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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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lotta black folks here
Feep said:

Yeah, so utterly strange that they didn't at least have a quote at the end of the video like they always do(as far back as I can remember), was hoping to hear your VO, heh.


BlackWaltz said:
Yeah, so utterly strange that they didn't at least have a quote at the end of the video like they always do(as far back as I can remember), was hoping to hear your VO, heh.
What if they hated me = (


les papillons sexuels said:
I'm fine with it as long as you don't steal minion kills. There's been a lot of times where I've been grouped with a ranged unit who kept stealing my siphon strike kills.

i can't remember laning with nasus. and yeah i would steal any single lasthit from guys who autoattack like stupid earlygame. it's my punishment...


sparkle this bitch
Halycon said:
So they nerfed irelia!

In everywhere that doesn't matter. Still I look forward to someone going "OMG Ire OP" and I can say "lol she was nerfed this patch u bad".
Ire is so OP, don't you know? She's instant ban in every high rank game!

Lead Based Paint said:
They are correct to do so. I will play against any champ in ranked as long as theyre not Malphite, Shen, Ram, and Amumu currently.

Maybe when the patch hits Malphite won't be a insta ban anymore so well see.
Why? Because people can't handle normally low damage, easy to loose tanks? A good Shen or Ram is still fairly manageable, but difficult. A good Singed is beyond brutal.

Looking at patch notes. Kass nerfs, Zilean nerfs, and a few more. Basically my favorites are safe ^_^
shintoki said:
Ire is so OP, don't you know? She's instant ban in every high rank game!

Why? Because people can't handle normally low damage, easy to loose tanks? A good Shen or Ram is still fairly manageable, but difficult. A good Singed is beyond brutal.

Looking at patch notes. Kass nerfs, Zilean nerfs, and a few more. Basically my favorites are safe ^_^

loose tanks? like sexually?

But in all seriousness it's not about "manning up" and not banning them, it's just proven that the four main tanks all have abilities that I and most would consider detrimental to gameplay.

Amumu's aoe ult is a invitation for cheesy aoe ult builds
Malphite's aoe ult does the same.

Shen's taunt and gobal ult shield take global champ teams over the edge in terms of constant shit to be ready for.
And Rammus' taunt and powerball are just not fun to deal with.

The decision lies in preferring not to have to deal with Tanks that have taunts and aoe Ults which in my opinion are the biggest threat to a good, even match.


FlightOfHeaven said:
Had a few awesome, decisive games today in order to break my losing streak.

And Kuinch is making good use of my Sona build, ho ho ho

Yeah I start liking the build, the early game is weaker, but at least I don't have to spam heal myself. I still prefer to sell those stone instead of upgrading it.

Talking about Sona, they nerfed her early game again, low level cost more mana (high level cost less), does less damage, and all her healing got nerfed big time (both based and AP ration wth). I am not sure about the new passive, I don't see myself using the 20% debuff or the 30% slow.
kiunchbb said:
Yeah I start liking the build, the early game is weaker, but at least I don't have to spam heal myself. I still prefer to sell those stone instead of upgrading it.

Talking about Sona, they nerfed her early game again, low level cost more mana (high level cost less), does less damage, and all her healing got nerfed big time (both based and AP ration wth). I am not sure about the new passive, I don't see myself using the 20% debuff or the 30% slow.

That's what's pretty awesome about the stones; you can upgrade them, or sell them, but it benefits you either way because by the time you are in a position to do so they've paid themselves back and then some. I think what they did to her passive is... interesting. And they buffed her base heal, so it should be slightly more useful, but lowering the AP ratio really hurts. At least her R is more usable.

Also, the stones allow you to be more aggressive early game. You can spam Q more, and you can run in and out while taking a couple of hits.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
shintoki said:
Ire is so OP, don't you know? She's instant ban in every high rank game!
I still think this is silly but I have to admit every game I play as Ire on rank has me doing pretty well.

I think people playing ranked just suck!
Karma is a decent hero. I think she's an amazing support.


So good. I think I'm getting decent with Maokai.


sparkle this bitch
Lead Based Paint said:
loose tanks? like sexually?

But in all seriousness it's not about "manning up" and not banning them, it's just proven that the four main tanks all have abilities that I and most would consider detrimental to gameplay.

Amumu's aoe ult is a invitation for cheesy aoe ult builds
Malphite's aoe ult does the same.

