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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Ever since red applies to Pantheon's 4s cd Q, he became a viable gank-jungler.

What did I do today gaf?
-I baited my AD carry to their death. Feels bad man.jpg


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Ever since Wriggle's was added in the game, Pantheon has had the capability to be a successful gank- jungler.

I'm surprised it took people this long to notice it.
His sustain is what hurts him the most as a jungler. He has really strong ganks but his actual jungling is so weak that the old jungle wasn't really a great place for him. Now that everything was nerfed he fills that role very capably. And yeah, like Boken said the on hit red debuff helps along with the unmissable stun. Not only are his ganks good but they're super easy to pull off.

Stonewall released an absurdly in-depth chart with his latest jungle tier list that ranks a number of aspects of different junglers.
God Tier – Udyr, Skarner, Lee Sin
Tier 1 – Trundle, Cho Gath, Gangplank, Maokai, Rammus, Nocturne, Shaco, Amumu, Malphite, Nunu, Master Yi
Tier 2 – Jarvan, Pantheon, Riven, Xin Zhao, Shyvana, Renekton, Tryndamere, Olaf, Wukong, Soraka, Volibear
Tier 3 – Fiddlesticks, Fizz, Alistar, Blitzcrank, Sion, Taric, Twisted Fate, Karma, Singed, Kayle, Twitch, Shen, Karthus, Eve
Tier 4 – Yorick, Nasus, Warwick, Galio, Irelia, Gragas, Dr Mundo, Akali, Ezreal
Tier 5 – Mordekaiser, Graves, Orianna, Ahri, Talon
Chart: http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/attachment.php?attachmentid=96871&d=1324095501

Don't agree with all of it, but it's interesting. Would definitely say he's right on with God Tier at least.


Yeah the life steal mastery really helped Pantheon. Earlier he'd have to go back and heal after clearing the jungle. Now he can go directly to a lane and gank with >50% health.


His sustain is what hurts him the most as a jungler. He has really strong ganks but his actual jungling is so weak that the old jungle wasn't really a great place for him. Now that everything was nerfed he fills that role very capably. And yeah, like Boken said the on hit red debuff helps along with the unmissable stun. Not only are his ganks good but they're super easy to pull off.
It's why you had to rush wriggles on the old jungle. He pretty much only had one viable route, but he could pull it off with cloth + 5 pots, and some help on the blue. You could pull a gank on the adjacent lanes after killing the blue buff, or finish your route and then gank afterwards.

Of course the recent changes to the jungle/masteries/Pants himself have definitely increased his strength a lot. I should definitely give him a try again in the jungle soon.


Interesting list. I don't agree with the godtier either but I like the fact it took everything into account. That includes clearing speed and the actual rank of ganking ability.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Master Yi on tier 1 is interesting. Might give him another shot.

Fiddlesticks definitely took a big hit with the jungle changes imo.

I'ved tried him a couple times in the past 2 weeks, and he was pretty much a cake walk. His Q is a good initiator/gap closer, and if you gank post 6 his ulty helps you catch those pesky ghost/flashers. Plus his jungle is great because all of his attack speed which means more attacks which means more chance to proc the wriggle's passive that has a 20% of an extra 425 magic dmg. Attack Speed characters make the best use of the passive IMO.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Master Yi on tier 1 is interesting. Might give him another shot.

Fiddlesticks definitely took a big hit with the jungle changes imo.
Yi can clear incredibly fast. I've had some good games jungling with him recently. He is super reliant on red buff though, so if he ever becomes more popular people will realize this and can work towards shutting him down. Fiddlesticks should be even lower than he is on that list. I think he's super slow as a jungler. He just can't keep up, even if he's getting ganks.
Interesting list. I don't agree with the godtier either but I like the fact it took everything into account. That includes clearing speed and the actual rank of ganking ability.
Who do you think is stronger than Lee Sin, Skarner, and Udyr in the jungle?


