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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Newbie post apologies in advance.

So I've been looking to get in to an RTS with squad based mechanics or DoTA clone for some time and so far I've tried: Men of War- AA but the learning curve was akin to a cliff and the Germans kept shouting at me for not being able to get my head round the impenetrable UI. Then I tried Dawn of War II but anyone as a beginners level has given up some time ago leaving only the hardcore community left and getting my arse kicked constantly isn't my idea of fun.

So here is where LoL comes in. I’ve heard it’s more approachable than the above but the community is fucking terrible and since I don’t wish to attract the ire of 1k angry neckbeards I was looking to you GAF. Yes you. To give me some advice before jumping in and causing upset and despair for my team.

I’ve read the tutorial on the website, played the tutorial games. Watched totalhalibuts “WTF is LoL” video and still feel completely unprepared to play the game. I still have no idea what champions to choose for a beginner or what my role should be till I get my head wrapped around the basics.

Can anyone off me some basic advice for my first game? :(
Install the game.

Go to the champions page and see what champions are avaliable to you this week.

Filter again for beginner champs.

Find the one you like the most, then go to mobafire.com and begin to look at the top rated guides for your champ.

The good guides will explain everything about your champion and their mechanics, as well as a build order, skill order, and gameplay tips for early, mid, and late game.

That should be a good start.
That Lee Sin spotlight was hilarious.

"After killing Fiddlesticks I die to the tower, but it's worth it because I said so in chat."

"Some might say that was a kill steal, but when you're Lee Sin, every kill is yours to take."


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
LoL does a pretty decent job of getting new people into the game through Normal Mode. I'm only level 17 but it's not been that much of a struggle to get into the game, if you've never played the genre before then get ready to hate the game as soon as you have someone who decides to leave, or people who refuse to surrender when you have no chance of winning.

Been playing Warwick and Shen recently and doing pretty well, can see why Shen is banned so much in ranked.

Also been trying to get into HoN and they really have the camera zoomed in way too much in that game.


Spookie said:
Newbie post apologies in advance.

Can anyone off me some basic advice for my first game? :(

Play some co op games no pressure and u can learn your champs its awesome mode for newbies.


Look at Ryze.
Look at his stats
Look at his items
How?! A Sheen? Why?


Ikuu said:
LoL does a pretty decent job of getting new people into the game through Normal Mode. I'm only level 17 but it's not been that much of a struggle to get into the game, if you've never played the genre before then get ready to hate the game as soon as you have someone who decides to leave, or people who refuse to surrender when you have no chance of winning.

Been playing Warwick and Shen recently and doing pretty well, can see why Shen is banned so much in ranked.

Also been trying to get into HoN and they really have the camera zoomed in way too much in that game.

only in lower ranked though.


Erasus said:
Look at Ryze.
Look at his stats
Look at his items
How?! A Sheen? Why?

a lucky pick because he tried to make up for lost kills.
a tear to build a manapool like a good ryze should
The only kind of dumb move here is going for a lichbane through sheen/rod.
the boots are kind of a desperate move to fight of Kog's kite game, since i think thats where the gist of the kills went.
Erasus said:
Look at Ryze.
Look at his stats
Look at his items
How?! A Sheen? Why?

If that is a ranked game, which I think it is judging by how many games you have played in it and are lvl 30. You my friend are in the very deep depths of ELO hell and that should be a common occurrence.
Lee sin was created from a joke, now the joke is on the people who use that champion or have him on his team. Haven't seen a Lee Sin with positive scores in like 15 games. In other words trolololol.

Anyway this game is THE game right now in my life, F every other game. With some pals on vent and some water, good times are had.

<3 Teemo


Lee Sin was a real champion in the game in Alpha. The character himself isn't so much of a joke so much of "when he was going to be released."
kiunchbb said:
So I made a new account Kekeage to play with my friend, joined a match with 2 disconnect and 1 feeder... Originally built as a tank, but I had so much money I convert myself into dps....

