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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Aesthet1c said:
Yeah and he seems fairly balanced to me, just don't stand near him when his whirlwind is available and he's fairly easy to counter. I just ask because I don't hear anything when I do good with xin, but when I play garen it's like everybody automatically hates me.

Also, :lol at "lolumad?"

Xin is easy to kill though. Not complaining about Garen but Xin is really squishy in comparison.


NeoCross said:
Thanks to this free champ weekend I finally got to try Malzahar, and he's pretty fun to play :lol Almost at 6300 though so gotta decide if I should still buy Galio or Malz now.

Bound to nerf Galio, will most likely never nerf Malz. Make your choice!


Jazzy Network said:
AP Ez and AD Kat = Loss.
I don't know what you're talking about, Hextech revolver is an amazing Ez item.

Macattk15 said:
Bound to nerf Galio, will most likely never nerf Malz. Make your choice!
Galio's ult is down to 2 seconds from 2.5 in the next patch, and he has some increases on the cost of his abilities.


IcedTea said:
Galio's ult is down to 2 seconds from 2.5 in the next patch, and he has some increases on the cost of his abilities.

Even with that he has got to be one of the best tanks in the game. I'd say his ult even after nerf is still at least as good as Amumu's, and his q w e are pretty decent lvls 1-9 unlike Amumu who is pretty worthless early game.


Do you guys know of a good Xin build? I usually follow one of the guides on Leaguecraft, and build him more tanky with phage, zeal, randuins, banshee's veil, then atma's. This usually works alright for me. However I played with a dps Xin last night that did amazing. He went zerk greaves, black cleaver, ghostblade, last whisper. He would charge in and kill people before they came out of stun. I think I'm going to give it a shot tonight.. but what do you guys typically build him as?


Depends on how you want to play, if you build glass cannon or in this case glass polearm you will either dominate or get destroyed. It will all be about your positioning in the fight and how good the other team is at stunlocking and destroying the damage dealers.

Glass cannons do really well against uncoordinated teams that focus fire tanks just because they are the closest enemy.


Aesthet1c said:
Do you guys know of a good Xin build? I usually follow one of the guides on Leaguecraft, and build him more tanky with phage, zeal, randuins, banshee's veil, then atma's. This usually works alright for me. However I played with a dps Xin last night that did amazing. He went zerk greaves, black cleaver, ghostblade, last whisper. He would charge in and kill people before they came out of stun. I think I'm going to give it a shot tonight.. but what do you guys typically build him as?

I build Ghostblade, Brutalizer, Omen and spend the rest for survivability. You'll hit CDR cap with those items be able to have your ult up every 30 seconds. You can pull off Three Talon Strike twice in a duration of Battle Cry with the Ghostblade active.

I play pretty reckless with him. I'm go in like a cruise missile - Ult and if I live, let the team pick up the scraps.:lol


Swain is just really terrible. He can't do shit damage at range due to poor scaling ratios and against a good team he will be destroyed when he uses his ult up close. You might see a Swain with decent stats in a game, but that is just because he runs in with his ult after the team battle is already won and mops up the remaining kills.


sparkle this bitch
Swain is terrible. We were on par with the other team... except for the fact we couldn't leave Swain alone. Their TF would then teleport to him, and 5 seconds later, dead Swain. Low DPS, Poor CC, etc


shintoki said:
Swain is terrible. We were on par with the other team... except for the fact we couldn't leave Swain alone. Their TF would then teleport to him, and 5 seconds later, dead Swain. Low DPS, Poor CC, etc

Root where you see the teleport coming, time it right ... run the other way ... guy retarded?

But I agree, Swain is very lackluster.


Aesthet1c said:
Do you guys know of a good Xin build? I usually follow one of the guides on Leaguecraft, and build him more tanky with phage, zeal, randuins, banshee's veil, then atma's. This usually works alright for me. However I played with a dps Xin last night that did amazing. He went zerk greaves, black cleaver, ghostblade, last whisper. He would charge in and kill people before they came out of stun. I think I'm going to give it a shot tonight.. but what do you guys typically build him as?

My general build is if you are gonna be the one initiating, go tank build like frozen mallet. If someone else is initiating go dps.

BTW, add me bitches! sn: y2dvd
I might try a wacky tank Kennen build using cooldown reduction and aura items for mass stun and run. I think I can do well with it assuming I have a competant team.


I am often the last person to pick champs so I am curious what is the most balanced team composition if you are playing with randoms that you don't know the skill level of. My thoughts are AD carry, AP carry, tank, off tank (tanky support or tanky damage), and support. Thoughts?
Usually 1 main tank, 1 support/off tank, 1 jungler especially if they have a jungler, 1 range carry, and 1 ap. Could probably replace the jungler with whatever you're missing if they don't have a jungler.


Just had an irritating game where we had a Twitch on our team get fed, but instead of using that to our advantage and winning, he'd purposely prolong the game and go off on his lonesome, farming and ganking. Even after the rest of our team urging him to push with us, it eventually ended up in failure. As the other team held off long enough until they could simply find twitch and gank him and own us 4v5.

