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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Neo Member
Anyone play Kassadin? I love his late game, but I find early game to be tedious. His auto attacks hit like a 6 year old paraplegic girl, making it incredibly difficult to farm. I can gank like a pro with him after about level 9 or so, though. Just need to try and find a better way to early game and farm a little better.
"Anyone play Kassadin? I love his late game, but I find early game to be tedious. His auto attacks hit like a 6 year old paraplegic girl, making it incredibly difficult to farm. I can gank like a pro with him after about level 9 or so, though. Just need to try and find a better way to early game and farm a little better."

His attack animation is ridiculously good though. Just gotta step up your last hit game. Alternatively, use null sphere to last hit, but that is mana hungry for him until he gets some items.


sparkle this bitch
I feel like I should use bans to ban Eve and Cass. They are characters who seem to attract people who believe they know what they are doing, exact have no idea.

Still rocking the support characters, and pick up Taric. I use him depending on when I pick and the other teams build. He's awesome against the more physical heavy teams, and has the Sion, Stun/Boom combo for early on.


shintoki said:
I feel like I should use bans to ban Eve and Cass. They are characters who seem to attract people who believe they know what they are doing, exact have no idea.

Still rocking the support characters, and pick up Taric. I use him depending on when I pick and the other teams build. He's awesome against the more physical heavy teams, and has the Sion, Stun/Boom combo for early on.

I see more shitty twitch players than eves. Funny story I was using urgot again yesterday and someone on my team was like, is he even good I have never seen a single person use him before xD I then went 16/3/11 and was like well judge for yourself.

Oh played the worst akali EVER yesterday, thought urgot had perma stealth detection cause I was shooting grenades into her magic sphere thingy and she STAYED THERE so I just killed her with lock on rockets :lol Her excuse was "What urgot has to have his mouse over the person for it to lock on YOU COULDNT SEE ME" Needless to say I just laughed :lol Then after a whole game of rape xD he was like.... you are like the best urgot I have ever seen. Honestly though I was prob like the only urgot he's ever seen :lol


Unconfirmed Member
Why do people think Kayle is bad?

She's quickly become one of my favorite characters

I just played a game with a loud mouth panth who was very vocal about not wanting to play with a Kayle and that we were at a disadvantage because of me.

Then 6 kills later as well as me bailing his overextending ass out of numerous jams with my Ult and W he's calling me pro. :lol

Felt good to make someone 180 their opinion of a character like that.

Guess with no one playing her means more for me lol. Haven't had this much fun playing a champ since I started the game playing Akali
My Korean Troll Tank* team is now up to 7-1. Lost our second game, and haven't looked back since. The funny thing is that it works with any tanks. Just went Nunu, Galio, Shen, Rammus, and Singed. Have also won it with other tanks like Sion, Udyr, Alistair, Morde, Gragas, and Mundo.

*I mentioned this earlier in the thread, basically a team of all tanks with Teleport and Revive.

Edit: 7-2.... just got royally raped. Wasn't my fault, but a few of the more novice team members didn't do so hot cough0-12-0cough. We didn't pick Rammus which basically fucked us over. We didn't have enough CC compared to the other team even though I was Maliphite.


thestopsign said:
My Korean Troll Tank* team is now up to 7-1. Lost our second game, and haven't looked back since. The funny thing is that it works with any tanks. Just went Nunu, Galio, Shen, Rammus, and Singed. Have also won it with other tanks like Sion, Udyr, Alistair, Morde, Gragas, and Mundo.

*I mentioned this earlier in the thread, basically a team of all tanks with Teleport and Revive.

I always wanted to try this, and just stack sunfires on everyone, then move around in a group and you would be a giant ball of death that couldn't be killed. Sadly though sunfire's got nerfed this last patch and I will never get to try it. :(

On a side note, I thought Cassiopia was supposed to suck? I just laned against her as Vlad, and she dominated me. Her poison cloud has huge range, to the point where I couldn't even Q on any minions to get health back because she would drop a cloud on top of me from clear across the screen; even her ult has longer range than I was lead to believe. I didn't get to see her performance late game because we surrendered at 25 min, but early game she is rough.

Goon Boon

I bought gentleman chogath so now I'm using him regardless of team's needs and try to use items to shape him. Need carry? 5 Phantom Dancers and speed boots. Need tank? Thorns, armor/evasion items, and speed boots. Caster/Tank Hybrid? Default build with boots replaced with speed boots.


sparkle this bitch
Chopperman said:
Why do people think Kayle is bad?
This happens with a lot with characters. Kayle is another strong support character, who will get bitched at if you didn't put your ult on "Awesome DPS!". Or use it at the right time. Or like Janna.... WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T YOU HEAL ME NOOB!

