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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Holy shit! Weird Korean tank team works soooo well. Get five friends to agree to it then roll face with everyone.

1.) You basically have to do this with a 5-Man premade
2.) All pick tanks of various types, get a few AoE ults, get some CC, get some mobility and push tanks. It really doesn't completely matter which tanks you take.
3.) Now here is the key part, all take Revive and Teleport for your summoner spells. What that does is it allows you to never lose a tower, and always be in a team fight. We lost a team fight mid game in one of our matches, and all revived then tele'd into a ward behind them and aced them, funniest thing ever.
4.) ????
5.) Profit


thestopsign said:
Holy shit! Weird Korean tank team works soooo well. Get five friends to agree to it then roll face with everyone.

1.) You basically have to do this with a 5-Man premade
2.) All pick tanks of various types, get a few AoE ults, get some CC, get some mobility and push tanks. It really doesn't completely matter which tanks you take.
3.) Now here is the key part, all take Revive and Teleport for your summoner spells. What that does is it allows you to never lose a tower, and always be in a team fight. We lost a team fight mid game in one of our matches, and all revived then tele'd into a ward behind them and aced them, funniest thing ever.
4.) ????
5.) Profit

The old strat when I tried it used to be Fortify and Teleport. No towers would go down ever....
Milabrega said:
Record a match of that if ya can so I can watch, sounds hilarious.

Hmmm... I don't have any recording software, but I would be willing to do it if there are some free programs out there. Either that or you can experience it for yourself if GAF wants to get a game going tomorrow.


I just played THE most ridiculous game. Nothing notable for me, but I believe God (reincarnated as Pantheon) was on my team.


Keep in mind, I'm level 30 and everyone on their team was the same level, so it's not a case just rolling noobs or something.


No tanks = killing spree

Azar: What's the strat to jungling Cho? Max Vorpal? Start at blue? What items do you eventually get? Camp order?

Trying to get down jungling and Cho is prolly my best character atm.


Got damn, I really think I should just use Janna as my main. She's fricking fun to play and I really like using her more for support than easymode sona. People always love it when they have a good support around <3


y2dvd said:
Azar: What's the strat to jungling Cho? Max Vorpal? Start at blue? What items do you eventually get? Camp order?
Friend of mine played him in 3 games last night and had zero deaths each match, though I think we were playing pretty mediocre teams even though almost all were level 30s.

He said his method's more or less the same as the video, but he uses smite to level as fast/faster than a lane. His core items seem to be Force of Nature and Aegis with something for AP like Zhonyas or Rod of Ages.

Attack Speed Marks
Flat Armor Seals
Cool Downs/Level Glyphs (might switch for Mana regen)
Health Quints

0/21/9 Masteries


sparkle this bitch
Nothing like beating down a bunch of loud mouth assholes. Maybe if they spent less time shit talking, they could of won.

Remember when both Yi and Jax jumped me at my turret in the beginning at level 5? And got their highlight kill of the game?

15-20minutes later

Remember when I solo both Jax and Yi at the same time? Remember when Yi would go from 100 to 0 with my QWR burst? Remember when our entire team got about 30+ kills up on you?

Fabulous times. :lol


HeartAttackJones said:
looks like skinning issue. did everyone in game see it or just you?
Just me. Happened about 5 minutes into the game after I cast whirlwind. It moved on an axis and was hilarious for about a minute.


Subconscious Brolonging
How come Malphite never gets a good skin? Shamrocks? Coral Reef? Are you serious? At least try Riot, jesus. Maybe he's not the best tank around but he's fucking fun and I can't remember the last time I had a negative k/d ratio with him. Show him some love.


Spire said:
How come Malphite never gets a good skin? Shamrocks? Coral Reef? Are you serious? At least try Riot, jesus. Maybe he's not the best tank around but he's fucking fun and I can't remember the last time I had a negative k/d ratio with him. Show him some love.

That Coral reef skin a lot better than that Shamrock skin.:lol Like Nasus' new skin, it came late but its well appreciated.


shintoki said:
Nothing like beating down a bunch of loud mouth assholes. Maybe if they spent less time shit talking, they could of won.
After I nuked a Kennen three times with Veigar today he started to tell me how Veigar was a stupid champ, and then that I was a stupid person, and then his friend expanded on this idea by saying it's so easy to go Legendary with Veigar that even a kid like me with Down Syndrome could do it.

So apparently I have Down Syndrome, but at least we won right :lol

Big Chungus

Started playing this game with my cousin and brother and we just can't stop!

Bought 3 of the retail copies so we can start off with more heroes.
This game is a bit intimidating to someone who's just starting out and last played DotA 6.3x 4 years ago.

