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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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sparkle this bitch
Door2Dawn said:
Just came arcoss that tank team. I have to say they need to do something about that, there is litierally nothing you can do versus that team. Nothing.
You can. You just have to be pretty precise with characters you pick. You have to have enough damage, while enough kiting and enough support. Ashe, Zilean, Janna, Avi, Lux, and a few others all work wonders against those teams. A good comp is still needed, otherwise you'll run into a problem of just getting out harassed the entire game.

The problem with the all tank team is that it really does ruin much of the game. You really have to play against them very specifically, and avoid a large number of characters that will just get eaten up. And even then, as long as they don't play completely idiotic. Their turtles will drag out a game.


Door2Dawn said:
Just came arcoss that tank team. I have to say they need to do something about that, there is litierally nothing you can do versus that team. Nothing.
The tankier a team is, the easier it is to kite them and poke them and catch them in bad positions and start better team fights on your terms, because tanky teams do less damage, have lower mobility and are mostly melee in nature.


aka surume
Door2Dawn said:
Just came arcoss that tank team. I have to say they need to do something about that, there is litierally nothing you can do versus that team. Nothing.
Blind Pick makes it difficult b/c you cant shuffle your comp to counter it, but they are beatable.

Madred's, Deathfire Grasp, Abyssal Scepter, Last Whisper, Void Staff.


Door2Dawn said:
Just came arcoss that tank team. I have to say they need to do something about that, there is litierally nothing you can do versus that team. Nothing.

Pick Trundle
Gank and Farm until you have Triforce/wriggles/Ghostblade
Press R, Focus champion
Win game.


Neo Member
HeartAttackJones said:
Blind Pick makes it difficult b/c you cant shuffle your comp to counter it, but they are beatable.

Madred's, Deathfire Grasp, Abyssal Scepter, Last Whisper, Void Staff.

I feel like DFG is extremely underused. You don't even need a ton of AP to make pretty good use of it.

My last team comp this morning was Alistar, Mordekaiser, Gragas, Caitlyn, and Irelia (me). vs AP Maokai, Caitlyn, Miss Fortune, Anivia and AP Mordekaiser... Their early game harrass was unmatched, but eventually, when the team fights started, they didn't stand a chance. Everyone on my team was healthy enough to tank towers after we won a team fight and it didn't take long to get to their nexus.

I'm not proud of how that worked out, but they needed to end it early to even have a shot.


aka surume
turmeric said:
I feel like DFG is extremely underused. You don't even need a ton of AP to make pretty good use of it.

My last team comp this morning was Alistar, Mordekaiser, Gragas, Caitlyn, and Irelia (me). vs AP Maokai, Caitlyn, Miss Fortune, Anivia and AP Mordekaiser... Their early game harrass was unmatched, but eventually, when the team fights started, they didn't stand a chance. Everyone on my team was healthy enough to tank towers after we won a team fight and it didn't take long to get to their nexus.

I'm not proud of how that worked out, but they needed to end it early to even have a shot.
Think it has more to do with people rushing for the crazy AP on Rabbadon's and ZH, but seriously, what's not to like? A free tank busting percentage based nuke, bunch of AP, CDR, and some MRegen.

Also, everyone post your Summoner name if you don't see yourself on the list in post #2 of this thread.
I used to go for DFG until I realized I never, ever used the active. I always forget to use it, and I always panic when there's too many people near by. Also, it's relatively small range makes me nervous. All my casters have large amount of range, if someone is in DFG range then they are way, way too close.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
So much rage right now.

Can't even complain because I wouldn't know where to start.

EDIT: Malzahar gets outlaned mid by a Magewick. Malzahar. Outlaned. By Magewick. And he was one of the better players on my team.


sparkle this bitch
Halycon said:
So much rage right now.

Can't even complain because I wouldn't know where to start.

EDIT: Malzahar gets outlaned mid by a Magewick. Malzahar. Outlaned. By Magewick. And he was one of the better players on my team.
It happens. I had a game earlier where I spent at least 1k worth of Gold on wards. They didn't work.... 3 people on the team refuse not just to buy wards, but not to even look at the fucking ones I put down.

We lost an easy ass win(4v5). And do you know what our WW was saying at the end. Our 2/12/2 WW who had 4 attack speed items, without a single damage item. I should have went AP WW.

