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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Because I'm terrible.

If my kills + assists > deaths, that's a decent game. If my kills = deaths, that a good game. If my kills > deaths, that's a fuckin' AWESOME game.
FlightOfHeaven said:
Because I'm terrible.

If my kills + assists > deaths, that's a decent game. If my kills = deaths, that a good game. If my kills > deaths, that's a fuckin' AWESOME game.

I find that I rarely die more than I kill, my KDR on some champs is above 3-1. My last three games (I played them all yesterday) are 5-1-15, 2-1-9, and 6-6-24 (as Rammus). Those are all pretty typical scores. Make sure you don't over commit in battles, and you definitely shouldn't be dying that much on Tristana when she has a reliable escape mechanism built in. Make sure you save that jump for escape or when you know you won't die when you jump in.


FlightOfHeaven said:
ha ha ha, that's hilarious! I wish you could record matches, I'd love to see team matches go down. 600 AoE DPS... you don't even have to fight!

I'd like to mention I found a really, really good build order for Tristana.

Long Sword + Health Potion
Madreds' Razors
Berserker Boots + Recurve Bow
Recurve Bow -> Starks Fervor
Recurve Bow -> Last Whisper
Recurve Bow + Pickaxe + Madred's Razors -> Madred's Bloodrazors
Infinity Edge

Yes, you end up getting 3 Recurve Bows, and you start combining them into items. The reason I avoid transforming Madred's Razors early on is farming potential via Explosive Shot + IAS via the Recurve Bow varient-items.

It's bananas. You can get her up to 2.066 APS and hit the max of 2.5 APS early on with her Q ability. Hell, if the game runs on long enough, get a Frozen Mallet at the end for chasing.I got a score of 11/11/4 in one game and 16/17/9 in another. Really effective, and builds up nicely.

Building AS early on Tristana is a huge waste considering her lvl 5 Q is 80% AS. Max you need is either Starks or Last Whisper, but never both. You should go for that IE as early as possible and skip madreds entirely. I usually head back to base with 1850+350 gold for that BF sword and boots. I personally recommend IE/LW/Bloodthirster and then a survivability item like Banshees Veil if you're being nuked to death.


Don't judge too much on Kill-to-death ratios. For example, a fairly typical tank score will be 1 to 1, but that tank is still one of the most important players in that game. As Udyr I often go 2-3-18 or similar. That means I absorbed a bunch of damage, put out a little aoe, and spammed stun as much as I could. I allowed my carries to get a bunch of kills basically.

I think a good rule of thumb for almost any character is no more than 2 deaths per 10 minutes, anything over that and you are definitely hurting your team.

Edit. That team sunfire screenshot is funny, but I do believe the devs consider the sunfire cape the worst item they put in the game. I'd say it is going to be changed to either be less tanky or less aoe. They don't like how it is both tanky and aoe.


Arment said:
Building AS early on Tristana is a huge waste considering her lvl 5 Q is 80% AS. Max you need is either Starks or Last Whisper, but never both. You should go for that IE as early as possible and skip madreds entirely. I usually head back to base with 1850+350 gold for that BF sword and boots. I personally recommend IE/LW/Bloodthirster and then a survivability item like Banshees Veil if you're being nuked to death.

80% attack speed is still only about 1.6-1.8 AS depending on base. It caps at 2.5. I would always try to get around 2.5 so that would be two attack speed items in your final build. Item order is always debatable so I am not going to argue that.


Still Tagged Accordingly
dionysus said:
I do believe the devs consider the sunfire cape the worst item they put in the game. I'd say it is going to be changed to either be less tanky or less aoe. They don't like how it is both tanky and aoe.
just make it that the aoe doesn't stack with multiple sunfires...
Arment said:
Building AS early on Tristana is a huge waste considering her lvl 5 Q is 80% AS. Max you need is either Starks or Last Whisper, but never both. You should go for that IE as early as possible and skip madreds entirely. I usually head back to base with 1850+350 gold for that BF sword and boots. I personally recommend IE/LW/Bloodthirster and then a survivability item like Banshees Veil if you're being nuked to death.

