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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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sparkle this bitch
Halycon said:
I don't get why everyone's suddenly "Ire is OP". Was this because of the free week?
She has a strong early game, and scales well. She can harass with ease and quick, add on an ult that heals her near full while attacking. Basically a character you got to play with soft hands against. And like normal... most people are idiots.

Just won a 4 v 5. Other team had more kills, more minions, but jerked around. Or better to say, we had much better coordination then they had going. Caught them off caught, Push right to the back. Might I add, it was 4 v 5, after our center rage, got killed 6 times and quit.


I don't play ranked because I have nobody to duo queue with and I dont want to risk solo queueing it.

And I don't think the key to ranked is to carry as hard as possible, its to pick champions who can fill holes in your team. When I played ranked, all I wanted to play was Katarina and suffice to say, my ELO didn't get very high. You can't be a one dimensional player and hope to carry games as ashe or trynd.

Irelia is nice and all but her skills lack synergy with each other and so just make her boring to play.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
There is no single hero more rage inducing than Tryndamere.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I lost a game where we were 46-19 at one point. 46 to fucking 19.

Because everyone was running around going LOLOLOLOL I'M FED OH SHIT THEY FOCUSED MY SQUISHY ASS.

This pushing metagame is going need some serious getting used to.
undying rage?
I realize now Undying Rage doesn't mean Trynd is raging, it means whoever trynd is attacking/getting attacked by is raging.


Halycon said:
There is no single hero more rage inducing than Tryndamere.
Agreed. I really hate him. But I don't like the gameplay mechanic of auto-attackers in general; just feels really lame when someone stands there auto-attacking and does 1300 damage in crits over two seconds. Just feels really lame.
Macattk15 said:
But you're still already most likely dead from the auto-attacking king.
this :)
you need either a means for getting away (flash? exhaust? class-like blink) or sure you MAY kill him if you pop an ignite on him, but you'll dead anyway..
then again, late game you're not really supposed to travel "alone"...
a nice rework on trynda would be to "cap" the undying rage with a % of trynda max hp.. say he has 1900 hp? he gets undying rage for say 35% of his hp, if during said state he's damaged for more then there's a checkk with his current hp and he can die as anyone else..
buuut i'll admit that unless he can farm freely, he's just garbage... and you should not let any champion farm freely.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
If there was some hero that can reliably stunlock someone, I wouldn't mind Trynd at all. But unlike HoN or DotA there is no such hero in LoL. The best you can probably get is either Malzahar (lol channel) or Blitz with max CDR.

Although Olaf and Yi are pretty threatening once their ults are out, both of them can be consistently focused down. The only way you can stop a farmed Trynd is with 8 seconds of blind/stun/snare/cc. In a group fight it's incredibly difficult to do this considering how many cc spells are skillshots and how messy team fights can be.

These days I always carry Exhaust regardless of what hero I play (except in the case of jungle), simply because of the threat of Trynd (and other auto attacking heroes to a lesser extent). The usual melee counters, Randuin's and Thornmail, just don't work against him.

I know that "you shouldn't let trynd farm". But in normal pubs it's difficult to get everyone to do repeated coordinated ganks (since his spin combined with his ult lets him farm very very safely). Trynd, on the other hand, only needs to rely on his own farming abilities to reach his full potential.

I'm considering learning some junglers that can safely jungle and counterjungle, just to counter jungle Trynds.
Halycon said:
If there was some hero that can reliably stunlock someone, I wouldn't mind Trynd at all. But unlike HoN or DotA there is no such hero in LoL.

Thank god. That was such a retarded mechanic. Almost every game there'd be a Troll, trying to max out his speed and stun %.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I wish troll was in this game. Stunlock + blind = LOL TRYND.

