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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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QisTopTier said:
I just blame all the people that don't play often that come out during the weekly swap/new patch :lol

yea, like when they complain that so much has changed since they last played...

that's what PRACTICE is for.. and read the damn patch notes, frick.

I remember playing with this Shaco once, he told us the last time he played Shaco (or LoL at all) was like 5 months ago.

he fed the whole game.
LonelyIsland said:
yea, like when they complain that so much has changed since they last played...

that's what PRACTICE is for.. and read the damn patch notes, frick.

I remember playing with this Shaco once, he told us the last time he played Shaco (or LoL at all) was like 5 months ago.

he fed the whole game.

That Shaco probably played Shaco when he was incredibly OP too. In general, if I'm testing something out, I'll play a Normal game. I almost never feed doing this, so it works out well. Testing my awesome Sivir build in Normal I got a lot of compliments actually (Go Chalice, Boots, Lifesteal Scepter, Madred's Bloodrazor, Warmogs, Bloodthirsters, I almost never lose doing this). I go tried and true with Ranked though.

Finally stopped my Ranked slide with a solid Udyr victory. His Tiger Stance is now fantastic, does lots of damage and is great for jungling single targets like Dragon or Golem. I went straight tank with Wriggle's (which is really one of the best items in the game for DPS).
Fucking fuck.

Every game there was a Cait on my team that didn't do jack shit.

When will noobs learn that OP chars aren't insta win? >_>

Fuuuuuck, I shouldn't be raging before heading to class in a couple hours...


Udyrs tiger stance is so op now jesus i love it. Buy a wriggle lantern , then trinity, then possibly some def or phantom/infinity = rape.


played a game or two yesterday after a month long hiatus (cata, lol). bought the new champ, man she hits hard, it's a little obscene. her attack animation is pretty smooth and consistent too, was easy to last hit with her, especially given how hard she hits. wasn't quite able to master her trap though, its arming time seemed a bit inconsistent. it almost insta-trapped people in brush (guess where they are and drop a trap on them.) but when i tried to snare someone in the open they could basically chill on the trap for a second or two and still make it out on time.


sparkle this bitch
Trap's never arm right away. Same with Nid's and Teemo's shrooms. They take like 2-3 seconds. Her pure damage output reminds me of MF before she was nerfed, problem is like MF. Not a lot of people are "skilled" enough to use her. Cait's a bit easier since she can get more map awareness and has actual escape. But right now, you have a bunch of people playing her who just don't pay attention.

Have to say, I'm in love with Janna. The amount of combo-ing up and denying I can do with her. I save ass hardcore. :lol

I still get idiots who think my shield makes them immune to damage, I can heal outside of ult, and my cooldowns are all 2, 3 seconds. I had an Ashe tell me how to play, and how I need to put all my points into shield right away to protect her. I asked if she just could stop getting caught by Xin and Alistar, stop pushing the lane, etc. Got called a fucking noob instead. Lost that game, Had one though with the same problem and a Tyr. He melted down and quit after I told him not to come back to the lane if he is going keep crying. "Mentioned something about good luck winning without me". 30 minutes later, comes back in and see's we still haven't lost any 2nd row towers, still have map control and pushed them back into their fort. We win anyways, just took a lot longer is all.


shintoki said:
Trap's never arm right away. Same with Nid's and Teemo's shrooms. They take like 2-3 seconds. Her pure damage output reminds me of MF before she was nerfed, problem is like MF. Not a lot of people are "skilled" enough to use her. Cait's a bit easier since she can get more map awareness and has actual escape. But right now, you have a bunch of people playing her who just don't pay attention.

I know that they don't arm right away, but the arming time did not seem consistent every time it was used.
Played a game against a 5 man team, all with Revive and Fortify. I was Rammus. This is the result:


My favorite game in LoL yet. We barely won by killing them all twice and outlasting the fortify chains. :lol


Just went 18-8-12 with Kassadin in a 4v5 that we won. God, there's nothing better than winning a 4v5 :p

I went pretty much all Archangels and the two new AP items, had like 1,000+ AP at the end :lol
Thinking about going for a caster. Seems people are ill equipped to deal with them, and a scrub like myself might benefit from playing something that's NOT DPS.

I've been playing as Shen and I tank decently, but it's very frustrating when the rest of the team can't seem to do anything to back you up.
FlightOfHeaven said:
Thinking about going for a caster. Seems people are ill equipped to deal with them, and a scrub like myself might benefit from playing something that's NOT DPS.

