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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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If you're looking for a bit of insider info on what's down the road in the world of Runeterra, we're here to give you a little taste of what's to come. If you picked up the November issue of PC Gamer, this will probably mostly be a recap for you. Now remember that these are just a bit of a sneak preview. Anything that you see here is subject to change, so take it all with that proverbial grain of salt. That being said, we hope that this gives you an even better idea of some of the awesomeness that's on the horizon in Valoran.

Inside the Magma Chamber!

If there's one thing that we've learned about Runeterrans, it's that they're huge cartography enthusiasts. We get more requests for maps than we do just about anything else in League of Legends. So, without further ado, allow me to give you a sneak peek at an upcoming Field of Justice that we're calling: The Magma Chamber.

Deep within the obsidian mountain from which the Institute of War is sculpted lies the League’s most intense Field of Justice to date – the Magma Chamber. Before the time of the League, the Chamber was the heart of a powerful, but now dormant, volcano. Ancient magma flows cut out a gigantic cavernous room that the League has reshaped for its own purposes. This battle arena was built specifically to address the increasing number of disputes between Demacia and Noxus. It is one of the largest Fields of Justice found anywhere on Valoran. To that end, teleporting platforms provide champions with the ability to rapidly relocate to strategic points in the arena. The magic-infused stone and cooled magma that dominates the structure of the arena will force champions to work together more closely in pushing toward the enemy’s nexus. It will be harder for a champion to rely on their summoner to traverse hazards and obstacles. The League is preparing this Field of Justice to be the premier arena for its use; as such, a slew of new monsters and minions await champions in what will surely be their greatest challenge yet.

A Shiny New Look

Anybody who has ever dropped a penny into a glass of cola knows that things are just nicer when they're shiny. And that's why, here at Riot Games, we have a Team Shiny that's been hard at work making sure that you get the most out of your League of Legends aesthetics. Over the last few months, we've been working to integrate some new graphics technology into the League of Legends engine. This will allow us to have flashier spell and lighting effects, clearer looking terrain, and, well, just a better looking League of Legends experience in general. While there's still quite a bit of work to be done, Gragas and Mordekaiser wanted to drop in to give you a little taste of what you've got to look forward to if you ran into them on Summoner's Rift in the middle of winter.

Runeterra World Tour

If you've ever wondered life is like for the average resident of Valoran, but you've never gone window shopping in Bandle City or barhopping along the docks of Bilgewater, then you'll be pleased to know that we're here to give you the grand tour. If you're looking for a bit of local color, here's some environment art detailing some of our most prominent city-states. Whether you fancy yourself a ruthless Noxian General or an enlightened Ionian Scholar, it never hurts to have an idea of what you might see when you're have a look out the window. Here's a bit of geographical perspective.

A Fond Farewell

And remember, if that super important feature that you've been anticipating didn't make it onto this list, that doesn't mean that we aren't working on it. We have a whole lot of teams here at Riot developing a whole lot of different technology here at Riot. This is just the tip of the iceberg! There are a host of new features in development, and these just happened to be the ones we were ready to showcase at this time. If you're waiting on something big, stay tuned!

New map? 5v5? Yes please.
dionysus said:
The PC gamer article says the major difference is that it takes much longer to switch lanes, so the map focuses more on 2v2 and 1v1 battles.

Excellent, I love bigger maps. Since Summoner's Rift was a downsized DotA I've been craving a larger one.


I started playing this about a week ago with a friend, it's a lot more fun than I expected. Used Amumu when i first started out, he's alright, but I have found love in Heimerdinger. That guy is a blast to play. Almost enough IP to unlock him now. Mike Lowery is my summoner name, add me to play some games!


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
eznark said:
Uh, is a 6 Dorans Ring Jana a standard build?
Yeah it's what all the pros are doing these days.

Just like Y2's patented 5 doran's blade + Berzerker on Xin.


So I've been MIA on this game for the last 5-6 months, and just launched my client last night to see how its going. The changes in this game are crazy! I really like the new look, and I'm itching to try out the new champions. The newest champion when I left was the mini blue ninja with lightning attacks (sorry, it's be a while and I don't remember his name). Is there a standout champion from the more recent ones I should be paying attention to?

