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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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So I am trying to add a jungler to me stable of champs I know how to play, so I picked Udyr. Building him as madred's plus AD tanky items.

What skill order is good for jungle udyr? I max turtle then phoenix with 1 point in bear and tiger early on. w,q,w,e,w,r,w,r,w,r,r,r,e,e,e,....

I do the q cause a jungle guide told me to get it at level 2.


Scrow said:
what's your build for an AP vlad?

I start with an amplifying tome, then I stay mid for a while constantly harassing the enemy. Wait till I get my ulti, then pop ghost+ulti+ignite and get the kill. Once I've got 1900 gold I get Sorcerors Shoes and Mejais Soulstealer and around level 9 you can start getting the stacks for Mejais by ganking top and bottom (which is pretty easy). Then I go Rylais Scepter and Zhonya's Ring, then you can either get another Zhonya's, Rylais, Lich Bane or Warmogs Armor, it doesn't really matter which one as with a bunch of Mejai stacks, you're basically unbeatable already (though magic resistance stacking can be a bitch).

So Mejais Soulstealer -> Sorcerors Shoes -> Rylais Scepter -> Zhonya's Ring -> Zhonya/Rylai/Warmogs.

EDIT: You might like Void Staff if the enemy has lots of Magic Resistance.
I'm considering dropping Xin Zhao at this point, because I can't seem to be good with him. He has to be in the middle of the fray, and when he is, he just drops like a stone. Mind you, I get a kajillion assists from his R and E, but I tend to die pretty quick. :/

I was doing pretty well with Tristana, but I find Xin a little more engaging to play.


Gravity is a myth, the Earth SUCKS!
FlightOfHeaven said:
I'm considering dropping Xin Zhao at this point, because I can't seem to be good with him. He has to be in the middle of the fray, and when he is, he just drops like a stone. Mind you, I get a kajillion assists from his R and E, but I tend to die pretty quick. :/

I was doing pretty well with Tristana, but I find Xin a little more engaging to play.
It takes more skill to play xin well and not die in the mix. You always have to be in the middle of things with him. My biggest piece of advice is to never be the initiator in team fights. You may put out the most initial damage that way but you'll die fast. Wait until other people have enter the fight and then just pick people off. Obviously focus on squishy targets first and work your way up. If this is something you just can't get to work for you then I think a melee carry just isn't your style. Or if you enjoy being in the thick of things but are tired of dieing all the time, try playing garen. He doesn't do bad damage overall and he's one tanky mofo


sparkle this bitch
I mentioned it before. Xin has little escape and gets shutdown easily. You may want to try Olaf, Yin, or Jax. If you are looking to another melee carry.

Olaf and Jax can take quite a bit of damage, while Yi has one of the strongest selection of abilities.

Kass is another one that could be worth a shot. More reliant on magic than physical, but he's pretty fun to play.


You always enter a fight late on Xin and gun for the squishiest thing possible since you have a really strong way of getting to the back of the lines post initiation. After that your jon is generally chase after them as long as possible. Depending on your target, you might want to get a Randuin's (gives you a good deal of survivability and CDR, along with the ability to hard shut down a carry) or Veil + FoN/QSS, if they are a strong CC/Caster type.

Edit: You otherwise want attackspeed/damage on hm, but you want a solid survivability item built to mess with their strongest damage dealer.


I think what people are saying is to wait till a few of the cc abilities have been blown before initiation if you are having trouble with survivability. Sounds like you are being the first squishy target in their range for a team fight. Which means you will see a spam of cc and nukes as people blow their cooldowns.

In response, you either should wait a bit to initiate or build more tanky. I am not sure but I think Xin is very viable with just 1 or 2 offensive items and building the rest tanky. It really doesn't take much gear to do 1500 damage to a ranged carry, so I tend to like a tanky build on melee carries to give allow me to survive the initial wave of cc.
dionysus said:
So I am trying to add a jungler to me stable of champs I know how to play, so I picked Udyr. Building him as madred's plus AD tanky items.