Anyone have any quick tips they can impart? That ward placement stuff is great, and I completely forgot about them. It seems neutrals are also much more important.
FlightOfHeaven said:
This game is a bit intimidating to someone who's just starting out and last played DotA 6.3x 4 years ago.

Anyone have any quick tips they can impart? That ward placement stuff is great, and I completely forgot about them. It seems neutrals are also much more important.

If you have general DotA knowledge, you are pretty much set. There are a few key differences that you have probably already noticed though:

- Number One, and most important to me is that tower agro is completely different and not "random" like in DotA. If you attack an enemy hero in their tower's range, it will automatically target you until you leave range. Damage scales up after every hit, so don't expect to easily be able to calculate the damage you'll take.

- Number Two, team play and ganking take priority of laning. There is a higher benefit from getting kills early and often, and not as much punishment for dying which gives incentives for players to be more agressive.

- Number Three, the Summoner System provides a meta game or element that remains throughout all of your games. At first it might seem unfair to the low level players, but it really makes sense because you most likely won't even face higher level players until later in the game.

- Number Four, there are lots of changes in the maps and stores that you have already noticed if you've played. One is the cover system, watch for AoE ults that are invisible unless you are also in the bush with them such as Nunu's. The stores have recommended items, which are great for starting out with champs, but you will want to customize your build as you get more acclimated to your own play style.

- Number Five, creeps give you buffs and team wide experience and gold, making them major objectives. "Dragon" gives your team +130 gold, and a lot of experience. "Golem" gives an individual increased mana regen and more Cooldown Reduction. "Lizard" gives an individual a secondary damage to each auto attack as well as a slow on hit. "Baron" gives +250 gold and lots of experience, but only spawns 15min into the game. He also gives major attack buffs along with a bunch of other stats.

- Number Six, there is an extra stat in the game called AP which allows magic damage to scale just as attack damage does. This makes spellcasters viable late game, and AP ratios for abilities are often very important.

I think I covered most everything, someone else can mention if I missed anything. Most important thing is to find a champ or type of champ you are comfortable and have fun with, and remember to enjoy the game and not get bogged down by bad teammates, games are supposed to be fun.
Thanks, this is precisely what I'm looking for. It's similar enough to DotA that I can jump in and use some of my old skills and intuition, but different enough to know that I am missing out on a significant part of the game.

When I hide in the bush, and they go into the bush, we can see each other, right?

Also, when are GAFfers usually on? Please add me; I go by SouthernDragon, and I'd love to get some play in.


Most of the people who play at level 1-10 are so bad that you shouldn't have much trouble picking it up and doing better than them if you've played this style of game before. But playing with a few friends makes a massive difference. It helps to have a crew that knows when to call missing in action when enemies leave their lanes, know who's going to initiate or can coordinate which enemies to target first, that sort of thing.


aka surume
FlightOfHeaven said:
Thanks, this is precisely what I'm looking for. It's similar enough to DotA that I can jump in and use some of my old skills and intuition, but different enough to know that I am missing out on a significant part of the game.

When I hide in the bush, and they go into the bush, we can see each other, right?

Also, when are GAFfers usually on? Please add me; I go by SouthernDragon, and I'd love to get some play in.
It's probably a bit simple for someone of your skill level, but we just put in a Battle Training mode last week.

It's a match against bots with some limited guidance, teaching game mechanics like turret targeting, brush, etc.

Missing from it are things like team fights and wards, but it's fun to beat up on bots and worth the 20 minutes.

Find it under Play>Tutorials>Battle Training
HeartAttackJones said:
It's probably a bit simple for someone of your skill level, but we just put in a Battle Training mode last week.

It's a match against bots with some limited guidance, teaching game mechanics like turret targeting, brush, etc.

Missing from it are things like team fights and wards, but it's fun to beat up on bots and worth the 20 minutes.

Find it under Play>Tutorials>Battle Training

Really? I saw it about a month ago when I first started playing. I think it's a wonderful idea, and I should have done it to get acclimated.

Oh, and the item purchasing system? Brilliant. It's one of my new, favorite things, the item purchasing system. The fact that you can purchase items while you are dead? Awesome.

I do admit to confusing Ability with Agility, due to my DotA days. My first outing with Heimli... the brain dude was predictably terrible, but giving Intel characters a way to keep up in the later stages of the game is a great idea.

I think I just have to give myself time to get used to the game, to know all the characters. It just sucks to have 100 characters, since you have to know what each one does. I used to know each level of each ability for each character, the abilities and the damage dealt, along with each item. But LoL seems to be much more... expansive. It's hard to remember everything, and as a former DotA player, it's very uncomfortable to go into a fight not knowing what the opponent can do.

