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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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So I just started playing Twisted Fate. He is deadly in the later levels with the right items and the teleporting ability, im surprised more people don't use him all that often.

I am really thinking that I just play better support characters so much better than say a tanl like Mundo or Rammus. Anyone else prefer a specific type of champiom like that?
Ferny73 said:
So I just started playing Twisted Fate. He is deadly in the later levels with the right items and the teleporting ability, im surprised more people don't use him all that often.

I am really thinking that I just play better support characters so much better than say a tanl like Mundo or Rammus. Anyone else prefer a specific type of champiom like that?

TF definitely isn't a support. He's hard to use, and the best characterization of what I like to call a "glass canon". At high levels, if they aren't good with TF, they are guaranteed feeders, more so than any other character. Even good TFs tend to only be able to warp in, snipe one or two champions before dying a quick death. If a TF rages, god help that team. Easiest hero in the game to troll with.

You will also want to know how to play tanks if you want to make your way into ranked.


thestopsign said:
TF definitely isn't a support. He's hard to use, and the best characterization of what I like to call a "glass canon". At high levels, if they aren't good with TF, they are guaranteed feeders, more so than any other character. Even good TFs tend to only be able to warp in, snipe one or two champions before dying a quick death. If a TF rages, god help that team. Easiest hero in the game to troll with.

You will also want to know how to play tanks if you want to make your way into ranked.

No I know he isn't support, im just saying me personally, im better with those champs. I do need to learn a tank really well. I can play with a couple but need to get really good with one of them.


sparkle this bitch
TF is kind of an odd champion to place, heavily dependent on the users simply knowing when and where to tele. He has a range stun, that has a short cooldown. And is pure single target DPS.

Basically, he can be anything from excellent to OMG kill me now. I'd also say, unlike Eve or Panth. He can pick it up from mid game, and do excellent even if his start was so-so.


Europeans play TF a lot, Americans not so much. I play a lot of WW and have almost no trouble with a TF. However, in many other champs, if TF knows what he is doing, you will be less then half HP after the stun is over.


I like playing a hybrid AP/AD TF. I've played him full AP before also and had some amazing burst as long as they get hit by a card from the tri-card thing.

Been trying out Renekton lately. Just can't get the hang of him really. The game is so much more stacked in the favor of ranged DPS it isn't funny ... well that and Tryndamere.


sparkle this bitch
Macattk15 said:
Been trying out Renekton lately. Just can't get the hang of him really. The game is so much more stacked in the favor of ranged DPS it isn't funny ... well that and Tryndamere.
I don't know really what's wrong with this. I'd definitely say there is some favor thrown in for a few range carries(Ones with strong defense and offensive). But to be fair, Rene is pretty beastly. The amount of damage you do with defense you have. You should be able to own the vast majority of range carries and in general characters. His ult, similar to Nasus should make you devastating to the other team.


I'd say you're looking at Rene the wrong way if you consider him a melee dps, he's really an off-tank - indeed with regards to your statement that the game is stacked in favour of ranged dps, i'd say its more that most of the heroes considered melee dps are in fact off-tanks, with the only true melee dps being Trynd, Olaf, Jax & Yi. Further, even those heroes can carry out tanky roles (Jax cant but he can be a decent anti-carry instead).


shintoki said:
I don't know really what's wrong with this. I'd definitely say there is some favor thrown in for a few range carries(Ones with strong defense and offensive). But to be fair, Rene is pretty beastly. The amount of damage you do with defense you have. You should be able to own the vast majority of range carries and in general characters. His ult, similar to Nasus should make you devastating to the other team.

What I mean is, it is just easier to do a ton of damage and survive with a ranged carry. Sure I can get in a team fight and rip up a lot of people ... but I generally always die ... probably cause in ultimate form I'm huge and easy to click on ... this happens even when i build him defensively going like 1/21/8.

