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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Second-rate Anihawk

Garen is a bro.

Edit: Also one of my deaths was when my team was in the enemy base and we just destroyed an inhibitor and I was trying to type 'b' but I never hit enter so my chat consisted of 'bwwwwwwwwwwwwdddqqqdddddeeeeeeedddddddddd'


sparkle this bitch
VaLiancY said:
Damn, this is a mighty fine champion rotation this week. I'm going to troll all week as Singed.

Fuck No! I just bought Mal Yesterday and I can't even play him, because people keep picking him. Mother fuckers :lol


Subconscious Brolonging
Fuck Garen. I'm not even going to tell you how many kills him and his three Sunfire Capes got. It was brutal.


shintoki said:
Fuck No! I just bought Mal Yesterday and I can't even play him, because people keep picking him. Mother fuckers :lol

Pick fasteer!

Akali sale starting today, think I'll pick up a skin or two. Too bad I already bought the champ, but that's the nature of sales :p


Oh man. Played against a Nidlee who had 20 stack of soulsteal and was one shoting me with spear to do 60% on my Ez. She was even doing 50% on Shen. Then she would heal 50% of her life back. Shit was nuts, but thankfully, we still won that game. Just played one of the beat games ever.


Second-rate Anihawk
Riot developer at LoL forums said:
We understand that Garen is very strong right now and Morello is looking into potential fixes. We're actually quite proud of Garen - he's a hybrid tank / dps that contributes, but right now he is probably too good at both.

Garen nerf eventually coming. :'(


Garen rocks face at early game, but I still don't see why they'd nerf him for that. Late game he's just a durable bundle of Sunfire cloaks and a killsteal button. I figured for sure if they'd go after any of the melee types, it'd be Xin.


Second-rate Anihawk
I'm sure he's of little threat in arranged games against high ELO players simply because you can CC him out of spin, but he is a beast in pubs.


Alex said:
Garen rocks face at early game, but I still don't see why they'd nerf him for that. Late game he's just a durable bundle of Sunfire cloaks and a killsteal button. I figured for sure if they'd go after any of the melee types, it'd be Xin.

Pretty much. If he builds tank, he has no damage output and with the nerf to Judgement, it's easier to get away from the whirlwind. He has good mitigation but most (dumb) Garens will continue to build Sunfires while still having 40 magic resist late game against an AP heavy team.


Public players can often struggle with the concept of an offtank. Case in point, we had Tryndamere yesterday with a Guardian Angel who the other team WOULD NOT STOP ATTACKING. It was hilarious for awhile, then it just became awkward and uncomfortable.


sparkle this bitch
Alex said:
Public players can often struggle with the concept of an offtank. Case in point, we had Tryndamere yesterday with a Guardian Angel who the other team WOULD NOT STOP ATTACKING. It was hilarious for awhile, then it just became awkward and uncomfortable.
public players will normally target whoever comes first into their range and focus on him, even when others come. Aka...WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU ATTACKING THE TANK FIRST?


Now that Singe is in the free-week roster I've been playing him again. Missed from when I was playing him during the beta phase.

Best troll ever!

The guy is just too awesome. He can also tank out like a beast. I've got around 4k hp and run pretty damn quick, and aided by a slow move. Dude just makes people weep.


Zilean - Damn, you just blew your cooldowns on our carry. <Chronoshift> LOL Try again!
Teemo - Running from that team fight, huh? Go in that bush and recall. Oh no, you just ran into a mushroom.
Shen - Chasing that guy on low health. <Stand United> Hi Shen!
Singed - Please chase me! Oh you caught up <Fling> Meet my tower.
Blitzcrank - What are walls?


Archie said:
I'm sure he's of little threat in arranged games against high ELO players simply because you can CC him out of spin, but he is a beast in pubs.

I think he's a pretty heavy ban at higher level, but I haven't been watching streams as much lately.

Chownz. So good.


VaLiancY said:
Blitzcrank - What are walls?

I remember pulling a guy through jungle once, with careful aiming. Guy just stood there and let me beat on him, guess he was just as surprised as I was.

I've also grabbed someone into the spawning platform when he got too close to it, he got zapped :lol


VaLiancY said:
Zilean - Damn, you just blew your cooldowns on our carry. <Chronoshift> LOL Try again!
Teemo - Running from that team fight, huh? Go in that bush and recall. Oh no, you just ran into a mushroom.
Shen - Chasing that guy on low health. <Stand United> Hi Shen!
Singed - Please chase me! Oh you caught up <Fling> Meet my tower.
Blitzcrank - What are walls?
Anivia - Oh hi team-mate, I see that your are running away from the other team... let me just put this wall in your way.


