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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I had some success on him as a jungler last week. Dan Dinh said his win rate is crazy high as jungle Shen.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Didn't seem like too much of an issue to me when I played him. He isn't going to clear as fast as Yi or AOE junglers but he can keep pace. His Q is very spammable, so compared to other single target damage junglers he seems to be decent at clearing to me.


He can heal with last hits with vorpal blade!

Heaven! That auto attacking and vorpal blade heal thingy always made me hate shen because he had to push lanes to heal. This is a pretty nice change
I really hope they do buff Shen. I remember when he was an auto-ban due to the strength of Stand United's shield.

Problem is, he's like a caster. Once he burns his abilities, you can safely ignore him for... 10 seconds? More? 10 seconds is goddamn forever, Shen is going to be left guarding a battlefield of corpses.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Problem is, he's like a caster. Once he burns his abilities, you can safely ignore him for... 10 seconds? More? 10 seconds is goddamn forever, Shen is going to be left guarding a battlefield of corpses.
I'm not really sure what you mean. Vorporal Blade has a three second cooldown with no CDR. I feel like Shen does some pretty good damage, especially early game. Elementz put him in tier two on his most recent tier list.


I'm not really sure what you mean. Vorporal Blade has a three second cooldown with no CDR. I feel like Shen does some pretty good damage, especially early game. Elementz put him in tier two on his most recent tier list.

Shen only generates 10 energy per second and Vorpal Spike costs 50-70 energy.
Not to mention that Blade isn't really effective CC of some sort.

I mean, if they buff it as planned, that'll be great. That, and the buff to his taunt would be amazing. He's really constrained by his energy requirements.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Can't say I'm really having the same energy problems. I usually find that I'm able to do what I need to on Shen.

He's a pretty alright champion who doesn't get a lot of play right now, but if the buffs go through I bet he'll blow up in terms of popularity.
1451 ... highest solo I've gone is 1473. I've been floating right around 1450 for a week or so. Very annoying. Its almost never my fault we lose either .... always get SOME reject in some role.

I think out of the hundreds of games I played solo I can remember about 4-5 of those losses being my fault. Either a bad call, a few in a row, or just playing shitty and feeding a carry early.

Every single other one there was either one or two horrifyingly bad players that managed to create a black cleaver vayne 13 minutes into the game and let us get rolled.

I rarely have a game where the entire team other than me is bad, but that does happen every 30 games or so.

Like a few nights ago, I was jungling and before I could even get a gank going every single lane died at least twice. Then I started ganks and they would retreat at full health as I went it and stupid shit like that. 25 minutes in I'm 0-0-0 and we have 1 kill and 26 deaths on the board and no one wants to surrender.
I think out of the hundreds of games I played solo I can remember about 4-5 of those losses being my fault. Either a bad call, a few in a row, or just playing shitty and feeding a carry early.

Every single other one there was either one or two horrifyingly bad players that managed to create a black cleaver vayne 13 minutes into the game and let us get rolled.

I rarely have a game where the entire team other than me is bad, but that does happen every 30 games or so.

Like a few nights ago, I was jungling and before I could even get a gank going every single lane died at least twice. Then I started ganks and they would retreat at full health as I went it and stupid shit like that. 25 minutes in I'm 0-0-0 and we have 1 kill and 26 deaths on the board and no one wants to surrender.

I'm 1519 with a high of 1561. A few things that really helped me push past the 1300 elo I was stuck in for a long time was learning to AP mid competently (Kassadin and Kennen mainly), learning to last hit at a tower and only lose 1-2 cs depending on the wave, playing the best junglers only (Rammus, Nocturne, GP, Udyr for me, Lee Sin and Shaco also work), and hoping to God I didn't get stuck on support with an incompetent team.

Ok, guys, I'm going to start writing an OT2, but I would like to share the work and the credit. I know that I'm not the best nor most knowledgeable player of us here, but I am a decent writer. If anyone would like to contribute, please quote this post to find the link to the Google Doc. If you are banned, I'll post it in the channel in the LoL client.

Is there a 10 image limit per post?


Has anybody got their dodge runes refunded yet? Riot is supposed to refund every player by tomorrow. I'm still waiting on mine :>


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world

Goose playing Dignitas right now.

SouthernDragon: All I'm seeing is a blank page and a head line (Obey the meta).
Master Race jungler Master Yi. Atlanta is a cool guy.

