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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Jungle Olaf is fun as hell. Been doing ok with him. Early ganks aren't that easy when he doesn't have that much CC outside of Undertow. He kills like a pro though.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
What runes do you use on him? I can never seem to get Jungle Olaf to work.
FlightOfHeaven said:
Wow, what an informative post! Thanks for putting that up. I guess I was wrong about its usefulness, but apparently it's best in the early game.
Yup. On Maoki I can get a Chalice of Harmony, Merc Treads, and Aegis by around 20 minutes.

This ends up giving me a very good amount of MR early which is more dangerous early game anyways and a healthy enough amount of Armor until I can get my sunfire built.


Nice info Halycon.

I pretty much ask all my teammates if anyone is picking up aegis. If not, I will. Team aura is always nice. I never knew the range on the aura though.

Been playing Malphite lately. My page is like mag pen, flat hp, mana regen, and cdr and my tree is 9/21/0. It's been doing me well. His initiation is crazy good. Is there any other effective builds with him?


y2dvd said:
Nice info Halycon.

I pretty much ask all my teammates if anyone is picking up aegis. If not, I will. Team aura is always nice. I never knew the range on the aura though.

Been playing Malphite lately. My page is like mag pen, flat hp, mana regen, and cdr and my tree is 9/21/0. It's been doing me well. His initiation is crazy good. Is there any other effective builds with him?

I just go straight tanky with him. Magic pen, armor, magic resist, HP quints. Also 9/21/0.

Opinions needed.

AD or AP Poppy? I started playing her and I tried both ways. I prefer AD so far. Allows me to still have some damage output outside of my abilities.
Macattk15 said:
I just go straight tanky with him. Magic pen, armor, magic resist, HP quints. Also 9/21/0.

Opinions needed.

AD or AP Poppy? I started playing her and I tried both ways. I prefer AD so far. Allows me to still have some damage output outside of my abilities.

Yeah, AP is more of an anti carry super burst inside ult and bail.


sparkle this bitch
Macattk15 said:
I just go straight tanky with him. Magic pen, armor, magic resist, HP quints. Also 9/21/0.

Opinions needed.

AD or AP Poppy? I started playing her and I tried both ways. I prefer AD so far. Allows me to still have some damage output outside of my abilities.
AP all the way. All poppy's need Sheen's too.

AD poppy is kind of meh, AP poppy is OMG, She just fucked our squishies up and there is nothing we can do about it!


shintoki said:
AP all the way. All poppy's need Sheen's too.

AD poppy is kind of meh, AP poppy is OMG, She just fucked our squishies up and there is nothing we can do about it!

Triforce thinger made me do the same thing as AD. I'd push Q and they'd lose half their health.


shintoki said:
Of course you eventually get the Triforce. The Sheen builds into it. Heh.

Its the first item I build on AD Poppy. I was just pointing out I seem to make health drop just as quickly as AD compared to AP.
"Its the first item I build on AD Poppy. I was just pointing out I seem to make health drop just as quickly as AD compared to AP."

AD poppy doesn't have the extra burst of a Deathfire grasp. More sustained damage from the AD, of course.


sparkle this bitch
Jazzy Network said:
I'n god awful with Poppy. Can't play her at all. I look like a newbie playing as her.
Some characters are easy to play, some aren't. The closest she plays like is Alistar, except Alistar is tanky. She's not.

She is a terrible laner, terrible jungle, and in general terrible character till she gets those first kills. Then she becomes a massive headache to any team she is facing against.

Macattk15 said:
Its the first item I build on AD Poppy. I was just pointing out I seem to make health drop just as quickly as AD compared to AP.
As already mentioned, she gets more benefit to her skills as AP. Poppy strength is her massive burst+Invincibility. She can break good team comps. Going AD isn't bad, but it doesn't play to her strength as well.


sparkle this bitch
Lead Based Paint said:
This is a good start here
Well, there goes my post.

To be blunt, Boots+Sheen. That will get you through the first half hour of a game. Heh. Outside of copying the normal popular builds on the site. It isn't bad to replace an item or two, depending on your play style.


6 losses in a row tonight. EVERY game I played had a leaver/afk'er/feeder. One of them. Always.

This is my last game below. Granted we had no "tank" but if it wasn't 3v5 we would of easily won.

I am Morgana (Siccar).


