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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Erasus said:
I bought nocturne. You voice is so fucking perfect! :D

He is pretty good, but needs a good team really. You are not supposed to go in right away in a fight, gotta wait a few secs, pop ult, zooom to a carry/squichy and go to town!

Anyone got a good build yet? Been using the recommended items :3 Though he does not need zerkers boots as his W passive gives 40%... dunno why they went with that

it seems to be how they build the champs, they build for a single aspect, like zil with cdr, or trist with attack speed.


This is how im building nocturne right now:

lifesteal (i can lane for so long with this item)
serker greaves
phantom dancer
ramuin's omen

and another blood thirster if the game is still going

I had a game where i had 3 blood thirsters and a serker greave. I was pretty much unkillable and i did massive damage but i had the worst beginning game

comments anyone? cause i have no idea on how to build nocturne right now
FlightOfHeaven said:
We need to arrange more team games. Or are we all on nightly? I'll need to be adding more folks.

Who plays regularly, has a good attitude, and has Skype/Vent/Mumble?
<--- me
but i think you're on US right? :/
i'm on EU...


FlightOfHeaven said:
Tonight, GAF did not play.

It was a shame. Tonight never happened.


Yep, I'm on U.S. I'll be adding Jenga...

If he stops trolling MLP.
it's ok, i have meticulously added every pony pedophile to my ignore list

any stragglers shall be met with extreme prejudice
Ha ha ha, accepted!

Also, if we do voice chat I have both Skype and Vent, but I'm willing to DL Mumble if people prefer that.

If people want to do skype, let me know.

I now have Vent/Skype/Mumble, so if you wanna holla...
FlightOfHeaven said:
Tonight, GAF did not play.

It was a shame. Tonight never happened.


Yep, I'm on U.S. I'll be adding Jenga...

If he stops trolling MLP.

I think I just sorta blacked out for about 2hrs there. Not sure what really happened.

Let's say this was the GAF game, and that in reality I am a serviceable Xin Zhao.
FlightOfHeaven said:
We need to arrange more team games. Or are we all on nightly? I'll need to be adding more folks.

Who plays regularly, has a good attitude, and has Skype/Vent/Mumble?

I'm from Europe, but have been playing on the US servers since beta. I usually play a few games every day. Champs I like to play: Singed, Nasus, Cho, Kat, AP Teemo, Sona.
My LoL name is Tribalsoul, I like to use Vent, but got Skype too.
Sometimes the community in this game is just frustrating. Just had a game where a Veigar on my team got mad at me because I was the only one who managed to escape from a teamfight and then I didn't manage to kill their whole team when it was 4-1. Playing with randoms just sucks.

So if any Gaffers wanna play a game sometime, just let me know. My handle is DIKSMAKR (sophisticated, I know). I play a pretty decent Annie, Lux, Urgot, Amumu, and Ashe.


Just got into this last week, and damn I'm addicted. Easily positive ratios outside of my first game (which I unfortunately had to leave :-/), and I'm looking forward to soaking up the IP to unlock some champs. Anyone here want to friend up and have a blast?


thestopsign said:
I think I just sorta blacked out for about 2hrs there. Not sure what really happened.

My computer and LoL account and my Skype account were hacked, you guys were actually playing with the hacker that suck in LoL, it was totally not me.

No way my Sona ult would miss 2/3 of time, and only hit 1 or 2 enemies when they all stack together.


Tier 1 runes are very good value and I think you could get away with buying those before you can access tier 3.

In other news, Kassadin is so much fun!


sparkle this bitch
Boken said:
Tier 1 runes are very good value and I think you could get away with buying those before you can access tier 3.

In other news, Kassadin is so much fun!
Tier 1 are good. They are about 50-60% of what a T3 rune would be. And to be blunt, you can normally get a full set for the single price of a T3. I still rock T1 runes outside of my support build. It does hurt a bit for early game, but it's nothing that skill can't over come.


FlightOfHeaven said:
Well, tonight GAF was riding a steamroller...