What skill order is good for jungle udyr? I max turtle then phoenix with 1 point in bear and tiger early on. w,q,w,e,w,r,w,r,w,r,r,r,e,e,e,....

I do the q cause a jungle guide told me to get it at level 2.

That's fine as an Udyr build. He's my main. I normally go Madreds with jungling, get that and boots by 15-20min into the game, then build either Sunfires or Banshee's. Then build the other. Then after that I grab Atma's and Guardian Angel.
Thanks for the tips, guys. I just like Xin all around; playstyle, design, story. I tend to think "I AM THE INITIATOR" and see a nuclear blast of CC and BAM dead.

Followed a 1000 gold in assists.

But it still blows.

Also, I go higher in levels, it's harder to find people who'll over extend and give me an easy target. : (

I'll take everything you guys said seriously. I find that going for Stark's first is great!
dionysus said:
Hmm, sheen also seems like the perfect item for Udyr. Since all he does is stance dance in combat.

There are a few viable ways to build Udyr. One of them involves going Madred's then into tank mode, which is what I do. The others are Inverting Locket, Trinity Force, then tank -- straight tank with Sunfires, Banshee's, Force of Nature, etc. -- straight DPS with Blood Thirsters or Starks or even Infinity Edge (the worst build for him I think).

I tried out the Inverting Locket build once, but I think I had a hard time jungling and ganking with it, so I just stuck with my old method.
Just started playing this today, ace game. The matchmaking seems to work well too as Im not getting owned, actually Im playing rather well I think, even better than I did in the SC2 dota.

Only unlocked Ashe and Tristana so far, Ashe is alright but I prefer Tristana, she's a nice and easy way to level up.


Been playing Sona, really love her style of buff/heal/snipe/run. I am having a hard time doing good enough damage to contribute to battle, the only good skill is the 1.5s stun with ultima.

My question is, is her small buff and that tiny heal (like 100-200) really worth having her around instead of some other champion?


sparkle this bitch
kiunchbb said:
Been playing Sona, really love her style of buff/heal/snipe/run. I am having a hard time doing good enough damage to contribute to battle, the only good skill is the 1.5s stun with ultima.

My question is, is her small buff and that tiny heal (like 100-200) really worth having her around instead of some other champion?
Before getting Sona. I was around even with my Wins to Losses.

After getting Sona, and her being my new main. I win about 4 out of 5 games and at 40 wins up on my losses.

She has her single nuke which can be fantastic early on. It's got range and damage. It's great to break down most characters. It also makes her a character to harass with early game, by poking in and out of the bushes.

But you have to note this, she is support. You have to play her that way. My nuke is great for breaking down the enemy. My heal is great since I can keep my team and myself fresh. My ult can shout down a charge. And my movement burst also our squishies to move faster than their team can. If we get beat in a fight, but thanks to my Move Aura, 3 of us make it out. You did something. If you keep trading blows with their DPS at range. You'll wear them down before they do you.

I think the best way to sum up Sona. She is the carry who turns your team into carries.

If you are looking for a good item layout. I normally go with

1. Locket or Shroud, depending on layout. Mana heavy team means Locket, while Soul shroud for less intensive team. Locket assists Sona more, since I can go wild then with my abilities.

2. Meaji's. If you have a decent team and play Sona good. You shouldn't die much while picking up many assists and a few kills. Maxing it out should be relatively easy. Once you do, your packing some damage and great heals. 2nd, it should also finish maxing out your cooldown reduction.

3. Boots. Switch with 2 depending on the other team. Get the stun ones. With my movement aura, I should be able to outrun most dps.

4. Defensive/Offensive item. Something like the 500hp Staff+ 80 AP or Zhoanyz's ring. I normally go with the ring, because it's a bigger boost to AP(my support) and the active on it is fantastic. Because by then, I normally become the first target in team fights.