Also ... Ranged carries almost ALWAYS have a get out of jail free card ... especially when paired with Flash.

Ashe can kite to death. TF can ult and teleport or at least stun and run. Caitlyn scoots away with her net shot especially if it hits you when you are trying to catch up. Tristana rocket jumps away or over hedges. Vlad pools. I kite with Cassiopeia all day long with Miasma and speed boosts from Q. Corki valks away.

If I build Renekton tanky ... I can't dash into someone, stun and kill them before they generally just run away from me ... cause his cooldowns are so damn long.

Irelia looks fun. I think I might give her a go .... least she has a long distance dash.

sohois said:
I'd say you're looking at Rene the wrong way if you consider him a melee dps, he's really an off-tank - indeed with regards to your statement that the game is stacked in favour of ranged dps, i'd say its more that most of the heroes considered melee dps are in fact off-tanks, with the only true melee dps being Trynd, Olaf, Jax & Yi. Further, even those heroes can carry out tanky roles (Jax cant but he can be a decent anti-carry instead).

Oh I know. I almost always build Renekton tanky ... never tried him straight up damage. Riot needs to add some more PURE melee DPS champs. Xin isn't, Irelia isn't, Renekton isn't, Trundle isn't.


Macattk15 said:
What I mean is, it is just easier to do a ton of damage and survive with a ranged carry. Sure I can get in a team fight and rip up a lot of people ... but I generally always die ... probably cause in ultimate form I'm huge and easy to click on ... this happens even when i build him defensively going like 1/21/8.

Also ... Ranged carries almost ALWAYS have a get out of jail free card ... especially when paired with Flash.

Ashe can kite to death. TF can ult and teleport or at least stun and run. Caitlyn scoots away with her net shot especially if it hits you when you are trying to catch up. Tristana rocket jumps away or over hedges. Vlad pools. I kite with Cassiopeia all day long with Miasma and speed boosts from Q. Corki valks away.

If I build Renekton tanky ... I can't dash into someone, stun and kill them before they generally just run away from me ... cause his cooldowns are so damn long.

Irelia looks fun. I think I might give her a go .... least she has a long distance dash.

Oh I know. I almost always build Renekton tanky ... never tried him straight up damage. Riot needs to add some more PURE melee DPS champs. Xin isn't, Irelia isn't, Renekton isn't, Trundle isn't.

I always rush ionian boots and a brutalizer first on him. Those two plus my CDR runes drop his cooldowns enough that you should have no problem mid/late game (not that his late game CD are much of a problem). Early-ish game all you do is ult and win. You won't really be able to kill anyone prior to L6, but you can harass pretty effectively with E(through minions)->(W->)Q->E and hope they make a mistake or your lane partner (if you're not solo) can take them out in a stun. You won't be able to do this against a good ranged carry if you're solo, but you should've asked for a lane swap as soon as you saw that MF/Trist/etc.

Also, procs items are pretty good on him. His W applys on hit effects, so using a black cleaver is really good (fury W = 1.5s stun + full cleaver debuff). Not sure how tanky you guys are building him, but my final build (if i get there,) is usually along the lines of ionian boots + yomuu's + cleaver + thirster + defense + defense. Don't think I've gone neg kda on him even with a feeding team since he got his buff, but I'm not in some high elo play or anything, so it's entirely possible he'd get trashed up there :/


sparkle this bitch
I build him similar to how I build Nasus, except Nasus has an easier time. Lots of defense, and rely on the ult till later game.

Yes, their ults make both of them god like while it's up where no one can 1v1 them till late game.


Neo Member
Sometimes I wonder why I ever even try to play some of the older champs.. Like TF, for example. He just gets destroyed if you're up against a tanky or competent team. He can be a great champ if you know how to play him, but against Olaf/Vlad/any of the tanks/Xin... It's like playing with a handicap. At level 3 or 4 or so, Olaf was hitting me for nearly half my health with undertow.. That's not even in my auto attack range. It's ridiculous. Same goes for Ez or any of the older champs that have fallen by the wayside. The problem is as soon as you allocate money towards defensive items, your damage suffers. If you don't get any survivability items, you get 2 shotted.