And I really, really, really wish they didn't count leaves during character picking against you. Or at least less harshly. When you get in and have people already crying, talking about intentionally feeding because they didn't get X. Or someone pouting because you didn't ban who. Or people who are just bloody wankers.

I don't want to play. :lol


*rape face* I don't think I will ever top this :lol man I swear almost every game starts with someone asking me if urgot is good.



Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Any good guides/tutorials for new players, any characters that I should spend points on first etc. Finally got round to playing my first game today and it didn't go so bad went something like 10/5/13 (most of the deaths coming towards the end).


sparkle this bitch
CrazedProfessional said:
So the next patch will make Ryze a god? Cool.
I think it's Viegar who is going need a nerf and hit god mode.
The 155 Ap + 30% ap. Added on to his 100% ratio for ult, and other massive damage dealing skills. I won't be surprise to see players hit near 1000ap now with him, if games drag on.
shintoki said:
I think it's Viegar who is going need a nerf and hit god mode.
The 155 Ap + 30% ap. Added on to his 100% ratio for ult, and other massive damage dealing skills. I won't be surprise to see players hit near 1000ap now with him, if games drag on.

I don't have as much trouble with Veigar as I do Ryze. I play Singed or Cho'Gath usually because they're really fun. (On my way to unlocking Urgot because I've heard nothing but good things) I don't know if all melee characters have the same problem with Ryze but whenever you get close to him he just stuns you and does a rape combo which takes off about 1/2 of your HP or so. I still haven't really found a way to counter it because it's silly to have to save up a cleanse just to feel partially safe. Most Veigar's I've run into really suck at aiming thier stun ability or stun me, walk away from me abit go "oh shit wait, I stunned him?!" fire whatever spell he has at me (usually dark matter) in which case I merely dodge just as it finishes and kill him while he tries to waddle away.


CrazedProfessional said:
(On my way to unlocking Urgot because I've heard nothing but good things)

He's horrible don't waste your points! >.>

Ikuu said:
Any good guides/tutorials for new players, any characters that I should spend points on first etc. Finally got round to playing my first game today and it didn't go so bad went something like 10/5/13 (most of the deaths coming towards the end).

I normally browse leaguecraft.com from time to time. But just use the guides as a base and figure out stuff slowly on your own :D


sparkle this bitch
CrazedProfessional said:
Is this true or just your personal opinion, I've heard people go like 40/0/X with him or something.
He's being sarcastic, he is the person who goes 20/0/+ with him


CrazedProfessional said:
I've seen a total of 0 Urgots.

Exactly cause he's horrible! :D *this is a lie*

Basicly he's weaker at early game now than before so it makes farming up kills a bit harder, but his late game scales a lot better.... the downside to that is well it's harder to kill earlier FOR THAT


I finally know what Elo hell is. The players in normal are for the most part so much better than 1200 elo ranked matches.

Case in point. In Champion selection, our Cass claims she will sabatoge our team fights if she doesn't get solo mid. So she gets solo mid over an Ashe and TF. She then proceeds to feed vlad with 5 deaths and fall 4 levels behind, then rage quits. Only played 6 ranked games, but 4 of them have basically had the same story.

If I ever get to ban players, I am banning Vlad because no one in 1200 elo knows how to lane against vlad.
I also have a common problem, I keep running into teams that have no idea how to deal with Eve, I'm usually the only one buying anti cloak items and when I ask everyone else to atleast get one it's usually followed by a "fuck you noob" or some shit. So Eve proceeds to ignore me and kill everyone else making us lose very hard. What the fuck do I do?


CrazedProfessional said:
I also have a common problem, I keep running into teams that have no idea how to deal with Eve, I'm usually the only one buying anti cloak items and when I ask everyone else to atleast get one it's usually followed by a "fuck you noob" or some shit. So Eve proceeds to ignore me and kill everyone else making us lose very hard. What the fuck do I do?

You did all you could son!

No really not much you can do there.
But what hurts me more is that I've not run into a single team that handles Eve effectively. While I'm on it, why does a team facing an Eve have to fork out 400 or so gold to deal with her and the team with Eve uses that 400 to get the item advantage earlier than you? Seems a tad strange to have to pay an "Eve Tax". Can't there be some sort of, I dunno Miners Helmet with a stealth seeing headlight on it or something. Every time you try to gank her you get raped by her team mates making whatever you spent on anti cloak useless.