Games normally don't last past the 3rd item, much less the 4th. :lol


Unconfirmed Member
Tried Cho out today since he was free

I took a solo lane since we had a jungler and was able to pressure my opponents back to their tower and get a few kills. All while getting fed off minions

So fucking satisfying. Loving this guy


Chopperman said:
Tried Cho out today since he was free

I took a solo lane since we had a jungler and was able to pressure my opponents back to their tower and get a few kills. All while getting fed off minions

So fucking satisfying. Loving this guy

I don't like Cho. As a main tank he doesn't have a single taunt. He has no way to make himself threatening enough to draw a smart teams fire. Which in my opinion makes him one of the worse tanks. He also has no initiation abilities, another way he is worse than other tanks.

Does he make a decent off tank with AP and tanky items?
dionysus said:
I don't like Cho. As a main tank he doesn't have a single taunt. He has no way to make himself threatening enough to draw a smart teams fire. Which in my opinion makes him one of the worse tanks. He also has no initiation abilities, another way he is worse than other tanks.

Does he make a decent off tank with AP and tanky items?

Cho can be pretty good if you go AP, AP/Tank hybrid instead of straight tank. His moves (especially Feast) can hit pretty hard when built AP.


Cho's true damage can really wreck, but I still think he's a great tank when used properly. The key is to have full stacks, because at that size you're incredibly menacing and you can make it very difficult for the other team to target your squishies if you stay close to them. Add in a silence and the vorpal spikes and you can easily disable a DPS/nuke long enough for your team to rofflestomp them.

What do you guys think of the patch for this week? I really like their focus on toning down ranged carries and trying to balance out melee, though I'm not sure how well their current changes will address that scenario. Happy to see my man Veigar get a little positive tweaking though. :D
dionysus said:
Not sure the speed nerfs are that big a deal for ranged carries.

Every little bit helps, it reduces their ability to harass and escape. I think the bigger nerf for them is the Lizard nerf, reducing the amount of slow they get from Lizard goes a long way.


thestopsign said:
Every little bit helps, it reduces their ability to harass and escape. I think the bigger nerf for them is the Lizard nerf, reducing the amount of slow they get from Lizard goes a long way.

My experience playing a ranged carries is that if I was going to die I was going to die. If you don't have an escape ability/summoner spell, an extra 5 to 10 movement speed is never going to save you. Almost every melee character has some type of slow or fast movement: jax and leap, udyr and bear, trynd and the whirly thing, xin and the charge thing, mundo and his axe, etc etc.

I guess what I am saying is that escaping in this game is almost never about movement speed (at least in the 10 increment range), because LoL has given the majority of characters slows or ground covering initiation abilities. To escape in this game you flash, ghost, or use an ability.

Red nerf is pretty big though.

Flash nerf will drastically nerf ranged carries as well.

Have to waste 50 min playing with bad people and against people who play really cheap characters (kennen) who think theyre awesome.

And i have won 127 matches AND I STILL CANT BE 30? COME ON
Where can I see a list of changes?

And it sounds like I should play Sona.

But I really, really want to get good with Xin, but each of my teams keeps surrendering. : (


sparkle this bitch
I hate patch day. Every time I get the patch and in my first game. The game runs like shit. I died 3 times to a Lux ult because it freezes up when one of the big ults came up. Also coming in late and losing your first 3 levels of exp sucks.

Works fine the next game though.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
I uninstall the game, then immediately click on this thread and see that melee carries are being pushed towards far greater viability?

EviLore said:
I uninstall the game, then immediately click on this thread and see that melee carries are being pushed towards far greater viability?

I sure hope Xin Zhao got some mad boosts, yo!





sparkle this bitch
eznark said:
glad I wasted money on Galio
His ult needed a nerf.