I've been playing as Shen and I tank decently, but it's very frustrating when the rest of the team can't seem to do anything to back you up.
I play dedicated tank now and even with a pre made team you'll sometimes be left with your ass in the breeze. It's just the way it is. A huge part of it is knowing when to commit and when to wait. One thing I noticed that helps is calling targets. Obviously this works better with pre made on voice chat but it makes a it night and day difference. I'll always say who I'm powerballing, who I'm taunting, when I'm jumping in, who is is weakest, when I'm sacrificing my life for escapes. I try and make myself the unofficial team leader. Since doing my game has been on the up swing.


Anyone in ELO hell looking for a partner to rank solo with? At least with 2 we have a better chance. :lol Feel free to add me. (US Server)

Summoner name: AOD Croc
It's also due to the fact that I suck.

I had a win/loss of about 50% for a while, but now it's 82/91.

I have no idea how I manage to win at all. Reason I don't contact GAF much is because I realized I'll either be destroyed or destroy the team.


We need to do a Gaf inhouse. For reals this time, it's a new year and LoL GAF needs to kill each other, talk about epic baron snipes and fail terrian flashes.
I'm finding with characters such as Kassadin and Urgot that about 80% of the time my kills get stolen by some out of nowhere wanderer, even when it's obvious that I have a last hit in the bag. It bugs the shit out of me when I go 4/X/27 or something the the team calls me a "noob" because the playerbase seems to only have the short term memory to only judge your ability to last hit someone and not team work, planning or turret pushing.
CrazedProfessional said:
I'm finding with characters such as Kassadin and Urgot that about 80% of the time my kills get stolen by some out of nowhere wanderer, even when it's obvious that I have a last hit in the bag. It bugs the shit out of me when I go 4/X/27 or something the the team calls me a "noob" because the playerbase seems to only have the short term memory to only judge your ability to last hit someone and not team work, planning or turret pushing.

Kass is a great last hitter, so that really shouldn't be happening while you play him. I agree with the short term memory loss though. I just went Gragas, was 5-0-9 at one point, I get killed and then suddenly my team starts blaming me for us losing.
It's not that kass isn't good at last hitting, it's that other team mates pop out from the sideline and skill spam the rest of him to death. Making it a little competition on who gets the last hit on this guy who I raped first and it usually ends up with him getting it.


whats funny is usually the complete opposite happens with kass to most people. you'll be rapin somebody he ports in and silence or splash move ks' them:lol
Coming from Chogath and Urgot, I'm used to laneing and pushing and killing whatever is near.I guess I should get the memo and jungle mid game and pop outta nowhere.
I just purchased Veigar.

After a rough first game (2/6/1), I figured out a decent build for him and the next game went 18/5/7. I had 677 AP by the end of it, and practically infinite mana. Unfortuantely, we lost.

It's very nice to be able to nuke whomever and DEMOLISH them.


Unconfirmed Member
VaLiancY said:
We need to do a Gaf inhouse. For reals this time, it's a new year and LoL GAF needs to kill each other, talk about epic baron snipes and fail terrian flashes.

I'll play

Soulking99 is my summoner name.

Cait's a bit easier since she can get more map awareness and has actual escape. But right now, you have a bunch of people playing her who just don't pay attention.

Yeah that's kinda why I like her over Ashe and MF, even though I think the latter two are still better than her right now.

I take Ghost and Flash and combined with just the utility of her traps and net shot, as well as general map awareness and knowing where you're vulnerable, I rarely die as her in games. She just has the tools to get out of almost any situation.

The only times I die are from team incompetence(tanks afraid to initiate, run when they get lower than half health) or the other team just being that much better.

I find it surprising to see how other players are just not cautious at all with her.


I am not cautious with caitlyn yet. Every game Ive played vrs her I could 1v1 her easy. She does have annoying survivability, but doesnt seem threatening to me. Maybe I havent played a good one yet.
Hey guys, I just started playing LoL and I'm having a blast, I never thought I would enjoy this kind of game but it seems like I do so I got that cool feeling you get when you discover something you really like :D

So I have a super noobish quiestion: should I be spending the points I earn on Runes, Champions or save them for level 30 runes? I've already bought a Champion and want to try other ones but I have this feeling that I shouldn't be spending these points haphazardly, thoughts?
VaLiancY said:
We need to do a Gaf inhouse. For reals this time, it's a new year and LoL GAF needs to kill each other, talk about epic baron snipes and fail terrian flashes.

