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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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I play mostly with my IRl friends, but they haven't been playing as much. I'd like to play more with gaffers. Anybody up for some games now?


Second-rate Anihawk
I'm usually available in evenings at around 7 PM. My LoL name is ScumbagBlues. I haven't played in awhile so I'll probably be rusty. ._.


I'd like to play in a gaf group, username is sohois, though we'd probably have to arrange a specific time to play since im in england(on the US servers) & won't be on when some american users are - not that i'd have any problem staying up late to play a game.


Sniper McBlaze said:
Is this game worth it even if you can't really pay anything for it at the moment?
Yeah they give you a good amount of free champions to use and also the more you play the more points you get to unlock permanent champions.
Ferny73 said:
Yeah they give you a good amount of free champions to use and also the more you play the more points you get to unlock permanent champions.

So I won't get a disadvantage against other paying players like that my free champions suck balls compared to theirs?


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Well you'll have to play with what is free, some of the best champions are pretty cheap though.


sparkle this bitch
Sniper McBlaze said:
So I won't get a disadvantage against other paying players like that my free champions suck balls compared to theirs?
No, new accounts are all in the same place unless someone wants to go out and spend some 100$ buying up most of the champions(Which is rare, and offers literally no advantage other than them having a larger variety too choose from).

And the free champions aren't just the weak throw away either. This week has some of the best for example(Vlad, Morg, Mundo). I started about 7 months ago and had to go through free champions, did alright. Started buy my own. Got some runes, etc. At about 23 champions now.


Sniper McBlaze said:
So I won't get a disadvantage against other paying players like that my free champions suck balls compared to theirs?

The free champions are a random selection out of all the champions. You get a new selection every week.
I have like 6, but I'm trying to get a diverse range of characters suitable for any team.

I still want to get Rammus, Blitzcrank, and Taric. I need to pick up another caster, though.


Man every single game my team is always down someone at the beginning of the game. Im getting so tired of leavers...ugh cmon gaf lets team up and kick some ass lol
Lead Based Paint said:
Eww you play kennen?

Haha, not that much any more. I played him a lot over the summer, when no one thought he was OP/annoying. I find that most games I play with him now I only do well until I hit lvl 18, then the other team either figures me out or starts to focus me or something.


Sorry but I need to flame. I am almost lvl 30. How can there still be players that have not learned how to play this game at 20+? Had a trynd that got 1 kill and 7 deaths, then left. What, how?


Erasus said:
Sorry but I need to flame. I am almost lvl 30. How can there still be players that have not learned how to play this game at 20+? Had a trynd that got 1 kill and 7 deaths, then left. What, how?
There are countless worthless players at lvl 30 as well. Prepare yourself.


Unconfirmed Member
Sniper McBlaze said:
Is this game worth it even if you can't really pay anything for it at the moment?

I think the reason most people start playing is because you don't have to pay anything


The thing about MOBA games like LoL is that one bad player feeding the other team or being generally worthless costs you the game. Plus the whole fact that games last so long (at least 25min) and you can't leave without incurring penalties (like the leaverbuster and upcoming afk buster system, missing out on XP/IP, etc).

The other day I had a player mid who went 0/6/0 within the first 15 min and I knew the game was over (opposing mid champion was 4/0/2 and destroyed the turret at 8 min). The worst is when you've clearly lost the game (eg they have 25 kills to your 5, they destroyed 5 turrets to your 0) and call for surrender and your team votes 3-2 in favor of surrender...but of course that is an unsuccessful vote, you need FOUR votes if there are 5 voting players.


sparkle this bitch
Surrender time should be earlier and it should only need 3 out of 5 votes. Had a guy berate another for the start of the game. He didn't like his character pick. The same guy who was 5/0/5 to his 0/5/5. Eventually I cut in and call the guy who keeps berating him a fucking retard. Takes it to offensive and starts to intentionally feed the other team, pouts around for 20-30 minutes, before deciding that he actually wants to win the game. A game that should have been over by 20 minutes. Turned into an hour long game.