CrazedProfessional said:
But what hurts me more is that I've not run into a single team that handles Eve effectively. While I'm on it, why does a team facing an Eve have to fork out 400 or so gold to deal with her and the team with Eve uses that 400 to get the item advantage earlier than you? Seems a tad strange to have to pay an "Eve Tax". Can't there be some sort of, I dunno Miners Helmet with a stealth seeing headlight on it or something. Every time you try to gank her you get raped by her team mates making whatever you spent on anti cloak useless.

Don't push lanes early game if you don't want to buy stealth detection. It frustrates me to no end how players don't realize there are many times when the best thing you can do is not push the lane. 2 squishies should never push a lane if there are MIAs. An MIA being a jungler, stealth, or regular mia. Alternatively, only push when flash and ghost are up.


sparkle this bitch
dionysus said:
Don't push lanes early game if you don't want to buy stealth detection. It frustrates me to no end how players don't realize there are many times when the best thing you can do is not push the lane. 2 squishies should never push a lane if there are MIAs. An MIA being a jungler, stealth, or regular mia. Alternatively, only push when flash and ghost are up.
Well, that's the difference between people who know how to play and those who don't.

I remember our Kenny from a prior game bitching about how he is being ganked. I don't legitimately understand how a Kenny can be ganked.


Played my first two games since beta today and man, this game is a blast :D Been playing as Lux and I'm really enjoying her. Decent damage, neat Bind spell and a good support spell in Prismatic Shield. Though the games couldn't have been more the polar opposites of each other with me going 1/9 in the first and 10/0 in the second! Overall a bunch of fun and I'm glad I jumped back in.


sparkle this bitch
New champion seems to be another middle of the road one. She does some pretty nice damage, but nothing you should be terrible worried about unless you go up against her alone without any stuns. Her traps are even easier to see than Nid's though. Like... you can't bloody miss em.

Magic Resistance, it's truly a wonder. Called someone out about being an idiot and continually get baited. Refuse to buy MR. Blame the person who called you out :lol


shintoki said:
New champion seems to be another middle of the road one. She does some pretty nice damage, but nothing you should be terrible worried about unless you go up against her alone without any stuns. Her traps are even easier to see than Nid's though. Like... you can't bloody miss em.

Magic Resistance, it's truly a wonder. Called someone out about being an idiot and continually get baited. Refuse to buy MR. Blame the person who called you out :lol

Buying her right now, my main in dota was sniper. :lol

edit: Oh god she rapes so hard :lol :lol :lol


shintoki said:
Magic Resistance, it's truly a wonder. Called someone out about being an idiot and continually get baited. Refuse to buy MR. Blame the person who called you out :lol

Pretty common in this game. When I see the opposing team all AP or all AD, I always ask the team at the start of the game to buy at least one mr or armor item. One good item is all you need to nullify 50% of the opposing teams damage if they are lopsided.

If there was an item that read "Unique: Nullify 50% of damage taken", everyone would buy it no matter what character. Yet most of the times people won't buy one negatron cloak when facing 5 AP champs cause they are drooling over having 500AP or 300 damage.


dionysus said:
Pretty common in this game. When I see the opposing team all AP or all AD, I always ask the team at the start of the game to buy at least one mr or armor item. One good item is all you need to nullify 50% of the opposing teams damage if they are lopsided.

If there was an item that read "Unique: Nullify 50% of damage taken", everyone would buy it no matter what character. Yet most of the times people won't buy one negatron cloak when facing 5 AP champs cause they are drooling over having 500AP or 300 damage.
Regarding Magic Resistance, I always end up getting Guardian Angel pretty early on in the game, is that considered sufficient MR or should I get more? I've been doing really well so far but I'm still doing normal games and I'm assuming people will be smarter about AP items once I get into Ranked games.

Second question, are there any EU players here that wish to get together? I have a US beta account that I can still use but my ping on those servers seem to be way too high :I


Bento said:
Regarding Magic Resistance, I always end up getting Guardian Angel pretty early on in the game, is that considered sufficient MR or should I get more? I've been doing really well so far but I'm still doing normal games and I'm assuming people will be smarter about AP items once I get into Ranked games.

Second question, are there any EU players here that wish to get together? I have a US beta account that I can still use but my ping on those servers seem to be way too high :I

Depends on the character and the opposite team. There is no one single build. I'd say in general no because GA has more armor.

