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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Halycon said:
Passive buff with active steroid?

Pseudo-blink/Distance Closer?

Situational stun/knockup?

Temporary Tanking buff?

Ultimate that lets you go RARGHRARGHRARGHRARGH?

Oh Riot hero design, may you never change.

I'll buy him as I do every new melee champion it seems. Sorta seems OP on paper. Then again I think most champions are OP .... except for that Teemo fucker. I loathe Teemo players.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I was commenting more on how they seem to stick with the same building blocks for every single melee hero they crank out.

Only Trundle actually feels different with his wall thing.

What is the item order for Irelia? Thanks.
Triforce Build:
1. Doran's Shield
2. Boots
3. Phage/Sheen/Zeal depending on what you think you'll need for ganks
4. Merc or Berserkers depending on whether you need the extra CC prevention
5. Finish other components of Triforce
6. Phantom Dancer if you're doing well
7. Banshee/Force of Nature if you're feeling squishy
8. Items depending on situation.

Wriggle Build (viable in both lane and jungle)
1. Cloth + 5 pots
2. Boots
3. Madred's Razor
4. Merc or Berserkers depending on whether you need the extra CC prevention
5. Wriggle's
6. Ghostblade or Wit's End or Sword of the Divine or Triforce (Wit's and SotD are kind of troll items while Ghostblade involves yet another button to keep track of
7. Banshee/Force of Nature if you're feeling squishy
8. Items depending on situation.

Viable items on her include:
Last Whisper
Black Cleaver

Basically you want to avoid pure damage stuff like Infinity Edge and Bloodthirster. Although if you're getting fed there's certainly nothing wrong with piling on the damage. Otherwise you want to make the most of her Hiten Style and to do that you need loads of AS.

Irelia is extremely versatile, and she can benefit from pretty much any non-AP item. Only go AP if you are:

1) Super pro
2) In a premade where other people can carry you

Played with somebody with this skin. Image came to mind

Damn, Sona is just so easy and fun. This game was pretty amazing; went back and forth a lot, and we almost lost twice. Every person on my team did their job perfectly towards the end. My healing was ridiculous, around 400 per cast. My build worked out pretty nicely, too; it made sure I had some survivability, lots of movement, and extremely spammable abilities. I still dropped to mana close to 0 frequently, though.

I have close to 12k IP now, and I'd rather not spend it. I'm still trying to decide between fleshed out DPS/Tank/Caster rune pages or Blitz and Jarvan.


Halycon said:
I was commenting more on how they seem to stick with the same building blocks for every single melee hero they crank out.

Olaf, Irelia, Garen. I think the thing is, for a melee to be successful in the previously ranged strong metagame they need a few of the things you listed - blink, damage reduce, cc. Melee dps get fucked up so hard with ranged kiting and general aoe. See Yi who only has a blink and an "anti kite" skill and he's pretty average (I might even say bad).
I hate patch day :(

It feels like it takes forever for the servers to get back up and when they do it's usually several hours past the estimated time and they're of course getting completely hammered so nobody can login for a few more hours after that


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Is Jarven being released this patch?

I just saw the spotlight. He looks pretty ridiculous. Gonna need someone dedicated to countering him.


Halycon said:
Is Jarven being released this patch?

I just saw the spotlight. He looks pretty ridiculous. Gonna need someone dedicated to countering him.

Just counter him like you counter any other melee. Stun him and blow him up.

Usually if there is a spotlight it means the champion is coming out that next patch, doesn't it? Has always seemed that way to me.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Yeah just played a game with Jarvens on both team.

In other news Cassiopeia is totally awesome.


First game with Jar....went like 2 kills/10 deaths/25 assists lol he is pretty crazy if used right. Just gotta get used to using his skills together well and all should be well.


Neo Member
Macattk15 said:
Just counter him like you counter any other melee. Stun him and blow him up...

I just laned against a DPS Jarvan and tank Treenuts as Cho, and they didn't pose any sort of threat. Even with their double snares, I got rarely dropped to a dangerous level. Jarvan's shield was always late, or expired quickly, and his low level spear did laughable damage. The double knockups got annoying, but they couldn't follow it up with anything.

I've seen him do better as a fat initiator until he ults and locks half of his team in/out of his magical rock palace, but if that's what you're in the mood for, just go Malphite and get randuin's omen.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I don't see her much!

And for good reason, boy is she squishy. And micro intensive.


sparkle this bitch
Halycon said:
I don't see her much!

And for good reason, boy is she squishy. And micro intensive.
Seems a bit like Karma. Too squishy and extremely easy to shut down. Now a bad starting lane though.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Indeed. I'd like it if her stun lasted longer and was more reliable, or she had a stronger slow, or some escape option or more range.

Currently, there's some serious cognitive dissonance with Cass. She needs to be as far away as possible in order to not get initiated on, preferably hiding behind beefcakes like Nasus or Renekton, yet close enough to throw her Q to harass and keep up her passive, or placing her W behind anyone who gets close enough to force them to get slowed or move around. Twin Fang is also ludicrously short ranged.