Macattk15 said:
Cassiopeia is crap I am guessing? I am always intrigued by underpowered champs. I love to play em.
Pretty much. Her best phase is the laning phase and if she doesn't get that gold - she's dead in the water. Like the range she needs to be to do her magic is short & can fuck her over since she has no survivability and that crappy excuse of a spell her W is doesn't help since it's small. I really do think she needs a specific team make up where she can do her magic. A buff was in place for the last patch but it was postponed.

I kept trying and trying with her til I bought Anivia and she offers so much then Cass. I feel like a hypocrite saying that cause I've feel a champion should viable be on it's own merits and not be compared to a better champ as it's measure of viability. But fuck me if that bird doesn't bring so much to the table. :lol

I bought Cass with real monies and felt burnt but I bought Anivia and felt a little better afterward. And that rant felt good. :lol


I am completely addicted to LOl again. However, I have been MIA from it for months.

Anyone want to tell me what has happened in the last fourth months or so? I have been reading Elementz blog but it's organized and setup so bad.


Blackface said:
I am completely addicted to LOl again. However, I have been MIA from it for months.

Anyone want to tell me what has happened in the last fourth months or so? I have been reading Elementz blog but it's organized and setup so bad.
AoE metagame is crippled. Beefy DPS got nerfed. Locket got removed. Blinks got nerfed(flash is still annoying), ranged carries got a little bit of nerfs in mobility and ability to kite with red buff. Jungle creeps got buffed.


Man when you have a full team and one of the guys knows their champion well, the game is so much fun. On the other hand, when you start a game and people leave or go afk, it sucks. I love the game but the fact that one person can change the tide of the game in such a drastic fashion sucks at times.


Second-rate Anihawk
Does Riot ever plan to implement clans? I'm sure there are a ton of us playing LoL, but the community features are so shitty that I can never seem to get people interested to play together.


Archie said:
Does Riot ever plan to implement clans? I'm sure there are a ton of us playing LoL, but the community features are so shitty that I can never seem to get people interested to play together.

That feature, along with replays/observers/magma chamber has been long promised but as yet there's been little progress.

Speaking of arranging a game, i figured i might as well try and arrange a GAF game here rather than just suggesting it as happened at the top of this page. With that in mind, I'm suggesting we play on this Saturday, at approx 6pm EST. So if 4 people want to reply that they're available, then we can do this rather than just talk about it. If that time isn't okay with you let me know and we might be able to change it.


Archie said:
I'm down for some games Saturday. Add ScumbagBlues in game or send an IM to archie4208 on Steam.

I think i've got you on my LoL friend list already.
In any case, that's 2 out of 5 so far.


sparkle this bitch
As the game goes on, Udyr, Nasus, and Mundo. One man team stompers. Longer the game goes on, the harder it is going be to kill these guys. And I own each one :p


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
I had an awesome game with Mundo earlier, only around level 20 so not playing the best of people. Still a really fun champion to play.


Added Kurruptt, Jazzy Network i already have you.
That should be 4 players now, just need one more for a team, though if we can get enough interest it would be nice to do a full 5v5 gaf game.
First game back from not playing for a while and went 17-10-18 with Corki. Not too shabby.

EDIT: 10-1-5 on my second game back with Annie. Got my groove back!


sparkle this bitch
Damn I get pissy in some games. Was the tank, and got told 3 fucking times to go engage. Got bailed on all 3 times and not one of the retards picked up Merc Trends against an entire team of Magic(single AD carry, poorly farmed), nor Bashee's veil

"Let's end it, Let's End it. Tank come up here and end it for us"

*Get killed*


I think I have a lot of you guys added, but if not add me! I'm JoeFu. Usually play like at 10pm-12am CST, however I'm down for whenever I'm not at work or school.


New champion

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