Good thing we are at low level ~_~

Soooooo, did you roll a new account so you could stomp on newbs?
Lee Sin is really solid all around actually. Has good mobility in and out of team fights, his ult is really useful in a lot of ways too. Take the typical Wriggles ---> Tanky route and you end up with a pretty strong build.


Neo Member
Does it drive anyone else crazy when you get people who don't seem to realize how the game works when it comes to how well you do in a match?

For example, you get a teammate that steals all the kills.. Normal I don't complain about ks, it's part of the game and sometimes it's better just to make sure the opposing team is dead.. But sometimes you get jerks who steal everything and then complain that your score is so bad.. I guess they don't see my 25 assists.

Or when the entire team feeds (I have this problem when I mid.. all the time) and suddenly you're getting ganked by their entire team who are up 2K gold. Then they whine about you dying so much.

Yes.. my bad performance in a match couldn't possibly been influenced at all by terrible teammates..
thestopsign said:
Lee Sin is really solid all around actually. Has good mobility in and out of team fights, his ult is really useful in a lot of ways too. Take the typical Wriggles ---> Tanky route and you end up with a pretty strong build.

He definitely needs some tankiness to survive unless you plan on staying back a lot.


Second-rate Anihawk
Kodiak690 said:
Does it drive anyone else crazy when you get people who don't seem to realize how the game works when it comes to how well you do in a match?

For example, you get a teammate that steals all the kills.. Normal I don't complain about ks, it's part of the game and sometimes it's better just to make sure the opposing team is dead.. But sometimes you get jerks who steal everything and then complain that your score is so bad.. I guess they don't see my 25 assists.

Or when the entire team feeds (I have this problem when I mid.. all the time) and suddenly you're getting ganked by their entire team who are up 2K gold. Then they whine about you dying so much.

Yes.. my bad performance in a match couldn't possibly been influenced at all by terrible teammates..

You can never, ever, trust pubs.


Neo Member
Archie said:
You can never, ever, trust pubs.

It just drives me crazy when I'm mid and have a lane that gives up 8 kills early then I get ganked and they call me bad. Such a fun game, yet so frustrating at the same time.


Dived in on my first game today. Two 1 hour epic matches later I've put down some dosh to buy the Digital Collectors Pack.

I foresee my self spending a LONG time playing this.


I've probably spent more time on this game than any online multilayer game so far. That includes the MMO's I've played. It can be fun, but incredibly frustrating at times too.
My tip to you, take a break after every loss and don't just grind out a crap ton of games one after the other.


I haven't seen a good Lee Sin yet. There was one that played him first day in a ranked game which I hate when people do! It's like, please practice him a day or so more in normal before playing new characters in ranked lol. We had to carry that guy to victory.

I haven't even played Singed, but my friend loves him and we refer to him as a troll character. Seriously, he just seems there to annoy you, strolling along, absorbing hits and then BAM, you get tossed into the towers and poisoned to death.

Shen is banned in just about every ranked game I've played lately and if he isn't, he is quickly snatched up. I personally hate a good Zil and Rammus more and will just about ban those two every the time.

I'm liking how often I'm seeing Clairvoyances lately. Shit is annoying to deal with and it almost always leads to a lvl 1 team fight which are hella fun lol.

Yeah, I never go by a person's stats. If you are support or tank especially tank you will more likely to have a losing record. It's more about if you get the job done. If I'm tank and I die but my carries lived and aced the team then I did my job.

Spookie, welcome to crack! You will love it and hate it.


Unconfirmed Member
Anyone play Irelia? Looking to pick her up

I bought her when she was new and didn't really get her. but now I hear people go IRE OP so i gotta get in on that lol

Picked up new Ryze recently too. He's alot more fun now


caromelo said:
My tip to you, take a break after every loss and don't just grind out a crap ton of games one after the other.

