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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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account name: kiunch

How do I find other GAF people to play with? I took more verbal abuse in a day than in my entire life playing online fighting game :(


In the last batch of skin screenshots with Hot Rod Heim. You can see part of Olaf's Brolaf skin. He looks Beer Viking with sandals and a bear hat :lol
Ok, question.

I was playing a team game today 5v5, and we won. I was mildly effective as Xin Zhao.

I was fighting against this Vladimir, but he WOULD NOT DIE.

I swore he must have had some sort of ultimate or passive that'd save him, but there's nothing! Nothing!

It must have been an item of some sort, like Zhonya's Ring, but...

It just blows not knowing the heros and items.


Still Tagged Accordingly
FlightOfHeaven said:
Ok, question.

I was playing a team game today 5v5, and we won. I was mildly effective as Xin Zhao.

I was fighting against this Vladimir, but he WOULD NOT DIE.

I swore he must have had some sort of ultimate or passive that'd save him, but there's nothing! Nothing!

It must have been an item of some sort, like Zhonya's Ring, but...

It just blows not knowing the heros and items.
so.... what's the question?
"Question was, how does Vladimir survive outside of Sanguine Pool? Is there an item build or something?"

Vlad gains HP from AP and AP from HP, so vlad players stack lots of HP and AP, both increasing his maximum HP. He also drains life with most of his attacks (including his main Q nuke), so he's less squishy (without resists he's still somewhat squishy, especially if anyone has abilities that do percentage health damage) than most casters.


Still Tagged Accordingly
FlightOfHeaven said:
Question was, how does Vladimir survive outside of Sanguine Pool? Is there an item build or something?
i like to be a smart ass and get a fast warmog. then a second warmog. and then a third warmog. :D

but it's probably better to diversify your items. more SP is always good too.


FlightOfHeaven said:
Ok, question.

I was playing a team game today 5v5, and we won. I was mildly effective as Xin Zhao.

I was fighting against this Vladimir, but he WOULD NOT DIE.

I swore he must have had some sort of ultimate or passive that'd save him, but there's nothing! Nothing!

It must have been an item of some sort, like Zhonya's Ring, but...

It just blows not knowing the heros and items.
Playing champions will also teach you how to play against them. Vladimir is worthless during his first 6 levels (seriously, he can't really do damage at all), harass him hard in the beginning.


sparkle this bitch
The more someone talks, the more likely they are to be an idiot. Had one of those "Commanders" in my last game. Basically I'm an idiot for warding and doing nothing. While our super bottom who got rolled early isn't at fault at all.

I think the biggest one was, instead of going for Baron twice, we kept pushing. And guess what... we never got those towers in the base. We just wasted a minute attempting to get in, but never quite worked.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
shintoki said:
The more someone talks, the more likely they are to be an idiot.

100% of the time.

Terrible player plays terribly, feeds to a 1/20/0, then starts talking shit about his teammates (in all-chat of course), initiates a surrender, it fails, then he leaves the game.


Because we can't win an even fight anymore and I was getting towers down during our only opportunity to do so, and you decided to attack into the enemy team instead of staying safe at our tower while they all sat there accomplishing nothing walking back and forth.

Nothing is quite as humiliating as being destroyed by an opposing Xin Zhao.

We won the last game, but I died 9 times and killed once, with 5 assists (1/9/5).

I have rarely felt so terrible.


Gravity is a myth, the Earth SUCKS!
FlightOfHeaven said:
Nothing is quite as humiliating as being destroyed by an opposing Xin Zhao.

We won the last game, but I died 9 times and killed once, with 5 assists (1/9/5).

I have rarely felt so terrible.
With melee carries it's all about getting the feel for when it's right to engage or back the hell out. You only get this magical jedi sense with time invested. When you're just getting used to a character it's best to play it safer and to at least not feed. Come out of your shell more as you become more accustomed to the character. Also use flash and ghost as your summoner abilities, should cut down on your deaths.


sparkle this bitch
oxrock said:
With melee carries it's all about getting the feel for when it's right to engage or back the hell out. You only get this magical jedi sense with time invested. When you're just getting used to a character it's best to play it safer and to at least not feed. Come out of your shell more as you become more accustomed to the character.
Depends on the melee character too. Jax, Olaf, and Yi(Most so Yi), allowed for quite a bit of a large margin of error then Xin, who is basically stuck in combat and can get shut down easily once he's engaged.
Had the game of a lifetime today.