Ok, guys, I'm going to start writing an OT2, but I would like to share the work and the credit. I know that I'm not the best nor most knowledgeable player of us here, but I am a decent writer. If anyone would like to contribute, please quote this post to find the link to the Google Doc. If you are banned, I'll post it in the channel in the LoL client.

Is there a 10 image limit per post?
For some reason this shows up in Chinese. Maybe that has something to do with me though.


Is the plan to remove the dodge effect entirely with the next patch? I thought they had already done it and then I raged when someone dodged an attack.


Is the plan to remove the dodge effect entirely with the next patch? I thought they had already done it and then I raged when someone dodged an attack.

They're going to refund dodge runes and then after some time remove the mechanism. You can re-purchase dodge runes in the window between the two events, but they'll eventually get refunded as well.


Is Pantheon the strongest jungler in the game right now? Probably.
What sort of rune, mastery, and item set would you recommend for the jungle with him? Arpen red, armor yellow, arpen quints, 21/0/9, build wiggly lanterns?

That might presumably remove the possiblity of level 1 or level 2 fights with him though, and wasn't there some well-known player recently saying that at level 1 and 2 he is really strong for getting first blood?

It turns out that Pantheon is a Stanpar, and Stanpar anagrammed is Spartan! Shocking! And they are willing to fight when outnumbered! Like Spartans!


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
What sort of rune, mastery, and item set would you recommend for the jungle with him? Arpen red, armor yellow, arpen quints, 21/0/9, build wiggly lanterns?

That might presumably remove the possiblity of level 1 or level 2 fights with him though, and wasn't there some well-known player recently saying that at level 1 and 2 he is really strong for getting first blood?

It turns out that Pantheon is a Stanpar, and Stanpar anagrammed is Spartan! Shocking! And they are willing to fight when outnumbered! Like Spartans!
I don't play him, so I'm not really sure. It seems like everyone is using Atlanta's Pantheon build so if you want to try and look that up it might be around somewhere. I think he goes early Brutalizer on Panth for his build.


I don't play him, so I'm not really sure. It seems like everyone is using Atlanta's Pantheon build so if you want to try and look that up it might be around somewhere. I think he goes early Brutalizer on Panth for his build.
I found a forum post that said the following:

Atlanta's Jungle Pantheon
atk dmg quins
atk spd blues
armor seals
7 arm pen marks
2 atk damg marks

This was used in the recent Tournament
Both time Atlanta played jungle pantheon their team won

His route was
wolves-> blue -> ganks top -> takes their golems -> kills their jungler/ takes their red buff

Skill order


Wriggles -> Mercs -> Aegis -> Blood Thrister -> Phage
Thats as far as he got into the game


I fucking hate Singed. Now he will be on my bann list for a long time.
He seems to be banned very often in low ELO ranked.

Does anyone else notice the very quiet wind whistling sound on the Christmas map? It's vaguely annoying. I thought I was going insane or something. XD


Hell, i'm nearing the 1500s and i still ban singed

If you don't get a good top in solo queue, then singed is going to get unkillable which leads to him split pushing and never getting killed



Ahri is pretty good with Teemo build, that ult, and spell penetration benefit both her spell and on hit item.


**Not posted: All the horrible feeding matches I had today=/


Just saw this on reddit:


i hope i never have one of these games :|

Just 2 hours of rage[/QUOTE]

What the heck? How is that even possible? You'd have delay the game on purpose to make it go that long.
After 2 hours, to still lose. That must be the most demoralizing thing ever.
I've lost 18 of my last 22 games. So many people leaving the game. I don't know why people don't want bots to be able to take the place of leavers. Either have bots take their place, or just let end the game. 4v5 is miserable.


I found a forum post that said the following:

I just think that build is way too gimmicky. the build depends on counter jungling, which sucks balls if Panth doesn't get the kill. the fact that he's going QWQ is definitely an all-in counter jungle. It's really terrible for clearing. But I guess if players were to pick a counter jungle champ, Panth would be a decent pick since he can kill anyone lv. 2.


Isn't anything above 2 junglers overkill? Especially on the lower levels where you can get more xp (and gold) from a solo lane. Not that can argue against a score board, but two smites should have been sufficient, no? The other two could have been swapped with teleport.

On a totally unrelated note: I just went 9/1/7 mid with Cassiopeia against a 0/6/1 Twisted Fate and after the 20 minute surrender he said: "overfed cass, only way you can win". Didn't have comeback for that one.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Four junglers is a terrible team comp really. Sometimes trolling just works.
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