Also, ranked matches are new to me, and though I used to be decent at LoL, I was never great. Should I avoid ranked matches because thats where the pro's play? Or will it rank me on the ladder and place me against opponents of similar skill?


Aesthet1c said:
So I've been MIA on this game for the last 5-6 months, and just launched my client last night to see how its going. The changes in this game are crazy! I really like the new look, and I'm itching to try out the new champions. The newest champion when I left was the mini blue ninja with lightning attacks (sorry, it's be a while and I don't remember his name). Is there a standout champion from the more recent ones I should be paying attention to?

Also, ranked matches are new to me, and though I used to be decent at LoL, I was never great. Should I avoid ranked matches because thats where the pro's play? Or will it rank me on the ladder and place me against opponents of similar skill?

The newest hero, Miss Fortune can be a bad ass in the right hands. Vladimir can also be awesome. Same with Xin Zhao. Urgot ... not so much.

And ranked matches should put you with people around the same rated ELO as you.


I'm really starting to get pissed off with people in this game. Why are they unable to communicate? It really fucks the team over when they don't respond to anything.


Meteorain said:
I'm really starting to get pissed off with people in this game. Why are they unable to communicate? It really fucks the team over when they don't respond to anything.

Even better when they do communicate, but are speaking a totally different language.


JoeFu said:
Even better when they do communicate, but are speaking a totally different language.

Or when all they do is talk about how they were at 1500 Elo and now they're down at 1100 or whatever and then proceed to call your team shitty. Despite the fact that they're playing just as horribly and their champion pick made no sense.


Thanks for the friend requests guys! I'm a noob, and I'm not sure how often I'll be able to play, but I'm always up for games with anyone if I'm on. Cheers


Rayven add me to the list on page one, summoner name Milabrega. Any chance we could get it in Gaf Name - LoL name format, I've got some people on my list I dunno who/where they are from.


ok, im lvl 12 now in this game. I've become fairly good with ashe, but if I try other heroes I suck. Melee heroes are especially hard for me. Even when I get a bunch of tank gear its like I do no dmg, and others still do a ton of damage to me.

Specifically, can anyone tell me how to build nunu so that he is not cannon fodder?

or Sion. I got both thinking Id have some melee survivability
phinious said:
ok, im lvl 12 now in this game. I've become fairly good with ashe, but if I try other heroes I suck. Melee heroes are especially hard for me. Even when I get a bunch of tank gear its like I do no dmg, and others still do a ton of damage to me.

Specifically, can anyone tell me how to build nunu so that he is not cannon fodder?

or Sion. I got both thinking Id have some melee survivability

Neither Nunu or Sion are straight tanks. They both have abilities heavily based on AP, so it's good to get items that focus on AP/Health/Mana/Armor. Rod of Ages is a good item for Nunu I find, as well as Banshee's Veil. I've never played Sion, but I typically see something along the lines of a Sheen... and I don't know what else. You can look up good builds online at http://leaguecraft.com/. There also are basic strategies and other tips that should really help you out with new heroes you are trying.

Archie said:
Fucking hell I think my skills disappeared. I'm 1-3 in the last day.

I swear that this is the most streaky game ever in terms of wins and losses. I will literally have all wins in my recent matches, then I'll get seven loses in a row and then five wins in a row, ect. So weird. I can't explain it at all.


Second-rate Anihawk
thestopsign said:
I swear that this is the most streaky game ever in terms of wins and losses. I will literally have all wins in my recent matches, then I'll get seven loses in a row and then five wins in a row, ect. So weird. I can't explain it at all.

I think I'm just having a bad day. I lost another game and then tried my luck in HoN and was paired up with a bunch of fools. Maybe I'll take a break from DotA clones when Civ5 comes out. :|

Edit: I'm 1-5 in my last 6 games. fuckthisshit


God damn, I'm on a 9 game win streak. Increased my ELO by like 120 today.

Edit : man 11 in a row. I should quit LoL for today, riding this luck streak too long.


If you're not running premades, it can be a bit of a rollercoaster

Dear god, do I know that all too well.


