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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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sparkle this bitch
Well I don't remember that but I certainly shouldn't have complained. I was wrong.

So what is your ingame name?
I'm Sho, you asked this before the last time. I even have the old PMs if you care. Telling you the same exact thing I did just now.

You should really pick up Morgana though. Super cheap, super strong.
Morgana is the bread and butter center lane champion. Can clear waves, decent damage, and the Black shield make ganks extremely hard on her. She is also one you can't let wander.

Kennan is another choice. Fairly easy to play and do well with, but he has problems late game.


How do you stop a 3s cd, massive range nuke with a built in speed up that adds survivability from farming? You can't. From 2-5, Morgana has a slight advantage since she can push, but never can she seriously threaten him. Kennen's push eventually becomes good enough that she can't just go off and gank.

Morgana v Kennen - morgana slightly ahead, but just a farm fest.

Easy. Don't get hit by the damn shuriken. If he has a clear line of sight to hit you with it then you have a clear line of sight to hit him with dark binding and pool under him. If you do get hit by the shuriken, black shield yourself for the electrical surge .... Kennen is pretty damn slow and Lightning Surge is a pretty long cooldown / energy use, if he uses it to get to you then he has nothing to get away from you with.

Xerath can also just poke at Kennen through the minion lines ... not to mention when he hits level 6 he can basically blow any champion up at that point.


Easy. Don't get hit by the damn shuriken. If he has a clear line of sight to hit you with it then you have a clear line of sight to hit him with dark binding and pool under him. If you do get hit by the shuriken, black shield yourself for the electrical surge .... Kennen is pretty damn slow and Lightning Surge is a pretty long cooldown / energy use, if he uses it to get to you then he has nothing to get away from you with.

Xerath can also just poke at Kennen through the minion lines ... not to mention when he hits level 6 he can basically blow any champion up at that point.

Did I ever say Kennen beats Morgana? I said, it's just a farm fest. I asked you how do you stop his kit from farming "avoid his Q" does not stop him from farming. Kennen wont even bother hitting Morgana unless shes absolutely retarded.

Morgana and Kennen, (in that order) are by far the safest mid champions. You cannot stop them from farming and they both have good defensive abilities to avoid ganks.


I'm Sho, you asked this before the last time. I even have the old PMs if you care. Telling you the same exact thing I did just now.
I checked and found exactly one PM I had sent you before (asking advice, but again saying that I wasn't sure I had played with you). I didn't ask your summoner name in the PM, but maybe I asked in the thread. Thanks for the advice and the summoner name -- I don't remember seeing you in GAF games the last 2-3 months but my memory is quite possibly terrible. XD

Regarding the mid discussion, I second the sentiment that Morgana is another very strong mid. She has almost always been banned in my last 20 or so ranked games.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Morgana and Kennen, (in that order) are by far the safest mid champions. You cannot stop them from farming and they both have good defensive abilities to avoid ganks.
I think Xerath can push Morgana out of lane and stop the farm, but I already know how you feel about this.


Electra and Achtius don't seem to agree, however. And I agree that many things ARE my fault even though I have say 300-400 games less experience than the otehrse.

Thanks for the input. And thanks to ufokidd for all the advice. I try to learn from my mistakes but I certainly make many of them.

I hate drama but both Achtius and Electra are bringing this up in public so I guess I have to do the big page o' response. ;(

I respectfully suggest that in some cases people on my team say things based on what someone (say Sion) can normally do with good items and gold, and not what will happen in a specific game situation. In that situation, I have been playing the champion all game and have some idea of how much damage I deal and take, while the other person has been in a different lane all game and not seen the fights that I and ufokidd have been in.

A couple of extra examples: I tried to get in the general area of the team so I could gets assists and help in fights, and Achtius immediately complained and told me to go back to top, if I recall correctly (which was pushed and/or going to die in 2 hits and not worth defending at that point).

In another case, I fully committed due to complaints and suggestions on my team, went into battle, instantly died from the enemy burst, and was left with no assists and 4-5 enemies with 70% or more health. I probably lost 1-2 teammates and a turret or two due to that decision as well. In that case, I should not have committed.