The true sign of a noob is when someone gets his first taste of 10/0 and doesn't want to use it to ace a team and end the game.



I think Galio is pretty overrated. Yeah, his passive is pretty good and he has nice lane pushing/farming capabilities. But his cooldowns are way too long to give him any significance in a team fight (You blow your QWE, and then pray for the best) and his ultimate can be easily interrupted.

Instead, play Amumu. His ult is better, his damage persists throughout the teamfight, he can initiate a thousand times better, he can save asses better, and most importantly he can jungle.


Born to the prestigious Crownguards, the paragon family of Demacian service, Luxanna was destined for greatness. She grew up as the family’s only daughter, and she immediately took to the advanced education and lavish parties required of families as high profile as the Crownguards. As Lux matured, it became clear that she was extraordinarily gifted. She could play tricks that made people believe they had seen things that did not actually exist. She could also hide in plain sight. Somehow, she was able to reverse engineer arcane magical spells after seeing them cast only once. She was hailed as a prodigy, drawing the affections of the Demacian government, military, and citizens alike.

As one of the youngest women to be tested by the College of Magic, she was discovered to possess a unique command over the powers of light. The young Lux viewed this as a great gift, something for her to embrace and use in the name of good. Realizing her unique skills, the Demacian military recruited and trained her in covert operations. She quickly became renowned for her daring achievements; the most dangerous of which found her deep in the chambers of the Noxian High Command. She extracted valuable inside information about the Noxus-Ionian conflict, earning her great favor with Demacians and Ionians alike. However, reconnaissance and surveillance was not for her. A light of her people, Lux's true calling was the League of Legends, where she could follow in her brother’s footsteps and unleash her gifts as an inspiration for all of Demacia.

“Her guiding light makes enemies weary, but they should worry most when the light fades.” – Garen, The Might of Demacia


Prismatic Wave: Fires a wave to the target location and back, granting bonus magic resistance to allied targets in its area of effect. Lux is also struck by the wave upon return and enters stealth for a short duration.

Lucent Singularity: Creates a zone that slows enemy units (zone lasts 5 seconds). Can be detonated to deal magic damage to enemies in the area.

Light Binding: Fires a ball of light towards a target location, binding the units hit. The units take magic damage. Can hit up to two targets with the second target receiving a reduced effect.

Finales Funkln (Ultimate): After a short delay, Lux fires a laser pulse in front of her dealing damage to all enemy units in the area, as well as blinding them for up to 3 seconds.

Illumination (Passive): Lux's damaging spells illuminate the target for 6 seconds, granting her vision of the target. Lux's next attack ignites the debuff, dealing magic damage to the target.


They took out her ability to make her allies stealth. Praise the Lord.


Second-rate Anihawk
I have no clue about DotA, but HoN's current metagame revolves around ganking and trilanes. You put three heroes (one carry and two support) in a lane and have two people solo the other lanes to gain levels quick and work on ganking so that the other team's carry can't get too fat.


It's like any team Amumu is on that is at least half competent can win a team fight. It's fucking absurd. Put in Galio, Xin or Vlad in the mix and makes the game just fucking stupid.



One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Current HoN metagame is babysit the carry. The AoE metagame was years ago.


How does that work? I don't play HoN. In LoL you'd be underleveled. So the two support in the tri-lane attempts to gank the opposing members in the lane to feed the carry?


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
For the record I have never seen a strat like that. The closest is 3 solos + two roaming gankers but that's pretty much only in competitive play. Sometimes tryhards will attempt it to, and fail.
VaLiancY said:
How does that work? I don't play HoN. In LoL you'd be underleveled. So the two support in the tri-lane attempts to gank the opposing members in the lane to feed the carry?

In HoN you can go up to Lvl 25 and it's pretty common to end a game without anyone reaching that point (at least it rarely happens in DotA). If a carry gets fed, he'll not only have a huge advantage gold-wise, but possibly a 5 to 6 level difference. He'll basically be able to take a whole team.


Neo Member
Hey guys :)
Ive been addicted to LoL recently and im level 15 so far. I main Olaf but im gonna switch to miss fortune after i can get 6400 ip.

My names Digleto on there. Id love to play with some gaffers sometime :D


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Carries in HoN/DotA shit all over carries in LoL.

Take Chronos for instance.

Picture Xin if you will, he can jump into you and everyone at the end of his jump is slowed for a few seconds. Except his jump has 700 range starting out, 1300 range at max level, goes through obstacles and can be targeted in any direction.

Then instead of knocking you up he has a passive that stuns you every 5 hits he gets on you.

Instead of some silly attack speed boosting ability, he has a passive that has a 25% chance to heal back ANY amount of damage he takes so long as it doesn't kill him outright.

His ult?

It creates a 500-600 radius field that puts everyone within its range under stasis, except himself. he can run around his time warping zone to bash your face in.
Halycon said:
Carries in HoN/DotA shit all over carries in LoL.

Take Chronos for instance.

Picture Xin if you will, he can jump into you and everyone at the end of his jump is slowed for a few seconds. Except his jump has 700 range starting out, 1300 range at max level, goes through obstacles and can be targeted in any direction.

