Remy said:
Having also just jumped in over the past week, let me just say thanks to everyone who's throwing out advice. I've been sticking to bot training (and probably will till I hit Lv5), and while the first few games were ugly, my last one felt like a non-disaster. Progress!
Seriously just read the post above yours. He pretty much outlines all that you need to be successful in the game. The only thing he didn't mention was team composition, but that isn't really important until you get to ~lvl20.
In general a team wants 1 Ranged AD to go solo mid, 1 AP/Strong tank to go top solo, 1 support to help the 1 tankish type bottom, then the final should be 1 jungler.
Good Champs Mid:
- Ashe (Game changer ult, high damage output, good CC, needs gold)
- Vladimir (Easily spammable abilities, ~lvl9 he is probably the strongest champ in the game)
- Miss Fortune (high damage output, good at harass)
- Tristana (long range, can be anti-carry)
- Kassadin (ultimate anti-carry, if the other mid is squishy god help them)
- Anivia (best burst caster in the game with good CC, can use burst often, has a "second live" with her egg)
- Urgot (high damage, easily spammable abilities, underrated so many players don't expect it)
- Karthus (most spammable Q in the game, beware of global ultimate at 6)
- Pantheon (great burst damage from the get go)
Good Solo Top Champs
- Cho'Gath (high survivability, good CC, can do a bit of damage and literally eats carries)
- Maliphite (spam Q constantly if you go Meki Pendent, great great ultimate)
- Mundo (again spam Q constantly, good survivability)
- Sion (good CC, high burst, and good at farming)
- Kennen (can go mid as well, good escape highly spammable spells)
- Gragas (sustainability + spammable damage + good escape and CC)
- Mordekaiser (good survivability, annoying ult if done right)
Good Support for Bot
- Janna (Her shield + CC is great, then her ultimate saves people in team fights.
- Sona (good heals, solid damage at low levels)
- Taric (amazing stun, good heal, good defensive buffs to teammates)
- Morgana (good farming ability and good shield)
- Soraka (good heals and should only be paired with someone that has mana)
Good Tanks for Bot
- Shen (good CC, can take lots of damage)
- Alistar (amazing early game CC, does lots of damage and has a heal)
- Sivir (not a tank at all, but goes well with a support bot who lets her farm up in peace)
- Nasus (a good support + him bot, allows him to farm up Q and at lvl6 almost guaranteed a kill)
- Garen (tanky DPS really now, but really annoying early game)
- Blitzcrank (awesome troll, can really fuck up the other team with rocket grab)
Good Junglers
- Warwick (the ultimate jungler, is pretty balanced, goes fast stays relatively high health, good at ganks especially at 6)
- Udyr (gives Warwick a run for his money, can gank faster, but ultimately is better late game in general)
- Fiddlesticks (easy to jungle with and possibly one of the few junglers that doesn't need Smite, watch for lots of Crowstorm at lvl6)
- Nunu (Fast jungler, can probably jungle without Smite, but I'd still recommend to have it)
- Rammus (amazing ganker, really strong tank in general, hard to jungle properly though)
- Xin Zhao (not sure, I've never jungled with him before, but he seems pretty solid)
- Irelia (same as Xin, but I never see her come out of the jungle before lvl 6)
Obviously those aren't the end-all-be-all for each and every character, but in general if you pick one from each group you are going to have a really solid team. Each champ can probably take on a different role, but I put them where they are the strongest in my opinion, any champ that wasn't mentioned was probably just a little below the level of most of the other champs at the different roles, but can fill them really well anyways if played right.
If we can, I'd say we should create an official guide, using Blackface's post and some other info to allow new players to join/learn how to play.