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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Nocturne will be fun for people who enjoy playing squishy carries that aren't Yi.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Wellllll, if you tank out a hero like Yi you're not really playing Yi anymore, you're playing a watered down Xin Zhao :p
Fuck this game. I have like a 15 game losing streak, not counting one solitary game that was won today.

Every game turns out horribly. All of them. Either I do pretty well and the rest of the team sucks, or I fucking blow it completely and damn the entire party.


Nocturne for me is looking better with every bit of information we are getting.
Now, let's see if he's going to cost the standard 6300 ip or if I can get it in a short time.

(Also hi, long time lurker, recently activated user, I play in both european and US servers, is there a list of other gaf players from the former?)


sparkle this bitch
The question always remains... Can the Troll team, win against a real team?

Malph, Vlad, Kat, Jar, and Shaco. Vs Hermer, Janna, Twitch, Ez, and Nasus.

5 minutes in, Top gone. Janna and Hermer go to Bot. 5 minutes more. Bot Gone. They switch to center. 5 minutes more. 2 center are gone after an ace. 10 minute stand off with just Janna and Hermer sitting in the center holding their entire team off. While the other 3 do whatever they feel like. Top side and Bot side gone. All unite and center is gone to their in hibs. One more team push and final top gone and win. All in about 30 minutes. Best game ever. Why? Hermerdong was our tank, Nasus was AP, and so forth. Amount of trolling me and Hermer did in the center was god like. just stood there batting minion wave after minion wave. And every attempt they made to kill us. Either result in death for them, or us just running away pretty much untouched.

Poor Kat got blamed on their team =[
Can anyone recommend a good beginner's guide? I've played in the solo queue long enough to get to level 11, but I still feel like I have no clue what I should be doing most of the time, and have almost no concept of how to (or if I even should) Jungle effectively. I've settled on Olaf as the champion I'm trying to really learn with, having played Kayle and Pantheon previously.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Olaf is:

1) A great jungler, but needs runes and masteries to make him less vulnerable to counterganks
2) Not so great at laning. I've seen a few good Olafs lane but this was mostly because of the synergy they had with their partner
3) Generally not that easy to play

These things are less true at lower levels but just be warned that he's not a good hero to pick as a main for someone new. As for guides I don't know of any, but I'd be happy to answer any questions you have and I'm sure everyone else in this thread would as well.
Halycon said:
Olaf is:

1) A great jungler, but needs runes and masteries to make him less vulnerable to counterganks
2) Not so great at laning. I've seen a few good Olafs lane but this was mostly because of the synergy they had with their partner
3) Generally not that easy to play

These things are less true at lower levels but just be warned that he's not a good hero to pick as a main for someone new. As for guides I don't know of any, but I'd be happy to answer any questions you have and I'm sure everyone else in this thread would as well.

My first maybe 5-6 games with Olaf I picked a lane with a mage or ranged type person and stayed there pretty much the whole game, and I felt pretty good about him; I was able to actually survive fights with other champs, and get a good bit more kills.

Then, last night I took him into the Jungle right at the start of the match with the first part of a Madred's Razor (the armor, I think), and I could barely kill anything without nearly dying, and even did die to the Lizard and Golems. It was awful.... do I need to get to 30 and have full runes and masteries in order to hit the jungle right off, or is it just not done until you can hit level 3 or 5 or...?

I like Olaf, but I'd be willing to take suggestions for other champions that are more noob friendly. Kayle is pretty fun, but I kind of wanted to mix it up with other champions more, and Pantheon was just too fragile, I felt.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Blast Processing said:
Then, last night I took him into the Jungle right at the start of the match with the first part of a Madred's Razor (the armor, I think), and I could barely kill anything without nearly dying, and even did die to the Lizard and Golems. It was awful.... do I need to get to 30 and have full runes and masteries in order to hit the jungle right off, or is it just not done until you can hit level 3 or 5 or...?
I don't remember very well but I'm pretty sure Olaf is one of those heroes that NEED proper runes and masteries to jungle effectively, along with Udyr, Akali, Irelia and a few others.