60 minute game with comeback from only 1 tower by the nexus remaining and the other team had baron during that push. I went 9-7-39 as Shen and by the end had farmed so much gold that I had 75% reduction in damage from physical and magical. As bad as the losses in this game are, it feels great to rise to the occasion once in a while. :lol



Absolutely horrible team. But for a change, no shit-talking assholes or anything, so it was a fun game anyway.


Gravity is a myth, the Earth SUCKS!
I think I'm finally done playing LoL. I love the game itself but playing with these assholes just ruins everything for me. People feeding insanely bad and then disconnecting or even better how they blame you for the team losing despite you being the ONLY person with a positive kdr and they're all like 1/14/0. It just irritates the living hell out of me. If i sucked I could understand catching some shit every now and then, but even as a bad player I wouldn't expect to see this much bullshit. Most everyone just has a horrible attitude, took all the joy out of the game.


oxrock said:
I think I'm finally done playing LoL. I love the game itself but playing with these assholes just ruins everything for me. People feeding insanely bad and then disconnecting or even better how they blame you for the team losing despite you being the ONLY person with a positive kdr and they're all like 1/14/0. It just irritates the living hell out of me. If i sucked I could understand catching some shit every now and then, but even as a bad player I wouldn't expect to see this much bullshit. Most everyone just has a horrible attitude, took all the joy out of the game.

What's your summoner level? I'm not encountering much of that, and if I do I really can't be bothered to give a shit.


Stridone said:
Just went 25/3/11 with Vladimir. Anyone else think he's really overpowered?
He's really easy to play and is strong, but he can easily be shut down if his opponents know how to play. Just harass the hell out of him before level 6 and you'll probably kill him. It is hell to lane against him at lvl 7-10 or so though. :/


Leezard said:
He's really easy to play and is strong, but he can easily be shut down if his opponents know how to play. Just harass the hell out of him before level 6 and you'll probably kill him. It is hell to lane against him at lvl 7-10 or so though. :/

It's hard to harass him when he can just press W to turn into an invincible pool. :lol


Stridone said:
It's hard to harass him when he can just press W to turn into an invincible pool. :lol
That's not a real problem actually. It uses his own health and it has a long cooldown at low levels.
oxrock said:
I think I'm finally done playing LoL. I love the game itself but playing with these assholes just ruins everything for me. People feeding insanely bad and then disconnecting or even better how they blame you for the team losing despite you being the ONLY person with a positive kdr and they're all like 1/14/0. It just irritates the living hell out of me. If i sucked I could understand catching some shit every now and then, but even as a bad player I wouldn't expect to see this much bullshit. Most everyone just has a horrible attitude, took all the joy out of the game.

My condolences. I tend to find people are fun and funny in this game.

Then again, I go out of my way to chat and make jokes.


sparkle this bitch
Vlad, you either have to deny him Exp/Gold or kill him quick. A large part of his strength comes from being probably the easiest character to build in the game. His defense builds his offensive, and vice versa.

oxrock said:
I think I'm finally done playing LoL. I love the game itself but playing with these assholes just ruins everything for me. People feeding insanely bad and then disconnecting or even better how they blame you for the team losing despite you being the ONLY person with a positive kdr and they're all like 1/14/0. It just irritates the living hell out of me. If i sucked I could understand catching some shit every now and then, but even as a bad player I wouldn't expect to see this much bullshit. Most everyone just has a horrible attitude, took all the joy out of the game.
It's a game that is truly reliant on your team skill level compared to individual. Similar to Lost Planet's Coop or L4D Versus. You get stuck with a single idiot, it will fuck over your game. It's the part I'm curious about how Valve is going to attempt to fix it. Even with a simplified version of DOTA such as LoL. The community is still pretty piss poor. I think it's maybe 2 out of 5 games, that don't end in screaming or name calling by the end. Not to mention, how easy it is for one asshole to ruin the game, by intentional feeding, going afk, etc.

Sorry for your experiences though, which is a shame since you do seem to really love the title.
I honestly never have problems with Vlad. He is pretty useless late game I find. Not a true tank by any means, which means I always tell our DPS to go Madreds, and you can pretty much ignore him in late game team fights.


