played an hard game an hour ago...
udyr jungle..
closed with a 18/13/17 or something like that, because my team just refused to baron check/use ward/use oracle to avoid shroom and getting spot on...
by the end of the game i was running a powermachine udyr
madred, emrc threads, aegis, trinity, sunfire, pahntom dancer (think i should have gone for infinity edge, but w/e)
since killing was no longer an option, given that we reached the 50 minutes mark (thus each and every champion was sporting the end-game build, and apart from akali and teemo the were all tanky-sh) i had to be a lamer..
every 2 mins during a teamfight, oracle+ bear spam (to run faster) and on to their turret +inibitor.. dowining both in roughly 22-24 second since being detected by the tower itself..
they i ran to some sort of uncalled late-game spot (like dragon, that i was pretty sure was unwarded that late in the game, but anyway i had oracle on so w/e)..
thus i backdoored 3 tower + inibitor.. at that point i finally joined a teamfight cutting down teemo and poor alistair, thus resulting in a 5vs3.
uber quick nashor (our FIRST nashor....), and creep push mid...
managed to win the game, but it was a CLOSE call, with my group calling me noob for going to check when a ward was destroyed, and me calling them "tard" for
1) not using my wards
2) not placing their own wards
3) not using oracle, dieing to shroom on low hp and then swearing at the opponent teemo in /all chat
PLUS the game could have gone much differently, since late game teemo became much less interested in map control via shroom, hence i was able to backdoor their tower quite painfully (granted i had oracle on)...
all in all i'm starting to get the hang of udyr jungle, though i find him still inferior to ww, during teamfight he's a tank...
with that build i was sporting an insane amount of def, while pumping out abusrd damage AND being able to keep up with loosing life via turtle spam
tiger-->turtle-->bear --> rinse
this way i had the turtle up every 3 sec and i had perma up 3 stack of passive...
what i'm missing at the moment is the point of even having phoenix stance.. it's TOO shitty compared to tiger that grants as+dot..... either they buff it, or one can even avoid using it as is.. heck tiger at the moment is even better for jungling..