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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Spell shields save lives. That "any ole spell" could be a Blitz grab, or an Amumu ult, or a Karthus ult, or a Morgana Q. When you're not taking that much damage as a ranged casteer/carry just stopping one spell can make a huge difference. It also has solid HP and Mana on it.

Right but you don't get to choose. So someone can peg you with something simple, drop your shield then get ya. QSS seems like ti would be a way better choice and cheaper.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
QSS is a good alternative, but it means you're already taking damage and are in trouble. The whole point of Banshee's Veil is to let you do your thing with a brief period of safety.


Spell shields save lives. That "any ole spell" could be a Blitz grab, or an Amumu ult, or a Karthus ult, or a Morgana Q. When you're not taking that much damage as a ranged casteer/carry just stopping one spell can make a huge difference. It also has solid HP and Mana on it.

I'll never forget the time I played as Garen and an enemy's Veil came up as I was ulting. I never raged so hard. So yes, it saves lives.


sparkle this bitch
QSS is dependent on who they have and who you are. Otherwise Viel is always the more solid option. If they have Malz and your a carry, QSS. They have Karth, BV.


QSS is dependent on who they have and who you are. Otherwise Viel is always the more solid option. If they have Malz and your a carry, QSS. They have Karth, BV.

I hate QSS just because of the fact that I had 2 games with Malz and WW in the other team, and no one in our team buy QSS.

I just wish they will just remove QSS, so I won't be raging so hard every time no one buy QSS against Malz and WW combo. Even if you're tank and no one with a right mind going to ult you, you can still escape stun/slow/etc with it.


qss is usually for champs that NEED to be doing damage, have a means of escaping a cc situation, etc. For squishies BV is usually more prudent since it gives health and prevents game changing scenarios; its true that the shield can be blown on something less devastating than say a Sion stun, but a blocked spell is a block spell. To make it as if someone's spell didn't even exist is always good. But when there are channeling spells like Mal or WW ult, you can take initial damage and deny the rest with qss. It's good because you are causing them to blow their long cd ult and players are always bound to target someone automatically if they don't have that big BV shield on them at the time.

Tanks don't usually get qss, for example, since baiting out such ults is benificial for the team. But there is a reason champs like Trynd or Kass will get qss or cleanse and champs like Amumu and Ashe get BV. Another thing to consider is that QSS is way cheaper than BV. Most carries need to get their big dmg, AP, or aspd items before BV


If i see 2 ignites on the other team and i'm swain, i'm rushing QSS after roa

Why can't more swains be like you? Swain gets ignited every time, dies instantly, still doesnt buy QSS. Oh lawd.

Remember like five pages ago I said support jungle would be the new meta with the old low gold and exp gains in the jungle and you said I was wrong?

And you started quoting champions. I'm saying I like the support jungle PLAYSTYLE. Gank champions like lee sin, rammus, shaco are still the most powerful atm.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
And you started quoting champions. I'm saying I like the support jungle PLAYSTYLE. Gank champions like lee sin, rammus, shaco are still the most powerful atm.
I have played very little League in the last two weeks, but I'm pretty sure this is just not the case. Rammus and Shaco can be shut down pretty easily with proper play, and neither scale well into the late game. If you want to play that support style gameplay the Skarner, Udyr, and Trundle are just going to fit that role better, and they're better junglers to begin with because of their versatility. Lee Sin is a respectable jungler though, but Rammus and Shaco are pretty plainly just flavor of the month and not actually that amazing.


Just played jungle yorick. Was rough in the beginning with low mana, and trundle stole two of my camps. But I helped secure first blood and ended the game with a victory at 9/3/14. Not bad.


I'd have to disagree on Rammus. He's powerful throughout the game, his jungle route is (still) fairly safe, fantastic ganks and his taunt can change fights. Shaco is/was FOTM, but Rammus? No. He's a popular jungler and has been for a long time.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
There was a very long period of time with Rammus jungling much. He's only started to come back recently within the last few weeks really. He's a good jungler, and so is Shaco, but I'm just not sure they're at the very top because of how limited their role can be.


If I ever read a post that gave well written reasons to play a certain champ. Here it is. It's by a player named Rhavanna, who's probably the highest ELO female solo queue player right now. Ctrl+C'd from TL.net:

Yuuuuuuup. Spear with slow + DoT. Be even more annoying.