I do realize there is a small window up there that informs you about the items and abilities of the opponent, but as a new player it's a bit much to take in at once.

Oh, and great "kill inform" system, letting you know how you died by who and why. Wonderful!


Starting out with Tristana. She seems noob friendly, and she reminds me of the Dwarven Sniper from DotA. I purchased Kayle recently, I hear she's friendly to new people.


shintoki said:
Losing a game because you gave center to an idiot =[

Oh god that reminds me I had a game where the first 5 minutes where teemo not wanting to go mid and trying to convince everyone that gangplank was better suited for it.

Noone went into mid and needless to say we lost pretty hard.


Spire said:
How come Malphite never gets a good skin? Shamrocks? Coral Reef? Are you serious? At least try Riot, jesus. Maybe he's not the best tank around but he's fucking fun and I can't remember the last time I had a negative k/d ratio with him. Show him some love.
Coral Reef Malphite ownz. They even changed his E to a water splash with a "sploosh" sound.


sparkle this bitch
First game as Sona.... I'm in love <3.

I've realized something. I'm a terrible tank and lead carry, but I'm pretty good at secondary characters. :lol


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Leb: I'd like more farming capabilities. The stun takes way too long to trigger. Ult not very imaginative and silence > silence only refreshes the buff duration. Ditto for chain -> chain.
Lux: Cooldowns way too long. Shield is probably the worst shielding spell in the entire game. Well, maybe not as bad as Sivir's.

Yay waste of 6300 points for casters whose jobs can be preformed by older champs with much more efficiency!


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
So I heard, but did Lux really have to lose her windwalk?

The shield is so lame.

I only bought her to try out the laser beam.


Had my best game in quite a while:

To be fair, against that team all i had to do was stack armour and get exhaust, but still at the start of the game my team was losing quite badly until i intervened.


Okay GAF, help me out with words of wisdom.

I love this game to bits, but I'm a terrible, TERRIBLE tank, and given how often I end up picking tanks because everyone else on the team picks squishy characters (ah, the joys of being rubbish and in low ELO ranked matches) I really need to learn how to play the role better.

I'm okay with Garen because he has his shield and the whirly sword thing (plus inbuilt speedy health regen) so I can deal enough damage early game to be threatening enough to draw enemy fire and still gain gold. But with pretty much everyone else I find myself too squishy, or by late game if I've actually got some decent defense items I do so little damage that no-one care's what I'm doing.

Should I just spend early game standing way back and running in for the occasional last hit and only attempt to draw focus in mid/late game? What other particular tanking tips have you got?

I'm not a completely terrible player - I'm pretty good at support characters IMO - but given how often I feel obliged to take a tank and then royally screw up the match for the team by being rubbish I need to get better at this!


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Farming + assists is very important for a tank.

Also make sure you're getting a good mix of HP + resist items.
Tank items that are nearly always good:
Guardian Angel
Quicksilver sash to a lesser extent

Tank items that are a bit more situational depending on your hero abilities and matchup
Spirit Visage
Soul Shroud
Atma's Impaler
Innervating Locket

Avoid like Plague
Force of Nature


sparkle this bitch
Janna and Sona, on a team with two tanks.

It was like 1 to 10 early on, they were getting up on us. Group fights start to happen, a fucking wrecking train. :lol


Halycon said:
Farming + assists is very important for a tank.

Also make sure you're getting a good mix of HP + resist items.
Tank items that are nearly always good:
Guardian Angel
Quicksilver sash to a lesser extent

Tank items that are a bit more situational depending on your hero abilities and matchup
Spirit Visage
Soul Shroud
Atma's Impaler
Innervating Locket

Avoid like Plague
Force of Nature
Randuin's is the best tank item in the game, and should be put above Sunfire Cape unless you are a beefy guy (like Garen/Nasus) and not a tank. It's still good on beefy dudes.
Force of Nature is also an amazing MR item, and should be on the must haves list. That is otherwise a decent list. However FoN is not an item you build early or first, it's an item you build after a solid amount of HP is on your dude, generally have a Randuin's and possible Aegis. FoN is great but the MR doesn't really kick in without a lot of effective HP. The combof of something like FoN + Sunfire or Randuin's allows you to properly position in team fights and chase really well. It's especially goon on Shen because he has to start fights with his face (literally, run up and taunt) unlike most tanks.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
kensk said:
Randuin's is the best tank item in the game, and should be put above Sunfire Cape unless you are a beefy guy (like Garen/Nasus) and not a tank. It's still good on beefy dudes.
I'll cede Randuin's but I only see Force of Nature doing well if:
1) It's really late game and they're hurting for some MR
2) Tanks were fed and they get it to troll all the casters
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