I made up for it though with my last game as Nasus. It's been so long so I had a solo lane, free of ganks and harassment. They match me up against an idiot who I easily got to burn mana, push the lane, and so forth. Was down about 8-9 kills in the beginning, few turrets and 2 Dragons. That was until the big dog Nasus arrived. Their 5 and 0 panth ended up 6 and 12. Carried that shit back from a loss.
played an hard game an hour ago...
udyr jungle..
closed with a 18/13/17 or something like that, because my team just refused to baron check/use ward/use oracle to avoid shroom and getting spot on...
by the end of the game i was running a powermachine udyr
madred, emrc threads, aegis, trinity, sunfire, pahntom dancer (think i should have gone for infinity edge, but w/e)
since killing was no longer an option, given that we reached the 50 minutes mark (thus each and every champion was sporting the end-game build, and apart from akali and teemo the were all tanky-sh) i had to be a lamer..
every 2 mins during a teamfight, oracle+ bear spam (to run faster) and on to their turret +inibitor.. dowining both in roughly 22-24 second since being detected by the tower itself..
they i ran to some sort of uncalled late-game spot (like dragon, that i was pretty sure was unwarded that late in the game, but anyway i had oracle on so w/e)..
thus i backdoored 3 tower + inibitor.. at that point i finally joined a teamfight cutting down teemo and poor alistair, thus resulting in a 5vs3.
uber quick nashor (our FIRST nashor....), and creep push mid...
managed to win the game, but it was a CLOSE call, with my group calling me noob for going to check when a ward was destroyed, and me calling them "tard" for
1) not using my wards
2) not placing their own wards
3) not using oracle, dieing to shroom on low hp and then swearing at the opponent teemo in /all chat
PLUS the game could have gone much differently, since late game teemo became much less interested in map control via shroom, hence i was able to backdoor their tower quite painfully (granted i had oracle on)...
all in all i'm starting to get the hang of udyr jungle, though i find him still inferior to ww, during teamfight he's a tank...
with that build i was sporting an insane amount of def, while pumping out abusrd damage AND being able to keep up with loosing life via turtle spam
tiger-->turtle-->bear --> rinse
this way i had the turtle up every 3 sec and i had perma up 3 stack of passive...
what i'm missing at the moment is the point of even having phoenix stance.. it's TOO shitty compared to tiger that grants as+dot..... either they buff it, or one can even avoid using it as is.. heck tiger at the moment is even better for jungling..
How to be a Mundo troll - Dorans Shield > Spirits > Warmogs > Atama's > Ghostblade > Sell Dorans Shield > Infinity Edge

Crit and kill squishys, activate ult, run away, repeat


CrazedProfessional said:
How to be a Mundo troll - Dorans Shield > Spirits > Warmogs > Atama's > Ghostblade > Sell Dorans Shield > Infinity Edge

Crit and kill squishys, activate ult, run away, repeat
I too, base my strategies around 12k gold worth of items in which I only become useful after all of them are purchased.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
shintoki said:
I made up for it though with my last game as Nasus. It's been so long so I had a solo lane, free of ganks and harassment. They match me up against an idiot who I easily got to burn mana, push the lane, and so forth. Was down about 8-9 kills in the beginning, few turrets and 2 Dragons. That was until the big dog Nasus arrived. Their 5 and 0 panth ended up 6 and 12. Carried that shit back from a loss.
Coincidence, in my set of three terrible games last night I also managed to carry my team (3v5 at one point) with the big sand dog!

Felt so good going 16-2.


CrazedProfessional said:
How to be a Mundo troll - Dorans Shield > Spirits > Warmogs > Atama's > Ghostblade > Sell Dorans Shield > Infinity Edge

Crit and kill squishys, activate ult, run away, repeat

i prefer doran's shield --> spirit visage --> warmog's armor --> force of nature --> sunfire cape --> atma's impaler, and win.

but that's me and my corporate mundo.
Tesseract said:
i prefer doran's shield --> spirit visage --> warmog's armor --> force of nature --> sunfire cape --> atma's impaler, and win.

but that's me and my corporate mundo.

That is the stronger build. I hate people who just go plain Warmogs and have no resist. Warmogs is only a good item when used in conjunction with Banshee's, Guardian Angel, Force of Nature, or Sunfire Cape, or any combination of the four.


turmeric said:
Hey HeartAttackJones,

My summoner name is "turmeric," and I stink 1/8 of the time.

Thanks Boss.

Oh he is just being a poop. It is only 1/10th of the time! I kid.

VaLiancY said:
DFG + AP Poppy = a big red fucking bar.