Cheeto said:
Anivia - Oh hi team-mate, I see that your are running away from the other team... let me just put this wall in your way.

There was a guy who made a youtube video of him doing this a bunch.

He got banned for 10 years.


aka surume
Tower changes haven't gone it yet, unless you're on ptr. Only thing that's changing is stickiness. Should be for the better.
HeartAttackJones said:
Tower changes haven't gone it yet, unless you're on ptr. Only thing that's changing is stickiness. Should be for the better.

It'll be great for stopping early game tower diving.

Wait, I'm maining Garen right now... :(


Taric is great, it's a shame Soraka got some really needless nerfs IMO, he was better than her now he's way better than her.

I do wish they'd make more support characters and do a polish pass on the few that already exist. I like to play as support most in games.


Subconscious Brolonging
Been rocking faces with Malphite, man I love that guy.

And add my name to the list I guess: Spirus

I just hang out in Normal mostly, haven't touched ranked matches yet.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
might have to swap to malhazar for the team... ranged dude makes more sense w/ taric i think

like all games, this is finally worth really playing now that i have a real friend to play with


sparkle this bitch
I have to say, I'm beginning to dislike all Twisted Fate players. It seems like the class that draws the noob who will feed the other team.


Getting real bad teams lately, ugh! Carries who don't, well, carry! Tanks who don't tank. Love having two carries go into lanes and force nerfed range Vlad to go against heavy nukers in mid

I've been trying to play Taric mostly lately, but most of these teams aren't even worth healing.


Unlocked my first character yesterday and played him today; Nasus.

Although maybe I should say....ANUBIS! ORIGINAL LORD OF THE DEAD!

Man not only he is a cool ass mofo, but man do I love stomping all over people with his ulti.

The guy is just so damn awesome. I play him more as a tank role rather than potential noob-stomping rape dps with his ulti. I find he's pretty versatile and brings a lot to the team, just not primarily as the hero-killer.

I might even get that galactic skin for him :D
Meteorain said:
Unlocked my first character yesterday and played him today; Nasus.

Although maybe I should say....ANUBIS! ORIGINAL LORD OF THE DEAD!

Man not only he is a cool ass mofo, but man do I love stomping all over people with his ulti.

The guy is just so damn awesome. I play him more as a tank role rather than potential noob-stomping rape dps with his ulti. I find he's pretty versatile and brings a lot to the team, just not primarily as the hero-killer.

I might even get that galactic skin for him :D

"Where Angels fear to tread.."


Alex said:
Getting real bad teams lately, ugh! Carries who don't, well, carry! Tanks who don't tank. Love having two carries go into lanes and force nerfed range Vlad to go against heavy nukers in mid

I've been trying to play Taric mostly lately, but most of these teams aren't even worth healing.

I played Blitztank yesterday, had full stacks of Leviathan and godly amounts of hp - basically the opponent team had to wail on me for a good minute before they killed me. The only problem was that my team's DPS definitely wasn't pulling their weight, they had only a few kills and crap items, so we lost it. One of the most frustrating games ever :lol


Nasus is pretty fucking amazing. The most balanced champion in the game by far. Can hold a 2v1 lane, farms good, has the best snare in the game and his passive is really good.
VaLiancY said:
Nasus is pretty fucking amazing. The most balanced champion in the game by far. Can hold a 2v1 lane, farms good, has the best snare in the game and his passive is really good.

I'd say he's second to Amumu, then Shen after.


I am not Max
VaLiancY said:
Nasus is pretty fucking amazing. The most balanced champion in the game by far. Can hold a 2v1 lane, farms good, has the best snare in the game and his passive is really good.
Sounds like I should buy him then. I bought Akali during the sale but I don't really like her, and i've really gotten good at using Malphite so i'll probably buy him after Nasus


Max said:
Sounds like I should buy him then. I bought Akali during the sale but I don't really like her, and i've really gotten good at using Malphite so i'll probably buy him after Nasus

Nasus needs a good team composition, he's a good dps-tank hybrid with great initiation with his ult. He doesn't do amazing carry DPS but he does respectable. His slow fucks over any auto attacker. A team fight pops up, put your armor debuff down and go ape shit on a carry cause his ult is very serious shit. If you do play him, his Q gets more powerful when you kill creeps so with Sheen, you'll be hitting peeps for 300+ damage.

Keep trying Akali though, I honestly think she's the LoL's purest example of a glass cannon. Her early game is tough but she gets some kills to build Rylais and a Soulstealer - she's a bitch. She puts out so much damage but if she get stunned you're fucked if you don't have cleanse and flash.:lol
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