Christmas quints are up but they don't seem as nice as the Halloween ones. Just 25% off and only penetration/movement/health.

I know the Halloween ones were tier 2.5 but they were a lot cheaper.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Christmas quints are up but they don't seem as nice as the Halloween ones. Just 25% off and only penetration/movement/health.

I know the Halloween ones were tier 2.5 but they were a lot cheaper.

Cheaper would be nice, but what I really need is a sale on extra rune PAGES. Now THAT would be something to write home about!


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
TSM vs CLG coming up (right stream): http://merkdown.com/esl
Some random guy on my friends list just tried to add the caster for the losers bracket.
I need to try him out again, but I know with Trundle I can just get a Vamp Scepter now and I never have to B unless I want to buy.
Trundle is a good jungler, but without AOE damage he just can't clear as fast as the "God Tier" junglers.


I watched it yesterday on TheOddOne's stream, but it was delayed by 2 minutes compared to the ESL one (and I was on IRC at the same time).


Wow ashe janna.

That's so old school. That's a reason why we dont see that combo bot anymore (extremely weak early game).

@blizz: 1. Leesin's level 2 damage is high; 2. leesin engage range is massive 3. he has a slow


What would make Lee Sin's ganks so good at early levels? I guess I never even noticed him using the E which apparently has a slow on it. Is that the key, to dash in and slow enemies so they can't just leave?


OddOne getting two kills early one.
What would make Lee Sin's ganks so good at early levels? I guess I never even noticed him using the E which apparently has a slow on it. Is that the key, to dash in and slow enemies so they can't just leave?

Red buff. He's not dependent on blue buff (energy user), so he can start with wraiths and then do the lizard camp.


Singed/trunde suit a kite comp... You cant kite when you're hard engaged on =p

Just watch the team fights, somebody gets caught by ryze snare, arrow, maokai grab, kennen ult... TSM have to fight. The only anti engage champion TSM have is Karthus.

I think TSM got too cocky and didn't recognise CLG's strong team comp.

game 2 - clg picks double AP (swain and rumble) opening up for double will again... TSM not picking ignite up. TSM falling behind in the meta?
TSM better not lose to the double will trick again...

@Dooraven - Rainman cant play galio, Xerath answer's ryze too but they picked karthus too early i think?


Singed/trunde suit a kite comp... You cant kite when you're hard engaged on =p

Just watch the team fights, somebody gets caught by ryze snare, arrow, maokai grab, kennen ult... TSM have to fight. The only anti engage champion TSM have is Karthus.

I think TSM got too cocky and didn't recognise CLG's strong team comp.

game 2 - clg picks double AP (swain and rumble) opening up for double will again... TSM not picking ignite up. TSM falling behind in the meta?
TSM better not lose to the double will trick again...

@Dooraven - Rainman cant play galio, Xerath answer's ryze too but they picked karthus too early i think?

They just payed for that.


TSM got plain outplayed on the barons

imo, they should buff dragon gold to reward early game advantage more. Say from 150g to 180g pp.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Double Will teams just dominating in the tournament today, and Kennen is usually a part of them.
finally got gold :')

after 5 games of winning and losing and being juggled around 1450-1480



Don't feed Yordles.
Dear Mods:

I'm currently writing the OP for the |OT2|, I'll likely be done tonight. Please don't shut down the thread before then! I'll post again once I'm finished.

Thank you!

Also, Photoshop Talent would be appreciated, big and small.



It's got boobs and awesome looking effects as false advertising. It's perfect!
Just something I quickly threw together, not all that impressive really


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I think that looks totally swag.

Every section should be headed by a pair of Riot Tits™.

(Use the Chinese versions)


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
LoL OT2 can be posted on the gaming forum, btw, to build up the userbase for a month, since the game has blown up massively since the thread's been in Community.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I feel like my Gangplank is better than The Rain Man's. No wonder he wears a trash bag when he streams.
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