Then instead of knocking you up he has a passive that stuns you every 5 hits he gets on you.

Instead of some silly attack speed boosting ability, he has a passive that has a 25% chance to heal back ANY amount of damage he takes so long as it doesn't kill him outright.

His ult?

It creates a 500-600 radius field that puts everyone within its range under stasis, except himself. he can run around his time warping zone to bash your face in.

The ironic thing is that my LoL screen name is actually Chronos. I picked that during the beta of LoL without any idea of HoN. I seriously get flamed in about half my games because they complain about how OP Chronos is, and then take it out on me. I just laugh.

*I picked a random Greek/Roman god name and went with it.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Should've spelled it kronos then, no one would be able to tell!


Alright, since the announcement of DotA 2, I'm itching to get into a DotA-like. Since I don't have WC3, League of Legends seems like the obvious choice. The only problem is I'm getting this when I try to launch.


I've tried everything under the sun I can think of and what I've seen through Google. I forwarded ports on my router, disabled P2P traffic on DotA's launcher (I live in a University dorm that blocks P2P traffic), made sure TLS 1.0 was enabled. Still I end up with this. Am I pretty much screwed or is there something else I should try? If it looks like I'm screwed, then it looks like I have to lug my computer to my girlfriend's apartment with her 1.14 Mb/s connection every time LoL updates. :(


Halycon said:
Carries in HoN/DotA shit all over carries in LoL.

Take Chronos for instance.

Picture Xin if you will, he can jump into you and everyone at the end of his jump is slowed for a few seconds. Except his jump has 700 range starting out, 1300 range at max level, goes through obstacles and can be targeted in any direction.

Then instead of knocking you up he has a passive that stuns you every 5 hits he gets on you.

Instead of some silly attack speed boosting ability, he has a passive that has a 25% chance to heal back ANY amount of damage he takes so long as it doesn't kill him outright.

His ult?

It creates a 500-600 radius field that puts everyone within its range under stasis, except himself. he can run around his time warping zone to bash your face in.

Gank any carry or at least prevent their freefarm a few times while they are dickin in the jungle or lane and they become utterly useless in HoN normal games.


I need to find a group to play with.

Went home over lunch break and played a game. 2 members of my team were 0/7/1 and 1/7/1 after 20 minutes.


Halycon said:
Carries in HoN/DotA shit all over carries in LoL.

Take Chronos for instance.

Picture Xin if you will, he can jump into you and everyone at the end of his jump is slowed for a few seconds. Except his jump has 700 range starting out, 1300 range at max level, goes through obstacles and can be targeted in any direction.

Then instead of knocking you up he has a passive that stuns you every 5 hits he gets on you.

Instead of some silly attack speed boosting ability, he has a passive that has a 25% chance to heal back ANY amount of damage he takes so long as it doesn't kill him outright.

His ult?

It creates a 500-600 radius field that puts everyone within its range under stasis, except himself. he can run around his time warping zone to bash your face in.
I'm glad HoN carries are nothing like LoL carries.


Aesthet1c said:
Do you guys know of a good Xin build? I usually follow one of the guides on Leaguecraft, and build him more tanky with phage, zeal, randuins, banshee's veil, then atma's. This usually works alright for me. However I played with a dps Xin last night that did amazing. He went zerk greaves, black cleaver, ghostblade, last whisper. He would charge in and kill people before they came out of stun. I think I'm going to give it a shot tonight.. but what do you guys typically build him as?

Ruby Crystal -> Phage -> Ninja Tabi -> Zeal -> Phantom Dancer -> B.F. Sword -> Black Cleaver -> Giants Belt -> Frozen Mallet -> Last Whisper -> Infinity Edge.

Give it a try, it makes my Xin sick.

And I know I shouldn't complain since the game is free but goddamnit, do the servers really have to go down every week?


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Archie said:
HoN carries are only OP if you let them get OP. Gank them all game and they are pushovers.
They have a higher potential OPness, is what I'm saying.

Besides that applies both ways, saying "well you should just gank him" is dismissing that they might gank your carry.

Anyone is a pushover if you gank them consistently enough.
Hylian7 said:
Alright, since the announcement of DotA 2, I'm itching to get into a DotA-like. Since I don't have WC3, League of Legends seems like the obvious choice. The only problem is I'm getting this when I try to launch.


I've tried everything under the sun I can think of and what I've seen through Google. I forwarded ports on my router, disabled P2P traffic on DotA's launcher (I live in a University dorm that blocks P2P traffic), made sure TLS 1.0 was enabled. Still I end up with this. Am I pretty much screwed or is there something else I should try? If it looks like I'm screwed, then it looks like I have to lug my computer to my girlfriend's apartment with her 1.14 Mb/s connection every time LoL updates. :(

I would help you if I could dude, but I'm not sure what's going on. Not my area of expertise. If you really have to lug your computer to your girlfriend's house to update, it's probably not worth it. There are patches every two weeks and slight tweaks randomly throughout to fix glitches.


My first ranked game at 30 was a leave X_X.

Note to everyone, don't system restore then try to play League of Legends without redownloading it.
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