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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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shintoki said:
And I only got her a week ago! Bullshit.

What's the best way to go with purchasing runes anyways? I was thinking of going with Mana and Cooldown heavy ones since they fit all the characters I own.

In general the ones that most people take are Magic/Armor Penetration, Health, Dodge, Crit % and Crit Chance, Ability Power, Movement Speed. I don't normally see people go straight mana, but cool down reduction can be very good for some champs that have really long cooldowns on their ults like Zilean, Shen, Galio, ect.


VaLiancY said:
Fortune Ranged DPS
Kayle Support
Karthus Mage
Rammus Tank
Kassadin Mage
Sion Tank
Twitch Ranged DPS
Warwick Melee DPS
Yi Melee DPS
Zilean Support

This is going to be a terrible week for ranked matches.


This might be my all time favorite win:


And yes this was a ranked game. Teemo got first blood, and shortly after Heimer and I wiped Malz and Mord. They didn't take ANY of our turrets and lost every team fight.

Also I had a triple kill, so pro.


Miss Fortune

Sorry. Bad source was bad. This is the real list, I edited my other post.

Edit - This week is really good rotation.


She looks real interesting. Too bad the first batch of games with her is going to be more hazardous to your health than helpful with players getting used to her.
Yeah, I had saved up 6300, not expecting her to cost 6300 so much as just covering the possibility. With the extra IP I might get nidalee, but she's free this week so I'll just play and see if the next champ gets leaked before Nidalee goes off rotation before getting her.


sparkle this bitch
Jazzy Network said:
Fought against a Sona. She's good early game. Her songs have ridiculous range. Mad squishy and easily killed as time goes on.
I've played her twice and won both. With both having me as Miss Fortune up against her and another for the start. We were up some 3 kills, and the other game... we took out both their turrets in the first 15minutes. :lol Of course, we had a support for that one also who kept letting me spam my abilities. Basically any time they got near out minions. MAKE IT RAIN MOTHER FUCKER. With the occasional pops of double shot.

Nearly lost the second one though... far too much idiocy. Particularly from our one support who kept bitching how we sucked. But always fucking got caught.


What do you guys rock for Sona builds? I've heard everything from typical support to hybrid like Kayle builds that people were having success with.


Since the MF patch, the in-game UI has been absolutely slow. Like sometimes I can't even change both my summoner abilities by the time the game starts. The chat is incredibly slow, etc.

Also, the ingame performance has been slowing down since the MF patch (and again with the Sona patch). I used to have 60fps locked at very high detail, and now I have an average of 8fps no matter what graphics setting I put it at. I thought it was network problems but no one in my house has it, and people on the LoL forums are complaining like mad. It's gotten so bad now with the Sona patch that I will have to quit until they address this. The game is completely unplayable in this state.

EDIT: Sorry to be such a debbie downer :( I just want to play LoL happily like before!


My friend said his FPS dropped too, going as low as 30, mine seems normal though never a hair below 60.


Alex said:
My friend said his FPS dropped too, going as low as 30, mine seems normal though never a hair below 60.
Yea I have gone to basically 8-20fps all the time, dropping to 0 for a second when a team fight starts and gradually picking back up to 4, and then 8 again. It's wild. Thank goodness Vlad is such a good character or I would be absolutely useless, but even when we do well the entire game is an absolute chore :(

The interface issues mean I have to have all masteries chosen before I play, which can be difficult when I pick mage-oriented ones then everyone picks mages and ranged DPS so I need to play a tank. Also, I sit there hammering the summoner spell icons, and they just won't select.


So is there seriously no way to start a game by myself anymore? I'm trying to create a practice game and it wont let me because it "requires a minimum of 4 players". This sucks, sometimes I don't have 45 minutes to devote to a match so I like to do a practice game with bots and test out builds and junk. Not being able to do this severely hurts my playtime :(.