May be its because we lost so horribly the night before, I mean in the first game the other team are nothing but moving target..... =/?

The last game the enemy got a few kills only because we stop caring and pushing 2/3 vs 5, which we won with a few death.
kiunchbb said:
May be its because we lost so horribly the night before, I mean in the first game the other team are nothing but moving target..... =/?
The last game the enemy got a few kills only because we stop caring and pushing 2/3 vs 5, which we won with a few death.

Yeah... the first game I rushed a Sona at level 2 and got her. She was by herself. Their Anivia knew what they there doing, though, she was responsible for 4 of my deaths.

caromelo said:
I have the replay saved of the second game we played if anyone wants it.

That'd actually be neat to see, if only for the section where we continuously harassed and divebombed their second middle tower. I remember taking down Ashe there and being there for so long that she actually came back, fought again, and died.


sparkle this bitch
T2 runes are utterly useless. They are something like 70-75% of T3, yet 4-5x the cost of T1. Better to just buy T1 runes, till you get a healthy stock of Champions. Then get your T3(If you want, you can easily get buy T1... but there will always be those few cases early on where it will fuck you over)

Anyways, I kind of like to play with some Gaffers. But I'm not sure if I give my account name, or summoner name. Ended up losing a pretty brutal game. They picked an all AE team against my Nasus, So I kept us in the entire game.
Summoner name. Your login name is for login purposes only.

Epic battle with Ashe today. It was a premade but it was just a bunch of random guys put together. The leader was Trynd and sucked, but kept trying to make us surrender even after we lost our inhibitor. on vent he kept telling us we had no way to win and it was over.

It looked pretty bleak, but I was pretty fed and our Rammus was good at getting squishies off guard. So epic battle in mid and we killed off all their guys cept Teemo. Rushed the towers while Rammus tanked. I killed Teemo and we won.
Ugh. Constant surrenders are annoying.

We were winning one match, and one dude decided to surrender as a joke.

And then he kept doing it for the rest of the match, even though we had the momentum most of the time.

There were times when it was close, but no one, no one agreed with the surrender vote. Surprised when we told him to stop.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Sometimes I initiate a surrender vote just to troll the other team.

But I guess that wasn't what he was doing.
The first one was funny.

The next 6, in the middle of team fights, were not.



After the GAF games, I had my fastest and most successful game ever.


Pushed bottom in, from their second tower. That's right, we just continued from second tower in. Getting Divine was key; that thing is a tower killer, holy cow. Pretty sure there was just one tower I did not have a hand in taking.

Soraka saved me like twice, though, from their Anivia.


FlightOfHeaven said:
Yeah... the first game I rushed a Sona at level 2 and got her. She was by herself. Their Anivia knew what they there doing, though, she was responsible for 4 of my deaths.

That'd actually be neat to see, if only for the section where we continuously harassed and divebombed their second middle tower. I remember taking down Ashe there and being there for so long that she actually came back, fought again, and died.

Apologies on the late reply. If you have the program LOLReplays, you can view the game. It's still pretty buggy but its what you get when a third party resorts to developing this feature. I'm not sure if this thread has promoted it but its pretty useful, especially if people want to make things like frag videos or VODs.



sparkle this bitch
2nd game as Singed... Still sucking. To be fair, it was against an Alistar though. Cheap heals plus knockback kind of ruin my harassing.

But I'm figuring out him a bit more. Nothing great than throwing people back into your group of teammates!


Erasus said:
I bought nocturne. You voice is so fucking perfect! :D

He is pretty good, but needs a good team really. You are not supposed to go in right away in a fight, gotta wait a few secs, pop ult, zooom to a carry/squichy and go to town!

Anyone got a good build yet? Been using the recommended items :3 Though he does not need zerkers boots as his W passive gives 40%... dunno why they went with that
Thanks, man! = D


Erasus said:
I bought nocturne. You voice is so fucking perfect! :D

He is pretty good, but needs a good team really. You are not supposed to go in right away in a fight, gotta wait a few secs, pop ult, zooom to a carry/squichy and go to town!