I used to do that, but farming became considerably easier once I threw Madreds early into the mix, and it also helps out against tanks.

I could get IE earlier, though. Thanks for the tip!


The burst dmg can be crazy in this game. Our AP Sion was doing well enough to stun, and shield blast Tristana for a two hit kill. Even though he was on my team I was still thinking that just doesn't seem right! The way I would balance it is skill shots would do way more burst than target skills.


dionysus said:
Edit. That team sunfire screenshot is funny, but I do believe the devs consider the sunfire cape the worst item they put in the game. I'd say it is going to be changed to either be less tanky or less aoe. They don't like how it is both tanky and aoe.

Sunfire is so easy to counter. Get some magic resist, physical DPS build Sword of the Divine/Madred's Bloodrazor, magic DPS build Deathfire Grasp...TADA everyone does high magic damage and %hp damage. Or you could build up Armor Pen items like Last Whisper...many ways to go around it.

One way to nerf it is to make the magic dmg a UNIQUE aura. I only ever normally grab one as my first advanced item after boots, if I didn't grab it I'd move to Randuin's or Force of Nature depending on whether the other team relies more on physical vs. magic damage.


Gimmicky builds like that usually only work against people who are too stupid or stubborn to deviate from their awesome builds to get some armor or magic defense or other useful situational items. Those are my favorite teams to play against as my main Veigar, because he absolutely wrecks people who don't buy magic defense.


Cels said:
One way to nerf it is to make the magic dmg a UNIQUE aura. I only ever normally grab one as my first advanced item after boots, if I didn't grab it I'd move to Randuin's or Force of Nature depending on whether the other team relies more on physical vs. magic damage.
Well uhh, that's exactly what they did.

RIP Sunfire Yi 2010-2010.


sparkle this bitch
kensk said:
Well uhh, that's exactly what they did.

RIP Sunfire Yi 2010-2010.
Yeah, but if you really want a super Gimmick build. Go Eve and get Sunfire capes. Don't attack, just keep following people. Be surprised how often it gets picked up on.


shintoki said:
Yeah, but if you really want a super Gimmick build. Go Eve and get Sunfire capes. Don't attack, just keep following people. Be surprised how often it gets picked up on.
Sunfire Yi was legitimately one of the best gimmick builds before this patch nerfed him.

Alpha Strike into a team, absorbs their stuns, cleanse out, Meditate while your team cleans up and you do AoE damage.


Whats the best way to farm ip in this game?

I'm trying to save up for some characters and need to get some ip. I just started playing a few days ago.

Right now all I'm doing is play a custom 1v1 versus computer soraka. I use all the characters from the free lineup, helps me get used to the game and allows me to get familiar with the characters.

Takes me about 25 minutes to finish each and gains me about 70 ip. I'm pretty much done with the free characters evaluations and need a bread and butter set.

Whats the best character and build?
ccbfan said:
Whats the best way to farm ip in this game?

I'm trying to save up for some characters and need to get some ip. I just started playing a few days ago.

Right now all I'm doing is play a custom 1v1 versus computer soraka. I use all the characters from the free lineup, helps me get used to the game and allows me to get familiar with the characters.

Takes me about 25 minutes to finish each and gains me about 70 ip. I'm pretty much done with the free characters evaluations and need a bread and butter set.

Whats the best character and build?

The whole point of the game is not to have a single "best character" or "best build", and really the game is constantly changing every two weeks with patch changes. You should really start playing in actual 5v5s, that way every day (22 hours actually), you can grab a pretty significant boost in IP for a win. I think the best way to get to know the game is to actually play it, if you suck at first, it happens, but it gives you a good understanding of a wider base of champions. You can also buy Riot Points and use them to give your self an IP Boost for a set amount of days, and you can farm up a bunch over those days.


ccbfan said:
Whats the best way to farm ip in this game?

I'm trying to save up for some characters and need to get some ip. I just started playing a few days ago.

Right now all I'm doing is play a custom 1v1 versus computer soraka. I use all the characters from the free lineup, helps me get used to the game and allows me to get familiar with the characters.