Most epicest game ever.
Halycon said:
I'm considering learning some junglers that can safely jungle and counterjungle, just to counter jungle Trynds.
i'd say udyr..
his Q at early level is a killer, he can outrun in the beginning with e and stun...
your only issue with him might be that if you get focused and miss early gank, staying competitive with him is a bitch.. if you fall behind economy-wise you'll have to nerf your damage output a lot, for udyr need some solid defensive item and if you lack money you won't be able to cover def+offense :/
witchedwiz said:
i'd say udyr..
his Q at early level is a killer, he can outrun in the beginning with e and stun...
your only issue with him might be that if you get focused and miss early gank, staying competitive with him is a bitch.. if you fall behind economy-wise you'll have to nerf your damage output a lot, for udyr need some solid defensive item and if you lack money you won't be able to cover def+offense :/

I'd agree with you in saying Udyr. He can sorta stun lock Trynd with a stun every six seconds. As my main, I have no problem with survivability with him. If you max his turtle, as you should, he gains an extra 400hp every three seconds for 35 mana. The real key to his build for me is to go Wriggle's first. It helps you easily get Dragon, and you can stay out for as long as you like. Use jungle creep to regain life instead of going back. In team fights, initiate with Bear form and stun everyone you can, then switch over to Tiger and focus the nearest squishy. Then if they focus you, go into Turtle and if you think you can survive on the lifesteal and shield you gain stay, if you can't run out with Bear. Turtle also blocks damage from Ignite and Morde's ghost, so you almost never die from those.

From Wriggle's you can go either tanky with Banshee's/Sunfire, or you can build a Madred's, starting with the recurve/pickaxe. If you go Madred's you'll be able to solo Baron by 16. I normally call one other person over to help me just in case while the others on my team are pushing.

Just had the best game I've ever played. Was a ranked game, I went Udyr as my team's second to last pick. Our team was bitching all the way up until first blood from our Ezreal against a Morde top. Somehow throughout the game, we never died. We had zero deaths. The game was fairly close too. It took us like 35min to win, and it was only 10-0 kills to death. The key to this? We must have put down 50+ wards throughout the game. My favorite was one I put with Wriggle's in the bush that comes from the jungle/lizard on bot above the first tower. Right after I placed it there, their whole team came and sat on the ward for a good 2min.

I'm now up to my second highest ELO ever, at 1296, and I'm on a 9-game winning streak. I have to think it's going to end soon. :(


I would have to say Rammus is the best jungling ganker in the game. Powerball taunt = gg whoever gets caught honestly.


sparkle this bitch
Dealing with Tyr, I've always found that you either want another bastard character(Nasus, Xin, WW), basically someone with a lot of life leech or defense, and high damage. Force him to burn that ult early and he's useless. If not. Lux or Janna can make sure that Tyr will do absolutely nothing.

Anyways, just broke 1400 Elo. Had another team of people crying about Ire being overpowered. Had an idiot center who gave her a few kills, got kind of fed so she could really fuck up the squishies. Everyone else did pretty good(Lux was great), and they picked a heavy melee, AD intensive team. Nice way to say, Sunfire, Thornmail, and Chain Spam Radian's.


FlightOfHeaven said:
Good games to Kuinch, even if we did lose that one game because everyone else was terrible.

Yeah gg, I knew it was going to be bad when I saw that Siv had 800-999ms.......

I'll be on today too, so if anyone want to play, add and msg me: kiunch
I just had a 3 game losing streak...

Apparently, I am horrendous with Ashe (never playing her again), but am alright with Sivir. :/

I'll be on later tonight, as soon as I get a chunk of this thesis over with.


Kyoufu said:
I would have to say Rammus is the best jungling ganker in the game. Powerball taunt = gg whoever gets caught honestly.
I still like WW better. You can get away from Rammus if you have fast timing. You can't escape WW's ult unless he is terrible.
Blackface said:
I still like WW better. You can get away from Rammus if you have fast timing. You can't escape WW's ult unless he is terrible.

This reminded me of a funny instance:

I was teleporting back to base as a Warwick closed in. Just as I warp back he activates his ult.

He appears next to me at the spawn point. INSTA-DEATH
Well, that was another epic GAF game, MisterMysterious. Thanks for the invite.