Anyone got a good build yet? Been using the recommended items :3 Though he does not need zerkers boots as his W passive gives 40%... dunno why they went with that

This is how you build him.


How can I go 12/6/18 as Tank Moaki and still cannot win :(

I am starting to notice that most WWs in ranked right now love caps lock, yelling, being stupid, and blaming everything on everyone else.

Also, no Teemo I have faced kick ass like my Teemo.

I officially have pretty much 4 champions of different types mastered for Ranked.

AP secondary Teemo
Tank Maoki
Carry Urgot

Season 2 now please.


My team got completely shut down by the ultimate support team last night. Ashe/Amumu/Zilean/Kayle/Anne was too much even with the MR we were getting. We just could not kill anyone! I will definitely think about banning Zil in future games.

I'll add yall on tonight. I want in on this gaf games!
Why why why why do people get Aegis? The boost it provides in defense is almost negligible. Such a watery, half-ass item. >:/ Whenever I see our tank get it, I get somewhat upset.
FlightOfHeaven said:
Why why why why do people get Aegis? The boost it provides in defense is almost negligible. Such a watery, half-ass item. >:/ Whenever I see our tank get it, I get somewhat upset.

It very obvious that you don't understand what you are talking about.

No offense but I remember some of your "builds" you were telling people about and they very atrocious.

I don't see how you can effectively tell me the items worthless when my stats and matches prove otherwise


Aegis is one of the first items your support/tank should look into buying. It's cheap and provides your entire team with armor, mr and damage (even minions). The cost effectiveness is so high that the item is (mathematically) worth it even if you're running around solo.
Lead Based Paint said:
It very obvious that you don't understand what you are talking about.
No offense but I remember some of your "builds" you were telling people about and they very atrocious.
I don't see how you can effectively tell me the items worthless when my stats and matches prove otherwise

Hi. I've had about 200 matches of experience since then. Pardon me for experimenting when I was starting to learn the ins and outs of the game. I was expressing my opinion regarding Aegis; that while it does give a boost to everything, all of the boosts are small.

I personally prefer specialized items that do one or two things very well.

And a single item is only a small part of a game that is comprised of a multitude of variables. I could run around with 5 top tier items and a Doran's Shield, it doesn't mean the Shield is meaningfully contributing to my effectiveness. I, again, don't see Aegis as an item that'll noticeably improve the performance of any give champion, nor might truly contribute towards turning the tide of a team fight.


Feel free to be condescending towards an earlier version of me who had 50 matches total and had not played a DotA-esque game for 5 years.


270 HP, 30 armor, and 39 magic resist is a substantial boost for the person wearing the item, and the area buff is a small but helpful boost. Few items will give you a decent amount of armor and magic resist at the same time, and almost none benefit your whole team that way.
You guys must know something I don't, if there is such a consensus. I looked up the stats for Aegis and compared to all other items, and it seems Aegis falls right down the middle for what it provides. Admittedly, no other item does provide a health boost, armor, and magic resist at the same time, so I guess that's something.


sparkle this bitch
FlightOfHeaven said:
Hi. I've had about 200 matches of experience since then. Pardon me for experimenting when I was starting to learn the ins and outs of the game. I was expressing my opinion regarding Aegis; that while it does give a boost to everything, all of the boosts are small.

I personally prefer specialized items that do one or two things very well.

And a single item is only a small part of a game that is comprised of a multitude of variables. I could run around with 5 top tier items and a Doran's Shield, it doesn't mean the Shield is meaningfully contributing to my effectiveness. I, again, don't see Aegis as an item that'll noticeably improve the performance of any give champion, nor might truly contribute towards turning the tide of a team fight.


Feel free to be condescending towards an earlier version of me who had 50 matches total and had not played a DotA-esque game for 5 years.
Well, he's not wrong. People use to tell you how wrong your builds were, and you didn't listen. Experimenting is doing something productive, saying the Aegis is worthless is just poor play and lack of knowledge.

