If you're new to this game or whatever, let me rock you some advice and also go off on another tangent, because it makes me feel better. Especially for something I see endlessly in random queues.
It is super cool if you dont have a great laning phase. It happens, bad match ups, any number of issues, but you need to relax, focus on last hitting and harassment outside of a handful of champions. Tower hug if you need to tower hug. Even the best champs need to depending on pairing.
I just see folks non-stop trying to overextend, die and get frustrated, back to back to back and most importantly; feeding the enemy carries and nukers, etc right off the bat. Early game feeding sucks, don't do it, don't blame other people for your doing it. You are not a one man army.
I've seriously lost so many games due to this stuff lately. I'd like to at least make it to a comfortable mid game once in awhile. Of course, my type of duo queueing and the iffy matchmaking isn't helping. I love getting stuck with 15s and 16s against 3-4 30's.