If you're doing fine in lanes then more power to you, I always felt underpowered as a lane olaf so that's my own experience talking.

It seems you like melee champions? Try Garen, Xin or Warwick. All of them are good in the lane phase and WW can jungle easily without runes. Out of what's available this week I would recommend Gangplank and Tristana for beginners.
Hard to get good with Leblanc without a good early game. Anyone have tips for me on how to maximize her potential?
Good early game is pretty much necessary to playing Leblanc. Try going mid to get those extra ganks that can help her snowball. The best leblancs I've seen all went mid and started ganking sometimes as early as level 4. If your opponent is a pussy (the kind that runs away when you go in), then take advantage of that and play aggressively. She has great range and burst even before level 6.


sparkle this bitch
Jazzy Network said:
Hard to get good with Leblanc without a good early game. Anyone have tips for me on how to maximize her potential?
She's no different than Eve, Panth or a bunch of others. You need that good early game. Otherwise you're just a squishy with mediocre damage that forces you in close range.

I said it on the other page. We had a Leblac who made up for 2 complete asshats on my team, to the point where she was one shotting Sion. I've been watching some Fists of the North Star and it was like watching Kenshiro at work. They were already dead before they knew it.


Neo Member
Jazzy Network said:
Hard to get good with Leblanc without a good early game. Anyone have tips for me on how to maximize her potential?

First of all, do not play her in ranked. She is simply not a good team champion.

Here is my LeBlanc build:
Masteries: 21/0/9
Runes: Magic pen (red and quintessence) and mana regen per level (yellow and blue) Summoner spells: ghost and ignite
Opening item: Doran's ring
Skilling priority: 1) R 2) Q 3) W 4) E

My first six skills...
Level 1: W
Level 2: Q
Level 3: Q
Level 4: E
Level 5: Q
Level 6: R

Philosophy: LeBlanc really accels in the laning phase. She is arguably the strongest single target nuke characters in the game right now. You absolutely must put your team ahead by several kills before you hit level 10. If you can't get at least two kills, then you have failed your team. Her Q is extremely cheap and it's on a very short cooldown so be sure to use it to harass your opponent.

Pre-6 combo: Q -> W -> (W)
Use this combo to soften your opponent before you hit level six. You need to make sure that your W lands on top of the opponent for the bonus damage so that it triggers the silencing effect of your Q, then imediately tap W once again to return to your starting position.

Quick combo #1: W -> Q -> E -> Q -> Ignite
Use this combo if you have harassed properly and your opponent is low enough to gank before you reach six. Again, this is a pre-six combo that does a shitload of damage. Don't be shy in the laning phase, stand close to the minion line and make your opponent fear

The full combo: W -> Q -> R -> E -> Q -> Ignite
Once you reach level 6, stand on the OTHER side of the minion line and actively deny your opponent cs and xp. This combo should be a guarenteed kill in the laning pase.


Blast Processing said:
Can anyone recommend a good beginner's guide? I've played in the solo queue long enough to get to level 11, but I still feel like I have no clue what I should be doing most of the time, and have almost no concept of how to (or if I even should) Jungle effectively. I've settled on Olaf as the champion I'm trying to really learn with, having played Kayle and Pantheon previously.

Nunu is a cheap, safe, highly effective jungler. Warwick and Trundle are great too. Olaf starts off weak and needs a optimized rune page to get the most out of it but after that, he snowballs so fucking good.
don't play olaf as a beginner champion, use something safer...
tanky side
garen.. not INCISIVE, but you really can't go wrong with garen.. build him tanky and you'll be the survivor!
or nasus! tanky hybrid build!
or renkethon!

ap side

you gotta use some not-overly-strong offtank, so you can build them for survivability and still do your role, while getting a few kills here and there..
as ap i've given you 2 ap users that have strong "ohshitohshit" spell that can get you out of the pinch (namely vlad's W and ryze's W) while not being skill-shot like (morg's Q for one)..