It's frustrating because it seems like all the the champs are are terrible these days are the ones I enjoy playing the most.

Macattk15 said:
Oh I know. I almost always build Renekton tanky ... never tried him straight up damage. Riot needs to add some more PURE melee DPS champs. Xin isn't, Irelia isn't, Renekton isn't, Trundle isn't.

King Tryndamere?
Macattk15 said:
Oh I know. I almost always build Renekton tanky ... never tried him straight up damage. Riot needs to add some more PURE melee DPS champs. Xin isn't, Irelia isn't, Renekton isn't, Trundle isn't.
irelia ain't a pure melee dps?
xin ain't a pure melee dps?
are you kidding?
no offense, but the only reason you don't build trynda for survivability with the 6th item it's because he has inner rage STOP..
each and every other melee champion *SHOULD* use a survivability item in late game (be it a banshee's veil or other stuff, depending on the game)..
for example, unless overfed, in late game irelia is a squishy in melee teamfight..

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Alright, guys next door were on me to install this, so I'm probably going to give it a try today. I've never played a DotA game before. GAF, help me not suck!

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Archie said:
Play the tutorial(s)
Pick a character that looks cool
Don't die
Be ready to take verbal abuse
If I mute other players will I seriously undercut our strategy? Cause as fun as the game may be, I'm not going to play if I get called a "retarded ni**ger fa**ot" when accidentally buy the less then optimum item or something, I'm out. That's the main complaint I've heard other people level against the genre.
The_Technomancer said:
Alright, guys next door were on me to install this, so I'm probably going to give it a try today. I've never played a DotA game before. GAF, help me not suck!

Read up on a guide.

Seriously, do it. Then familiarize yourself with the game in the tutorial. Figure out how the shop works, what the hotkeys are (you can check them in the menu), and how the stats work.

A quick rundown:
Attack Damage affects your auto-attack
Attack Speed affects your attacks per second
Ability Power affects your abilities
Movespeed affects how fast you move
Armor reduces physical damage %
Magic Resist reduces magic damage %

You also have to learn what the best masteries and summoner spells are. You can safely ignore runes until level 20.

Also, stick with one hero. Learn them inside and out.


Communication is really important, so I dunno about "muting." It's all text-based.

That said, I've never had that kind of experience with the community where it's all name-calling. Have I gotten in verbal fights? Yeah, but out of 250+ games I've had that maybe 10 times at the most.


The_Technomancer said:
If I mute other players will I seriously undercut our strategy? Cause as fun as the game may be, I'm not going to play if I get called a "retarded ni**ger fa**ot" when accidentally buy the less then optimum item or something, I'm out. That's the main complaint I've heard other people level against the genre.

If you're a level 1 then you'll be paired with other level 1s and players around that level, so a lot of the players will be just as bad as you are.

If you're really worried then i'm sure some gaffers would be happy to duel queue with you to help you get started.


Second-rate Anihawk
The_Technomancer said:
If I mute other players will I seriously undercut our strategy? Cause as fun as the game may be, I'm not going to play if I get called a "retarded ni**ger fa**ot" when accidentally buy the less then optimum item or something, I'm out. That's the main complaint I've heard other people level against the genre.

There is no voice chat so Riot has you covered on that front.

And yeah you will get the occasional asshole, but LoL is a paradise vacation compared to HoN.

Also, let your team know you're new. Players are generally less inclined to rage at someone who is a legitimate noob compared to someone who is just plain dumb.
Oh yeah, let people know you are new with a hero, too.

People tend to be more forgiving and might even offer advice.