I belive even ufokidd, who has far more games played than Achtius or Electra, was talking about how Achtius was suicidal and shouldn't have gone in early with Sona etc. etc. in some situations.

In those situations, I don't rage, or harass Achtius, or complain about him, do I? I just say it's a game, we all try to have fun (hopefully), win, and do what we can to improve our own play. I am the first to admit I have many things to learn, and I'm just trying to play with internet friends to win a game or two after long days of work. :) I'm sorry if I make anyone have a negative ingame experience, and it's not my intention.

I did not say anything bad about your laning phase, I even say it wasn't your fault. All I was saying is that you don't commit to team battle. And that is definitely not the only game you are the first person to run from a fight. And I only said it because you said i was upset, but you didn't even say why I was upset, so i explained to you why I was upset. I wasn't planning to say anything in the first place, and that is why when I posted the score, I said i am not going to comment on it.

and regarding the bolded part, it is because ashe needs her creeps more than you. You kept following us for no reason and take her farm. We weren't even going to fight anyone but somehow you want some kind of assist.


Junior Member
Well thanks for totally not narrowing it down guys XD

I guess the reason I kind Kassadin boring is because I feel like he's so straightforward. With heroes like Karthus and Swain, or even Heimer, for instance, you have at least 2 things happening at once (with Karthus you should have everything, really). Kennen and Morgana might not be a bad idea. I also wanna try Soraka mid for shits and giggles, that way I can max out my Q without Bind throwing a fit <3


Well thanks for totally not narrowing it down guys XD

I guess the reason I kind Kassadin boring is because I feel like he's so straightforward. With heroes like Karthus and Swain, or even Heimer, for instance, you have at least 2 things happening at once (with Karthus you should have everything, really). Kennen and Morgana might not be a bad idea. I also wanna try Soraka mid for shits and giggles, that way I can max out my Q without Bind throwing a fit <3

Try Cassiopeia, Xerath or even Brand if you want to be doing multiple things at once.


Well thanks for totally not narrowing it down guys XD

I guess the reason I kind Kassadin boring is because I feel like he's so straightforward. With heroes like Karthus and Swain, or even Heimer, for instance, you have at least 2 things happening at once (with Karthus you should have everything, really). Kennen and Morgana might not be a bad idea. I also wanna try Soraka mid for shits and giggles, that way I can max out my Q without Bind throwing a fit <3

q first, always q



I can't watch that video at work, I will watch it when I get home. I'm not saying its impossible ... but I'm also not saying ALL Xeraths can push ALL Morganas out of their lanes.

I love Xerath. I think he is very strong. I've won most of the ranked games I've played with him mid. Once he hits 6 he can safely destroy pretty much anyone .... EVEN if they flash away occasionally so the other person has to play pretty damn defensively.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
The thing about Xerath is that people cannot sit under their tower and farm up. Morgana can't just drop a pool and sit in that safety because Xerath has no difficulty hitting her there. Maybe he won't get a kill because he's not in range for his E, but he has the ability to push those tower farming champions back to base.


Junior Member
I tried Cassiopeia, when she first came out... It was a total car crash.

But I guess I could try again once she goes on the free list (it seems shes pops up often).

I hate drama but both Achtius and Electra are bringing this up in public so I guess I have to do the big page o' response.
I never inteded for "drama". Game criticism was interpreted as personal attack, perhaps because my wording was too harsh. And for that I apologize - I'm French, I can't help but sound rude!!
But just as an FYI... in the end, we are just trying to look out for you, home slice! Think of it as tough love <3

I can't watch that video at work, I will watch it when I get home.
I love how many GAFfers post from work. Yay for procrastination!



You post one video to prove that Xerath completely counters Morgana?
Do you know who Chobz is? he's a 1700 player. Do you know who Dan Dinh is? he's a 2000 player. That is worlds apart. Not only that, Morg was stupid and started dorans against Xerath. Then took a bunch of unnecessary damage early because of that. And because he had dorans, he got zoned untill he could vamp the hp back. From there, already very behind.