Here is why it's good
-It's cheap, something like 1600.
-It comes with a little bit of everything, great for a team with the tank, two AD, two AP.
-It gives your teammates a small boost. Early on, this can accommodate for a lot with the first 20-25 minutes of the game.

But the Aegis is similar to a Doran's item. You replace it when/if the game gets to the later stages, when you need a spot.

Your problem is that you are looking at something like 40-50minutes into a game(It is a poor item late game). Not the first 20 where it's a fantastic item. And in many cases, where many games could even be decided in.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Using most cost effective (expensive) items as a gauge of efficiency:
1 Health = 2.58g (Belt)
1 Mana = 2g (Sapphire)
1 Armor = 15.56g (Chain)
1 MR = 15.42g (Cloak)
1 AD = 37g (BFS)

The contender:
Aegis of the Legion: 1925g
270 Health = 696.6g
18 Armor = 280.1g
24 MR = 370.1g
12 Armor = 186.72g
15 MR = 231.3g
8 AD = 296g

Effective Worth of Base Stats: 1346.8g
Effective Worth of Aura: 714g
Total Effective Worth (Alone): 2060.8g
Efficiency (Worth/Cost): 107%
Total Effective Worth (Two people): 2774.8g
Efficiency (Worth/Cost): 144%
Total Effective Worth (Three people): 3488.8g
Efficiency (Worth/Cost): 181%
Total Effective Worth (Four people): 4202.8g
Efficiency (Worth/Cost): 218%
Total Effective Worth (Five people): 4916.8g
Efficiency (Worth/Cost): 255%

Undisputed Staple Tank Item
Banshee's Veil: 2715g
375 Health = 967.5g
375 Mana = 750g
50 MR = 771g
Blocks one negative spell every 45 seconds.

Effective Worth of Base Stats: 2488.5
Efficiency (Worth/Cost): 91%

(IIRC, the efficiency USED to be above 100%, back when someone first made the item efficiency spreadsheet. This was also when the cooldown on the block was only 30 seconds. I guess it's been nerfed quite a bit since then)

Obviously, you have to take into account matchup, team composition and playstyle of individual players when you talk about Aegis. Not every team fight will be 5v5, and not every enemy team is a good mix of AP/AD (although a good team comp usually will spread their damage between the two). Not every one of your heroes will be auto attacking, so they won't benefit the same way from the bonus damage. Even then, Aegis's benefit to you alone has an efficiency of 107%, compared to Banshee's 91%. Then you have to remember that not all tanks need mana. In fact most of them couldn't care less how much mana they have, except for maybe Singed and Blitz. And only Blitz can actually use mana to tank better. Consider how many times Banshee's saved your life by blocking a stun, a snare or Karthus' ult, with how many times it was eaten by a throw away nuke/aoe skill. The number of times the spell block is "wasted" is much higher than the times it saves your life and wins you the game.

Aegis is, mathematically speaking, potentially the most cost effective tank item. (and perhaps even the MOST cost effective item). The only other items even approaching it's levels of potential efficiency is Guinsoo, and possibly Bloodthirster. Banshee's, on the other hand, can sometimes make or break a team fight. When you buy a Banshee's, you are gambling on that chance to make it all worthwhile.

Aegis: Provides consistent and benefit to you and your team. Can be acquired very early in the game, sometimes on your first trip back if you're doing particularly well. Provides pure tank stats to you and a little bonus damage to everyone else.

Banshee's: Provides situational benefit to you and indirectly to your team. It also builds off of Catalyst, which is a bonus, and it's the only late game heavy MR item with HP.

Side Note:
9x Flat Armor Seals: 12.69 Armor
9x Flat MR Glyphs: 13.41 MR
9x Flat AD Marks: 8.55 AD

Having an Aegis provides everyone near you nearly a full pages of defensive T3 runes, minus the Quintessences. If you think runes are a large factor in how well you do, then the conclusion is obvious. if not, then feel free to ignore this detour.
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