Shen's taunt and gobal ult shield take global champ teams over the edge in terms of constant shit to be ready for.
And Rammus' taunt and powerball are just not fun to deal with.

The decision lies in preferring not to have to deal with Tanks that have taunts and aoe Ults which in my opinion are the biggest threat to a good, even match.
You fear the good team comp, I fear the characters who break up the good team comp. For every good one I see of them, I also see 2 or 3 just kited into oblivion.

Halycon said:
I still think this is silly but I have to admit every game I play as Ire on rank has me doing pretty well.

I think people playing ranked just suck!
I play fairly passive with good map awareness, So I never had much of a problem with her. Not to say, there haven't been games where she becomes a fed beast. But everytime that happens, it's the team's fault or player. She's a squishy eater. Heh.

Jazzy Network said:
Is Karma bad? Been wondering if I should buy her. Also been thinking about finally picking up Malzahar. He seems like he can rape face.
I don't think Karma is bad, but she's just not very good. She is definitely a difficult character to play. She's a support, who has to be in close range. Unlike Sona or Janna who can hang back and kite like bosses. She doesn't have the luxery, and seems to get killed extremely easily unless you have a strong CC team who can protect her(Not bad for a heavy melee team).

Malz has an extremely brutal "qwer" combo. We're talking instant death for pretty much anyone but the tank. But he's also easy to interrupt. He's decent to be honest.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
shintoki said:
I play fairly passive with good map awareness, So I never had much of a problem with her. Not to say, there haven't been games where she becomes a fed beast. But everytime that happens, it's the team's fault or player. She's a squishy eater. Heh.
Yeah she really punishes aggressiveness.




sparkle this bitch
Halycon said:
Yeah she really punishes aggressiveness.


Similar to how I play Nasus, but Ire can also harass fairly well too instead of waiting for that moment where they done fucked up.

The self heal+Leblac dash in/out. Against certain squishies, she can absolutely wreck their shit.

Had a fantastic loss though, just now. Our WW and TF were both "Pro" players. So basically, they both sucked and screamed at each other.
shintoki said:
You fear the good team comp, I fear the characters who break up the good team comp. For every good one I see of them, I also see 2 or 3 just kited into oblivion.

I guess it's just a matter of preference.

For me, I trust no one other than myself and my friend so I see those 4 guys as the pieces to the cheese puzzle that won't screw me over per se, but rather rip my teammates apart.

I would rather just not take the chance.


oh wow didn't know there was a thread for league of legends. been playing for a while now
just got to level 30. how is nocturne?

i want to buy him but i seem to regret buying every new hero because they end up not being very customizable or even playable until a buff


Ferga said:
oh wow didn't know there was a thread for league of legends. been playing for a while now
just got to level 30. how is nocturne?

i want to buy him but i seem to regret buying every new hero because they end up not being very customizable or even playable until a buff

Super OP, at least when I am playing Sona, at level 4 laning that dude killed me so fast I don't even know what I did wrong. I was so close to my near my tower too.


kiunchbb said:
Super OP, at least when I am playing Sona, at level 4 laning that dude killed me so fast I don't even know what I did wrong. I was so close to my near my tower too.

time to have some fun i guess hehe


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Pretty good jungle, ganking and carry potential.

I loled at everyone who thought his ult would be some kind of game changing thing. Your vision radius is still pretty damn big.

The blink portion though, that shit is just nuts.
Halycon said:
Pretty good jungle, ganking and carry potential.
I loled at everyone who thought his ult would be some kind of game changing thing. Your vision radius is still pretty damn big.
The blink portion though, that shit is just nuts.

I disagree.

As Maokai, I was trying to snare an enemy that was chasing an ally. Paranoia hit, and I lost them both. Turns out they were just out of vision, but within range of snare, so I couldn't do anything until it was too late.


FlightOfHeaven said:
I disagree.

As Maokai, I was trying to snare an enemy that was chasing an ally. Paranoia hit, and I lost them both. Turns out they were just out of vision, but within range of snare, so I couldn't do anything until it was too late.

Not to mention the scary sound effect, and the whole screen turn black, as Sona your whole team disappear in front of you.

I scream like a little girl every time someone activate it. Had a game earlier with Noct in both team, was horrifying as squishy support.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
FlightOfHeaven said:
I disagree.