as for guides...
leaguecrafter or sololane offer both some decent tips on playing a few champion, but be sure to use positive rated guide that refers to at least 1.109+ else it too old and may be severly outdated :)

as for the how to, if you're on eu servers i can do some match with you if you feel like.. while not being a GOD, i'm good enough to drill you through the basics (plus i'm doing at least two match per day with some lowbie friends, so there will be no issue even if you're totally new)

in case my ID is WitchedSoul..
forget my latest games as i'm still trying to get the hang on swain and decide if it's worth to use it in ranked of any sorts or it's just not useful enough :X


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
First time playing ranked.

2 wins so far, both times we made them surrender at 25.


If I grinned any harder my face would split in half.

(I laned until level 10. 10! My first item back was Triforce along with boots and mantle.)


Was on a losing streak recently, but had a good game tonight:

technically my best corki game so far, 3rd best game overall after a couple of twitch (pre-nerf) games, though to be fair the other team probably should've surrendered at 20min. still under 50% w/l for the past week or so, but guess it makes up for it a little.


Horrible game as Akali today, at the first 20 min I was 6/0/2, we had 8 kills while the other team had 0.

Then they wiped us once because of some stupid mistake, and all 3 of them came back stacking mres. To make the matter worst all 3 out of 5 are tank character. At like 40 min marks, my burst don't even take half of their half, then I got chain stun to death. It doesn't help that our tank suck, dying so fast I don't even notice that we had a tank.

We just keep getting push back, soon our Ashe rage quit and its gg. Seems like against tanking team I alway guaranteeing to lose no matter how good my early game is. I could get the magic penetration boot + Abyssal, but that's only 40 magic penetration, and I gave up a lot of defense and doing a lot less damage using them.


sparkle this bitch
Never surrender even if you lose one. We were getting our ass kicked and our Nunu took about 20 minutes to leave(Aka The guy who has to go, but keeps talk). He finally leaves and the minute he left. Where we have a single tower left. We didn't just fucking win. We fucking won! Killed 4 to our 1 loss, Aced their team to 0 losses, Killed 3 and then proceeded to take the base fully.

And I realized, regardless of what class I play. I can't ever seem to get anything but support scores. A few kills, a few deaths, and an ass load of assists.
Kiunch and I were either matched against bots or noobs tonight... because we're so terrible.


Edit: And in the one game I'm doing well as Xin Zhao, our tank decides to troll and purchases 4 boots and goes to fight Baron.

I cannot catch a break.
Uh... hope I'm not breaking any rules of etiquette, but here are two codes from my pax swag bag that someone here might want to use.

These are for the cardboard tube samurai skin for Jax


meltingparappa said:
Uh... hope I'm not breaking any rules of etiquette, but here are two codes from my pax swag bag that someone here might want to use.

These are for the cardboard tube samurai skin for Jax

this one was still available, thanks for sharing man ;)


Subconscious Brolonging
I team up with a friend of mine and we play normal matches all the time, we tend to do fairly well. Here's my recent matches:


We're both about to hit level 30 and I'm wondering if we should start playing ranked. Does it matchmake better? We only play for fun and don't care about epeen, is there really any benefit to playing ranked? Is it worth even trying if you don't have character-specific rune builds? I have a general tank/survivability build that will be maxed out when I unlock the final slot, but am I going to get screamed out of matches if I play Trynd without crit runes?
Nick is Mooshashi (original, I know).
Level 22, working to get to 30.
I missed out on DotA, was busy LoaP-ing my days away.

Anyways, I was just using my first post to say hi and welcome anyone to add me in-game.
Tend to be on most everyday if only for a single game.
Main Jarvan, because I'm a scrub.
Macattk15 said:
Unless you magically re-validated the codes, I'm calling BS.
i'm on eu server, summoner id WitchedSoul..
if you feel like doing a custom i'll show you the skin i got..
this should do nicely as well..