I don't mind the AE nerf too much. Ones like Galio or Vlad's where they are very power ones. Morgana's on the other hand, I can't say I like the nerf. With all these nerfs to range, it feels like the tank/dps hybreds are going turn out to dominate.


Jungle Udyr is proving more difficult than I thought. 3 games as Udyr and 3 surrenders at 25 minutes, granted, I wasn't the worst feeder but I definitely contributed to the loss in a big way.
dionysus said:
Jungle Udyr is proving more difficult than I thought. 3 games as Udyr and 3 surrenders at 25 minutes, granted, I wasn't the worst feeder but I definitely contributed to the loss in a big way.

Hmmm... I find that Udyr is one of the hardest champs in the game to fully kill, so you really shouldn't be dying more than 2-3 times a game. You shouldn't be ganking all that much (or at least I don't), which might piss off your teammates, but it's for the best in the long run. The gold and XP in the jungle up until lvl 9 or so is invaluable. He definitely is not an early game hero, so not getting by 25 minutes is hurting you a lot and ganks often don't work out and leave you without much XP.

I'm not sure what lvl you are, but it's hard to jungle below lvl 30 as the masteries are crucial to his build. Grab improved smite, and attack speed in Offensive, so it's at 9, grab the armor from defensive so 3, and then grab regen, improved ghost (my second spell normally), experience for faster levelups, longer buff durations, and movement speed. My masteries are Attack Speed reds, Magic Resist yellows, Health Quints, and Ability Power blues (need to get new ones, only ones I have).

In other news I just won my first 4v5 in Ranked ever. As Udyr no less. We had a guy (Leblanc?) rage quit about 20min in as we were losing badly. The rest of our team decided to keep it up in spite of the rager, and we actually started winning team fights as soon as he left. We had the worse team balance wise too (Udyr, Pantheon, Annie, and Kog) vs (Shen, Gragas, Ashe, Sona, and Nunu). It took us until the 70min mark to win, and 6 Baron kills, but we did it. My whole team was very positive the whole time, and having a great time. One of the best games I've ever played in LoL.
I'm finally finding a good build for Xin. Went 5/6/10 and won, with a few accolades from the others for my assistance.

Doran's Shield + Health Potion


Emblem of Valor


Berserker Boots & Recurve Bow




Starks' Fervor

At this point, I start building Infinity Edge.

I find the combination of Doran's Shield and Emblem of Valor to be incredibly valuable, as it gives Xin much needed survivability. Boots and Recurve give him killing ability, and Zeal accentuates that along with Critical Strike capabilities. Starks increases survivability and increases killing capabilities, so it all syncs together. Infinity Edge blows him up into a monster.

I'd consider getting Frozen Mallet after that. Flash is really damn useful for getting champions down and out.


Meanwhile, I switch to Tristana for a game, and go 2/0/5, and take out 5 towers on my own, causing them to quit early. I only had a Bloodthirster, Berserker Boots, and a Phage. : (


Unconfirmed Member
FlightOfHeaven said:
I'm finally finding a good build for Xin. Went 5/6/10 and won, with a few accolades from the others for my assistance.

Doran's Shield + Health Potion


Emblem of Valor


Berserker Boots & Recurve Bow




Starks' Fervor

At this point, I start building Infinity Edge.

I find the combination of Doran's Shield and Emblem of Valor to be incredibly valuable, as it gives Xin much needed survivability. Boots and Recurve give him killing ability, and Zeal accentuates that along with Critical Strike capabilities. Starks increases survivability and increases killing capabilities, so it all syncs together. Infinity Edge blows him up into a monster.

I'd consider getting Frozen Mallet after that. Flash is really damn useful for getting champions down and out.


Meanwhile, I switch to Tristana for a game, and go 2/0/5, and take out 5 towers on my own, causing them to quit early. I only had a Bloodthirster, Berserker Boots, and a Phage. : (

Yeah man this is great. Snowballs real nice. I actually took swift boots instead of berzerkers and still did well

just went 11/2/10 with 4 towers using this build at start. Good stuff.