I *love* pantheon. Holyshit I don't know how I never discovered this guy early on. He's so fucking fun to play, and your lvl1 duels are HILARIOUS. No one can touch you 1v1 at lvl1. Riven? LOL rite. Trynd? Yeah he wishes. Renekton with cloth armor? You can still kill him at lvl1. The only problem imo is that you feel a lot like leblanc late game. Not many people can 1v1 you, and your burst damage is ridiculous, but you are soooo fragile in teamfights and if you don't crush your lane opponent you just lack anything late game.

I'm also not sure how he fits into the current meta. Panth *needs* to build serious damage to be relevant at all late game, and so you aren't able to really be a good tank. Top lane is usually where tanky champs rule, and so if you send Panth top instead of a bruiser, your team may lack a good tank. I personally prefer to run him mid, because you can really mess up a lot of casters too, (and obviously the ability to jump to both lanes is invaluable). But then your team may be lacking magic damage and need to run an AP champ elsewhere.

His lane strength is crazy though. Open dblade and you can seriously force people to recall or die at lvl1 or 2. Always spear never not spear and trade autos if they try to get anywhere near you. Once you hit 2, spear and jump on their face and just trade autos until they back up. *No one* can go toe to toe with you at this level, and you WILL force them to back off, and sometimes even get the early kill because a lot of players even at supposedly higher elos are simply not expecting to die at lvl1 and it somehow just doesn't register with them that "yuuup i can kill you already". They'll try to trade hits or last hit and forget all about your passive and your crazy damage output.

Using his passive well is super important too. Against other auto attackers it's what wins you the fight. As soon as your shield comes up, go start a fight. Right click on them and chuck a spear. If they run, yay, if they fight, yay! As soon as you block the first hit, W on them so you insta-proc another shield and block the next hit. You'll have done good damage by now and blocked 2 full autos which makes the trade look terrifyingly in your favor and they're likely to retreat. As they run, HSS them in the butt and chuck one last spear as it ends. EZPZ.

I'm still torn on runes for him though and I'm hoping people can help me out here. I'm not the best mathcrafter or whatnot and I've been experimenting with lots of different rune setups. Mainly only reds/quints I'm concerned about, and basically flat AD vs arpen. I used to run arpen marks and AD quints, but yesterday I was playing around with pure arpen and actually found myself dealing more damage than normal. Full arpen and a dorans opening is incredibly strong, but part of me also questions running full AD and starting the game with like +27 damage and chuck super death spears all day. What would be most efficient for panth?

I see Loci running panth a lot in ranked and so Loci if you read this please give me your thoughts! I love panth and I want to play him more in ranked games but I feel like unless I really REALLY crush my lane opponent, then I'm just not useful late game. I can insta-gib squishies with a Q->W->auto->E->Q combo late game, but if you get CC'd or focused you just explode. You're like a squishy AD carry that needs to be on the front lines. I just find him super hard to position. If your team lands great CC and you catch like 2-3 people in your E, ohhh my god you do crazy damage. But if you jump on someone and your team doesn't peel or anything and you get stunned, you're probably dead. Very GOBIGGOHOME champ. I also am not sure what summons to run. I always run ignite/flash and ignite is WONDERFUL in lane for early kills but late game I find myself seriously wishing I had another escape skill because I'm so damned fragile and super super vulnerable to CC T_T;

Oh, and you hard counter pirate like no one else in the game. Super fun match up. Block every Q huehuehuehue


There was a very long period of time with Rammus jungling much. He's only started to come back recently within the last few weeks really. He's a good jungler, and so is Shaco, but I'm just not sure they're at the very top because of how limited their role can be.

We're talking about the competitive scene or just solo queue?
If I ever read a post that gave well written reasons to play a certain champ. Here it is. It's by a player named Rhavanna, who's probably the highest ELO female solo queue player right now. Ctrl+C'd from TL.net:

I enjoyed reading this. I'll give Pantheon another look.

Also, I wanted to share this game. I've tried to refrain from just posting games since we're playing together on a regular basis and don't need to build community anymore, but this one I cannot pass up.

Bot is getting hammered, and Vlad is retarded. I'm kiting a Sion and Karth, and he's yelling at me, wondering why I'm kiting as SIVIR. He stands in Karth's AoE and dies. In another fight, he tries to pool through it and dies. In both I kill the Karth and duel Sion to near death, with the second one ending with Sion dead from Boomerang after I die. Calls me a noob.

It felt SO satisfying to carry his dumb ass. Mid game I point out that he has a shit score and point total, so he starts bitching about being bot = no points. I promptly go bot for the triple kill (this is right after Wit's End) and proceed to jump to 1st place and never look back.