They do that occasionally when the loads are high

It's funny because I was doing it with just me and a friend earlier, and by earlier i mean like half an hour ago :lol


Sona is so fun, really, really happy with this character so far. Of course, I'm really biased towards the archetype.


sparkle this bitch
I know people like to win, but if no one wants to play a tank. Then who the fuck cares. Nothing is worse then the person who got in the game, picked their character, locked in, and proceeding to bitch how someone else has to be tank >_>
"I know people like to win, but if no one wants to play a tank. Then who the fuck cares. Nothing is worse then the person who got in the game, picked their character, locked in, and proceeding to bitch how someone else has to be tank >_>"

Yes. I don't mind people just picking whatever (I do, especially in solo queue), but yeah if you're gonna go right to picking ez/trist/mf/kog/SUPARDPSCARRY don't bitch when no one else picks up a tank. I've begun to intentionally NOT pick a tank when I see people do this.


sparkle this bitch
Teknopathetic said:
"I know people like to win, but if no one wants to play a tank. Then who the fuck cares. Nothing is worse then the person who got in the game, picked their character, locked in, and proceeding to bitch how someone else has to be tank >_>"

Yes. I don't mind people just picking whatever (I do, especially in solo queue), but yeah if you're gonna go right to picking ez/trist/mf/kog/SUPARDPSCARRY don't bitch when no one else picks up a tank. I've begun to intentionally NOT pick a tank when I see people do this.

Not even just solo queue, but unranked matches. I avoid the rank matches for this reason. I'd like to win every game I play, but I much rather lose while playing the character I want too. Some times I'll switch to anumu or go physical/magical dps depending. But nothing is worse than having this turn into a MMO.


shintoki said:
I know people like to win, but if no one wants to play a tank. Then who the fuck cares. Nothing is worse then the person who got in the game, picked their character, locked in, and proceeding to bitch how someone else has to be tank >_>

Because some people don't like to waste 25-45 minutes in a match that was lost at champion select?

I mean in normal queue I don't really give a fuck anymore, everyone rushes a carry or whatever character they're trying to learn and the games don't count for shit so I generally just treat them as individual practice (except when Im raging).

For ranked though? When you can see what the other team is picking, if you aren't picking to counter it then you shouldn't be playing ranked.

I'm sick of playing ranked with people who don't know how to tank or even worse don't know how to play multiple characters. If you only know 1 character or 1 type of character DONT PLAY RANKED.



Just helped to carry a game as Mundo with a whiny team and a terrible Katarina. Victory is truly sweet. Also, Corporate Mundo is high-larious!
Anyone wanna play a Gaf in house game sometime during the weekend either saturday or sunday? I could set it up and have a vent server to use. Gonna need 9 others on at the same time. If you're interested at all add me in game name is J Rizzle.

I haven't played with many Gaffers yet. I played with Joefu a few times. I know i have Eznark, bluemax, cheetobandito, fatalt, oxrock, and chronos. I might have more, but not sure if they're Gaffers or not. If anyone is interested hit me up. Just need 9 peeps and I'll set up teams in terms of level skill or we could do leader picks or w/e.

Hopefully I'll get enough people on at the same time who is interested. If I'm not on LoL, just PM me or something. Looking to set it up around Saturday night around 7ish est. Be great if we can all play together.


Second-rate Anihawk
Sure. I don't have a headset so I can't use Vent and it would be much easier to add me on Steam (archie4208) and shoot me a message there (especially since I'm addicted to Civ5 right now).

LoL name is ScumbagBlues.
Jazzy Network said:
Anyone wanna play a Gaf in house game sometime during the weekend either saturday or sunday? I could set it up and have a vent server to use. Gonna need 9 others on at the same time. If you're interested at all add me in game name is J Rizzle.

I haven't played with many Gaffers yet. I played with Joefu a few times. I know i have Eznark, bluemax, cheetobandito, fatalt, oxrock, and chronos. I might have more, but not sure if they're Gaffers or not. If anyone is interested hit me up. Just need 9 peeps and I'll set up teams in terms of level skill or we could do leader picks or w/e.

Hopefully I'll get enough people on at the same time who is interested. If I'm not on LoL, just PM me or something. Looking to set it up around Saturday night around 7ish est. Be great if we can all play together.

I remember I have you added, you're the only one in my "GAF" group list, lol
but uh, yeah my ign is LGPounder, and usually when I'm on, I'm down to play.
I usually play ranged carries, like Ashe/Trist/Twitch, etc.

I have a mic and use vent when it's not too loud here, sucks having the computer near the TV.