This video shows nothing. Start boots, constantly auto attack, one shot the minions at level 5 with pool, xerath has to Q twice to do the same. Pool is more mana efficient.

You like stats right? Go look at the win ratio of Morgana vs Xerath's win ratio. (All this proves is who is the stronger champion ans:


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
Leona didn't seem all that great when she was initially released. Is she any better now;have they buffed/nerfed her or changed her at all?


Leona didn't seem all that great when she was initially released. Is she any better now;have they buffed/nerfed her or changed her at all?

She's pretty bad. I love the character... but she's about as support as you can get in the game. She does no damage, all she has is the stuns (which are great mind you). You have to rely on your team. Hell even your passive is useless unless your team takes advantage of it. Even then it's a shitty passive.

They need to up her damage, and let her passive stack up to 3 times.


Volibearly a decent champion.

RE: Leona. They haven't changed her. Dan Dinh jungles with her to a mild degree of success. She's mostly a support in highly aggressive bot lanes.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
You post one video to prove that Xerath completely counters Morgana?
Do you know who Chobz is? he's a 1700 player. Do you know who Dan Dinh is? he's a 2000 player. That is worlds apart. Not only that, Morg was stupid and started dorans against Xerath. Then took a bunch of unnecessary damage early because of that. And because he had dorans, he got zoned untill he could vamp the hp back. From there, already very behind.

This video shows nothing. Start boots, constantly auto attack, one shot the minions at level 5 with pool, xerath has to Q twice to do the same. Pool is more mana efficient.

You like stats right? Go look at the win ratio of Morgana vs Xerath's win ratio. (All this proves is who is the stronger champion ans:
I don't think Xerath is a counter to Morgana, just that he has the capacity to do well against her.

Xerath doesn't have mana problems. I don't know why you keep bringing this up. You won't outpush or outfarm him by dropping pools, and if you level up pool he will just destroy Morgana in a straight fight. She can't hope to push him to his tower and just outfarm him, because he will match pace. Even with boots Morgana is anything but mobile. It is very easy to land Xerath's Qs on her if you know what you're doing.

And the statistics around, while interesting, prove very little. In games above 2000 ELO Warwick has the highest win/lose ratio. Yeeeeeeeeeeah.


I don't think Xerath is a counter to Morgana, just that he has the capacity to do well against her.

Xerath doesn't have mana problems. I don't know why you keep bringing this up. You won't outpush or outfarm him by dropping pools, and if you level up pool he will just destroy Morgana in a straight fight. She can't hope to push him to his tower and just outfarm him, because he will match pace. Even with boots Morgana is anything but mobile. It is very easy to land Xerath's Qs on her if you know what you're doing.

And the statistics around, while interesting, prove very little. In games above 2000 ELO Warwick has the highest win/lose ratio. Yeeeeeeeeeeah.

If he's not a counter then what are we even arguing about? I said that Morgana has no counters. I did not say she owns everybodys face.

I don't know what stat website you are using.
Here you go: http://www.leagueofstats.com/champions/all/RANKED_SOLO_5x5
This website actually keeps up to date.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
She's pretty bad. I love the character... but she's about as support as you can get in the game. She does no damage, all she has is the stuns (which are great mind you). You have to rely on your team. Hell even your passive is useless unless your team takes advantage of it. Even then it's a shitty passive.

They need to up her damage, and let her passive stack up to 3 times.

Damn, I'd really like to buy her. I like playing support, but if the damage is really low then I may have some issues.


Damn, I'd really like to buy her. I like playing support, but if the damage is really low then I may have some issues.

Her damage is okay early game, but quickly falls off. Like I said she's a decent pick as long as you are confident in your team's carrys.


I was laning with ashe against singed and volibear, after level 6, singed would just tower dive and fling one of us out and volibear would do it again so we end up even further from the tower. it was kinda funny


Damn, I'd really like to buy her. I like playing support, but if the damage is really low then I may have some issues.