You assume wrong, low elo games where you will start off in ranked have worse players than normal games.


sparkle this bitch
dionysus said:
You assume wrong, low elo games where you will start off in ranked have worse players than normal games.
Low Elo games seem to contain the bulk of the

Just lost two horrible ranked games, which completes my fall from 1350 down to 1170. So frustrating as I was strong in pretty much all games, playing tanks, support, dps, carry, caster, whatever my team needed. This wasn't a straight losing streak, but more of a slip over the last two weeks or so. My last three games I went 7-3-14 as Shen and saved my teams ass so many times, stole a Baron ect. Then I went Udyr, went 1-3-2, was 1-0-2 until about 25min in where my whole team besides my friend fed hard. Then I went Sivir mid, dominated a Kennen mid, but the rest of my team started off 0-12. I went 1-0-0 that game with 220 creep kills in 26 min, but my team was just non-stop stupid.

Just venting. I'm done for now (not with the game, with venting).


sparkle this bitch
thestopsign said:
Just lost two horrible ranked games, which completes my fall from 1350 down to 1170. So frustrating as I was strong in pretty much all games, playing tanks, support, dps, carry, caster, whatever my team needed. This wasn't a straight losing streak, but more of a slip over the last two weeks or so. My last three games I went 7-3-14 as Shen and saved my teams ass so many times, stole a Baron ect. Then I went Udyr, went 1-3-2, was 1-0-2 until about 25min in where my whole team besides my friend fed hard. Then I went Sivir mid, dominated a Kennen mid, but the rest of my team started off 0-12. I went 1-0-0 that game with 220 creep kills in 26 min, but my team was just non-stop stupid.

Just venting. I'm done for now (not with the game, with venting).
You're definitely going get those games. Other team had an Eve who I made pay about 3 or 4 times in the first 20 minutes. I kept buying Vision wards and putting them in different spots in our lane. It probably cost them the game since the lane crumble and they had to switch their center to it. Our middle was able to get fed like no other, bot had dragon control then, and our jungle wasn't burden with the middle or bot lane then.

It's a game where one weak link can blow it for the team.


Unconfirmed Member
QisTopTier said:
Buying her right now, my main in dota was sniper. :lol

edit: Oh god she rapes so hard :lol :lol :lol

haha yes! :lol

She's so easy to play too.

I love her


I bought Nurse Akali, Urgot, Waterloo MF, Imperial Xin Zhao, Sona, Shaco and Caitlyn. I went on a spree this week. :lol Olaf got some juice back in this patch and so did Cass, that extra second helps a lot from her Q. She isn't Annie or Vlad but hopefully the next patch has a good buff with her alongside the Miamasa buff. Those CDR boots are nuts - that's in my Vlad build permanetly.


I've been having a lot of fun as Soraka. I also bought Singed because someone owned my team as him one game and he looked sweet when I read about him, but he's difficult for me to play well. Can anyone recommend some melee characters to try out? I've mostly been playing ranged carries, support, and tanks and need to learn about the other champions.

If I could get into some low skill premades with people here that'd be great :D I'm level 12 and starting to come to grips with the game. Send barnone a friend request, or drop your name and I'll add you.


barnone said:
I've been having a lot of fun as Soraka. I also bought Singed because someone owned my team as him one game and he looked sweet when I read about him, but he's difficult for me to play well. Can anyone recommend some melee characters to try out? I've mostly been playing ranged carries, support, and tanks and need to learn about the other champions.

Singed, like Alistair, is all about positioning - slow down your enemy, race ahead spewing poison and then throw them back into it - or use it to throw someone into the midsts of your team. Not saying I'm any good with him - I'm not! - but that's the strategy I usually see working.

As for melee characters... Tryndamere and Pantheon are definitely "flavours of the month" - Tryndamere is particularly irritating on an enemy team if built for critical hits. Pantheon has good synergy with his leaping stun and AOE stabby thing (can't remember the skill names!) and his ulti if aimed correctly is great for picking off champions at low health. Katarina's also pretty popular - big damage and her W skill can give her a little extra survivability. All of them are relatively easy to get to grips with.

Or go with Jax, the irritating hybrid of everything that never seems to die. Not so great in team fights but 1v1 he's terrifying.
Fuck, every patch it seems like they keep changing the game.

don't mind me, just ranting cause I have a horrible solo queue losing streak right now :(


LonelyIsland said:
Fuck, every patch it seems like they keep changing the game.

don't mind me, just ranting cause I have a horrible solo queue losing streak right now :(

I just blame all the people that don't play often that come out during the weekly swap/new patch :lol


Just went 9-3-15 as shen and still my team lost. 2-5 lifetime in ranked, hate my life. And no I wasnt ksing from carries, we had no carries that hadnt died 4 times more than they killed.
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