I really need to stop playing solo.


Second-rate Anihawk
Play 2 games in a row
Both games are over by 30 minutes
Both games have two idiots who refuse to concede
Both games are dragged out to >50 minutes where we are twiddling our thumbs waiting for the inevtiable.



sparkle this bitch
Nothing is wrong with a Tank Ire. She's actually pretty good.

Now when we have two other tanks, and she gets a solo lane. And builds her character entirely tank. Then something is wrong... Is it wrong that I'm still a bit grumpy over a game that happened about 4-5 days ago? Yes!


Was on a nice streak but this one lost was due to a Kayle that had connection issues throughout the entire game. I know everyone has connections here and there but man this one was pissing me off.

I don't mind an unintentional feeder as much as I mind idiots who fights over solo lanes. You know the ones that calls solo before seeing what the entire team picks to see who's most beneficial?

In another game, we had everyone bitch out an unintentional feeder. The feeder actually threaten to leave if he didn't get an apology. He was told to stfu lol. Luckily, he didn't leave though. I learn it's best to be as encouraging as possible. Whenever he got a kill or an assist I was like "GJ Sion (feeder that game)". Better to keep them happy and trying their best than to be pissed and playing worse.

I've been seeing a lot of ghostblade/raindum combos which seems pretty nasty so far on Ire and Noc.

Loving Malphite more and more. His ability to initiate from afar usual get's teams to focus me which is exactly what I want. I've been lucky with having carries being able to actually finish the job afterwards. Now up to around 1560 which is my highest yet!


sparkle this bitch
y2dvd said:
In another game, we had everyone bitch out an unintentional feeder. The feeder actually threaten to leave if he didn't get an apology. He was told to stfu lol. Luckily, he didn't leave though. I learn it's best to be as encouraging as possible. Whenever he got a kill or an assist I was like "GJ Sion (feeder that game)". Better to keep them happy and trying their best than to be pissed and playing worse.
Pretty much. Don't berate others, be encouraging.

Then report the assholes after the game. Had to do it to a Poppy last night. Started to bitch out a Lux(Who really fed a Nid hard, 3-4 deaths in 10 minutes). But it's not like everyone didn't fail either. Center ended up feeding, Bottom while we were the only ones to have some success. We could pushed out of the lane. And Jungle for being one of the quickest junglers in the game, took nearly to the 6-7 minute mark to gank.


shintoki said:
Nothing is wrong with a Tank Ire. She's actually pretty good.

Now when we have two other tanks, and she gets a solo lane. And builds her character entirely tank. Then something is wrong... Is it wrong that I'm still a bit grumpy over a game that happened about 4-5 days ago? Yes!

All irelia needs to destroy people is a trinity, it's pretty common to go tank/tankish items apart from that. with the cc boots and bv she's pretty much un-ccable and she runs almost as fast as Yi/Janna/Singed, i.e. your carry is dead.


Second-rate Anihawk
um, I think I might have experienced a map hack. Every once in awhile, all the enemy champs would show up highlighted on the mini map even if they were in their jungle or at a place with no ward. As far as I remember, there were no clairvoyances on my team and my lineup consisted of Shen (myself), Kog, Lux, Malph and TF.
For AD Poppy I go:

Philosopher's Stone
Heart of Gold
Vampiric Scepter
BF Sword
Finish Black Cleaver
Boots (I use W active for speed and have 3 points in the speed utility mastery, seems fine to get them this late)
Cloak of Agility
Finish Phantom Dancer
Sell Philo Stone, get BF Sword
Finish Bloodthirster
Heart of Gold into Randuin's

So the 6 items: Black Cleaver, Boots (type depends on game), Phantom Dancer, Bloodthirster, Randuin's Omen, Banshee's

For runes I use 3 gold quints and 1 point in the gold mastery, lol no joke.

Also, she can farm better than people think if you use your Devastating Blow to last hit, which is possible thanks to your Philosopher's Stone mana. Then when she gets Cleaver, she can 2 hit any minion so it's a piece of cake to farm. Almost every game I have the most gold earned by the end thanks to the quints and Philo/HoG early on, like usually a few thousand more.