Yeah, in rank games people bitch. Hell, I bitch! People expect better comp at a certain elo. Normal games, don't get me wrong, I still want to win, but I don't take it as seriously.

Vlad is still viable late game imo. His skills scales pretty nicely. He's especially annoying with zhoyna. Silence/stun/taunt is the only thing you can hope do to before he get's his combo off.


Gravity is a myth, the Earth SUCKS!
I've never played a ranked game because quite honestly, I just don't want to. I play the game to have fun, not obsess over minute details. I'm summoner level 28. I know it sounds conceded but I think my teammates just get angry at themselves for being retarded. Almost every game they'll get baited off the turret and engage in a 3v5 fight and I refuse to take part in it. I'm jovial early game and try to give advice when people are making obvious mistakes but somehow the guy who isn't feeding takes all the blame. Also, people seem to expect me to suicide when it suits their purposes. If i engage and barely get out by the skin of my teeth, I'm not going to re-engage just because you refuse to back off.


FlightOfHeaven said:
Maybe it's because you fellas play in Ranked?

Right now in Normal matches no one really gives a fuck.

I actually think its funny that people get pissed in solo queue normal. I only play solo queue normal to troll new builds or test champs I haven't played.

A couple of things I would recommend if you're feeling frustrated:

1. Take a break, sometimes this is just the best thing to do.

2. Talk to your team mates in champ select or at the start of the game. At most you'll only ever really have 1 douche so if you can lead the rest of your team then things won't be so bad, and usually the douches come around.

3. Don't try to out troll the trolls on your own team. Its better to ignore them.

4. Relax its only a game. And normal queue doesn't count for anything so why get upset?

I admit that I've been playing more arranged teams than straight solo queue and I tend to duo queue ranked when I can. It does seem like on occasion you can get in a rut where match making puts you in with bad people etc. and taking a few days off can help for whatever reason.


sparkle this bitch
"Yeah, Well I almost killed you when you were level one. And you team isn't gimped down with a Kennan. He did nothing the entire game. Your mom!"

In dedication to the one girl army, Sona. I said it earlier, the more they talk, The worse they are. Ended up curb stomping another team who loved to talk shit while they were pushing us back mid game. Few aces later, Baron, all turrets down. The excuses and crying just flew in.
Stridone said:
Xin Zhao isn't that hard. What build do you use?

Well, initially I'd get Doran's Shield with a health potion. Then I'd go:

Last Whisper
Boots of Swiftness
Zeal -> Dancing Edge

If I made it far enough, then:
Bloodthirster / Frozen Mallet

That worked ok, but then I started getting my ass kicked.

Now I'm trying

1 health potion ->
Berserker Boots
Trinity Edge
Last Whisper

And still...

The thing is, I've been winning almost all of my games! But I get lucky and I get a good team, or I play a decent support/pushing role. I take down around 4 towers a game, usually more.
FlightOfHeaven said:
Well, initially I'd get Doran's Shield with a health potion. Then I'd go:

Last Whisper
Boots of Swiftness
Zeal -> Dancing Edge

If I made it far enough, then:
Bloodthirster / Frozen Mallet

That worked ok, but then I started getting my ass kicked.

Now I'm trying

1 health potion ->
Berserker Boots
Trinity Edge
Last Whisper

And still...

The thing is, I've been winning almost all of my games! But I get lucky and I get a good team, or I play a decent support/pushing role. I take down around 4 towers a game, usually more.

I find that it is better to build Xin tanky, and fast. He's too weak without the extra HP. Grab Phage into Frozen Mallet pretty early, then build into Last Whisper and Banshees. If you are still in game, you can go either Madreds, Starks, or maybe a Blood Thirster.
thestopsign said:
I find that it is better to build Xin tanky, and fast. He's too weak without the extra HP. Grab Phage into Frozen Mallet pretty early, then build into Last Whisper and Banshees. If you are still in game, you can go either Madreds, Starks, or maybe a Blood Thirster.

I'll keep an early Frozen Mallet in mind (part of the reason I started to use Trinity Force), and I was already considering Starks. Thanks!