If you want to play a game, let me know. I'm no pro (113/131 win/loss), but I'd be more than happy to walk through things with you.


sparkle this bitch
I'll say the exact opposite from what everyone is saying here.

You are going to suck, because you do suck. I still meet level 30's in the the 1300-1400 elo range, where I have to question with probably at least 200-300 games under their belt. Why are they as bad as people I played with even before I hit level 10. The only way to get good at the game is to play it. Everything your reading is other's opinions after hundreds of games played themselves. Someone posted a 40+ button long combo for Viper in MvC3 that can one shot any character. That's what your reading now. Your reading something that is completely out of your comprehension and current abilities.

So just fucking play.
What, playing without knowing what AP/AD is, what's a decent build, or what's a UNIQUE PASSIVE?

What you've just recommended is the equivalent of:

"Don't look at the movelist. Don't look at the manual. Don't even go into training mode. Just go into online ranked and MASH!"

I'm not saying he even has to look at skill order.

Since he has no DotA background, he should familiarize himself with the fundamentals of the game. You know, what types of heroes there are, what AP/AD stats are, and what a UNIQUE PASSIVE are for christ's sake.

There are things you can only get through in-game play, like map awareness, a feel for how far your escape options reach, how far is too far in a lane, when you can tower dive safely, how to use brush effectively, ect.

But there are some fundamentals you have to know before you dive in. I thought my DotA background was enough to start with, but I completely screwed up my first same as Heimerdinger because I didn't know what AP was. I thought it was agility power, like DotA's system. I ended up stacking mana and mana regen, and being generally useless.

I backed out, looked at a guide, and picked Tristana because of her easy nature (ranged DPS), built in escape option, and farming ability. Her simple, flexible playstyle meant I could tool around with different item builds and made her adaptable to many situations.

I would have taken a much longer time to hit upon her were I to spend 35+ minutes playing a different hero every time I played a game.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
At low level games the recommended items are enough to get you through. It should be more important to get a feel for what works before you delve into the whys and hows.

The most important thing, I believe, is keeping an eye on what people better than you are doing, and then trying to replicate that.


If you are noob....... play ranged.

Rule number one for noobs: don't die. It's not as easy as it sounds. Stay near your creeps. Stay near your allys. Stay near your towers. Move with your team. Once you are more comfortable with the game... you can venture a bit more.

I can't tell you how important it is to understand all aspects of the game (what all enemies do... items... etc.). Playing passively for a while will help you learn the game.


Play the game, read some guides (most fucking suck) and watch streams on solomid.net

Thats the only way to learn. At low levels find a champion you like (custom games are good to get a feel for the champ), eventually buy it and main it. Outside of the champ you want to play (or two) save all your IP for Tier 3 runes at level 20. It takes lots of IP and you need different runes for different playstyles.

Don't take the guides you read as gospel. They aren't, but the person writing it probably knows a lot more then you.

Eventually you are going to want to get good at a few different champions that can play different roles. You don't want to end up like Westrice.

Also, don't take elementz tier list (if you come upon it) as the end all be all. A lot of new players look at his tier list and won't touch anything under the top two tiers. For example, he has Urgot as Tier 4, yet there are quite a few Urgots in the 1700-2000 Elo that dominate him, and other teams. In fact, many high ELO players are starting to think Urgot may be one of the best champions in the game...yet elementz has him as tier4.

My favorite streamer to watch is Guardsmanbob, Treeeskimo is good also.

AP = Ability Power
AD = Attack Damage
Lifesteal = Obvious
Spellvamp = The Spell version of lifesteal
Armor = Helps against melee
Magic Resist = Helps against casters

Some champions use AD, some use AP and some actually use both. Just because a champion uses both, doesn't mean you want to buy a bunch of items that have both stats on them. Read a guide, see what is more popular. Some you will want a bit of both, or a lot of one and some of the other. Other times you will just want to go all the way in one specific direction.