This is not a standard build at all and I'm only average at the game lol but I've gotten 20+ kills with her many times with it and it's a lot of funt o play. I much prefer the sustained damage from AD Poppy over AP's burst. AD's burst is still great anyway


Archie said:
um, I think I might have experienced a map hack. Every once in awhile, all the enemy champs would show up highlighted on the mini map even if they were in their jungle or at a place with no ward. As far as I remember, there were no clairvoyances on my team and my lineup consisted of Shen (myself), Kog, Lux, Malph and TF.
Are you sure it wasn't just TF's ult?


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Archie said:
Well I'll be damned. I never knew TF's ult did that. I thought it was just a TP.
i loled so hard at this the other people in the computer lab are staring
Played Nunu for the first time last night.

WOW. All I had was a Philosopher's Stone and I managed to stick around for the longest time. I could harass safely, farm nicely, and had a magnificent ult. Not to mention he's only 450 IP. Bought him this morning.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Nunu = Jungler's worst nightmare.

He don't give a fuck, just walks up to your red and eats it, then beats the crap out of you.


sparkle this bitch
Halycon said:
Nunu = Jungler's worst nightmare.

He don't give a fuck, just walks up to your red and eats it, then beats the crap out of you.
Having a nunu without a single gank till 7minutes+ in, means failure. It's about the only thing he is good at.

*Realized he is awesome at Lux*
Won another 4v5 game. I was Vlad. It was 4v4 when it started and we lost every tower except the ones with the inhibitors. Their 5th came back like 15 minutes into the game. We were able to crawl our way back picking them off alone in jungles. They took Baron and we still wrecked them. We finally defended well and then got our own Baron and aced them. Fucking epic. It was probably my 4th or 5th 4v5 win. I don't think I've ever been on the losing end of one though. Now that I said it I probably will =/
Jazzy Network said:
Won another 4v5 game. I was Vlad. It was 4v4 when it started and we lost every tower except the ones with the inhibitors. Their 5th came back like 15 minutes into the game. We were able to crawl our way back picking them off alone in jungles. They took Baron and we still wrecked them. We finally defended well and then got our own Baron and aced them. Fucking epic. It was probably my 4th or 5th 4v5 win. I don't think I've ever been on the losing end of one though. Now that I said it I probably will =/
Being on the losing end is incredibly frustrating. Usually there's no team cohesiveness on the 5 side, and they are playing incredibly tight on the 4. This means they walk around as a horrific ball of pain, and anyone within a certain radius gets horribly nuked.
Macattk15 said:
6 losses in a row tonight. EVERY game I played had a leaver/afk'er/feeder. One of them. Always.

This is my last game below. Granted we had no "tank" but if it wasn't 3v5 we would of easily won.

I am Morgana (Siccar).


I really need to stop playing solo.

Huh. I played with Siccar today. I thought I recognized him from somewhere, and he played Morgana (this was Ranked). Good times, we won pretty easily. They had a Shen, Chogath, and Grag with their first three picks, so our last three were Amumu (me), Kog, and Teemo. Easy counter with two Madred's and my W.


thestopsign said:
Huh. I played with Siccar today. I thought I recognized him from somewhere, and he played Morgana (this was Ranked). Good times, we won pretty easily. They had a Shen, Chogath, and Grag with their first three picks, so our last three were Amumu (me), Kog, and Teemo. Easy counter with two Madred's and my W.

Haha. Hey Chronos.

Guess you never did play with me before but you remembered seeing my name in Neogaf.

Feel free to add me on friend list for future games!
Shalashaska161 said:
So me and my buddy found the most rigged laning combo in the game: Amumu and Fiddlesticks. I'll let the results speak for themselves.


Taric/Sion + a DPS like Sivir, Teemo, Ashe, or Trist is dirty. Also the most annoying laning combo I've ever seen is a Gragas and Zilean... they had non-stop spam because one had clarity and the other had the AOE mana regen item (mana manipulator?).


y2dvd said:
Nice info Halycon.

I pretty much ask all my teammates if anyone is picking up aegis. If not, I will. Team aura is always nice. I never knew the range on the aura though.

Been playing Malphite lately. My page is like mag pen, flat hp, mana regen, and cdr and my tree is 9/21/0. It's been doing me well. His initiation is crazy good. Is there any other effective builds with him?

As long as your core is Banshees and Mercs, you're good to go with Malphite. Altering the build depending on what the other team has to offer. I like to go 9/9/12 or 9/0/21. The former giving you everything you need early game for solo purposes. Strength of Spirit means I can stay in lane for longer. The latter is if you prefer to go with the benefit of reduced cooldown for skills and summoners.