And fuck Poppy. I hate her. I always try to gank her with a tank in her lane or something and she proceeds to immunity herself on me and slambang me into a wall.
Looks like Urgot is enjoying a nice little revival. He can now carry throughout the entire game as opposed to just early and mid.

3 Ranked Games, 2 deaths lol.


sparkle this bitch
Halycon said:
Coincidence, in my set of three terrible games last night I also managed to carry my team (3v5 at one point) with the big sand dog!

Felt so good going 16-2.
Got another a bit after. 14-3-8. After my 14-4-14. Thier MF went AP, and I think I was 7 level 7 or 8, when I decided to say fuck it and just start running her ass down. Got killed 3 times, every time my ult was up. Even better is their WW came up to help. Killed her, and him.

Don't fuck with the Big Sand Dog of Doom.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
First time with Ryze since... Wow when was it, near the end of the beta probably.

He's changed a lot, I think he lost some oomph from his last incarnation. Despite going 10/4/17 I didn't feel like a 10/4/17 AP carry.
thestopsign said:
That is the stronger build. I hate people who just go plain Warmogs and have no resist. Warmogs is only a good item when used in conjunction with Banshee's, Guardian Angel, Force of Nature, or Sunfire Cape, or any combination of the four.

not to mention the force of nature has an amazing passive for mundo.

So, I just had this amazing game.

I was paired up with Xin Zhao early on, and were being harassed hardcore by Nidalee and Ryze. We decided to go all out, and we smashed them both early on, netting me two kills.

Yeah, Sona.

I started to snowball, when I noticed we're behind by 5 kills. Bot (Shen/Ashe) are having difficulties. So I teleport there.


When a minute earlier they said they were struggling. I proceed to net them three kills.

They would not shut up the rest of the game. I was in the middle of every team fight, spamming Q and E, and usually started with an R that'd net us an instant kill or two. They kept claiming I was killstealing and that I lame or stupid.

Meanwhile, Teemo and Xin Zhao quietly did their work.

We destroyed their mid, when suddenly the other team makes a counter attack while I was defending another tower. Shen calls me back to mid, only to regale me with "You're not the team coach, Sona. Nobody is." This is because I had told Ashe to go back into base because she was alone vs 5 heros.

"Ok." And I arrive, stunning 2 heroes, chasing down two other heroes.

They surrender.

And still, Shen could not shut up.

It was the most satisfying game ever.
about your oppoenent..
nasus was built terribad... stark fervor? he should have gone for either early aegis or sunfire :|
and i see three peeps without mercury...
considering you have shen's taunt, ashe's slow, your stun and teemo's shroom... well it's an interesting choice to say the least..


sparkle this bitch
You'll learn that normally the more people talk and insult others, the worse they were. I had a team screaming like idiots against me. Continually telling me to engage.

Put it this way, they want me to charge head first into an entire team of kiters(Vlad, Aniv, Ashe, Ezs). They love to engage right outside turrets, get baited like dumbasses, etc.

PS, Rediscovered love... Janna. She completely fits my playstyle to a needle.


I just started playing ranked, I'm something like 2-12, and my elo is around 800 now. Out of those 14 games probably half were decided by someone leaving/afking on my team, and a few others were due to something like my last game where a Lux had 10 deaths in the first 15 minutes. I feel like I've played maybe 4 games that I had any legit chance of winning.

I know the law of averages should mean that I'll face enemy teams with their own leavers/afkers/leechers, but right now this is absolutely infuriating.


sparkle this bitch
Duo queuing is only one of the few ways, to reduce the luck chance in Rank. I'm currently knocking on 1400's doorstep. And I'll play people who are fantastic, and some who might as well be level 1.


Neo Member
FlightOfHeaven said:
Loss Forgiven[/IMG]


Someone at Riot pressed the magical, "Yuck, our servers stink," button and prevented you from adding another loss to your collection. It usually happens when servers are under heavy load.


I find 5v5 premade to be the most tolerable ranked mode. I just entered the top 500 in Europe after a couple of wins once I managed to get together a team. Granted, two of the people in my team weren't good anyway, but at least we had 3 good players instead of 1 or 2.


Neo Member
Speaking of tanky teams...

A New Champion Approaches – Jarvan IV, the Exemplar of Demacia


Dragon Strike: Jarvan IV’s spear extends through his opponent, dealing physical damage and lowering their armor by a percentage. If this ability is cast on the Demacian flag, it will pull Jarvan through to his Standard, knocking up all enemies in his path.

