I was generally talking about lane counters. Akali can get pooped on in lane very easily.
Tryndamere isn't as easily countered as Akali since Trynd has much more sustain and his escape earlier than her.
Akali lane counters:
-Anybody with constant ranged harass: Gangplank, Ryze, Chogath, Rumble, Keenan
-Straight up more damage than her: Garen, Rumble, Renekton
Basically, it becomes incredibly hard for her to CS and the damage and harass should force her back often. Gangplank is one of her easiest to play counters. Press Q on her when its off cooldown and win.
Team fight counters:
-Lee Sin, Karthus, aoe shit
For fun, Trynd top lane counters!
-Udyr, Riven (I don't know for which levels), Rumble, Jax
I think there are plenty of counters, but she is also a hard neutralizer to many other characters and one of those, who just become an annoyance regardless of how they do over time(Similar to Tyrand and Vlad). I'd rather ban them, then take the chance.