- Rock Solid.


sparkle this bitch
Shalashaska161 said:
So me and my buddy found the most rigged laning combo in the game: Amumu and Fiddlesticks. I'll let the results speak for themselves.

There are dozens of combos which can be absolutely devastating.

I've had some Janna+Panth ones(Charge Tornado, Shield Panth, Panth Stuns Guy in lie of Tornado, Does his AE, Tornado hits them, I Slow, and he Jav's.). Where we absolutely wreck them.

Or I recently had a Taric/Lux lane, He wasn't a very good one. Far too passive(We only came out about 4-5 kills, when I caught them about 3-4 more times, where he was no where close to combo).

Could also go a Sion/Taric double boom. LeBlac is another fantastic choice too with anyone with a stun. Gargas, Poppy, Singed, and Alistar can all knock them in bad directions too. Combine with either a harasser or CC.


Ive bad two great games laning as Mundo with Xin. We wrecked that lane. It really didnt matter who against. I would cleave to slow, he would charge in do his thing, another cleave for good measure. Pretty much a done deal.


So I met one of the top ranked EU teams in ranked somehow the other day. I guess the matchmaking messed up a bit.

I'm Euler, playing as Irelia here (the image seems to be bugged). I forgot to take a screenshot after the actual match, but this is a log as well. :lol
Overall I'm kinda content with the match. It went well on the top lane, and we actually led and won fights for a while. Later though, it became apparent that they farmed way better than us, and they turned the game around. We stole Baron from them once as well. It was a really fun game, and it became apparent in what ways we have to improve our skills.
My newest fascination is hybrid Kennen. Played around with him a bit today. First few items I god was Guinsoo's, Stinger, and a Malady. Thinking about replacing maybe the Malady with a Gunblade. I know he's not completely viable, but being able to attack fast as hell and stunning people multiple times is awesome while also doing decent damage.
caromelo said:
Anyone good with Lux? Wanna learn her and would appreciate some tips and optimal builds. =)
I'll get piled on, but...

I start with regen pendant, and then build that quickly into a Philosopher's Stone. After that, I get Mana Pendant. These two items will give you the gold you need, the health regen to stick around, and the mana regen to spam your E.

I normally max E first, with 1 point in Q and then maxing W, with R when you get it.

I try to go for a cooldown reduction build; this makes her R available every 24 seconds which makes her a real threat in a team fight and helps her farm easily when you aren't. It's also very good as a defensive tool; when the enemy is trying to storm your base, denying them minion cover can be invaluable.

I normally get Cap (for damage), Rylai's for health and slow, RoA for health and mana pool, Evil Tome and Ionian Boots for CDR, and then whatever final item. Could be Banshee's, could be Reviere, could be... whatever, really. Hourglass works, too.
Jazzy Network said:
My newest fascination is hybrid Kennen. Played around with him a bit today. First few items I god was Guinsoo's, Stinger, and a Malady. Thinking about replacing maybe the Malady with a Gunblade. I know he's not completely viable, but being able to attack fast as hell and stunning people multiple times is awesome while also doing decent damage.

I tried this today completely independent of reading this post. I won the first game, but I don't think I really did much most of the game, I got dominated by a Maokai top. Second game I owned mid against a Janna, my final build was Wit's End, Sword of the Divine, Sorc's boots, Abyssal Scepter, Malady, and Guinsoo's. It went really well for me for a while, but my team was feeding pretty hard. Teemo also 100% counters you 1v1, holy fuck he owned me fast at the end of the game.


caromelo said:
Anyone good with Lux? Wanna learn her and would appreciate some tips and optimal builds. =)

Here's a lot of words on Lux. Note that it's pre Doran's ring nerf so you might be best suited to replace that with Mana Crystal or Amp Tome. There's also a couple of errors that mention not doing something you should (in the same sentence as saying you should) but yeah.


les papillons sexuels said:
been having a blast with dps jarvan, I seem to easily dominate early game with him. Just sit in bushes, standard, pull, attack, it's even better once i get my sheen.

He does do surprisingly a ton of damage. Especially in bursts. Standard, Spear stab, first passive hit, ult .... people get messed up.

I really like him and Renekton as tanky DPS beasts.
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