Sion, who I main, has two abilities that benefit AP, and two (if you count E) that benefit from AD. At first glance you think he should be a tank, a shield, passive that gives you HP, an ultra that gives you attack speed and heals nearby allies, he is big and runs around with a big axe. However if you look at him objectively, his Ap ratios on his shield(which you can explode and do AOE damage) and Q are nuts. Outside of his stun (Gaze, the Q key) he has no way to close distance. So by going full on AP you can do massive damage for the short amount of time you are close to someone, have a stun that hurts, can do massive AOE damage in a team-fight or farming, and still use your Ult on towers.

If you went AD your Stun and Shield would be worthless, although you would hit and crit for a ton, you normally are not close enough to an enemy to fully kill them, and your shield gets popped immediately. Since you have no AP, your shield exploding barely hurts creeps so Sion turns from one of the best Solo top, lane pushers in the game, to needing a lane partner badly. Thus, not many people play AD sion any longer and most of he reason is simply because he has no way to close distance.

Little things like that you need to keep in mind when you play. It may be over your head now, but after a few dozen wins you will see what I mean.

The community can be shit at times. Don't let that stop you from having fun. Everyone has to learn, even the douchebag talking shit. No matter who you are, no matter how high your ELO is, everyone has bad games, and everyone has someone from your team talking shit. I have seen the top 3 ranked solo que players in the world get completely shit on in team-chat for having a bad game, being called "Garbage" and "baddies". Nobody can escape it, so it's bes to just ignore it.

Some other basic tips are

- Don't face check bush's

- Last hit your creeps, pushing your lane to quickly is one of the biggest noob mistakes in the game. Simply try to last hit the creeps at first, don't continue to attack them when you are low level (in-game). Doing so will make you push your lane to the enemy tower, exposing you to be ganked from behind, while they are protect by there tower. If they push you back to your tower, good, it means you are gaining xp, and completely protected.

- Before level 15, think of the tower as an extra person. You can defend a tower 4v5, since the tower acts as the fifth. Before level 11, you can defend the tower against with three, and if you have stuns, with two.

- No matter what champion you use, slowly chip away at the person in your lane. Early laning is all about dmg trades. You want to try to come out on-top each time you briefly attack each-other. Slowly chip away at the person in your lane, harrasing them. When they get low enough you can quickly combo them or call for a gank.

- If you are being dominated in a lane, it's ok to not hit your creeps and force the enemy to push you to your tower, where you can then continue hitting the creeps and making gold.

- You can tell if someone on the opposing team is going to jungle if they take the summoner spell Smite. 99.9 percent of the time, if they take it, they will jungle. Jungling is going into the area between lanes, and following a route to kill the minions and obtain the buffs inside the jungle. By doing this, it gives your team two solo lanes to gain extra xp, and if the jungler is good, he can stay slightly ahead of the duo lane. If the enemy team has a jungler always keep an eye out for a gank. Once your mid lane is level 5 be very cautious, most jungler do an initial gank at level 4, then repeated ganks at level 6 and above.

- If you win a team-fight, or a mini team fight, remember the spawn times of the people you killed. If you wipe them out and begin to push say in there base, don't keep pushing inedifiently. Do a bit of damage(kill a turret and inhib) and then back out and go heal up. The later in the game it is, the longer it takes them to spawn. But when they do, all their CD's will be up, and they will be full HP and mana, while your team is still feeling the effects of the last team-fight. This can cause your team to be then wiped out, and he opposing team to rush and do lots of damage to your towers/base. Thats why it is better to do a bit of damage inside the base or lane (kill tower/inhib) and back out quickly. This changes a bit as the game goes, you will get the hang of it.

- Play custom games/normal games and learn what you can and can't do with your champion. When you can tower dive, Who you can 1v1, who you can't 1v1, all the champions abilities etc..