Golden Aegis: Jarvan IV calls upon the ancient kings of Demacia to shield him from harm and slow surrounding enemies.

Demacian Standard: Passive: Grants Jarvan bonus attack speed and armor. Active: Throws a Demacian flag, dealing physical damage and granting passive benefits to nearby allies.

Cataclysm (Ultimate): Jarvan IV heroically leaps at his target, dealing physical damage and creating a circle of terrain around them for a few seconds.

Martial Cadence (Passive): Jarvan IV exploits his target's opening, dealing a percentage of the target's current HP as magic damage. This effect cannot occur on the same target for several seconds.

Pictures inside: http://www.leagueoflegends.com/news/new-champion-approaches-–-jarvan-iv-exemplar-demacia
has anyone watching the livestream noticed the ult meters on the left side beside the hero portraits?

Has it always been there for livestreams? or could it be an imminent feature in the upcoming patch?


LonelyIsland said:
has anyone watching the livestream noticed the ult meters on the left side beside the hero portraits?

Has it always been there for livestreams? or could it be an imminent feature in the upcoming patch?
I don't watch the livestreams, but do you mean the green dot next to the portrait? That has been there for a very long time.
Leezard said:
I don't watch the livestreams, but do you mean the green dot next to the portrait? That has been there for a very long time.

no, under the green dot there's a bar, I think it's for how long until someone's ult is up.


LonelyIsland said:
no, under the green dot there's a bar, I think it's for how long until someone's ult is up.
I just watched the stream a few posts above, and when the Ashe there used her ult, her bar below her dot didn't change at all. So what is this mysterious bar?
Leezard said:
I just watched the stream a few posts above, and when the Ashe there used her ult, her bar below her dot didn't change at all. So what is this mysterious bar?

all I know is, that it's not ingame currently.. lol

livestream's UI is scaled down now, so it's even harder to tell wtf it does. ahah


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Passive buff with active steroid?

Pseudo-blink/Distance Closer?

Situational stun/knockup?

Temporary Tanking buff?

Ultimate that lets you go RARGHRARGHRARGHRARGH?

Oh Riot hero design, may you never change.


aka surume
Halycon said:
Passive buff with active steroid?

Pseudo-blink/Distance Closer?

Situational stun/knockup?

Temporary Tanking buff?

Ultimate that lets you go RARGHRARGHRARGHRARGH?

Oh Riot hero design, may you never change.
lol, but to be fair, his (non-ult) distance closer takes skill to pull off and puts 2 abilities on CD.

LonelyIsland said:
all I know is, that it's not ingame currently.. lol

livestream's UI is scaled down now, so it's even harder to tell wtf it does. ahah
It's a shitty visual bug on that HUD component. The portrait isn't lining up correctly within the frame.


sparkle this bitch
You know what would be awesome, a new champion. Not just reharsh/retakes on current ones. Something like an Anti range/support champion. Has a reflect spell, where the next 3 seconds of range damage down on the champion is reflected back. Or maybe like a wall that block incoming range attacks.
shintoki said:
You know what would be awesome, a new champion. Not just reharsh/retakes on current ones. Something like an Anti range/support champion. Has a reflect spell, where the next 3 seconds of range damage down on the champion is reflected back. Or maybe like a wall that block incoming range attacks.

I think that ranged is already weak enough. Champs like Nasus, Singed, Udyr, WW, Trundle, and Irelia are becoming really popular watching these streams, most teams only grab 1 maybe 2 ranged heroes.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
shintoki said:
You know what would be awesome, a new champion. Not just reharsh/retakes on current ones. Something like an Anti range/support champion. Has a reflect spell, where the next 3 seconds of range damage down on the champion is reflected back. Or maybe like a wall that block incoming range attacks.
Gtfo with that anti-fun bullshit!



Archie said:
Competitive LoL is so boring to watch. *farm farm farm farm team fight*
Here is a hint: Every game in the "genre" is like this.
Halycon said:
Passive buff with active steroid?

Pseudo-blink/Distance Closer?

Situational stun/knockup?

Temporary Tanking buff?

Ultimate that lets you go RARGHRARGHRARGHRARGH?

Oh Riot hero design, may you never change.
To be fair, it really looks like they're attempting to make him an off-tank. No instant initiation while still having control and giving him survivability. Most Melee DPS have turned into this, they are beefy as hell but have some control/damage to go along with it. He's pretty nicely designed from what it looks like. Besides, recent champions have been doing lots of weird/different things... but no one seemed to have noticed that I guess.
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