And kiunch, we all need practice. My Sivir is still mediocre at best. At least my Lux got her chance to shine tonight!


sparkle this bitch
Blackface said:
I still like WW better. You can get away from Rammus if you have fast timing. You can't escape WW's ult unless he is terrible.
WW pretty useless till 6, and even then. All he has his the ult. Good ward placement, or just avoiding the normal ganking spots neutralizes most of him. Ram is basically out of no where, can turret dive like a boss, and locks you up for a good 3 seconds between roll and taunt. Normally while dragging you back.


FlightOfHeaven said:
Well, that was another epic GAF game, MisterMysterious. Thanks for the invite.

And kiunch, we all need practice. My Sivir is still mediocre at best. At least my Lux got her chance to shine tonight!

First lesson I need to learn not to charge toward 2 melee, especially when one of them is xin =/
With heroes who have dash/charge/blink moves, you learn their spacing over time... or by going into the bot mode and picking that hero.

It's just something you gain over time.

Also, I keep Flash on me at all times, just for the situations where they catch me off guard. Flash -> E = vrrrooomm the fuck outta there


sparkle this bitch
Banning Ire over Shen, when they have first pick and it's Shen free week. I am really fucking hating this Ire OP fad.

You either get someone crying on your team. Instead of understanding the character, and feeding. Or you get some idiotic bannings. Or a lot of whining.

Game went fantastic though. Haven't had this bad one a one side slaughter in a very long time.


I have been playing Irelia exclusively and while I've been doing well with her, I don't exactly feel OP with her. She is just fun to play, like Akali.
Erasus said:
My ELO is 896.

Any fucking point in going solo ranked anymore, or should I just play normal games forever?

If you have more fun in draft mode then normal blind drafts, I guess so. I mean, it depends if you have fun in Ranked or not. If no, then go play normal.


sparkle this bitch
Erasus said:
My ELO is 896.

Any fucking point in going solo ranked anymore, or should I just play normal games forever?
Could always pick up your own game. Play tanks or support. Pick characters that are good comp to a team, or strong counters to another. Basically a carry(My definition of a carry is a bit different, since I see them as ones that Syg extremely well with a team). Map awareness, knowing key spots, and warding work well also.

Might I add, Wards, Wards, Wards. Do not blame other people for the lack of map awareness. Had a dude bitch at me for not having Clair up every 10 seconds. He got ganked a few times. What changed? Absolutely nothing. He told me it was my job to buy wards and stop failing with Clair. He got killed a few more times, raged harder, and we lost.
I played four games today with varying success. Finally broke my 9-game winning streak in Ranked when I duo-queued with a friend of mine who has an ELO of 1080 or something. I failed a gank at their lizard a few minutes after minions spawned, which got three of us killed. The sad thing is, if they didn't go in to try and help me, none of us would have died. I was Udyr with Ghost and Blue Buff, no way were they catching me. Our Ashe mid then went on to feed a Malzahar, blaming the failed gank that he ran into really late. It all snowballed after that. I ended up having one of my worst Ranked games ever, went 0-9-1. Most of these were right near the end when Malz was one-shotting everyone with his ult

My second game didn't seem to start off great. It was a normal game, and everyone on my team had either an AD or AP carry while picking until the last two or three seconds when everyone changed heroes. We ended up with an Amumu, Shen, Nidalee (me), Twisted Fate, and Garen. Our Shen never managed to connect to the game after the loading screen, so we were down 4v5. Our two bot got a triple kill before minions spawned. I faced another Nidalee mid who was convinced that AD Nid > AP Nid. We were fairly even for a while, but I got a really fast Rabadon's somehow, like 16min one. I way out did him late game, and managed to one-shot their team's Shen with a spear who was at like 3/4ths health and lvl7 when I was lvl11. We rolled even in the late game.