- Buy defensive items. Defensive items can and will save your life. You don't always need 650 ap if you have 1700 hp. You will do more damage if you have 550 ap, but 2600 hp with armour and MR. Press tab, see how the enemy team is building, and pick up some defensive items to counter them later in the game.


Having also just jumped in over the past week, let me just say thanks to everyone who's throwing out advice. I've been sticking to bot training (and probably will till I hit Lv5), and while the first few games were ugly, my last one felt like a non-disaster. Progress!
Remy said:
Having also just jumped in over the past week, let me just say thanks to everyone who's throwing out advice. I've been sticking to bot training (and probably will till I hit Lv5), and while the first few games were ugly, my last one felt like a non-disaster. Progress!

Seriously just read the post above yours. He pretty much outlines all that you need to be successful in the game. The only thing he didn't mention was team composition, but that isn't really important until you get to ~lvl20.

In general a team wants 1 Ranged AD to go solo mid, 1 AP/Strong tank to go top solo, 1 support to help the 1 tankish type bottom, then the final should be 1 jungler.

Good Champs Mid:
- Ashe (Game changer ult, high damage output, good CC, needs gold)
- Vladimir (Easily spammable abilities, ~lvl9 he is probably the strongest champ in the game)
- Miss Fortune (high damage output, good at harass)
- Tristana (long range, can be anti-carry)
- Kassadin (ultimate anti-carry, if the other mid is squishy god help them)
- Anivia (best burst caster in the game with good CC, can use burst often, has a "second live" with her egg)
- Urgot (high damage, easily spammable abilities, underrated so many players don't expect it)
- Karthus (most spammable Q in the game, beware of global ultimate at 6)
- Pantheon (great burst damage from the get go)

Good Solo Top Champs
- Cho'Gath (high survivability, good CC, can do a bit of damage and literally eats carries)
- Maliphite (spam Q constantly if you go Meki Pendent, great great ultimate)
- Mundo (again spam Q constantly, good survivability)
- Sion (good CC, high burst, and good at farming)
- Kennen (can go mid as well, good escape highly spammable spells)
- Gragas (sustainability + spammable damage + good escape and CC)
- Mordekaiser (good survivability, annoying ult if done right)

Good Support for Bot
- Janna (Her shield + CC is great, then her ultimate saves people in team fights.
- Sona (good heals, solid damage at low levels)
- Taric (amazing stun, good heal, good defensive buffs to teammates)
- Morgana (good farming ability and good shield)
- Soraka (good heals and should only be paired with someone that has mana)

Good Tanks for Bot
- Shen (good CC, can take lots of damage)
- Alistar (amazing early game CC, does lots of damage and has a heal)
- Sivir (not a tank at all, but goes well with a support bot who lets her farm up in peace)
- Nasus (a good support + him bot, allows him to farm up Q and at lvl6 almost guaranteed a kill)
- Garen (tanky DPS really now, but really annoying early game)
- Blitzcrank (awesome troll, can really fuck up the other team with rocket grab)

Good Junglers
- Warwick (the ultimate jungler, is pretty balanced, goes fast stays relatively high health, good at ganks especially at 6)
- Udyr (gives Warwick a run for his money, can gank faster, but ultimately is better late game in general)
- Fiddlesticks (easy to jungle with and possibly one of the few junglers that doesn't need Smite, watch for lots of Crowstorm at lvl6)
- Nunu (Fast jungler, can probably jungle without Smite, but I'd still recommend to have it)
- Rammus (amazing ganker, really strong tank in general, hard to jungle properly though)
- Xin Zhao (not sure, I've never jungled with him before, but he seems pretty solid)
- Irelia (same as Xin, but I never see her come out of the jungle before lvl 6)

Obviously those aren't the end-all-be-all for each and every character, but in general if you pick one from each group you are going to have a really solid team. Each champ can probably take on a different role, but I put them where they are the strongest in my opinion, any champ that wasn't mentioned was probably just a little below the level of most of the other champs at the different roles, but can fill them really well anyways if played right.