At the moment I've accepted I'm going to get shit kicked a lot just learning champs.

Though I've had the odd arsehole so far giving me shit which does make the odd match drag. For example: after feeding the other team for 5 mins- he's complaning I'm not tanking for them! Even though I'm fresh to the game I'm already aware running in to 3 champs you've fed with 3k gold are going to plaster the walls with my guts.

Nevermind, I guess tanking isn't for me. :p
After 400+ matches, I've just had my first 0 death game as Rammus.


Finally! He's a lot of fun, and I can see why he's banned so much. I think I'll pick him up... even if I really wanted to complete my rune pages...

Also, Oracles makes me play super cautious, which is to my benefit. I was never caught off guard after I had my Stone, Heart, and Oracles on.
^ Reason you had 0 deaths is because you were facing a Lee Sin, kinda not kidding.

As of now he is a useless character that doesn't offer anything redeeming to be in a team, I swear Lee Sin is the new way to troll. Makes me rage a little when I see him on my team. I have to carry the fool.


PedroLumpy said:
Soooooo, did you roll a new account so you could stomp on newbs?

I made that account so I can play with my friend who never played dota.

secret reason is to stomp noob
kiunchbb said:
I made that account so I can play with my friend who never played dota.
secret reason is to stomp noob


Reminds me of the time a GAF team was doing very, very poorly. The next game we proceed to roll the other team. We assumed they were bots, and started typing in all chat. Things like

"I can't believe Riot would put us against bots! How embarrassing."
"Hey, are you bots? If you're not bots, SPEAK UP."
"Dude, look at those names. They look fake. How can they not be bots?"
"Man, these bots are too easy. I knew we needed the ego boost but damn."

At the VERY last second, before we win, we spot this:

"We're not bots."


Apparently, one of us was level 22. For some reason, the entirety of their team was made up of levels 13, 16, 21, 22, and 24.

I felt so bad.
Door2Dawn said:
Anyone who thinks any champ in this game is useless is an idiot.

Such harsh and uncalled words. Every champions brings something useful to the table twitch can stealth, Zil is a walking guardian angel, Alistar is F awesome (no items needed to be effective) and Lee Sin is an april's fools joke. I laugh when I see him on the enemy team and cry when he is on mine. Needless to say IMHO.


I watch hotshot mostly. He usually streams during the day so I watch him while working (I work at home).

I like Lee Sin but he's kinda weak, supposedly you can use his W to piggypack onto TF, Pantheon and Shen's ults but I haven't been able to get it to work.
Just played a game where I was legendary as Kat and the whole game my team was blaming me for losing while we had a taric who was 1/10, mummy who was 2/5, lee sin 0/7 and a corki that was negative, but I don't remember by how much.

People in this game crack me up sometimes.
kiunchbb said:
I made that account so I can play with my friend who never played dota.

secret reason is to stomp noob

Just as long as you're aware of the impact you have when you play under your newb account.


I find Lee Sin might be a bit underpowered, or just too hard to play for most people. At least, I haven't met anyone capable of playing him well. I'll keep being happy when my opponents pick him until I can see someone who can really play him though.


Irelia is still OP as fuck. With just a doran's shield, merc treads and tri force I was slapping everyone's shit all over the map. And I thought she got nerfed :lol


Jazzy Network said:
What's everyone's favorite LoL stream? I watch alot of Guardsman Bob from Solomid and HotshotGG.

I watch some HotshotGG when i can. I also like to watch Locodoco and used to watch TreeEskimo Vod's when he was more prominent.


Definitely Guardsmanbob.

He's the the most informative and is enjoyable to listen to.

Least favorite is Reginald. Such horrible and annoying commentating.
NeoCross said:
Irelia is still OP as fuck. With just a doran's shield, merc treads and tri force I was slapping everyone's shit all over the map. And I thought she got nerfed :lol

Irelia is an extremely good 1v1 champ early on.
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