Takes me about 25 minutes to finish each and gains me about 70 ip. I'm pretty much done with the free characters evaluations and need a bread and butter set.

Whats the best character and build?
look for ip farm games. you can finish in 11 minutes and do 6 a day.
Holy nerfs batman!

no dodge chance on Phantom Dancers, and sunfire no longer stacks. >_>

and solo lanes have less exp? wtf I guess it's fair, since sometimes I see like a 5 level difference between solo and dual lanes.

but now it's going to be even harder when having a jungler on your team, a solo morde at top isn't going to be as good as it was before.

oh man.


Sunfire nerf. :lol Innverating Locket removed. :lol Junglers and solo lane less exp. :lol

Bravo Riot. Now let's see who becomes the new flavor of the month.


VaLiancY said:
Sunfire nerf. :lol Innverating Locket removed. :lol Junglers and solo lane less exp. :lol

Bravo Riot. Now let's see who becomes the new flavor of the month.
Nah, read again. Only solo lane gets less exp. Junglers still get the same.


Overall I like the patch I think. Haven't played new Udyr yet. Overall they seem to be hitting early game champs hard, I think it was needed. Though I heard Urgot is god mode or something, not sure if true.


Urgot just got a lot better now that E also scales based of AD rather than AP. Absolutely steamrolls early game :D


Also, yay for Sunfire nerfs! It wasn't an unbeatable item, but stacking it was such a cheesy build.


EXGN said:
Urgot just got a lot better now that E also scales based of AD rather than AP. Absolutely steamrolls early game :D


Also, yay for Sunfire nerfs! It wasn't an unbeatable item, but stacking it was such a cheesy build.

is urgot the new fotm?!!?


sparkle this bitch
My god, I got fucking pissed in my last game. They left me to lane solo against Vlad and Shaco. Or better to say, one of our two jungles decided to stand by me, leach exp but never actually attack them. Then produced to leave me again...
Had a Yi last game.

Died 19 times.

I mean, I can be pretty fucking terrible, but 19 deaths WITH amazing items causing the team to fail is pretty amazing.


Gravity is a myth, the Earth SUCKS!
shintoki said:
My god, I got fucking pissed in my last game. They left me to lane solo against Vlad and Shaco. Or better to say, one of our two jungles decided to stand by me, leach exp but never actually attack them. Then produced to leave me again...
Yeah, i don't know what's up with the amount of junglers around now. Solo lane exp got nerfed from what I understand and yet the amount of junglers in games has doubled. Sometimes I have 3 people in my game trying to jungle.


sparkle this bitch
oxrock said:
Yeah, i don't know what's up with the amount of junglers around now. Solo lane exp got nerfed from what I understand and yet the amount of junglers in games has doubled. Sometimes I have 3 people in my game trying to jungle.
"I'm going to counter jungle"

*5 minutes later*

/Kills Self
Katrina is scary. I died several times to her before figuring out her Death Lotus wasn't her character glitching in a bizarre way.

Having a variety of characters at my disposal is great! I have Shen, Xin Zhao, Sona, and Tristana. I can play a good amount of roles now, although I still need a caster, and another tank. I'll be picking up Taric for sure.

Edit: Two Tiamats on Tristana = hilarious!


I've been thinking about taking a plunge into this game, are people still playing? Played this and HoN back in the beta but ended up sticking with neither of them, how many maps are there in LoL?


Gravity is a myth, the Earth SUCKS!
Bento said:
I've been thinking about taking a plunge into this game, are people still playing? Played this and HoN back in the beta but ended up sticking with neither of them, how many maps are there in LoL?
There's summoner's rift ( 5v5 ) and Twisted tree line ( 3v3 ) Many gaffers still play, just got done with an all night session with 3 other gaffers.
FlightOfHeaven said:

I didn't even know Gaffers played together.

I'm on every night, you just have to message me (I'm Chronos in game) and I'll most likely play with you, just don't hold it to me because I'm normally on while I should be studying/I will be playing with real life friends.