Uploaded with ImageShack.us

and please, next time at least be polite enough to say "i don't believe you", for calling bs on another user claim is so 4chan :)


sparkle this bitch
Fisticuffs said:
Poppy has become my favorite character to play. Such power in a little package ^-^
Her and Singed are the two characters I want to ban(Currently)... but people bitch at me when I do now.

I'm definitely going insane because of Ire. Every game has produced the Ire OP talk. Normally given a solo lane, to either get fed on, or get fed by an idiot. Who then will scream Ire OP or blame his team for not defending his lane.
AP teemo is now my ranked champ of choice.

Used to hate the little fucker and i guess i still do but I decided to hell with it I might as well learn the little bastard.


I find that keeping deaths to a minimum (You want to die as close to zero times as possible) is paramount to his success, and given the nature of his character, it really isn't too bad.

I also found out today that he is listed as a support champ now which is interesting.
shintoki said:
Her and Singed are the two characters I want to ban(Currently)... but people bitch at me when I do now.

They are correct to do so. I will play against any champ in ranked as long as theyre not Malphite, Shen, Ram, and Amumu currently.

Maybe when the patch hits Malphite won't be a insta ban anymore so well see.


Fisticuffs said:
Poppy has become my favorite character to play. Such power in a little package ^-^
I love me some AP Poppy. On top of her bullshit/awesome passive, I love to nuke a carry in a hot minute with Diplo and a DFG. I hate her early game but she wins games.

Goon Boon

Been playing alot of Singed since I got that skin. Jesus christ I had a game where a mundo chased me down and I had 20 hp and just barely killed him and escaped. People never learn not to chase singed do they?

Also missed out on pax jax keys by being in-attentive, blast.


witchedwiz said:
i'm on eu server, summoner id WitchedSoul..
if you feel like doing a custom i'll show you the skin i got..
this should do nicely as well..

Uploaded with ImageShack.us

and please, next time at least be polite enough to say "i don't believe you", for calling bs on another user claim is so 4chan :)

Oh. Didn't factor in the silly european possibility. Both of the codes were taken almost instantaneously on the US side I guess. Didn't know it worked like that.
PalaceAthene said:
Anyone play Nocturne at Pax?

How is he? Anything worth mentioning?
i'll be buying him fo'shizzle...
anyway i'm missing only overused mechanics champion (like irelia... aka everything i do, xin zao can do better :X) and i've got 13k ip stored, so i'll try it and post some impressions tomorrow...
what bugs me are
1) ratio of the skills??
2) good champion for solo queue, but if the opponents are all on vent/ts (aka 3+ group queue)... well his ult loose much value, for a good coordinated group can easily overcome the missing los..
3) will he have a ranged normal attack or melee normal attack?


Hey Guys...ic have some questions - is it normal that people don't know:

- what lasthitting is
- what "pls don't push the lane" means

I mean - i went on a lane with Heimerdinger (urghs) he he put his turrets all the time. I asked him to stop putting his turrets down. But he flamed me. He flamed me for like 30 minutes. Eventually he got killed. He blamed me.

This stuff happens all the time. I don't know what to do about it. They are always like:


Goon Boon

robatw said:
Hey Guys...ic have some questions - is it normal that people don't know:

- what lasthitting is
- what "pls don't push the lane" means

I mean - i went on a lane with Heimerdinger (urghs) he he put his turrets all the time. I asked him to stop putting his turrets down. But he flamed me. He flamed me for like 30 minutes. Eventually he got killed. He blamed me.

This stuff happens all the time. I don't know what to do about it. They are always like:


Last hitting means that you get the last hit on an enemy minion or hero, earning you either all (for minions) or most (for heroes) of the gold bonus.