If you like playing support, her damage isn't even important... Besides, her damage is probably higher than other supports esp if you count the passive as her damage contribution (this does not include soraka standing in the middle of a fight spamming Q)


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
If he's not a counter then what are we even arguing about? I said that Morgana has no counters. I did not say she owns everybodys face.

I don't know what stat website you are using.
Here you go: http://www.leagueofstats.com/champions/all/RANKED_SOLO_5x5
This website actually keeps up to date.
I dunno I just like to argue about stuff I guess.

Also, while I think that site fun to look at it's really kind of dumb. Especially the counters part. Morgana has the same countered numbers as everyone else though. The site makes her look weak against Karthus, Rumble, and Kennen (none of which I'm sure I agree with).


She's pretty bad. I love the character... but she's about as support as you can get in the game. She does no damage, all she has is the stuns (which are great mind you). You have to rely on your team. Hell even your passive is useless unless your team takes advantage of it. Even then it's a shitty passive.

They need to up her damage, and let her passive stack up to 3 times.

The problem is her passive damage is depend on the attacker's magic penetration, not hers. So the only one that will fully benefit from her passive in end games are the AP carries, or AP-on-hit champion like teemo.

She also had the one of the best burst damage at level 3 and 6. W, E to enemy, Q stun, run away while W about to do damage. By the time the stun faded, you already 2 characters away from the enemy. That usually take half of the enemy health from level 1-5, at lvel 6-8 you will need your ult too to do half of their health.

The problem is the cd after the burst, after taking half health from Nasus or Irelia, they can just slow->auto attack kill Leona with half health against her full health. And the dam horrible scaling. MagPen rune and item like abyssal(which also help her passive) will make her damage little more relevent in mid game, or at least scare away the AD carry.

Well thanks for totally not narrowing it down guys XD

Or just start playing draft, ban people that counter you, and ask the last guy to pick the ap champion for you so you can away counter pick.


Junior Member
So I went with Morgana, because she's cheap and her blade skin is on sale.
I must admit, she's pretty fun! Steady farming, not too bad with the mana, and her passive + E makes it hard for the other team to gank her. I have to get better with timing my ult though.


So I went with Morgana, because she's cheap and her blade skin is on sale.
I must admit, she's pretty fun! Steady farming, not too bad with the mana, and her passive + E makes it hard for the other team to gank her. I have to get better with timing my ult though.

Binding bitches under your tower is also awesome.





Golems respawn before the jungler is even done with wolves

The key to that meta though is having a jungler with a stun. They use Pantheon a lot when they do leona/jarvan. His stun ganks aid in their dominance


People are so dumb in this game. Solo queued for a regular, non-ranked match. Everybody almost instant locks in. Tryndamere, Nasus, Jungle Fiddle, Caitlyn. I select Alistar since we needed a tank. Opposite team is Caitlyn, Nasus, Teemo, Leona, Jungle Pantheon.

Cait vs Cait in the middle, Nasus vs Nasus top, Trynd and I bottom against Teemo and Leona.

As a typical tank build I start off on the path to Philosopher's Stone and play defensively. This Tryndamere keeps trying to harass by using spin to get close to Teemo and hit him once before running away. Obviously this is a bad idea since Leona's stuns can be really dangerous early game. In the first 10 minutes of the game he proceeds to die 4 times and get me and Fiddle killed once or twice as well. Then afterwards he goes "Okay lets play defense." It's like seriously dude? After 4 deaths you decide to play defensively? Thank god our Nasus and Caitlyn won their lanes. Once I got my full tank build up with a Frozen Heart to help counter we steamrolled them in group fights. \

On a side note I love the buff they gave to Heal. As a tank/support it is absolutely massive for team fights. Even if it doesn't completely save someone giving them another few seconds to live can mean the difference between getting an ability or ultimate off. Especially on Alistar with his E and Heal you can do a decent amount. Add in Sona or Soraka and it gets silly.
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