But yeah, I'll see if I'm free on Saturday, I'll be down to play with fellow GAFfers.


Jazzy Network said:
Anyone wanna play a Gaf in house game sometime during the weekend either saturday or sunday? I could set it up and have a vent server to use. Gonna need 9 others on at the same time. If you're interested at all add me in game name is J Rizzle.

I haven't played with many Gaffers yet. I played with Joefu a few times. I know i have Eznark, bluemax, cheetobandito, fatalt, oxrock, and chronos. I might have more, but not sure if they're Gaffers or not. If anyone is interested hit me up. Just need 9 peeps and I'll set up teams in terms of level skill or we could do leader picks or w/e.

Hopefully I'll get enough people on at the same time who is interested. If I'm not on LoL, just PM me or something. Looking to set it up around Saturday night around 7ish est. Be great if we can all play together.

Depends upon how interesting the college football games are at that time of night ;-)


Man I'm starting to wish normal games showed you that this ally you're receiving has half as many leaves as wins. I'm sick and tired of the constant leaving in games now.

Not nearly as tired though as people who take 5 seconds or more to react to a team fight. If you're going to be with me and there's 5 enemies right there, then when blitz does his grab and i run in with vlads ult and throw my q and e, there is absolutely no reason for you to sit there (or step back, something I see way too much now). I wish I could read people's minds so I could tell whether I should even bother or not. If you're on the front lines, you should be committed to at least helping at the start of the fight before you run somewhere else. It's especially infuriating as Vlad, as my ult's damage increase for allies basically begs for the sitting around MF to do her ult + AOE spell hits.

Like I sympathize, as it took me quite a while to learn the dance, and when to run in. But we're all in our mid 20s for levels now, people should know not to amumu grab+ult by themselves into 3 tanks, not to run in 2v4 with low HP, etc.

Also, I hate when there's a cho runnin around whose only damage is omnom due to his focus on tank items, yet I can't get any one to hit the squishy twitch/mf/nidalee/etc. they just blow all their ults on cho and keep focusing him while the other 4 hit them. No matter how many times you say don't hit cho, it feels like people are completely incapable of switching targets once committed.

/rant :lol

I'm actually a nice guy lol, never bitch out at my teammates and always compliment enemies when they do badass stuff. It's just getting ridiculous.


What items are people using on Sona? I played one game and did meki pendant, boots, deathfire's grasp, soul shroud, archangel's, and that is as far as I got. I went for mana regen and AP as my most important stats.


Carrion Renewal (Passive) - Swain gains 150% increased mana regeneration for 5 seconds upon killing a unit.

Decrepify - Swain sets his raven to cripple an enemy. Over the next 3 seconds, the target takes value magic damage per second and is slowed by value.

Ravenous Flock - Swain inspires dread in his enemies by temporarily taking the form of a raven. During this time lesser ravens strike out at up to 3 nearby enemies. Each raven deals value magic damage and heals Swain for half of that amount.

Nevermove - Swain marks a target area. After a short delay, talons grab hold of enemy units dealing value magic damage and rooting them for value seconds.

Torment - Swain afflicts his target, dealing value magic damage over 4 seconds. Each tick deals an additional value of all damage taken from Swain during Torment (this includes the spell's periodic damage)




Dang I just bought Garren cause I thought he looked cool, only to start reading guides and everyone is saying he is weaksauce;(

Is there a list somewhere that shows which heros are worth buying=(


phinious said:
Dang I just bought Garren cause I thought he looked cool, only to start reading guides and everyone is saying he is weaksauce;(

Is there a list somewhere that shows which heros are worth buying=(

If you think he's cool, keep playing at him. With the nature of LoL and its constant updates and patches there's a good chance that a weak character may eventually become strong with balancing. It's the style by which you play that makes the difference.


phinious said:
Dang I just bought Garren cause I thought he looked cool, only to start reading guides and everyone is saying he is weaksauce;(

Is there a list somewhere that shows which heros are worth buying=(

As a tank, your roll is to be really hard to kill, lead your team into battle, and to crowd control. As long as you play your roll a tank is always a really valuable asset on the team. Garen might not be a great ganker, but that is not what he is supposed to be. If you can stunlock a squishy for a couple of seconds that is all your team needs to win a team fight.
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