Both? A lot of solo queue is just monkeying the competitive scene because top level strategy comes out there most of the time.

Far from it. Shaco for instance is way more popular in solo queue because he's not as dependent on a team to do well early on. He was played at the IEM qualifiers this weekend and both Elementz and the female host were (pleasantly) surprised to see him in a game. Rammus is the other way around. Not saying he isn't viable in solo queue, but he thrives on a coordinated team. Maokai and Amumu to a lesser extend have the same "problem". They all have great initiation IF the team follows up. Rammus in powerball just has the flaw of outrunning everyone and getting himself into a 1v5 fight. It's not a problem during ganks but in open fights or chases, it can become a problem.


Shaco is easily one of the top bans in solo queue. Especially at my time zone since the korean metagame loves to play shaco. He's just a lot strong in solo queue because people aren't as organised.

I still don't know why they made Red buff apply to single target spells though. Seems really weird.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Far from it. Shaco for instance is way more popular in solo queue because he's not as dependent on a team to do well early on. He was played at the IEM qualifiers this weekend and both Elementz and the female host were (pleasantly) surprised to see him in a game. Rammus is the other way around. Not saying he isn't viable in solo queue, but he thrives on a coordinated team. Maokai and Amumu to a lesser extend have the same "problem". They all have great initiation IF the team follows up. Rammus in powerball just has the flaw of outrunning everyone and getting himself into a 1v5 fight. It's not a problem during ganks but in open fights or chases, it can become a problem.
There are a few exceptions to what's popular in solo queue and what's popular on a competitive level. Shaco is one of them, and Sion's another. These champions can exploit weaknesses in poor play, which is why they show up as common picks and bans in solo, but against strong play they can be fairly weak. Demoralizing the opponent can be enough to win many matches, but in reality even a fed Shaco isn't going to be all too helpful when team fights roll around. Shaco is banned because you don't trust your team in solo queue, not because he's actually a top tier jungler.

Rammus is good in solo queue but I don't really see him all that much, and he isn't too common in competitive play either beyond Dan Dinh liking him. He's shown a bit of a resurgence recently but there was a long while where I just did not see him at all.


There are a few exceptions to what's popular in solo queue and what's popular on a competitive level. Shaco is one of them, and Sion's another. These champions can exploit weaknesses in poor play, which is why they show up as common picks and bans in solo, but against strong play they can be fairly weak. Demoralizing the opponent can be enough to win many matches, but in reality even a fed Shaco isn't going to be all too helpful when team fights roll around. Shaco is banned because you don't trust your team in solo queue, not because he's actually a top tier jungler.

Rammus is good in solo queue but I don't really see him all that much, and he isn't too common in competitive play either beyond Dan Dinh liking him. He's shown a bit of a resurgence recently but there was a long while where I just did not see him at all.

Rammus is a third although that's the other way around. He's quite common in competitive tournaments and have been for a long time - not really what you'd define as a FOTM champion. TheOddOne (now we're back to the support jungler) also plays Rammus often. I'm almost certain that he's been featured in every big tournament so far.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Maybe my memory is just failing me, but I can only remember a few instances in the last few months where people are running Rammus in competitive play.

Probably use this chart too much, but IEM NY was the last big thing right?


I love those games where you felt like you could not have played it any better. Went 12-0 with Ez in a ranked match. I was able to last hit most minions and apply pressure early game, got kills along the way, was juking skill shots, kited 3 champs on me at the same time, and blind stole baron. When I stole baron, their tanky GP said "about time your ez did something...oh what? he's 9-0?" Felt like I did my job when the tank doesn't even notices you killing off his team lol.

Feels good man. B-[


Dominion'd. :|

And as mentioned, at low ELO currently nearly every game has 4-6 of these banned:

Akali (easy to find on the ban screen)
Sion (rawr I try to play Sion, don't ban him)

Shaco, Fizz, and Volibear might show up occasionally too.


Don't ban Amumu. So four months ago.
I'm just making observations of who commonly gets banned. Most of the time I don't even get to ban people myself.

I actually think I prefer to ban Blitzcrank over Amumu since it can screw over uncoordinated/bad teams if he's decent at pulling you out one at a time. At least with Amumu you're all in the same place if he goes in.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I don't think enough people play Blitzcrank to make it worthwhile to ban him, although he can be just devastating. You should ban Kassadin. Lots of people love to take him mid and he's pretty strong.