I'll add anyone whose name is on this page when I play tonight. I'm totally down for GAFLoL. My name is MisterMysterious.


Unconfirmed Member
VoteForPedro said:
Hey guys, I just started playing LoL and I'm having a blast, I never thought I would enjoy this kind of game but it seems like I do so I got that cool feeling you get when you discover something you really like :D

So I have a super noobish quiestion: should I be spending the points I earn on Runes, Champions or save them for level 30 runes? I've already bought a Champion and want to try other ones but I have this feeling that I shouldn't be spending these points haphazardly, thoughts?

I spent mine on champions prior to level 25, then when I had a core set of favorites I started buying runes to support them.

but at the same time I have friends that have played like 1-2 characters from single digit levels and just hoarded IP for tier 3 runes when they got to 20. so if you know you won't be sick of a character 20 levels from now, that's not a bad idea.

but I prefer playing as many characters as possible.


VoteForPedro said:
Hey guys, I just started playing LoL and I'm having a blast, I never thought I would enjoy this kind of game but it seems like I do so I got that cool feeling you get when you discover something you really like :D

So I have a super noobish quiestion: should I be spending the points I earn on Runes, Champions or save them for level 30 runes? I've already bought a Champion and want to try other ones but I have this feeling that I shouldn't be spending these points haphazardly, thoughts?

Try and save as much as you can for runes. Champions rotate every week so find someone you like and buy that one. Try different champs. If you find the box cheap in a store then I recommend you get that actually. I am lvl 29 and got the champion pack last week, been doing absolutely fine without it. I spent 15€ on this game just last week, without really needing to I could have bought them with IP eventually. Spent nearly 200h on this game, love it!


I'll try my best to get a GAF in-house, it's just I need to find a reasonable day off from work, preferably a weekend so we can do something.
Personally, I bought a few cheap tier 2 runes to acquaint myself with the system, and will either save up or purchase IP points so I can have a Tank, DPS, and Caster page in my rune book.

I've already picked out a few heros to specialize with:

Shen for Tank
Tristana for DPS
Veigar for Caster

I have Sona for Support (Caster), and Xin as a melee DPS (but I still don't know how to play him).


sparkle this bitch
I really should get some proper tanking runes, and call it a day. It works for every character then regardless.

People underestimate Jax big time. He's good to begin with, but once he starts to snowball. It's a fucking train. :lol
Oh, if we decide to do an in-house: SouthernDragon

Just... don't expect me to excel. If anything I'll be Sona. Maybe Shen, since it's my job to take damage and probably die.


I don't expect all of us to be on the same skill level. It's just to play and have fun. I tend to bullshit and go AP Panth or AD Annie in inhouses. But If people want to go serious I'll dust off Ryze. :lol


sparkle this bitch
Realized I'm not too terrible of a tank. I kept thinking I was one, till I got in a game today. Got to play anumu for the first time in rank. Went like 4-9-24, while our other tank only had 5 or 6 deaths, but similar K/A layout. And I realized that me, him, and a terrible Karth player(But like all Karth's, the other team took about 30 minutes to adjust to his ult :lol ) kept us in the game, far longer than the quality of our dps was supposed too. Ended up losing after about an hour, because once they all bought bashee's to stop his ult. Suddenly our dps couldn't kill more than 2 out of their 5 now.
Yea, Revive and Teleport is even funnier. Lost a team fight? HAVE ANOTHER ONE!

I'm inching my way back up in Ranked. Won four out of my last five to bring me up to above 1200. Hopefully I can get up into the higher tiers now that I'm out of the dreaded mid 1100s. Good team composition has lead to almost all of my wins. I get to pick last or second to last since I fell so far, so I can actually complete our team comp. instead of picking another DPS or something like every other last pick does. Much better than me having to ban and know that I'm the best chance our team has because I'm the highest ELO ranking.


Who says Kassadin has to be a caster? DPS for the win!


When the other team saw me build Manamune, they started talking smack. I promptly Rift Walked all over their asses and silenced them :p By the end, some of them were saying hybrid Kass was OP :lol


sparkle this bitch
Just found out what has been killing my rating. Leaving. I never leave during a game, but if champion selection goes to shit with people bitching. I normally just quit out to avoid wasting 30 minutes on people crying.

Turned out, my rating has been going down 20 points each time.
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