Never cared for HSGG or Reginald and etc


Since i havent played much ranked SR since the start of Season 2 i decided to take another stab at it today. I am now sitting at 1500 elo. I will not be playing for a while since i know the moment i touch SR again im going to lose like 10 straight and go down to the 1200s.


Since i havent played much ranked SR since the start of Season 2 i decided to take another stab at it today. I am now sitting at 1500 elo. I will not be playing for a while since i know the moment i touch SR again im going to lose like 10 straight and go down to the 1200s.

That stuff pisses me off about elo. Elo really only is true when you've played enough games to get rid of the statistical anomalies. So someone can have a rash of good games to start with, stop playing.. and have a better elo that someone that's chugging at the game.
Is Thornmail like a solid counter on Ashe?

I had a 1v1 with my friend who played Ez and she used Thornmail. Considering Ashe relies on auto-attacks, it explained why I got molten whenever I attacked her even though she didn't have any decent offense item. I had Doran Blade, Zerk Boots and Infinity Edge by that time. I don't think it's fair that I have to spend 3740G on a Bloodthirster + Negatron Cloak just to neutralize every single effect of a 2000G item.


Is Thornmail like a solid counter on Ashe?

I had a 1v1 with my friend who played Ez and she used Thornmail. Considering Ashe relies on auto-attacks, it explained why I got molten whenever I attacked her even though she didn't have any decent offense item. I had Doran Blade, Zerk Boots and Infinity Edge by that time. I don't think it's fair that I have to spend 3740G on a Bloodthirster + Negatron Cloak just to neutralize every single effect of a 2000G item.

Only counters if you don't have enough life steal (dorans blade is negligible). That's the trade off you get for going IE first. You should of least of had a vampiric scepter on you (very cheap). Also a thornmail on another AD carry seems weird since they usually don't have enough HP to make it worthwhile especially if it's that early in the game.


Since i havent played much ranked SR since the start of Season 2 i decided to take another stab at it today. I am now sitting at 1500 elo. I will not be playing for a while since i know the moment i touch SR again im going to lose like 10 straight and go down to the 1200s.

Tell me about it. I've had three instances where I've gone on massive losing streaks of about 10 games. It sucks, but I've been able to climb back up each time. I'm pretty sure that my personal skill isn't spontaneously imploding when this happens, just a series of bad games. I currently have 399 ranked games in Season 2, and I'm still getting ridiculously out of whack / unbalanced matches.

Edit: Just had a match at 1415 where our Garen literally stopped playing after we lost first blood. Completely threw the game. Ugh.
Edit: lol, jinxed myself. Lost 2 straight, back to 1300's. hurrr


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Is Thornmail like a solid counter on Ashe?

I had a 1v1 with my friend who played Ez and she used Thornmail. Considering Ashe relies on auto-attacks, it explained why I got molten whenever I attacked her even though she didn't have any decent offense item. I had Doran Blade, Zerk Boots and Infinity Edge by that time. I don't think it's fair that I have to spend 3740G on a Bloodthirster + Negatron Cloak just to neutralize every single effect of a 2000G item.
Thornmail stinks unless the champ you are using it on is super tanky. Armor penetration and lifesteal destroy Thornmail users, and you have to understand that the person building a Thornmail is essentially throwing 2000g down the drain. It offers no survivability, even if they return some of the damage you put out.

If you want to do damage to people don't do it with Thornmail. If you want to mitigate damage don't do it with Thornmail. Banshee's Veil, Guardian Angel, Frozen Heart are infinity times better for mitigating damage.


Since i havent played much ranked SR since the start of Season 2 i decided to take another stab at it today. I am now sitting at 1500 elo. I will not be playing for a while since i know the moment i touch SR again im going to lose like 10 straight and go down to the 1200s.

But ELO decay!!!!!!


If you want to do damage to people don't do it with Thornmail. If you want to mitigate damage don't do it with Thornmail. Banshee's Veil, Guardian Angel, Frozen Heart are infinity times better for mitigating damage.

I wish someone would explain to me why banshee's veil is considered good. It always seems like a waste to me since the shield can just be taken down by any ole spell.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
Anyone up for some group spectating sometime?

Spectating is fun. The most fun.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I wish someone would explain to me why banshee's veil is considered good. It always seems like a waste to me since the shield can just be taken down by any ole spell.
Spell shields save lives. That "any ole spell" could be a Blitz grab, or an Amumu ult, or a Karthus ult, or a Morgana Q. When you're not taking that much damage as a ranged casteer/carry just stopping one spell can make a huge difference. It also has solid HP and Mana on it.
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