By the time I got IE edge I was winning 3v1s lol
Yeah, at that point I just wait for the fight to start, then I just E/R/W/Q, then mash Q and W.

After that, I went 11/11/10. Felt good.

But anyways, I need tanking recommendations. I like to balance out teams, and today I had to pick a tank, so I picked Cho'gath.

I went for a fast Warmog, then Ninja Tabi, Guardian Angel, Randuin's Omen, and started making Frozen Heart.

But I didn't like him. What's a decent tank to pick? I hear he's not very good. Thinking about purchasing Sona for a support character (I sadly dislike Kayle) and I need a tank to pick up. Xin and Tristana satisfy me for my DPS.


sparkle this bitch
Janna and Zilean are two support characters also. Janna got nerfed, but I believe Zilean is still untouched. Both are a bit more fun than Sona.

It's kind of funny how I only seem to be interested in support characters now. It just suits me :lol


Unconfirmed Member
FlightOfHeaven said:
Yeah, at that point I just wait for the fight to start, then I just E/R/W/Q, then mash Q and W.

After that, I went 11/11/10. Felt good.

But anyways, I need tanking recommendations. I like to balance out teams, and today I had to pick a tank, so I picked Cho'gath.

I went for a fast Warmog, then Ninja Tabi, Guardian Angel, Randuin's Omen, and started making Frozen Heart.

But I didn't like him. What's a decent tank to pick? I hear he's not very good. Thinking about purchasing Sona for a support character (I sadly dislike Kayle) and I need a tank to pick up. Xin and Tristana satisfy me for my DPS.

If you're going to play a tank, go with either SHen or Rammus since they have taunts.

I play Shen because I like global ults.


FlightOfHeaven said:
But anyways, I need tanking recommendations. I like to balance out teams, and today I had to pick a tank, so I picked Cho'gath.

I went for a fast Warmog, then Ninja Tabi, Guardian Angel, Randuin's Omen, and started making Frozen Heart.

But I didn't like him. What's a decent tank to pick? I hear he's not very good. Thinking about purchasing Sona for a support character (I sadly dislike Kayle) and I need a tank to pick up. Xin and Tristana satisfy me for my DPS.
Well, you didn't get any items to make Cho worth playing. Health is good, yeah, but you want mana and AP on him when possible. Shit like Rod of Ages to give you magic stuff and Aegis of the Legion to help your team.
I'll check Zilean out, since he's harassed me hardcore whenever I play against him. I really don't have a clue how to play non-DPS characters. I just went by the old DotA standard: Are they a tank? STACK HEALTH AND DEFENSE

: ( I don't know any better.

I'll look into Shen, because he's a goddamn ninja. Might try Rammus, too, I like his built-in Thorn Mail.

Thanks for the advice, fellas. It'd be nice to play a round together.
FlightOfHeaven said:
I'll check Zilean out, since he's harassed me hardcore whenever I play against him. I really don't have a clue how to play non-DPS characters. I just went by the old DotA standard: Are they a tank? STACK HEALTH AND DEFENSE

: ( I don't know any better.

I'll look into Shen, because he's a goddamn ninja. Might try Rammus, too, I like his built-in Thorn Mail.

Thanks for the advice, fellas. It'd be nice to play a round together.

Zilean is in no way a tank, if that's what you are looking for. He is pretty decent support though, with speed ups and slows as well as revive.

If you really like diving head first into a whole team, Rammus is the tank you should be lookin at. He's one of the strongest initiators in the game with Powerball, Taunt, Shell, then his ult. You might die, or you might not depending on the team, but you will almost always win the team fight as they'll be either too distracted by you so your team kills them, or your team will distract them and you do lots of damage with the ult.
alright, how do you play Sona?

I just had to pick her for this game, and golly...

I think I did everything right, but I was spamming abilities left and right.
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