Are you guys playing on the NA servers? My still functioning beta account was apparently NA so I'll be going with that. Trying to pick a hero to purchase, I usually pick one and stick with it in these kinds of games :p
Bento said:
Are you guys playing on the NA servers? My still functioning beta account was apparently NA so I'll be going with that. Trying to pick a hero to purchase, I usually pick one and stick with it in these kinds of games :p

I am, and I believe the majority of people on here are as well. As far as buying a champion, make sure it's someone you can have fun with. I could never stand playing all one champ, but that's just me.

Damn, I love the new champ design. I was expecting something more akin to Dwarven Sniper.
If she has the Dwarven Sniper's ultimate, I'm all in.

Hilariously, I've forgotten the DS's W and E, but still remember his Q and R. It's been so long.

As for heros, I'm trying to be good at different roles, so I have 5 heros so far and plan on having around 10. I just wish I could have pages for masteries as I do for runes. I don't think I'm very good with Xin, but I've gotten decent with Tristana and Sona. It's too soon to tell for Shen.
QisTopTier said:
Been using urgot since he was released, love the new patch so much =3 Been dominating even 2v1 :lol

I just bought him for the "lulz". I can't seem to get him right yet though, which is unusual for me. One game I went 4-8-4, the next which it was 4v5 I went 5-8-4. Not up to my typical standards. Mainly I've been rushing Manamune, then.... Brutalizer?, and then I think I got as far as most of Frozen Mallet once. I also had a Vampiric Scepter bare in there somewhere.

Sivir on the other hand is amazingly fun to play against nukers mid. Just owned a Kass mid, whenever Null Sphere was cast, I just popped my shield and thanked Kass for the mana. I have a fun build for her too, I rush Chalice, then some boots, then go Madred's Bloodrazor, Warmogs, and Blood Thirster. Has worked every time, and I always have enough CS to get that far. Normally end up somewhere around 250-300.


thestopsign said:
I just bought him for the "lulz". I can't seem to get him right yet though, which is unusual for me. One game I went 4-8-4, the next which it was 4v5 I went 5-8-4. Not up to my typical standards. Mainly I've been rushing Manamune, then.... Brutalizer?, and then I think I got as far as most of Frozen Mallet once. I also had a Vampiric Scepter bare in there somewhere.

Sivir on the other hand is amazingly fun to play against nukers mid. Just owned a Kass mid, whenever Null Sphere was cast, I just popped my shield and thanked Kass for the mana. I have a fun build for her too, I rush Chalice, then some boots, then go Madred's Bloodrazor, Warmogs, and Blood Thirster. Has worked every time, and I always have enough CS to get that far. Normally end up somewhere around 250-300.


I rush mune, starting with meki, then I got for boots then brutilizer. After that depending on how the game is going... if we are destroying them, I got last whisper, frozen mallet, then cleaver.

If the game is a bit rough though, I go Frozen Mallet, Randium/banshee, then cleaver.

I always start with the grenade just to spam and annoy them with at level 1, then 2 ranks of the missile, then at 4 get the shield, after that max out missile, then max out shield.

I never really go into a team fight really, playing him as a tank is.... wrong as fuck *although they try to say he is* Don't be afraid to play like a pussy the entire match, but don't be to much of a coward and do jack shit for your team. I've gotten godlike on almost every game once I got the hang of him and keep it til near the end if we lose.

He's one of the few champs that can harass the entire game. One of my favorite things to do is to just pop the shield and not grenade just run backwards and shoot the missile if they try to chase =P they can't catch you take dmg and you keep running the way you went. He has lots of little random shit with his swap too.
I think my main problem is the last two games I faced an Anivia and Katarina 2v1 top lane, then faced a Leblanc mid, who just kept nuking me non-stop. Hard champs to lane against in my experience, I did slightly better against Leblanc, but got ganked twice by a jungling Rammus.


Anivia is my most dreaded champ to lane against. By like level 5 her nuke combo can take 50% of your health, and she can poke you to get you below 50% pretty easily. Also, it is hard to retaliate vs her because she has that damn egg. So tower diving is impossible. A smart anivia is so hard to lane against. She also farms well with her aoe.

There is a damn good reason she is considered top tier in both solo and premade ranked games.
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