FlightOfHeaven said:
Well, initially I'd get Doran's Shield with a health potion. Then I'd go:

Last Whisper
Boots of Swiftness
Zeal -> Dancing Edge

If I made it far enough, then:
Bloodthirster / Frozen Mallet

That worked ok, but then I started getting my ass kicked.

Now I'm trying

1 health potion ->
Berserker Boots
Trinity Edge
Last Whisper

And still...

The thing is, I've been winning almost all of my games! But I get lucky and I get a good team, or I play a decent support/pushing role. I take down around 4 towers a game, usually more.

I've crushed teams with ease with this build:

Ruby Crystal -> Phage -> Ninja Tabi -> Phantom Dancer -> B.F. Sword -> Black Cleaver -> Giants Belt -> Frozen Mallet -> Infinity Edge.


Am I missing something with Last whisper, I never build that item because the way I read it you need armor pen items first before last whisper becomes useful.
"Am I missing something with Last whisper, I never build that item because the way I read it you need armor pen items first before last whisper becomes useful."

?? Last Whisper penetrates 40% of your opponent's armor. How are you reading it?


Just to make things clear, armor pen works in this order:
1. Armor reduction (starks fervor, etc)
2. Flat Armor penetration (runes, brutalizer, etc)
3. Percentage Armor penetration (Last whisper)

As in, if your opponent has 100 armor and you only have last whisper, you'll penetrate 0.4 * 100 = 40 of his armor.
If your opponent has 100 armor and you have 50 flat armor pen and last whisper, your last whisper will penetrate 0.4 * 50 = 20 armor pen, for 70 armor pen total.
So your Last whisper will get less effective the more flat armor pen you have, but in total you will penetrate more.


Teknopathetic said:
"Am I missing something with Last whisper, I never build that item because the way I read it you need armor pen items first before last whisper becomes useful."

?? Last Whisper penetrates 40% of your opponent's armor. How are you reading it?

"+40% armor penetration". I read that as, if you have 100 amor penetration, getting last whisper gets you to 140. If you have 10 armor penetratin, last whisper gets you to 14.

That can't be right can it Leezard, that makes no sense. Your item gets worse the more armor penetration you have. By your formula if the guy has 100 armor, and you have 10 armor penetration and a last whisper, you have 14 armor penetration. But if you had no armor penetration and just a last whisper, you would have 40 armor penetration.


dionysus said:
"+40% armor penetration". I read that as, if you have 100 amor penetration, getting last whisper gets you to 140. If you have 10 armor penetratin, last whisper gets you to 14.

That can't be right can it Leezard, that makes no sense. Your item gets worse the more armor penetration you have. By your formula if the guy has 100 armor, and you have 10 armor penetration and a last whisper, you have 14 armor penetration. But if you had no armor penetration and just a last whisper, you would have 40 armor penetration.
No, last whisper does not work that way. It does not add 40% to your existing armor pen.

If the guy has 100 amor and you have 90 flat armor pen and a last whisper, then you got 90 + (100 - 90) * 0.4 = 94 total armor pen.

If the guy has 100 amor and you have 10 flat armor pen and a last whisper, then you got 10 + (100 - 10) * 0.4 = 46 total armor pen.

If the guy has 100 amor and you have a last whisper, then you got (100 - 0) * 0.4 = 40 total armor pen.

So yes, Last whisper "gets worse" the more armor pen you have.
This is how it works, one of the League of Legends boards (probably the game mechanics board) has an FAQ explaining this as well.


in addition that item has insance attack speed boost...i always build it with ashe as the second big item...and i guess it works well, doesn't it?


Is there an 'official' GAF chatroom in LoL for setting up games and such? Just curious because I know TeamLiquid has one and they get arranged games going pretty frequently.


It's hilarious to play vs a health stacking Vladimir with my AP Vladimir. They're just helpless, especially after a few stacks on my Mejais Soulstealer. :lol


Still Tagged Accordingly
Stridone said:
It's hilarious to play vs a health stacking Vladimir with my AP Vladimir. They're just helpless, especially after a few stacks on my Mejais Soulstealer. :lol
what's your build for an AP vlad?


Just went something like 11/2/14 with Tank Swain. I can't play him for shit as a squishy nuke, but he can really throw a team into chaos and has crazy survivability as an initiator built tanky.
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