thestopsign said:
I just bought him for the "lulz". I can't seem to get him right yet though, which is unusual for me. One game I went 4-8-4, the next which it was 4v5 I went 5-8-4. Not up to my typical standards. Mainly I've been rushing Manamune, then.... Brutalizer?, and then I think I got as far as most of Frozen Mallet once. I also had a Vampiric Scepter bare in there somewhere.
Sivir on the other hand is amazingly fun to play against nukers mid. Just owned a Kass mid, whenever Null Sphere was cast, I just popped my shield and thanked Kass for the mana. I have a fun build for her too, I rush Chalice, then some boots, then go Madred's Bloodrazor, Warmogs, and Blood Thirster. Has worked every time, and I always have enough CS to get that far. Normally end up somewhere around 250-300.
I rush mune, starting with meki, then I got for boots then brutilizer. After that depending on how the game is going... if we are destroying them, I got last whisper, frozen mallet, then cleaver.
If the game is a bit rough though, I go Frozen Mallet, Randium/banshee, then cleaver.
I always start with the grenade just to spam and annoy them with at level 1, then 2 ranks of the missile, then at 4 get the shield, after that max out missile, then max out shield.
I never really go into a team fight really, playing him as a tank is.... wrong as fuck *although they try to say he is* Don't be afraid to play like a pussy the entire match, but don't be to much of a coward and do jack shit for your team. I've gotten godlike on almost every game once I got the hang of him and keep it til near the end if we lose.
He's one of the few champs that can harass the entire game. One of my favorite things to do is to just pop the shield and not grenade just run backwards and shoot the missile if they try to chase =P they can't catch you take dmg and you keep running the way you went. He has lots of little random shit with his swap too.