As Maokai, I was trying to snare an enemy that was chasing an ally. Paranoia hit, and I lost them both. Turns out they were just out of vision, but within range of snare, so I couldn't do anything until it was too late.
Imagine if it reduced your vision to your immediate surroundings (think melee range).

That's what The Dark Lady's (HoN) ult did, and it's really just a minor annoyance.
Halycon said:
Imagine if it reduced your vision to your immediate surroundings (think melee range).
That's what The Dark Lady's (HoN) ult did, and it's really just a minor annoyance.
Could it be better and more terrifying? Yeah. If it only did that, then it'd need to be melee range vision. However, since he has blink, some range is justifiable.


Subconscious Brolonging
Nocturne is alright, I definitely feel like I haven't mastered him yet. His ult is pretty nice but I've honestly found his dot/fear to be his most useful skill. Any melee carry with CC that good is going to be dangerous.


Doing really well lately and I'm close back to 1400. Cho and Shen taking me back up there!

How is Ire nerfed again? She still seems pretty damn strong to me.

Nocturne was already getting banned a few times in the ranked games I've played. Seems really strong right now.


sparkle this bitch
His ult isn't what matters, as much as the combination of the other three skills. Which is absolutely brutal for ganking early game. The ult is just icing on the cake. The speed bonus+ignore collusion, the charge+ignoring one attack, and the fear all in unison. We still won both of the games versus him, but he had to of had over 460 movement to catch up with my Janna.

All I know is, I'm getting carried pretty hard in my last few games.

Edit: Nocturne has to be currently bugged or something? His charge or whatever is going 1/4 of the way across the map.


My first game as Nocturne I went 14-6. Started off 7-0. But I was feeding off an easy Sivir and stole a kill or two. The other team was mostly AD except Katarina so I built a Thornmail (F'ing Nasus) but I was still getting dropped quite easily late game.

His early game and gank potential is crazy. I sniped 2 or 3 kills with Duskbringer when people thought they were safe .... range on it is pretty far.

It is quite key to absorb some sort of spell when ganking with your W. I'd almost always be able to absorb the Wither from Nasus or Sivirs Boomerang ... then it became easy pickins.

My 2nd game with him wasn't so great (5-6 I think) but we had a feeder Poppy and a Tryndamere who didn't let me jungle in the beginning. They also had a Nocturne / TF Combo.


How are you guys building noc? And what order of creeps are you jungling in the beginning? I tried noc last night and I think he has potential, but I didn't really do great with him, and I'm pretty inexperienced when it comes to jungling.
Not Nocturne-related, but I wish we either had pages for Masteries like we have pages for runes, or that each champion we choose have their own presets tied to them.

I've had a couple of games where I forget to switch masteries or runes (or even spells!) and it throws off the whole game for me.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Aesthet1c said:
How are you guys building noc? And what order of creeps are you jungling in the beginning? I tried noc last night and I think he has potential, but I didn't really do great with him, and I'm pretty inexperienced when it comes to jungling.
Same way I'd build Shaco I guess?

Cloth + 5 x Pots
Bloodthirster/Black Cleaver
Black Cleaver/Bloodthirster
Phantom Dancer

Jungling Order:
Blue golem -> Wolves -> Wraiths -> Small Golems -> Gank or B -> Red -> Wolves -> Wraiths -> Golems -> Ganke

Of course there's no reason to start at blue golem as far as I can tell, he's not really dependent on mana at all in the jungling phase
How is Ire nerfed again? She still seems pretty damn strong to me.
Damage and ap ratio was toned down on her ult (like it matters). Ap ratio toned down on her nuke (lol APrelia). And she lost about 60 base hp.
Edit: Nocturne has to be currently bugged or something? His charge or whatever is going 1/4 of the way across the map.
Seems intentional, Riot needs to look up the definition of the word "nearby". The first time I popped his ult I was like "wtf where's the range circle?" until I realized it extended farther than Ashe's Hawk at lower levels.


sparkle this bitch
Halycon said:
Seems intentional, Riot needs to look up the definition of the word "nearby". The first time I popped his ult I was like "wtf where's the range circle?" until I realized it extended farther than Ashe's Hawk at lower levels.
Dude went from about Dragon, to their 2nd row turret on the bottom. That just seems fucking broken.
FlightOfHeaven said:
Not Nocturne-related, but I wish we either had pages for Masteries like we have pages for runes, or that each champion we choose have their own presets tied to them.