Fuckin' hell man. Can't get a premade group going. We tried duo queuing, but we got:
-A suicidal leaving Tryndamere
-An "afk till level 6 then run into the already occupied middle lane and fuck with my middling" cho'gath
-Malady Kog'Maw.

This game hits me in all the wrong nerves.


good god what a disaster of a night on LoL. Twisted Treeline for the first time (for all three on my team apparently) and got housed. At least now I know what it's about, and my Nasus build is not it for TT. Then got an intentional feeder who decided to run straight into their base after he died a couple times early.

Thankfully everyone reported him, no idea if it's like XBL when reports go straight to the trash at Riot or what, but it was good everyone on both sides came together...another +1 for the LoL community.


Just had a really wierd game when I went sunfire eve, ended up 13/8/18. Funny thing was our WW left like 5 mins into the game and I was like "fuck it" and proceeded to stack sunfires up the ass and we still raped them :lol

30 mins in and they were all wearing oracles. Would've ended with only 1 death too :(


Jazzy Network said:
Let's say an average game is 830 minutes also adding in time for loading and champion picking, that's well over 9 hours of play time. Wtf indeed.

God damn you play some long games


Jazzy Network said:
Let's say an average game is 30 minutes also adding in time for loading and champion picking, that's well over 9 hours of play time. Wtf indeed.

My bad, not 16 all in a day. 16 spanning 3 days. I won 8 on 9/18.


sparkle this bitch
Getting a perfect barrage of bullet time is just a beautiful feeling. Best is when it drops someone from full to zero. That's right Herm :lol


16 win streak? I think the most I ever had was 8. =( I've been on a crazy losing streak lately. I'd say I was about 60% win ratio a week ago. Now I'm about 50%. I can't tell you how often I get a leaver, a feeder, a "pro" who refuses to play due to a feeder, etc. I really should stop solo queuing. :\

But on a brighter side, I've been winning more by switching to Amumu. Never knew how emo he was. Needs a "I'm going to go to a corner and listen to Linkin Park!" quote.


y2dvd said:
16 win streak? I think the most I ever had was 8. =( I've been on a crazy losing streak lately. I'd say I was about 60% win ratio a week ago. Now I'm about 50%. I can't tell you how often I get a leaver, a feeder, a "pro" who refuses to play due to a feeder, etc. I really should stop solo queuing. :\

But on a brighter side, I've been winning more by switching to Amumu. Never knew how emo he was. Needs a "I'm going to go to a corner and listen to Linkin Park!" quote.

My win streak ended on 19-20. I have to say it was a lot of luck, there were some champ match-ups where my team should of been stomped, but luckily one of the OP champs on the other team happened to be a shitty player or something ... or got ganked early 3 times and left the game.

After my win streak ended, I lost 4 in a row haha. Looks like a new streak has begun!

And there is a reason Amumu has a Emo skin!


Was on a 5 game win streak until I played with the worst team. We were facing 5 melee chars with 2 tanks and still lost. They kept complaining that their glass cannon builds were getting stun locked and dropped in 1 second. No shit when they just stack resistanc to you and you don't have a single survivability item. I just stacked armor and was pounding the other team into the ground as amumu. Such a lopsided team should have been easy to kill.


Fortune Ranged DPS
Kayle Support
Karthus Mage
Rammus Tank
Kassadin Mage
Sion Tank
Twitch Ranged DPS
Warwick Melee DPS
Yi Melee DPS
Zilean Support


sparkle this bitch
Archie said:
Oh boy Miss Fortune is going to be permapicked.
And I only got her a week ago! Bullshit.

What's the best way to go with purchasing runes anyways? I was thinking of going with Mana and Cooldown heavy ones since they fit all the characters I own.


Macattk15 said:
My win streak ended on 19-20. I have to say it was a lot of luck, there were some champ match-ups where my team should of been stomped, but luckily one of the OP champs on the other team happened to be a shitty player or something ... or got ganked early 3 times and left the game.

After my win streak ended, I lost 4 in a row haha. Looks like a new streak has begun!

And there is a reason Amumu has a Emo skin!
19-20 wins? Can we play some arranged games? Lol
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