Pushing is when you hit down minions alot more than just last hitting, bringing the battle closer to their tower and making you more susceptible to ganks or just being pushed out of the range where you're able to earn exp or gold. Its discouraged early game because the tower takes about three shots to kill most heroes early on, making it a risky endeavor to commit to. Pushings is better for middle-game or late-game, or when both/one hero in the lane are dead, rather than missing.
last hit = you last hit creeps or enemy champion for kills, this way you get money (or in case of enemy champion kill this way you get MORE money, since the assist nets you considerably less money)..
as for lane push..
it really depends on you tbh.. there are several possible way of creep management..
for example
1) lane push: IF you think you can manage your lane AND you have a good map control (be it via sheer intuition, via ward or w/e) you can effectively push your lane and "deny" your creep with tower kill of your kill... but it's sort of risky unless you know what to do..
2) lane pull: you want to play it safe, and want to get an early kill for your jungler.. you let someone push under tower and kill them while they try to escape.. cons: as in lane push you risk creep getting pwned by tower, hence no last hit for you.. so you have to be at least decent at creep last hitting..
3) exp cut: you let your creep deal with their own adversary and HEAVILY harrass their champion.. they will be forced to back gradually and will loose part of the exp derived from creep death..
usually you deal with the lane accordingly to one of those three tactics depending on your lane setup, but if you're beginning just be sure to last hit and play "sure" aka if your creep are crossing the river's height, you're overpushing...
He's not asking what those are. He's asking if it's normal that people don't know what they mean. And no it's not. You should know what those mean after at least a few games played.


haha thx for the effort..but indeed i know what that means.

i'm just so frustrated..i began playing ranked games. and my laningpartners don't know that stuff...

and eventually i am the noob for not autoattacking the creeps...:/
Jazzy Network said:
He's not asking what those are. He's asking if it's normal that people don't know what they mean. And no it's not. You should know what those mean after at least a few games played.
ouch i was in the middle of a wipefeast on nefarian 25hc so i just skimmed through the topic, sorry robatw for misreading your question :/
anyway.. well it depends, my cousin is level 14 and he's completely clueless...... but then again he's a sorry excuse for a player :X
that being said, NORMALLY, most people can lane "allrite" after 5-6 matches..
heck, i started playing in october and i ONLY played with level 30, for my friend and his friends were all 30, hence i was constantly matched with people that were higher (supposedly more skilled) than me.. so I learned it the hard way, when i had traps set up on me and i was there just asking "how comes there's nobody on this lane?!?!?!?!" :X
anyway enough with the digression..
who else will make tomorrow a "nocturne day"? :p


robatw said:
Hey Guys...ic have some questions - is it normal that people don't know:

- what lasthitting is
- what "pls don't push the lane" means

I mean - i went on a lane with Heimerdinger (urghs) he he put his turrets all the time. I asked him to stop putting his turrets down. But he flamed me. He flamed me for like 30 minutes. Eventually he got killed. He blamed me.

This stuff happens all the time. I don't know what to do about it. They are always like:


Tell me about it, I always hate people that keep all the creep asap at beginning of the laning phase instead of only doing last hit. I worked so hard into pushing enemy behind xp range, just so the other guys push the creep toward their tower so enemy can just sit in tower and get xp. I can't gang anymore since they are right next to their tower. I am so piss off knowing that I can kill someone or force them to return as long as they cannot tower hug, against some character that had horrible early game but OP end game, this could cost the match.

To make it worst, pushing all the way to tower open you for ganging from mid, every time the mid went MIA we have to freak out to run out of the xp range to tower.

I guess that little chip damage on tower is totally worth it.
robatw said:
Hey Guys...ic have some questions - is it normal that people don't know:

- what lasthitting is
- what "pls don't push the lane" means

I mean - i went on a lane with Heimerdinger (urghs) he he put his turrets all the time. I asked him to stop putting his turrets down. But he flamed me. He flamed me for like 30 minutes. Eventually he got killed. He blamed me.

This stuff happens all the time. I don't know what to do about it. They are always like:


I'm fine with it as long as you don't steal minion kills. There's been a lot of times where I've been grouped with a ranged unit who kept stealing my siphon strike kills.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
So they nerfed irelia!

In everywhere that doesn't matter. Still I look forward to someone going "OMG Ire OP" and I can say "lol she was nerfed this patch u bad".
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