Then I had two long very even Ranked games. Won one with Udyr. The other team had a Nasus who sat there and could absorb damage from our team for a good 30sec without dying, it was ridiculous. Lost a long game with Ashe. They had too much tower diving capability with a Kass, Jarvan, Karma, and Maokai. Seemed like they got away from every team fight with 100hp a piece. I think I ended up 8-4-12, but I really wasn't doing much damage by the end, not nearly enough to deal with their tanks (they had one more who I can't remember).
uhm no offense, eve viable?
solo queue MAYBE if you're in lane against scrubs who place no wards, but in a normal game against competent players? well no, really no...
her early game got screwed, mana screwed as well for a promise of a "better late game".. heck a gank char doesn't need a "better late game", it just needs a strong early gank capability that will place her miles ahed of her opponents...
and in all honesty, eve can't fullfull that.. i don't know you man, and maybe you're a REALLY strong eve player, but mark my words.. nowdays a good evelyn is CARRIED by her lane-mate early game and is just a so-so ganker, unless overfed... but other characters when overfed are easily better...
my two cents..
Hey everyone, I am new to this game. I played HoN but found it too hardcore for my liking and hope LoL will provide me some middle ground but still be competitive at the same time. My nickname in game is Hotjamz, so if anyone wants to play let me know :)
witchedwiz said:
uhm no offense, eve viable?
solo queue MAYBE if you're in lane against scrubs who place no wards, but in a normal game against competent players? well no, really no...
her early game got screwed, mana screwed as well for a promise of a "better late game".. heck a gank char doesn't need a "better late game", it just needs a strong early gank capability that will place her miles ahed of her opponents...
and in all honesty, eve can't fullfull that.. i don't know you man, and maybe you're a REALLY strong eve player, but mark my words.. nowdays a good evelyn is CARRIED by her lane-mate early game and is just a so-so ganker, unless overfed... but other characters when overfed are easily better...
my two cents..

I can always count on you to try and bring me back down to reality! But alas! I love eve too much to hear all that. Honestly, it sounds like you are just regurgitating what the patch which nerfed her said and what other people have said. I was just as skeptical as you; and maybe she will still suck if I solo que. But right now im jst playing normals getting my friend to 30 and shes more than viable.

And don't blame it on lane mates, both game we won last night had atrocious lanes for us.

Most recent game:
Xin and Sion v Urgot and Moaki on top
Malphite and me v Caitlyn and Heimer


Hey guys, I figured I'd ask this here.

I was just looking through my old PAX 2009 swag bag and found a code for a "Champion Twisted Fate" skin.

Is this worth anything at all? Just wondering because it looks like the game wasn't even out yet when I got this.


Lead Based Paint said:
I can always count on you to try and bring me back down to reality! But alas! I love eve too much to hear all that. Honestly, it sounds like you are just regurgitating what the patch which nerfed her said and what other people have said. I was just as skeptical as you; and maybe she will still suck if I solo que. But right now im jst playing normals getting my friend to 30 and shes more than viable.
Agreed. Friend of mine was playing her a good bit recently and we did well with ganks in every game. It was always well coordinated since we play as a 5 man team, but still, she can be effective.


witchedwiz said:
uhm no offense, eve viable?
solo queue MAYBE if you're in lane against scrubs who place no wards, but in a normal game against competent players? well no, really no...
her early game got screwed, mana screwed as well for a promise of a "better late game".. heck a gank char doesn't need a "better late game", it just needs a strong early gank capability that will place her miles ahed of her opponents...
and in all honesty, eve can't fullfull that.. i don't know you man, and maybe you're a REALLY strong eve player, but mark my words.. nowdays a good evelyn is CARRIED by her lane-mate early game and is just a so-so ganker, unless overfed... but other characters when overfed are easily better...
my two cents..
I feel the same about Tryn, he's a good carry when over-fed, but there are better ones... and its even easier to stop a Tryn from getting fed.


Second-rate Anihawk
darthbob said:
Hey guys, I figured I'd ask this here.

I was just looking through my old PAX 2009 swag bag and found a code for a "Champion Twisted Fate" skin.

Is this worth anything at all? Just wondering because it looks like the game wasn't even out yet when I got this.

You can get >$100 for it on eBay
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