If we can, I'd say we should create an official guide, using Blackface's post and some other info to allow new players to join/learn how to play.


So having organised some GAF games over the past weeks, i thought maybe we should go one step further and have a full 5v5 GAF game, with both teams made up entirely of Gaffers.

Since it might be difficult to get 10 gaffers all together to play a game, i suggest that the game take place in 2 weeks time on the 26th Feb at 6pm EST to ensure maximum participation. If that time is not good for you but you want to play anyway then let me know and I might be able to rearrange to a time to suit everyone.

There are no limits on who can join, whether you're a newbie or an experienced player all are welcome, if you wantto play in just let me know you're Lol Level and i'll try to sort the teams myself to ensure an even spread.

With a Gaf 5v5 game i thought maybe we could also have a vent server & also try to record or stream the game for others to view, however I don't have such facilities myself. So if anyone can record or stream the game please let me know, as for ventrilo first we need to decide whether we want a server for each team or for everyone, i.e. if the game is serious we'll try to have individual servers but if not then a universal serve should be fine. So let me know if you can help in such an area.

Ideally we'd have 10 gaffers availabe to play for such an event, so either post in the thread or send me a pm. We'd be able to play with just 6 Gaffers since we'd could do a Twisted Treeline game but really i'd like a 5v5. So let me know if you're up for it


sparkle this bitch
Nasus not solo top? Nasus is a waste at bot(Not bad, but he has so much going for the solo lane). Decent defense, life leech, and the best ult 1v1 ult.
shintoki said:
Nasus not solo top? Nasus is a waste at bot(Not bad, but he has so much going for the solo lane). Decent defense, life leech, and the best ult 1v1 ult.

I find he is better with the benefit of a stun. Like I said, what I posted was not the end-all-be-all of things, some people obviously will prefer to do things other ways.

Edit: Sohois, I'm definitely down for this, but I can't really predict my schedule that far ahead of time, so I won't be certain until a later date.


thestopsign said:
I find he is better with the benefit of a stun. Like I said, what I posted was not the end-all-be-all of things, some people obviously will prefer to do things other ways.

Edit: Sohois, I'm definitely down for this, but I can't really predict my schedule that far ahead of time, so I won't be certain until a later date.

Neither time nor date is set in stone, if people just let me know they're up for such a game then we can adjust the timing according to what's easiest.
I would love to join in, but I never know when I'm available or not. : ( Seems that Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays are now perpetually up in the air for me.

I'll make a GAF list on my account and I'll throw out messages whenever I'm available.

In case you don't know my handle: SouthernDragon

Good game, NightHawk and sohois. I'm afraid I died a bit too much, but eh. At least I got some towers.


FlightOfHeaven said:

Good game, NightHawk and sohois. I'm afraid I died a bit too much, but eh. At least I got some towers.

the key to that game was GP getting FB due to their terrible galio trying to disrupt my jungle and getting killed in the process...snowball from there.
although it sort of worked, i was unable to kill lizard on my first run b/c i started slowly

i like how their kayle bought nashor's tooth, pickaxe, and gunblade all while having lvl 1 boots...keep in mind their entire team is level 30 with hundreds of games played so it's not like kayle was new
FlightOfHeaven said:
That was the first game I had EVER seen that happen, where two heros try to gank one jungler before the minions spawned. It was surreal.

Most games a whole team tries to gank the jungler before minions or right after they start. My favorite trick is to have someone plant a ward at lizard or golem in the bushes. Then have people teleport to it while the jungler is fighting golem. Such an easy first blood.
thestopsign said:
Most games a whole team tries to gank the jungler before minions or right after they start. My favorite trick is to have someone plant a ward at lizard or golem in the bushes. Then have people teleport to it while the jungler is fighting golem. Such an easy first blood.

I know it happens, but I've never seen it happen before. I figured that happened in Ranked.
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