Karma, at least, can shield + tether away.

I always knew Xin Zhao was good but I never actually played him. He can be quite terrifying, even when underfarmed. Squishies just die if they are near him.

Farewell 2 hour tug of war games. You will be sorely missed.
Just played as Maokai.

So much fun as a caster/tank hybrid. I got a Cap on him, and the little bombs were destroying people. Lots of survivability, too. Throw out the ult, stun and run around as your team rescues you.


sparkle this bitch
Xin has always been pretty good. High damage, and high HP. Quick with attacking too, and his ult is still the tank killer. His early game definitely improved from when I started.

But he's pretty easy to shut up after he burns his charge. So I have little problems with him when I play squishies. Just got to feel when it's coming.


Halycon said:
Indeed. I'd like it if her stun lasted longer and was more reliable, or she had a stronger slow, or some escape option or more range.

Currently, there's some serious cognitive dissonance with Cass. She needs to be as far away as possible in order to not get initiated on, preferably hiding behind beefcakes like Nasus or Renekton, yet close enough to throw her Q to harass and keep up her passive, or placing her W behind anyone who gets close enough to force them to get slowed or move around. Twin Fang is also ludicrously short ranged.

Karma, at least, can shield + tether away.

I always knew Xin Zhao was good but I never actually played him. He can be quite terrifying, even when underfarmed. Squishies just die if they are near him.

Farewell 2 hour tug of war games. You will be sorely missed.

I use movespeed quints and of course the quickness mastery ... with ghost and flash as my summoner spells.

I then proceed to play pretty defensively though she can harass quite well if you are good at predicting where people are moving. Also in many cases get people low enough and when you poison them which generally causes them to back up a bit but with the speed boost you can catch up and chuck at least one Twin Fang.

I almost always get Rod of Ages first on her which helps with the survival.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Yeah, tank AP items are a must on her. Playing Archangel Cass is soooo risky.

I think one of her strengths is that not a lot of people know how she works, so they'll try to rush you down and while you get to spam Twin Fang in their face allll day.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.

Just one of those games where everything comes together.

Would've done better if I could land my taunt 50% of the time :p

I hate to admit it but Xin is just so much better than Irelia. Almost identical in skillset and playstyle but he just does his job so much more consistently.


Second-rate Anihawk
When is Riot going to implement pauses? Every one of my losses today is because of a teammate disconnecting and not coming back until 10 minutes into the game.
I have now figured out the best way to beat a beefy team in Ranked. I panicked when I saw the other team had picked Mundo, Nasus, Olaf, and Jarvan. In the past I have had a lot of trouble with similar teams, I usually decided to go my main or whatever I knew best. The one and only answer is TRUNDLE. He is a true beast in there. Luckily my team also had a Shen and Zil who were great at saving lives. We still rolled to a fast victory, and they had no farm compared to us, which was great.

To specify a bit more. Trundle has great survivability, can siphon off even more defense with his ult, especially off of tanks. His Pillar of Filth divides their whole team in team fights, is awesome for cutting off people trying to run, and blocks off whole sections of the jungle. His two other abilities are great for pushing towers and jungling. He can also easily solo Baron.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Blitz goes Manamune, Berserkers and 4 sapphire crystals. Said he's turning them into RoAs.

My entire team facepalmed. Luckily he was a competent blitz and we managed to win despite fighting against a fed kennan.


aka surume
Had 2 epic Renekton wins tonight, one with Flight/Southern. Haly, you should join next time, I msged you. Name is Rayven.

The longest game EVER

They had 3 times the amount of kills we had. We'd take down two inhibitors and it still wasn't enough. We'd baron and still, we weren't strong enough

I, yeah as Sona, finally initiated a run on their last inhibitor and FINALLY took them down.

With the team, of course.


Unconfirmed Member
Halycon said:
I was commenting more on how they seem to stick with the same building blocks for every single melee hero they crank out.

Only Trundle actually feels different with his wall thing.

Triforce Build:
1. Doran's Shield
2. Boots
3. Phage/Sheen/Zeal depending on what you think you'll need for ganks
4. Merc or Berserkers depending on whether you need the extra CC prevention
5. Finish other components of Triforce
6. Phantom Dancer if you're doing well
7. Banshee/Force of Nature if you're feeling squishy
8. Items depending on situation.

Wriggle Build (viable in both lane and jungle)
1. Cloth + 5 pots
2. Boots
3. Madred's Razor
4. Merc or Berserkers depending on whether you need the extra CC prevention
5. Wriggle's
6. Ghostblade or Wit's End or Sword of the Divine or Triforce (Wit's and SotD are kind of troll items while Ghostblade involves yet another button to keep track of
7. Banshee/Force of Nature if you're feeling squishy
8. Items depending on situation.

Viable items on her include:
Last Whisper
Black Cleaver

Basically you want to avoid pure damage stuff like Infinity Edge and Bloodthirster. Although if you're getting fed there's certainly nothing wrong with piling on the damage. Otherwise you want to make the most of her Hiten Style and to do that you need loads of AS.