I've had a couple of games where I forget to switch masteries or runes (or even spells!) and it throws off the whole game for me.
use AutoLol for masteries switching..
you save a template in the program, then when you wish to change to that template simply
1) oepn Autolol
2) select the desired mastery from mastery browser
3) open mastery screen in the champion select
4) press "play" in AutoLol
5) wait 4 sec
6) press save masteries in Lol
Done :p


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
shintoki said:
Dude went from about Dragon, to their 2nd row turret on the bottom. That just seems fucking broken.
At least it's not global!

(it might as well be)


I just bought Karma the other day, while I am satisfied with my purchase I wish I could've just saved for Jarvan instead. Sure he's free this week but lol, he's so freaking fun to play. Jumping on to people while screaming DDDEEMMAACCIIAAAAA is so satisfying and he hits so freaking hard.
Great games guys, was a lot of fun. I think we showed the other teams what GAF power really is.

While we forgot a screenshot of the results for the first game, I submitted my logs and you guys can see the results here: http://www.lolbase.net/matches/view/US106822003

The second game, I think someone else got a screen of, but it can also be seen here: http://www.lolbase.net/matches/view/US106841759

Some of the images are out of date on the website, so not all of the new heroes or items show up.
I got ya covered, stopsign.


I only got the second game, but I am ashamed of my performance tonight. I swear, I'm normally not that bad. Like, check out the game RIGHT AFTER:



But yeah, playing with GAFfers is a blast. Nothin' like team chat.


Subconscious Brolonging
Heavy said:
Are people still getting Banshee's as often with the cooldown now 45 secs? That's a lot

I get it when I play tanks that tend to be mana starved. Having a decent dose health, mana, and MR all in one item still make it valuable.


this community can be so terrible i cannot comprehend it

it's like counter strike only you're stuck with them for the next 20-50 minutes

also, only jerks play teemo. this is scientific fact. played against 3 different teemos today who ended up calling everyone faggots and in general being huge pieces of shit regardless if they're doing bad or good

mah gawd


At around 1450 now. I've seen a mix of good and bad Noc's. That ult can mess up the enemy chasing a teammate which made for some hilarious escapes and bitching by his teammates lol. At the same time, I've been playing Shen if he doesn't get banned and that ult totally messes up mines, can't select fools I can't see!

I want in on these gaf games!
y2dvd said:
At around 1450 now. I've seen a mix of good and bad Noc's. That ult can mess up the enemy chasing a teammate which made for some hilarious escapes and bitching by his teammates lol. At the same time, I've been playing Shen if he doesn't get banned and that ult totally messes up mines, can't select fools I can't see!
I want in on these gaf games!

Use their portraits on the upper lefthand corner. It works.

Also, I fell asleep, woke up, and played a game. I'm addicted. : /


But had a pretty epic game! Nothing compares to the GAF games, though.


Heavy said:
Are people still getting Banshee's as often with the cooldown now 45 secs? That's a lot

Oh yea I still get it if I am tank. Or if the other team just has a lot of magic damage, even as carry/squichy


FlightOfHeaven said:
Use their portraits on the upper lefthand corner. It works.

Also, I fell asleep, woke up, and played a game. I'm addicted. : /

I don't recall but does it show character health? I'll keep that in mind if I know which hero is already being attacked but if I don't, you know some shit is going on but you just dunno where lol. Add me! y2dvd

And yeah, I'm addicted again as well esp now that I'm getting good winning streaks. :|
I wasn't really paying attention specifically, but it seemed like you were doing fairly well in the games Flight, your score just didn't balance out. You also had tele which saved quite a few towers for us.

Rook is one of my friends in those games because we didn't have a fifth, and he quite enjoyed the experience. The game is soo much better on mics (even though mine broke recently), makes it more entertaining and easier to plan things out.


Feep said:
What if they hated me = (

I bought nocturne. You voice is so fucking perfect! :D

He is pretty good, but needs a good team really. You are not supposed to go in right away in a fight, gotta wait a few secs, pop ult, zooom to a carry/squichy and go to town!

Anyone got a good build yet? Been using the recommended items :3 Though he does not need zerkers boots as his W passive gives 40%... dunno why they went with that
We need to arrange more team games. Or are we all on nightly? I'll need to be adding more folks.

Who plays regularly, has a good attitude, and has Skype/Vent/Mumble?
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