I don't think enough people play Blitzcrank to make it worthwhile to ban him, although he can be just devastating. You should ban Kassadin. Lots of people love to take him mid and he's pretty strong.
Thanks for the reminder. He's another fairly common ban.

Oh, and with so many people queue dodging in ranked queues (I hope that makes them lose Elo), there's always the normal banning strategy of "that guy first-picked Anivia on the team I was just in, so I'm going to ban Anivia to screw him over now".


You know who I think is an overvalued ban? Akali. She's so easily countered top lane, but people still fear her.
Like Tryndamere, she can be countered. Like Tryndamere, she can snowball and crush games with 15-20+ kills. Like Tryndamere, she's ANNOYING to fight.

Those are the main reasons I'm glad about the bans. Sure it might be a bad Akali, and/or we might be able to counter her, but no one wants to deal with the stuff required to counter invisible and/or invincible champions, especially in very low skill level games.

Bonus, she's in the top left corner, so when the LoL GUI bugs out and I can't see any champions on the ban screen, at least I can click that spot to ban her.

*edit* I don't mean to be rude, but you did not seem to give any details. Would you mind providing some champions and strategies to counter Akali (top lane or otherwise)?


Bonus, she's in the top left corner, so when the LoL GUI bugs out and I can't see any champions on the ban screen, at least I can click that spot to ban her.
I encountered this bug a few times. You can type in the champion's name in the search field and click ban.


My favorite bans currently:


All annoying as hell to deal with in solo q. Yesterday in a normal match there was a shaco jungler opposite team. One of my teammates laughed at it saying shaco sucked in jungle. Guess who got first blood on who?


I was generally talking about lane counters. Akali can get pooped on in lane very easily.
Tryndamere isn't as easily countered as Akali since Trynd has much more sustain and his escape earlier than her.

Akali lane counters:
-Anybody with constant ranged harass: Gangplank, Ryze, Chogath, Rumble, Keenan
-Straight up more damage than her: Garen, Rumble, Renekton
Basically, it becomes incredibly hard for her to CS and the damage and harass should force her back often. Gangplank is one of her easiest to play counters. Press Q on her when its off cooldown and win.

Team fight counters:
-Lee Sin, Karthus, aoe shit

For fun, Trynd top lane counters!
-Udyr, Riven (I don't know for which levels), Rumble, Jax


The real issue is ganking strength without a real gap closer or cc. Not only that but his lane presence is almost too good to waste in the jungle imo.

I agree. But I'm on a yorick learning kick, and seems no one ever jungles on my team in normal-blind. So I just pop on a smite and tune my defensive masteries and use him.

UGH free sion week....


I was generally talking about lane counters. Akali can get pooped on in lane very easily.
Tryndamere isn't as easily countered as Akali since Trynd has much more sustain and his escape earlier than her.

Akali lane counters:
-Anybody with constant ranged harass: Gangplank, Ryze, Chogath, Rumble, Keenan
-Straight up more damage than her: Garen, Rumble, Renekton
Basically, it becomes incredibly hard for her to CS and the damage and harass should force her back often. Gangplank is one of her easiest to play counters. Press Q on her when its off cooldown and win.

Team fight counters:
-Lee Sin, Karthus, aoe shit

For fun, Trynd top lane counters!
-Udyr, Riven (I don't know for which levels), Rumble, Jax

Lee Sin also works well in lane against Akali. He pops all over her shroud.


I wanna learn Alistar. I got Mag Pen/HP/CD Reduc/HP per lvl and run 0/21/9. Skill order right now is Q->W->E->Q->R->then max R, Q, W, E in that order. Something tells me I should be maxing W before Q first. I'm not sure what items to get yet.


The real issue is ganking strength without a real gap closer or cc. Not only that but his lane presence is almost too good to waste in the jungle imo.

I agree, but if nobody is picking him anyways you might as well jungle him if you want to play him. He will always be useful with that ult.


I wanna learn Alistar. I got Mag Pen/HP/CD Reduc/HP per lvl and run 0/21/9. Skill order right now is Q->W->E->Q->R->then max R, Q, W, E in that order. Something tells me I should be maxing W before Q first. I'm not sure what items to get yet.

Only take one point in Q & W first and then max E. As a support you need to disable the enemies with your combo, so your carry can get the kill. Start with Philosopher's Stone, Heart of Gold and Mercury's Treads. Then get Aegis, upgrade your GP5 items and get situational tank items.
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