Irelia is extremely versatile, and she can benefit from pretty much any non-AP item. Only go AP if you are:

1) Super pro
2) In a premade where other people can carry you

What kind of Runes/Masteries would you take on her?

Interested in trying her out


Chopperman said:
What kind of Runes/Masteries would you take on her?

Interested in trying her out

My 19/4 game was with armor pen marks, dodge seals, cooldown reduction glyphs and health quints. Masteries 0/17/13 but you can honestly roll any mastery setup you want. The standard 21/0/9 or whatever works (and gives you more damage but less survivability).

Regarding Xin. Irelia has a better early game but I think Xin's late game is better.

Although if you asked me who I'd rather play, then Irelia hands down.... :p


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
HeartAttackJones said:
Had 2 epic Renekton wins tonight, one with Flight/Southern. Haly, you should join next time, I msged you. Name is Rayven.
Oh hey Rayven, I must've missed your message. I have a habit of leaving the LoL client on in the background.
Chopperman said:
What kind of Runes/Masteries would you take on her?

Interested in trying her out
Any set of masteries works on her. I agree with Kyoufu on the 0/17/13 thing or something similar. Basically you want to give her some survivability combined with mana regen to extend her laning power. Offense is actually not that great for her because she's a mix of many different damage types, physical, magical and true so she doesn't get as much out of, say, 2% crit as Ashe would. You CAN go 13/17/0, for extra Armor pen and last hitting ability, in order to further bypass your opponent's defenses.

I don't have much n the way of runes but from what I've seen around the internet she tends to benefit most from ASPD, ArPen, CDR, and defensive runes. Mp5 runes work well for her always (scaling as always) because she only needs a bit of extra regen to achieve sustainability.

And yeah, I think Xin is the all around better hero but Irelia is definitely more fun to play.


Neo Member
Chopperman said:
What kind of Runes/Masteries would you take on [Irelia]?

When I jungle with her, I usually run 11/18/1
Crit, Smite, Attack Speed, Armor Pen (The 2% crit IS important, because it gives her the ability to crit. Nobody likes 0% crit chance, do they?)
Magic Resist, Armor, HP Regen, Dodge/Nimbleness, HP

My rune page is a mix that gives me:
+15 Armor Pen (21 w/ masteries)
+3% Dodge (5% w/ masteries)
+20% Attack Speed (24% w/ masteries)

W, E, Q. R>W>E>Q

I used to start with the green elixir/6 health pots, but I had different runes and didn't like not having an item that builds into something early.
Now, I start with the standard cloth armor/5 health pot combo. Starting at Golems, I smite early (I know, I know... bad idea). Then I do wolves and head over to the Lizards with full HP from pots (2 or 3 so far?) and smite off CD. Lizard is down around 4 minutes and I'm ready to gank at level 3.

The build orders posted above work pretty well, although, between Phage/Sheen/Zeal listed in the Triforce order, there's not much of a competition between Sheen and Phage/Zeal. Sheen gives you a ton of burst.


I'm wondering if its possible to get out of the 900 bracket in ranked. There are just far too many idiots that lose the game for you.

Should I just make a new account? I'm confused :(


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Queue with friends :p

It's funny there are LESS idiots in Normal games. I guess so many bads play ranked because they want to inflate their epeen.


sparkle this bitch
Last 5 games," Pick Ire, She's so OP". And last 5 games, every team with Ire lost.

It's going be funny in a month or two, when people realize she's just okay. Xin just does everything she does better, and Trundle is better at the jungle/gank game.


shintoki said:
Last 5 games," Pick Ire, She's so OP". And last 5 games, every team with Ire lost.

It's going be funny in a month or two, when people realize she's just okay. Xin just does everything she does better, and Trundle is better at the jungle/gank game.

Irelia is more fun though. Her ult especially.
I don't plan on going into Ranked. I don't see any benefits of doing so. Normal is a bit more relaxed, with people willing to try out new things.

I'm going to hazard a guess that most of the complaints about the LoL community come from people who play Ranked almost exclusively.
I have more fun in Ranked in general. Of course I'm on one of my runs that I get in it right now. I'm on a 5 game winning streak and have been captain of every single one of those games. I really prefer being captain, because if you get first pick or the second/third bans. You can force the other team to give you one of the good tanks. I make them decide between either Shen or Amumu if I can. If they ban Shen, I go jungle Amumu and win. If they ban Amumu, I trade Shen to someone else and ask for Ashe/Udyr. Works really well. Mind you that win streak brought me from 1190 up to 1245, which isn't exactly stellar.

If you are stuck in the 900s, I don't know what to tell you. I think my lowest ELO was around 1080 right when I started playing Ranked. You pretty much have to go hard carry if you want to get out. Go Ashe, go Trynd, go Karth, someone like that who can win a game alone.


Of course I had to do a Demacian team with my friends, I ended up jungling as Jarvan. Slow but not terrible. Game started getting fun when teamfights started going on. Galio + Xin Zhao + my ult were hilarious til people kept flashing out of my terrain circle.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I don't get why everyone's suddenly "Ire is OP". Was this because of the free week?
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